Such a result was never expected by Jiutou Shen Kuihara. He thinks he is very talented. When it comes to fighting and killing, he is ruthless and a good player. When it comes to strategy, he is also quite calculating. He thought he could Shining brilliantly in the Black Dragon Club and realizing his value in life, he was kicked out so soon, like a stray dog.

Life after leaving the Black Dragon Club was not easy, but fortunately someone was willing to help him, and that person was another small cadre of the Black Dragon Club——Chang Yuanci.

Nine-Headed God Kuohara said that gangs should fight like gangs. Today's peace is just an appearance of hypocrisy and cowardice. Zhichang agrees with his philosophy and is willing to help him return to the Black Dragon Society, but Nine-Headed God Kuohara understands , this is impossible, in this day when all associations are content with the status quo and stick to their own rules, his ideas have violated the interests of all associations.

However, things came to a turning point. When Jiutou Shenyuan was the most destitute and could only survive by organizing a group of gangsters to extort and extort, he met a woman, a woman who claimed to be Ada Wang.

The woman claimed to work for a huge organization closely related to the government of country A, and asked the nine-headed god Kuuhara a question: Do you want to be the president of the Black Dragon Society?

With an attitude of giving it a try, Nine-Headed God Kuuhara agreed, and soon, he got the key item to make a comeback from the woman - the nutrient.

Injecting nutrients into his subordinates, watching their bodies undergo drastic changes, no matter how stupid Kutoshen Kuihara is, he should understand what the so-called nutrients are. That woman actually provided herself with a BOW!

When he knew the truth, the Nine-Headed God Kuhara not only had no fear, but he felt extremely excited. In his opinion, a woman who can take out a lot of BOW at will must have a huge power behind her, and If he could gain the support of that faction, then being in charge of the Black Dragon Society would no longer be just empty talk.

Under the dredging and management of that woman, the police began to turn a blind eye to what he did, and he also obtained a large amount of nutrients and funds from that woman, by making cakes for the cadres of the Black Dragon Society. , money bribery and assassination, etc., he successfully emptied the former president of the Black Dragon Club. After another armed conflict, he finally killed the former president, returned to the Black Dragon Club and took it over as a matter of course, and quit him. Since the beginning of the Black Dragon Club, he has been supporting his Chang Yuanci, and he has naturally become his deputy.

After becoming the president of the Black Dragon Society, he immediately began to eliminate those who opposed him. At the same time, he summoned a large number of punks who had not returned home for a long time, asked them to serve the Black Dragon Society, and injected them with nutrients to turn them into monsters. Then use them to attack other clubs. At the same time, his state of mind has changed. He began to try to be on an equal footing with Ada Wang Ping, who supported him. He wanted to get her into bed, and even wanted to have sex with her. Talk to the people behind.

Until the situation became like this, the black-faced people suffered heavy losses, and the truth of his rise seemed to be unstoppable. Once he lost Ada Wang's support, he would be lost forever.

Fortunately, at this moment, Ada Wang offered him an olive branch.

Regarding Ada Wang's solicitation, at first he had a lot of doubts in his heart, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't find any option that could bring Ada Wang's benefits from the order Ada Wang gave him. The mission seemed to be really just a nomination certificate, a trial for him to test whether he was qualified to integrate into that legendary organization.

Nine-Headed God Kuhara once heard a saying that after eliminating all the possibilities, the remaining option, no matter how absurd, must be the truth, and the fact that Nine-Headed God Kuhara got is: Ada Wang appreciates his talent He thought he could be of great use, so he planned to give him a chance to join the organization. Apart from that, he really couldn't think of any other possibility. Could it be that it was just to kill him?What's the point?

However, that idiot in the field didn’t seem to be aware of this, and he, who has always been obedient to the Nine-Headed God Kuhara, opposed the choice of the Nine-Headed God Kuhara for the first time. Something, tell Nine-Headed God Kuuhara not to believe that woman's nonsense.

Looking at the field trying to persuade him, Jiutou Shen Kuihara only thought it was funny, the field has always been like that, although very calm, but lack of thinking, the only correct thing he did at the beginning was to put The treasure is on his body, but now, he can't keep up with him. Nine-headed god Kuiyuan thought that he was about to jump out of this small circle, but Chang only wanted to guard the Black Dragon Club. There is no doubt that he could no longer Accompany myself to watch the wider sky outside.

So, after hesitating again and again, Nine-Headed God Kuuhara endured his grief and killed the field with one shot. doesn't seem that sad...

Randomly arranging his somewhat messy hair, Nine-headed God Kuuhara directly stopped a compound-eyed demon in a suit and said, "Are the things and the car ready?"

"It's all ready! President!" The compound-eyed demon who was stopped immediately stood upright and replied.

Jiutou Shen Kuihara couldn't help but frowned. From before, he vaguely felt that besides having more eyes, these guys who had been injected with nutrients had become a little bit stupid?After a while, he asked coldly, "What's your name?"

