Not caring about Capone's somewhat annoyed look, Kanan said to himself: "I don't understand the god, this, and that in your mouth, but I think, people, the most important thing is to be happy. I didn't I understand, I was caught by some strange things, now I understand, but it's a bit late, I have to miss it..."

As he spoke, Kanan scratched his head, with a forced smile on his face and said: "Oh... I really don't want that guy to see me like that, but if we don't have to come out now, the two of us will die together. Is it the troubles of youth?"

As she said that, Kanan's expression suddenly became ferocious, and she stared at Capone like a vicious dog and said, "It's all caused by you! Can't you simply die? Ah ?”

Capone didn't know why Kanan was angry, he could only frowned and said, "God can solve all your troubles."

"Really..." Kanan sneered and said, "Then you might as well ask your god how to solve this!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the tattoos on Kanan's left shoulder squirming violently. They twisted and stretched frantically, and climbed up Kanan's left face, but this was not all. The moment the face tattoos merged together, Kanan knelt down on the ground in pain, her skin cracked little by little, blood and yellow mucus gushed out from the wounds all over Kanan's body, and tiny tentacles came out of the wounds. Crawled out, and bound Kanan's body, a metallic bone spur pierced Kanan's skin and muscles and grew out of her body. Her left hand was undergoing the same mutation as her right hand. , a heel spur pierced Kanan's shoes and trousers and stretched out.

Pain that was almost torn apart, Kanan slowly stood up in the pool of blood. At this time, her skin was almost completely gone from the neck down, and the red muscles mixed with wriggling meridians were completely exposed. The sports bra has long been punctured by bone spurs, and replaced by a naked armor that is almost entirely composed of curved bone spurs. The bone spurs spreading from the spine are bound around the back and wrapped around the waist. Kanan's arms have turned into long One short and two sharp sword blades pierced through flesh and blood, shining a menacing cold light.

Looking at Capone, whose face was full of astonishment and incomprehension, the black mamba's mad dog moved its body, familiar with this form that had not been used for a long time, and after adjusting the state, she looked fiercely at Capone. : "Now, we start the second round.


Third watch, since this update, the review of Hedgehog has become weird, and I am speechless.

In short, as usual, ask for anything.

Volume 3 Mission.46-[-]. Macho Trading

Above the Great Rift Valley, on the edge of the cliff, the technical team from Black Umbrella is closely watching the battle below the Rift Valley.

"What the hell is that...?" The observer on the rift looked at the berserk monster on the receiving screen in shock. At the very beginning of the battle, the monster started killing, tearing and crushing with absolute force. The entire Cleaner force.

"Director Kazimir, can you see that thing..." The observer said to the communicator nervously: "It's the unidentified BOW that appeared in the first battle report. I suspect that Sanlian Pharmaceuticals also participated in this operation!"

"Ah... I can see it, of course I can see it..." Casimir, who was far away in Europe, sat on the boss's chair, leaned on his chin and looked at the crazy monster maid on the screen, and said with a smile: "It's really something amazing Ah, as for Sanlian Pharmaceutical... those stupid pigs are not capable of making something like this..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to hold the mouse, slid the scroll wheel, and after a while, he called up a document.

"Rita Griffith, the head maid of the head of the Griffith family, a mad dog on the battlefield in the Middle East..." Kasimir muttered softly, "Did he die in the Orianna incident...?"

After rationalizing his thoughts, Casimir asked casually: "Have you found out why T-Lilith appeared in Malvia?"

"Reporting Director, Sanlian Pharmaceuticals refuses to share details about this with us." The voice of the frontline observer came from the communicator.

"It seems that they also know what the child is, and they made a wrong idea, but ours received the news earlier than them, which made them lose the initiative..." As he spoke, Casimir took a sip of coffee, He mocked: "If you grab things on your own territory, you won't be able to grab us. So, I still haven't been able to figure out why the South African branch wants to cooperate with this group of idiots."

"So Director, should we consider recovering that unknown BOW?" asked the observer on the other side of the comm.

"Huh? Are you out of your mind?" Casimir suddenly laughed, "T-Lillian's performance is obviously inferior to that of T-Lilith, and the Cleaner troops we prepared are simply unable to deal with the revived noble maid chief..."

