Tillylian thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Is there anything your sister likes about you?"

"You really stopped me..." Li Yexing whispered, and then as if he suddenly realized something, he said loudly: "What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I threw you down?!"

"Throw it away, my lord can still be afraid of you?" Tililian pouted her mouth and said disdainfully, but the slender legs surrounded by Li Yexing subconsciously tightened.

"Looking at my lord sister staying in Lopulus, my lord wants to go there too..." Tillylian muttered softly, "I just don't know if Papa Kasimir will agree..."

"There is a high probability that you won't agree. The last time Tilly Lisi didn't go home, that guy messed up the whole Loples..." Li Yexing thought for a while, and then replied: "So, this time After the mission is over and after seeing your sister, I suggest that you should go back with your father honestly, although it seems that the relationship between me and my father-in-law has improved, but in case something goes wrong..."

Recalling the tragedy of the Lopulus incident five years ago, Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Lopulus can't stand your father's torment..."

"Really, that's what the pervert thinks..." Looking over Li Yexing's shoulder, looking quietly at the muddy road ahead and the raindrops that had become a little sparse, Tillylian pouted, not knowing where he was going. Thinking about something, after a while, she buried her head in Li Yexing's neck and rubbed it, then whispered: "Although it smells a little bit, it doesn't feel bad..."

"Your sister also likes rubbing like this very much..." Li Yexing said with a smile.

"It's so strange..." Tillylian buried her head again, rubbing against Li Yexing's neck while inhaling the smell of Li Yexing's body vigorously, and whispered: "My lord suddenly feels that I don't hate you so much anymore ..."

Just when Tillylian was rubbing against Li Yexing endlessly like a kitten, there was a sudden rustling sound from Li Yexing's communicator, and then a deep and hoarse voice came from inside, that voice said: : "Can you hear? Can you hear?"

"Why does this voice sound so familiar?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously wanted to press his finger on the communicator, but Tilly Lian pressed it lightly first, so Li Yexing said directly: "Are you Who?"

"Li, it's me, the owner of the Frantic Bar..." The voice on the other side said, "How far are you from the village?"

Li Yexing raised his head, looked at the village not far away, and said, "Don't worry, it will be soon, have you arrived at the predetermined location?"

"No..." The bar owner said in a deep voice, "There was an accident on our side...


Two more.

Volume 5 Mission.36-[-]. The macho is always on the road

"It was a big accident!"

As soon as the bar owner finished speaking, bursts of gunshots and Paglis' irritable shouts came from the communicator.

"C4 will be set up immediately, block the windows!" followed by Fisher's shout.

"It doesn't sound like a little trouble..." Li Yexing whispered into the communicator, and at the same time subconsciously quickened his pace.

"We have encountered the special mutant infected person you mentioned..." The voice of the bar owner came from the opposite side of the communicator, and he said in a deep voice: "Given the current situation, our meeting place may have to be changed, I need You and the commander-in-chief help us get rid of that thing."

"Commander?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "It's a bit difficult, Tilly Lian doesn't have the ability to fight right now."

"Don't be self-righteous, pervert!" Tilly Lian, who was lying behind Li Yexing's back, immediately shouted after hearing Li Yexing's words, "My lord can still fight!"

"Screw you!" Li Yexing couldn't help frowning and said, "It's hard to run a few steps, and still hit? Where's your body armor? Where's your communicator? Where's your gun?"

Ti Lian was asked by Li Yexing. After a few seconds, she looked up at a raging expression: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly

"In short, this is the situation..." Li Yexing whispered into the communicator: "I will try my best to get closer to you, but you'd better not expect our fighting power."

"Tsk, I see..." The bar owner responded: "Please hurry up, I'm not sure how long our battle can hold it..."

"Cut it off." Li Yexing whispered, and Tilly Lian immediately let go of the finger that was pressing on the communicator next to Li Yexing's ear.

"The situation on their side doesn't seem to be good..." Li Yexing whispered to Tilly Lian after the communication was cut off.

"Let's find the pigs as soon as possible..." Tilly Lian said softly, "After all, they are the ones that my lord is covering, if they die in this kind of place..."