"Takeshi Yamada! Chairman!" The compound-eyed demon replied loudly.

"Okay, Yamada-kun, from now on, you will be my deputy..." Looking at the dense eyes full of sarcomas, Kuzuhara suppressed his disgust and said: "Remember our mission, we will wait a while We rushed out to kill all the policemen in front of the city that never sleeps, and then divided into three groups, one of them followed me to the commercial street, the other to the ancestral house of the Qiandao family, and the rest took the remaining nutrients to the subordinates of the Black Dragon Society In each industry, we must ensure that all members of the Black Dragon Club are injected with nutritional supplements, and after all this is done, all members of the Black Dragon Club will go to Changye Commercial Building to gather, understand?"

The compound-eyed demon named Takeshi Yamada was stunned for a moment, without saying a word, as if his brain couldn't handle this level of instructions, so Kukuhara frowned and cursed: "Get out, bastard!"

"Yes! President!" The compound-eyed demon responded loudly, then turned around and ran away...

In the second watch, the title of the chapter was chosen blindly, and I will strive to save the manuscript today. After all, the code has not been used quickly these days, and it is a bit of a headache.

Volume 4 Mission.46-[-]. Macho Section Chief

Under the Nightless City, inside and outside the police cordon, the gathered policemen are still waiting anxiously, they are waiting for the order from above.

Looking at the city that never sleeps in front of him, the young detective Ryota Iguchi in police uniform couldn't help frowning.

It's not right.

As for the details of the case in Nightless City tonight, he knew a little bit about it. It seemed that the members of the Black Dragon Society who were working in Nightless City initially called the police. However, after the police force was assembled, news came from above. Do not enter the city that never sleeps.

Iguchi had already received a call from Amon Kotaro in advance, and hearing Amon Kotaro's tone, he probably knew something, but he kept it secret. Immediately afterwards, the arrest warrant for Amon Kotaro came down Kotaro Amon is suspected of helping violent criminals escape, and he appears to be suffering from some serious mental problem.

Iguchi, who had eaten ramen with Amon Kotaro during the day, knew that Amon Kotaro would never have a mental problem, nor could he help criminals escape, so there was only one answer left, Amon Kotaro must have known Something you shouldn't know.

Unlike Kotaro Amon, Iguchi's character is not as strong. On top of his sense of justice, there is more important thing of protecting himself. He has realized early on that the Black Dragon Society is different from the high-level police, but he did not He also hinted repeatedly to Amon Kotaro not to investigate any further. In his opinion, Amon Kotaro and his dead partner, Mado Gore, were both great police officers. They shouldn't die among big shots. That bit of pickiness is a matter of fact.

But now, it seems that it is too late.

Iguchi was struggling with how to conceal the whereabouts of Amon Kotaro from his superiors. On the other side, he heard a screech of brakes, and a police car stopped beside him. The door opened, and a middle-aged man in a coat with a stinking face The man got down, slammed the car door hard, and walked straight towards the mouth of the well.

"Section Chief..." Iguchi was taken aback for a moment, then immediately saluted.

"Do you know where that kid Amon Kotaro went?" The section chief didn't hesitate, and straight to the point.

"I don't know." Iguchi shook his head, and replied without hesitation: "I tried to call, but I couldn't reach Amen-kun, the section chief."

"I don't know?" Looking at the expressionless Jingguchi, the section chief suddenly came up, patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "It's fine if you don't know."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Iguchi seems to have seen a gratified and somewhat cunning smile on the section chief's old face.

On the other side, the head of the section wearing a windbreaker turned around, frowned, fixed his eyes on the brightly lit city that never sleeps, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"Report to the section chief, there has been no movement in the city that never sleeps, but they suddenly called back all the members of the Black Dragon Society that were withdrawn more than ten minutes ago." Iguchi reported to the section chief.

"You let them go back just like that?" the head of the section asked in a bad tone.

"No way..." There was a trace of helplessness between his brows, Jingguchi shook his head and said, "The higher authorities gave them the green light."

"Bastard..." The head of the section frowned more and more. After a while, he took a deep breath and made a decision.

"Listen, Jingguchi..." The section chief said coldly, "Go and inform the various units on site that we are going to go in."

"What?" Jingkou was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "The above said that no one is allowed to enter without an order..."

"Jingguchi, do you know what happened to Changye during the time when you were all guarded here and couldn't do anything?" The section chief stared at Jingkou and said slowly, "There was a car chase and gunfight on the outer edge of Dongcheng District. , causing a large number of casualties!"

"Since the Black Dragon Society changed its president, Changye's violent crimes have surged, and how did the police force respond? Respond negatively!" Without paying attention to Jingguchi's expression, the section chief said to himself: "I have been a policeman for decades, Nagaba has never been so chaotic in decades, and the Nagaba Cherry Blossom Festival is coming soon! We must deal with this matter thoroughly! Otherwise, we will be sorry to our taxpayers!"

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