As he said that, Li Yexing clapped his hands and said, "Did you hear what the employer said? Let's go, let's pack up and prepare to catch the plane and leave."

"Huh? Leave?" Kanan asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Aren't we going to wait for that or something from the BSAA..." Tilly Lisi suddenly slapped Kanan on the back of the head, making Kanan's forehead and the counter A close encounter came.

"What are you doing?! It hurts!" Kanan, whose forehead was blushing, shouted to Tilly Liss.

Looking at the furious Kanan, Tilly Lisi said in a low voice with no expression on her face: "Stupid."

Seeing that everyone got up, Li Yexing took one last look at the middle-aged man standing there, then turned his head, opened the door, and was about to take the girls away.

Looking at Li Yexing's back, the middle-aged man lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists. His heart was struggling violently. Just when Li Yexing was about to push the door to leave, he suddenly let out a burst of pain. After sobbing, he suddenly knelt down towards Li Yexing, clenched his fists, and shouted something in a crying voice. Uncontrollable tears flowed from his eyes and fell to the ground drop by drop.

In a daze, a pair of feet wearing sneakers appeared in front of the crying middle-aged man, his gaze slowly moved up, and finally stopped on Li Yexing's impatient face.

"Your family is really a virtue..." Li Yexing looked at the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground and said coldly: "Stop kneeling, get up and talk.


Second watch, the training is over.

Volume 4 Mission.48-[-]. Macho training

On the outskirts of Nagaba City, the ancestral house of the Thousand Island family is burning with raging fire at this moment. The bodies of the members of the Thousand Island group are lying in disorder in the yard, staining the pool water reflecting the fire. Under the light of the fire, they are wearing white kimonos Hitomi Chishima, holding a samurai sword, was glaring at the woman standing in front of him.

"Who the hell are you?! Why do you want to do such a thing!" Hitomi Qiandao stared, her eyes were sharper than ever before, as if she was about to shoot out sword energy, but the woman standing opposite her didn't care, her face With a smile on her face, the woman looked at Hitomi Qiandao quietly, as if she was looking at a work of art. After a long time, she flicked her short black hair, smiled and said softly: "I am King Ada. How about coming from home? Miss Qiandao, do you like my door-to-door gift?"

"You bastard... are you really the villain who will come from the black dragon!" Gritting her teeth fiercely, the girl's sharp eyes reflected the fire light, her posture of holding the knife slowly changed to the opening gesture of drawing the knife, and then Roaring, he rushed towards the woman who claimed to be Ada Wang.

Looking at the girl rushing towards her with interest, Ms. Wang didn't dodge or dodge, she just waved her hand with a smile, and then, a compound-eyed demon standing behind Miss Wang suddenly jumped out. X's upper body was bare, its right arm had turned into a ball of bloody flesh twisted by swollen muscles, and outside the fleshy ball, barbed limbs like the hind legs of insects were stretching their teeth and claws. Waving wildly, the compound-eyed demon yelled: "Die!" The barbed limbs slammed towards Hitomi Qiandao, Hitomi Qiandao subconsciously resisted with the knife, and in the next second, a huge force Hitomi Chishima felt his arms go numb and nearly fell to his knees. Seeing the opportunity, the compound-eyed demon immediately jumped up and kicked Hitomi Chishima in the abdomen. Gritting his teeth, he slammed away the jointed limbs that were pressing on his knife. At the same time, his legs exerted strength, and he retreated instantly, allowing the monster to kick in vain.

"Damn..." Looking at the monster with eyes all over his face, Hitomi Qiandao, who was staggering on his hind legs, had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

This night, Hitomi Qiandao stood in the yard as usual, waving the sword in his hand, while waiting for the news of Li Yexing's victory. Suddenly, there were bursts of screams and gunshots from outside the yard, Then, a large group of monsters rushed in. They frantically slashed and killed the members of the Thousand Island Group who were trying to guard the yard, while throwing Molotov cocktails at the surrounding houses. At first glance, those monsters seemed to be the same as humans, and they could speak human words , but if you take a closer look at their faces full of gray eyes, you will find that they are not human beings at all, and the members of the Thousand Island Group cannot resist these monsters who are not afraid of being injured. Soon, everyone fell down, only Hitomi Chishima got off.

Looking at the monster in front of her, Hitomi Qiandao carefully dealt with it, but Hitomi Qiandao knew that she had no chance of winning. Right now, behind that woman, there was a large group of monsters like this, and Hitomi Qiandao feared the most. It was the thing that followed the woman.

Hitomi Chishima has never seen such a thing, and the existence of that guy is beyond Hitomi Chishima's understanding.

It was a monster more than two meters tall, with strong muscles all over its body. It looked very similar to a human being, with pale skin, naked upper body, and was firmly bound by something like a restraint belt, but This can't hide the dense stitches on his body. Its lower body is wearing a very fat black trousers and heavy metal boots on its feet. The most frightening thing is that not only does the monster have no hair, it even has hair. The facial features are also incomparably distorted. Its face was roughly stitched together. It lost its nose, and only one eye without eyelids remained. Its mouth also lost its lips, blood-red gums and scorched-yellow teeth. It was directly exposed to the outside, and on its mouth, a series of metal bars were inserted into its gums, firmly fixing its mouth so that it could not open it.

From the very beginning, it has been those monsters with eyes full of faces and a physique resembling a normal person who have been fighting, but the big monster in front of him just followed the woman silently from the beginning to the end. Shot too.

