"But, even if you enter the city that never sleeps, what are you going to do?" Jingkou asked nervously.

"What to do? Of course I asked Nine-Headed God to go back to drink tea!" The section chief frowned and said, "There was a homicide on his site, and then there was a car chase in Dongcheng District that was suspected to be a gang fight. I ask It’s not too much for him to go back to assist in the investigation, right?”

"Above...what to do?" Iguchi asked.

"Today, I just skinned me! I also want to fulfill my duty as a policeman!" Flicking his white hair, the head of the section said solemnly: "Brat, do you dare to walk with me for a while?" ?”

Jingguchi stared into the eyes of the old class leader in front of him, and after a while, he nodded solemnly.

Looking at Jingkou, the section chief had a smile on his face again. He patted Jingkou on the shoulder again and said: "The people around that brat Yamen are all good. Now, go and notify all units to pay attention and prepare to enter the city that never sleeps." , and lend me a trumpet."

"Okay! Section Chief!" Iguchi nodded, turned around and shouted at the surrounding policemen: "Attention all units! Prepare to enter the city that never sleeps! Then, go get a horn for our Section Chief!"

Hearing Jingkou's shout, the surrounding policemen were stunned for a while, and then there was a smile on their faces. They immediately arranged their equipment. A young policeman ran over in two steps and handed a trumpet to Jingkou. The trumpet was passed to the head teacher.

Looking at the young police officers who were all ready to go, the section chief suddenly felt that he had returned to the time when he first became a policeman. There seemed to be a force in his blood that inspired him. At this moment, he was full of vigor.

Looking at the city that never sleeps in front of him, the section chief slowly raised the horn in his hand, and then said loudly: "I am Changye City Metropolitan Police Department, and I am the section chief of the search section, Masayoshi Muto! Now, the police suspect that Kuzuhara and Black Dragon The Nightclub in the Nightless City run by the club is harboring violent criminals! All irrelevant personnel in the Nightless City are requested to evacuate the Nightless City within three minutes! We will enter the interior of the Nightless City for inspection! In addition, please come out consciously, Mr. Jiutou Shen Kuihara, and report to the police Go back and accept the investigation!"

After repeating what he said just now, the section chief, Masayoshi Muto, put down the horn and waited quietly. He looked down at the watch on his wrist from time to time to confirm the time, until the end of the three minutes, no one left in the city that never sleeps Come out, "Don't wait! Come in!" Without a word of nonsense, the section chief waved his hand at the city that never sleeps, and the policemen around the city immediately raised their guns, ready to approach the city that never sleeps, but at this moment, a The voice rang out.

"Don't! I'm coming out! I'm coming out!" The gate of the city that never sleeps was slowly pushed open, and then Nine-headed God Kuhara, who was wearing a purple suit and black-rimmed glasses, walked out with a smile. Behind him, It was a large group of members of the Black Dragon Society in suits. They covered their faces and followed the Nine-Headed God Kyuhara out without saying a word.

"Raise your hands above your head! Come slowly!" Seeing the Nine-Headed God Kuhara come out, the head of the section shouted with a loudspeaker.

"Okay, put your hands above your head, no problem..." Jiutou Shen Kuihara still had a disgusting smile on his face, he slowly raised his hands above his head, and a large group of masked people behind him also followed suit. Raising their hands, a large group of people slowly approached the police force surrounding the city that never sleeps.

"Wait!" The head of the section holding the horn suddenly shouted: "Let your subordinates take off all the masks!"

"Oh?" The smile on Jiutou Shen Kuihara's face became even stronger. He led the members of the Black Dragon Association slowly approaching the police while looking at the section chief and said, "Mr. Muto, are you serious?"

"Where is there so much nonsense?!" The section chief couldn't help shouting: "Now! Immediately! Let your people! Take off the mask!"

"Okay..." Seemingly helpless, Nine-Headed God Kuhara shrugged and said, "Did you hear that? Take off your masks."

In the next second, hundreds of masked men behind Jiutou Shenguoyuan pulled off the masks on their faces in unison under the astonished and even terrified eyes of the police, revealing the faceless faces. s face……

One more.

I want to give Shark the review of Hedgehog Cat.

Volume 4 Mission.47-[-]. Macho Compassion

Far away from the city center, in the Changye old city surrounded by dim and flickering street lights, in the safe house of the Qiandao Group, Li Yexing put down the phone in his hand.

"What do you say over there?" Kanan, who was lying on the counter and looked a little listless, asked.

"Chris said that the BSAA can't move at will. They need time to verify the accuracy of the information, but he will leave immediately..." Li Yexing said to Kanan: "Although I am very upset, but our mission is over. If there are no accidents, the Nine-Headed God Kuuhara and the Black Dragon Society will be handled by the BSAA."