Li Yexing didn't speak, he quickened his pace again against the wind and rain, and the village was right in front of him.


"The C4 explosives are set! We are ready to withdraw!" In the living room on the first floor of the two-story building, Fisher, who was carrying HK-416, stood up and shouted to his teammates around him.

In front of the window at the side, Anna stepped on the chest of an infected person's corpse, pulled out the huge bone cutting knife from the infected person's head, then turned to the bar owner and said, "Can we withdraw?"

"You guys go through the back door first, and wait for me in the yard..." The bar owner held his gun and looked at the cracked wall in front of him. Withdraw, you immediately press the detonator, understand?"

"No problem." Fisher nodded after wiping away the dried up nosebleed.

"Okay, execute the order." The bar owner aimed his gun at the window guarded by Anna, killed an infected person who was trying to climb in through the window with two shots, and then shouted at the surrounding teammates.

"Let's go, Ah Jiang..." Paglis, who was standing aside, immediately grabbed Jiang Xueyang's arm, wanting to take him away. Jiang Xueyang withdrew the pistol magazine and replaced it with a new one, then turned to face the bar owner. Said: "Captain, can you?"

"Of course I can." The bar owner said solemnly.

Looking at the calm back of the bar owner, Jiang Xueyang didn't say anything after all, he turned his head and left with his teammates.

"Okay... Now, let me see what you are capable of..." He suddenly turned his gun and killed two infected people who rushed towards the window screaming. The bar owner raised his gun and took a shot from Paglis. The specially made anti-BOW sulfuric acid grenade was stuffed into the launcher hanging below, and then he took two steps back, staring at the crumbling wall in front of him.

Accompanied by the monster's collision and roar, the outer wall of the two-story building was crumbling, and the cracks on it were getting bigger and bigger. Finally, a few seconds later, the outer wall of the small building collapsed suddenly, and the monster screamed in a burst of smoke and dust. Then, it swung a roaring chainsaw, stepped on the rubble all over the ground, and rushed in with several ordinary infected people like crazy. While rushing, it laughed wildly and shouted: "Meet you again! Frank!"

The bar owner didn't hesitate, he directly shot the previously loaded grenade, and only heard a bang, and a large cloud of sulfuric acid mist instantly enveloped the monster, dragging its footsteps. At this moment, the bar owner He suddenly turned his head and ran towards the corridor behind him.

"Hahahahaha! Frank! Don't run!" The monster waved its hand to disperse the sulfuric acid mist in front of it, and then, enduring the pain all over its body, it chased the bar owner and rushed into the corridor. The entire corridor was covered, and the fragile skin that had been ablated by sulfuric acid was directly torn off under the friction with the corridor wall, and a large piece of flesh and blood was smeared on the wall. Even so, the monster didn't care at all, it would The chainsaw pointed at the back of the bar owner in front of him, charging frantically.

Hearing the sound of chainsaws and roaring from behind, the bar owner speeded up. Seeing that the back door of this small building was in front, the bar owner jumped out and shouted: "Canned fish !"

"Die! Dog!" Seeing the bar owner rushing out, Fisher, who had been waiting in the yard for a long time, sneered and pressed the switch in his hand.

In an instant, the indicator lights installed on the C4 explosives in the small building lighted up at the same time, and then, continuous explosions came from the small building on the second floor. Under the devastation of the explosion, the walls of the small building began to continuously The ground broke, and just as the monster wielding the chainsaw was about to rush out, the whole small building collapsed instantly, and a large cloud of dust floated up, covering the entire vicinity. The monster had been buried under the ruins, and only half of the chainsaw with its broken chain was still exposed, and it seemed that it could no longer turn.

"You deserve it!" Paglis sneered as she looked at the ruins with monsters and a few ordinary infected people buried in front of her.

"Let's go, go to the assembly point." The bar owner, who was supported by Jiang Xueyang, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, swept the dirt stuck to his body, and then said to the team members around him: "I'm afraid we won't be able to kill it at this level, hurry up before it stands up." Before we leave here."

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