Seeing five cups of black tea brewed on the tray, Li Yexing smiled and said, "Put it on my desk, not on the tea table, Kanan will kick things randomly when playing games."

"Who would kick things around?!" Kanan said loudly with displeasure, and subconsciously kicked the coffee table as he spoke. Tirilith, who was sitting beside Kanan, immediately frowned, Said: "Kanan is an idiot."

"I didn't! I still..." Kanan wanted to defend himself again, but Tiriris interrupted her directly. Looking at the human soldiers rushing out from the birthplace on the other side of the bridge, Tiriris Shen Sheng said: "They are coming up."

The single-threaded brain instantly helped Kanan handle everything. With a wild smile on Kanan's face, she sat cross-legged on the sofa and said loudly excitedly: "Look at me hitting them into pieces with a shotgun!" minced meat!"

The matter of being called an idiot by Tiriris was instantly forgotten by her.

Rita turned her head and looked at Li Yexing with helplessness in her eyes.

"I think this is pretty good..." Li Yexing shook his head with a smile and said, "Very happy."

"Actually, Rita also thinks it's very good..." Rita said with a smile, she gently put her arms around Li Yexing's waist, and lightly pecked Li Yexing's lips, with a little bit of love in her eyes, like a Like a wife who waits until her husband comes home from get off work.

The sound effect of "boom, boom, boom..." came from the TV on the other side. The sound became more and more urgent, and then stopped instantly. With the sound of victory music, Kanan instantly raised the handle and shouted excitedly: "Niiiccceee~!!"

The tattoo on his arm squirmed happily, Kanan dropped the handle, hugged Tilly Liss, and said while shaking, "As expected of the eldest lady, she is so strong!"

Tiriris, who was rocked in Kanan's arms, sighed and said expressionlessly, "Kanan is really an idiot...


Three shifts.

My waist hurts a little, I will take a rest.

Volume 5 Mission.4-[-]. Macho blood test

The rapid gunfire echoed in the open field.

The moment the pistol emptied, the muscular man in a vest quickly picked up the M4A1 hanging on his back, and then continued to fire. After a few shots, a man's voice sounded from behind him.

He only hesitated for a moment before pulling the trigger again. With the sound of the gun, the bullet came out of the chamber, and this shot directly pierced the head of the target in the distance.

Pulling off the earmuffs that covered his ears, Chris turned his head, and saw a handsome young boy with fortitude and bravery standing behind him.

"Pierce..." Chris called out his name softly, with a trace of searching in his eyes.

"Miss Marlene is looking for you, Mr. Redfield." The young man named Pierce frowned slightly and said, "She said the results of the physical examination came out."

"The results of the physical examination..." Chris was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "I see."

Putting on the coat hanging at the door, Chris and Pierce left the shooting range together, and walked through the corridor. Pierce next to him looked at the scene in front of him thoughtfully. After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Mr. Redfield seems to be very respected in BSAA."

"I'm just a little older..." Chris shook his head and said, "There are many old people here, and they are no worse than me."

"It's a self-deprecating statement, the hero Mr. Redfield..." Pierce laughed, and he only took it as a joke when Chris said "it's just seniority".

"Hero..." The wry smile on his face was fleeting, Chris shook his head, and then suddenly said to Pierce, "Speaking of which, are you still used to being in BSAA?"

"Fortunately, it feels the same as before..." Pierce shook his head and said, "It's just that I don't know when I will be able to participate in actual combat missions. You know, I am eager for... a bigger stage."

"There will be a chance, young man..." Chris said softly.

Not long after, Chris and Pierce came to the technical department of BSAA. Pierce said that he still had something to do, so the two said goodbye.

When I came to a certain office door, I knocked on the door lightly, and a woman's voice came from the other side of the door, and she said in a deep voice, "Please come in." So Chris pushed open the office door, and then walked in.

At the desk, the former black Umbrella researcher—Kelly Malein sat there quietly with her legs crossed. When she saw Chris enter the office, she didn't say much, just pulled out a bag from the drawer. A physical examination report said: "Look for yourself."

Chris put the report on the table casually, and said to Kelly: "I won't read it, just tell me how the situation is."

"What's the situation? It's great." Kelly said blankly.

"Really? As long as there is no problem..." Hearing Kelly's answer, Chris finally let go of his hanging heart, and he whispered: "This is the only good news I heard this year."

"I said 'very good', not to say that he is fine..." Kelly tapped on the desk lightly, she looked up and looked outside the office, after confirming that there was no strange person, she Only then said in a deep voice: "The virus content in that guy's blood is seriously exceeding the standard. According to the current samples for comparison, his blood contains a large number of cells combined with a harmless mutant of a certain T virus and a small amount of semi-inactivated T virus. Las P lags spores, according to the calculation of the samples, the former will slightly strengthen the host's bone strength and self-healing ability, while the latter is likely to greatly strengthen the host's muscles and cardiopulmonary function."

Chris' face became more and more ugly. After a while, he whispered: "That's why that guy..."

"No, I hold the opposite opinion about your guess..." Seeming to know what Chris was thinking, Kelly shook her head and said, "This kind of change to the body is very slow, and because there are too few samples, I It is impossible to deduce where the upper limit of this change is, so I personally tend to think that the mercenary has no idea what happened to him, otherwise, he would not easily give us the blood sample."

"You're right..." After a while, Chris said in a deep voice, "But...if your judgment is correct, doesn't that mean that this guy might become the next Wesker?"

"I don't know much about that Wesker, but from your description, I don't think that mercenary's physical strength can reach Wesker's level..." Pushing the glasses on her face, Kelly said calmly: " The individual named Wesker you mentioned has the ability to suppress all the negative effects of the BOW virus and obtain powerful power from it, but relatively, his physical condition is extremely unstable, and he has to rely on regular quantitative serum injections to maintain his condition, while The mercenary is different. He is likely to be an absolute immune person in the true sense. Although he cannot obtain the power of Wesker's level, relatively, the virus will combine with a certain substance in his body fluids, and then become infectious. , and at the same time change its own genetic genes to achieve a high degree of coordination with the host's cells."

Picking up the water glass on the table and taking a sip of water, Kelly said in a deep voice, "This guy's body fluid can be a panacea for all BOW virus infections."

Chris stared blankly at Kelly, and after a while, he whispered, "The Chosen One..."


In the dimly lit office, Director Casimir put down the thick research report in his hand, with a playful smile on his lips.

"Director Kasimir, Dr. Angelika has applied again, and I hope you can recruit that mercenary to work for the technical department at any cost..." Standing by the table, the black silk secretary with an indifferent expression bowed slightly.

"Oh? Is it just a recruitment?" Supervisor Casimir was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "I thought that woman with a bad personality would say something like, 'Catch that mercenary back, dissect it and keep it in a cultivation tank. 'What about this kind of words...'

"Dr. Angelica said that the mercenary was created by God, any disrespectful behavior is a blasphemy against science, and should be crucified..." Secretary Heisi said in a deep voice.

"Oh, that's exactly what she said. It's not in vain that I transferred her to the 'First Agency'..." Supervisor Kasimir shrugged.

"Director Kazimir..." The secretary frowned slightly, as if she had something to say, after a moment of hesitation, she whispered, "Is that mercenary really that important to us?"

"You haven't read the report yet?" Supervisor Casimir smiled.

"No, Director Kasimir..." The secretary bowed slightly and said, "As soon as the report came out, I sent it to you."

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