"You really called the BSAA?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Amon Kotaro, who was sitting on the ground beside him, couldn't help being surprised.

"It's just that I have a little friendship with a very talkative old man over there..." Li Yexing said.

"In other words, is our trip to Japan coming to an end?" Kanan raised his hand and leaned on his chin, looking rather disappointed.

"Not really..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "We have to wait for Chris to come, he told us not to act rashly..."

Speaking of this, a trace of melancholy flashed across Li Yexing's face and said: "When that guy comes, there will inevitably be another round of interrogation. Before going out, the guy gave me repeated orders not to do anything, but he revealed it within a few days after arriving in Japan." It’s such a big mess, I guess Chris has the intention to pick my skin after knowing the specific situation.”

Speaking of this, there was no sound in the safe room again. Tiriris lay quietly in Li Yexing's arms, Rita sat quietly on the chair beside Li Yexing, and Kanan sat at the counter, leaning on his arm. Chin, depressed, while Amon Kotaro sat on the ground leaning against the cabinet, thinking about something, his face was not very good-looking.

After a moment of silence, there was a sudden sound of a car driving outside the safe house. The sound became louder and louder, and finally ended with the sound of brakes.

That car, parked outside the safe house!

Hearing the sound, the people in the room instantly became alert. Li Yexing patted Tiriris on the back, and Tiriris immediately slid off Li Yexing's body knowingly. Rita and Kanan also stood up , They stared at the back door of the safe house, with a flash of vigilance in their eyes, while Amon Kotaro hid directly next to the cabinet.

Everyone waited quietly. After a while, footsteps sounded outside. It seemed that there was only one person. The footsteps became louder and louder, and finally stopped at the back door of the safe house. After a while, the back door There was a light knock on the door, accompanied by a few words in Japanese that Li Yexing could not understand.

"He said he was from the Thousand Island Group..." Rita whispered to Li Yexing.

Li Yexing frowned. He exchanged glances with the guarded girls in the room, and then slowly leaned towards the door, gently holding the doorknob with his hand. The moment the door knocked again, he suddenly opened the locked door. door, leaned out suddenly, grabbed the hand of the person knocking on the door, and directly pulled the person outside the door in. The person seemed to have never expected that Li Yexing would let him in in this way, and was directly caught by Li Yexing. To pull a stagger.

After confirming that there was no one else at the door, Li Yexing quickly locked the door, then turned around and carefully looked at the person in front of him. This was a middle-aged man in a black suit, and he was undoubtedly from the Qiandao group. Li Yexing had a deep impression on him. When he rescued Qiandao Tong, he seemed to be the one who took the lead in bowing, but now he looks very embarrassed, and his short hair, which was very neat in the past, has become a little messy, like His face was scorched as if he had been scorched by fire, and most importantly, his body smelled strongly of blood.

It looks like it's been a tough battle.

On the other side, after a moment of panic, the middle-aged man also figured out the situation. He first stood up straight and scanned the people in the room vigilantly. After confirming that there was basically no problem, he leaned slightly and bowed to Li Yexing While saying something in a low voice, he took out a blood-stained note from his pocket and handed it to Li Yexing.

Seeing that Rita looked different, Li Yexing frowned and said, "What did he say?"

"Sir, he said that he is a cadre of the Qiandao Group, and now he is ordered by the leader of the Qiandao Group, Mr. Qiandao, to send over the commission of the sir."

"Commission?" Li Yexing was slightly startled, and took the blood-stained note from the middle-aged man's hand. The note was folded. After unfolding the note, Li Yexing found that it was a check.

Seeing Li Yexing unfold the check, and the middle-aged man said something to Li Yexing again, Rita on the side translated: "Mr. Qiandao said that he should have handed over this check to Mr. Qiandao himself, but Mr. Qiandao is very nervous now." Busy, he hopes that Mr. can leave Japan as soon as possible after receiving the check.”

Li Yexing looked at the bloody check in his hand, then looked up at the middle-aged man in front of him, frowned and said, "Is this what Shinjiro Qiandao meant?"

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man nodded heavily at Li Yexing.

In the dark safe room, Li Yexing carefully examined the middle-aged man in front of him. Although the middle-aged man looked embarrassed, he still looked serious, but there was a faint glimmer of light in the corner of his eyes.

"What happened to the Qiandao team?" Li Yexing suddenly asked in a cold voice.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said something, Rita translated: "He said it was the Qiandao group's own business, Mr. Bu Lao is concerned, Mr. should leave Japan as soon as possible..."

Li Yexing stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, and after a while, he said softly, "Yes, if this is your choice..."

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