"These guys...what the hell are they..." Even Hitomi Chishima is just a teenage girl after all, she will feel fear when facing the unknown, and it is a dead end now, she can't defeat that There are so many monsters behind the woman, not to mention that the woman is accompanied by a terrifying looking thing.

For a moment, Hitomi Chishima couldn't help but want to give up.

As if aware of the cowardice of Hitomi Qiandao at that moment, the compound-eyed monster that was circling with Hitomi Qiandao screamed and rushed up. Tooth passive defense.

"Is it only this level?" On the other side, seeing Hitomi Qiandao struggling to fight back, Miss Wang's brows flickered with disappointment, she shook her head and said: "I heard that Miss Qiandao was good at swordsmanship before, but in the end Is that the only way to do it?"

Saying that, Ms. Wang shook her head and said regretfully, "If I had known earlier, I should have gone to the commercial street myself and let the Nine-Headed God handle this side. I guess the other side would be more interesting..."

"What did you say?!" Suddenly parrying the blow of the mutated compound-eyed demon, Hitomi Qiandao stared at Ms. Wang and said, but the next second, the compound-eyed demon that was blocked rushed up again, entangled with Hitomi Qiandao. Fight into a ball.

"Oh, I seem to have forgotten to tell you, look at my memory..." As if suddenly remembering something interesting, Ms. Wang covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Actually, there are only one little girl who came here. As for some people, the real main force of the Black Dragon Society is in the commercial street..."

In Qiandao Hitomi's eyes mixed with anger and panic, Ms. Wang smiled and said slowly: "Your father, the leader of the Qiandao team, should be dead now, right?"

Hitomi Qiandao's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle's eye. With a flash of white light, the compound-eyed demon's head rose into the air with blood burning into sparks, and then fell to the ground. The decapitated body danced indiscriminately Holding the mutated arm, the blood gushing out from the neck exploded and burned in the air like fireworks, and then, the body that had lost its strength finally collapsed slowly, and was reduced to ashes in the flames together with the head on the ground.

Holding a flaming samurai sword in his hand, Hitomi Chishima turned around slowly, looked at the smiling woman in front of him with a dull gaze, and asked in a daze, " did you say?"

"Oh... I didn't say it clearly enough?" Seeing Hitomi Qiandao's distraught face, Ms. Wang smiled even more happily. She seemed to remind Hitomi Qiandao with a bright smile on her face and said: "I just Say, your father is dead.


One more.

Volume 4 Mission.49-[-]. The macho started

"Shinjiro Chishima is dead?!"

In the dark safe room, Li Yexing looked at the middle-aged man in front of him in surprise. Although he vaguely guessed that there might be something wrong with the Qiandao group, he didn't expect the problem to be so big.

"It's really... You gave me a big news when you came up..." Li Yexing couldn't help but said while rubbing his messy black hair.

The tearful middle-aged man on the other side was still talking about something, Amon Kotaro's face became more and more gloomy, and Rita's expression on the side also looked wrong, she frowned rarely and translated: "He said that Mr. Qiandao asked him to hand over the commission to Mr. He said that the Black Dragon Society sent a lot of monsters, and Mr. might not be able to cope with it, so he couldn't get Mr. involved anymore. He recently checked some websites and found that Knowing the prestige of the gentleman on the other side, according to the market price, they can't afford the commission of the gentleman, the gentleman has helped the Qiandao group enough, and the gentleman can no longer be involved..."

"I just think that a hooligan who can't afford a few guns doesn't need to be charged according to the market price..." Li Yexing said with a frown.

On the other side, the middle-aged man was still choking up and talking loudly. Finally, he bent down suddenly and bowed to Li Yexing.

"Sir..." Rita frowned slightly and said softly: "He heard from Nine-headed God Kuhara that besides the group of people who attacked the commercial street, there seemed to be a group of people who attacked the Qiandao family's ancestral house. Miss Qiandao was still there. Over there, he can't contact there now, it is very likely that something has happened there, he begged save Miss Qiandao."

For a while, there was no sound in the room, and everyone including Yamen Kotaro was watching Li Yexing, waiting for him to make a decision.

"What do you think?" Li Yexing turned his head and asked the girls around him.

Tiliris remained silent as usual, while Kanan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care, you are the BOSS, what you say..."

"In the the end, I still have to make a decision." Rita said with a smile, but Li Yexing didn't feel the slightest smile from Rita's eyes at all. Angry, take a closer look, there seems to be a little resentment hidden in Kanan's eyes, let alone Tiriris who has never been deflated.

Thinking of the girl in kimono who confided to him that day on the pool, under the wooden pavilion, and in the moonlight, Li Yexing already had the answer in his heart.

"To be honest, I don't really care if I save that little silly girl from Qiandao's family..." After a long while, Li Yexing lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "But, I'm going to lose my life this time." Very upset!"

Staring at his eyes that seemed to be burning, Li Yexing said viciously: "I, Li, when did I suffer such a big loss? I was concocted by a group of Japanese gangsters, and sent back to Lopulus, that Italian dead golden curl Don't you want to ride on the head of the master and shit? I must find this place!"

" really turned out like this..." After listening to Li Yexing's words, the corners of Kanan's mouth gradually opened, and she smiled arrogantly: "However, I just like you. If he slaps us in the face, we can't help it." Take his head off?"

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