Speaking of this, Casimir shook his head slightly and said: "No, I was wrong. All the armed forces we brought over, including T-Lillian himself, may not be enough to fight that guy. Now, tell me, You want to recycle it? Where do you get the confidence? Isn’t it good to live?”

"Then..." The observer's voice came from the communicator, seemingly hesitating.

"There's nothing to be shy about. I know what you want to say. Since that maid entered the field, our recovery mission failed. I thought it was just a guy who was good at using cold weapons. I didn't expect his fighting style to be so unrestrained. ..." Kasimir waved his hand indifferently and said: "Unlike those guys who are so happy, I am a pragmatic person. If I fail, I fail. This time it is my decision-making error, and you will not be punished..."

Speaking of this, Kasimir smiled indifferently and said: "The liquidator troops will be given away for free, and they are not worth much anyway. Just remember to bring the second princess back alive. I am worried that it will be destroyed by its ruthless His sister was beaten to death."

"Understood." The voice of the front line came from the communicator.

Temporarily shutting off the communication, Kasimir looked relaxed, and he didn't seem to have failed the mission at all. He opened his specially encrypted private mobile phone in a happy mood, and dialed someone.

After a while, a beautiful woman with long blond hair and moles of tears appeared on the screen. The woman squinted her snake-like orange eyes, tilted her head and smiled and said, "Mr. Casimir, what I said Things, how are you thinking?"

"I've never been good at rejecting the requests of beauties, especially those like you..." Casimir scratched his head, and responded with a smile: "Your orange eyes are so beautiful, as if they are the most beautiful in the world." Like a work of art…”

"Thank you for your tolerance..." The blond woman responded with a polite smile to Casimir's compliment.

"No, no, you're wrong, miss, I've never been a tolerant person..." Kasimir smiled and said, "You know, if you want someone to give up a good thing, you have to come up with a Something better to make up for, no?"

"Don't worry, this is what we agreed..." The blond woman squinted and said with a smile, "A blood sample with a high concentration of T-Veronica virus will be delivered to you within a week."

"And it won't go through my stupid superiors, it will be delivered directly to me." Kasimir added with a smile.

"Of course, we agreed." The blond woman smiled.

"Pretty lady, don't try to trick me..." Casimir looked at the screen of the phone and said softly, "If you fool me, the matter of that Yidonian mercenary will be placed on the table at the headquarters immediately." .”

"Don't worry, I will do what I say..." On the screen, the blond woman smiled and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course I understand..." Casimir smiled and said, "If I break the contract, you will kill me."

"It would be great if you understand..." The blond woman covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Then let's settle this. To be honest, I still have things to do here, and I might be very busy soon."

"Then I won't bother you, beautiful lady." Kasimir smiled and said, "Just don't forget my things."

After hanging up the communication, Kasimir lay back on the boss chair, put his legs on the table, looked at the ceiling, and hummed a little tune.

Less than half an hour after T-Lillian and the Cleaners left the European headquarters for South Africa, Kasimir's encrypted phone received a communication from a mysterious person, a beautiful blonde woman with moles in the corners of her eyes, but Kasimir What Simil cared most about was not her pretty face, but those snake-like orange eyes.

Those are the eyes of something inhuman.

Next, the woman chatted with Casimir a lot, and even told Casimir a lot of black Umbrella secrets. Finally, the woman made her own request: she hoped that Casimir would give up the code name T-Lilith experimental body.

Casimir is of course unwilling. You said that I would give up if you asked me to give up. Are you making me the research director of the European branch of Black Umbrella?

Until the chip that the woman took out - a virus sample of the T-Veronica virus.

Casimir felt like he was about to stop breathing for a moment.

It is said that the Black Umbrella headquarters seems to have a sample of the T-Veronica virus, but for some reason, everyone keeps this matter secret, like an urban legend circulating among high-level officials.

So when the woman said that she could provide a sample of the T-Veronica virus, Casimir compromised decisively. Although T-Lilith is unique at present, the R&D department has all the information about the project development. Information, one day can be recreated, and such things as T-Veronica, once missed, there will be no more.

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