Hearing the bar owner's words, the team members around nodded silently. What the bar owner said made sense. Even a series of bullets from a large-caliber sniper rifle could not kill this monster. Hold it for a while.

Just when everyone was about to leave, a sudden change occurred.

I saw the ruins trembling for a while, approaching, the heavy floor was lifted up directly, under the ruins, the monster was covered with floating ash and rubble, it supported the floor with one hand, stood up slowly, and then vigorously With a push, the floor was pushed aside. It tilted its head, with a hideous smile on its skinless face. Its right hand frantically scratched the arm of its left hand. The team said: "F... Frank... got bitten on his arm by a mosquito... it's so itchy, hehehehe..."

"Run!" Seeing the monster standing up again, the bar owner who reacted first shouted immediately, he turned his head and rushed towards the back door of the small courtyard, took up his gun and smashed the door on the door with two shots. After all this, he turned his head and aimed the gun at the monster's knee and pulled the trigger. He didn't turn around until all the team members behind him withdrew.

"Hehehe..." Seeing that everyone in the frantic team had escaped, the monster was not in a hurry to chase, it just stood on the ruins with a weird smile, scratched its bloody left arm, and kept chanting : "Itches...itches to death..."

In an instant, there was only a sound like tearing cloth, and the monster's left arm suddenly opened with wounds, and a large amount of blood mixed with minced meat was scattered. Drilled out, those bone spurs were mixed with flesh and blood, connected together one by one, and then slowly turned, the speed became faster and faster, and finally made a burst of buzzing sound like a real chainsaw. After being torn apart, the flesh and blood on the monster's left arm fell off one after another, revealing the deformed bones and muscles that were randomly spliced ​​together underneath.

Waving the left arm of the chainsaw that had turned into flesh and blood, the monster's crimson chest suddenly swelled up like a ball, and then it roared in a deafening voice: "Do you like my new chainsaw?! F—— Lan-ke!!


Three shifts.

Ruburt is probably the strongest chainsaw guy ever.

Volume 5 Mission.37-[-]. The macho hard change

"It can be counted as coming back..." Li Yexing rushed out of the dirt road and entered the street of the village with Tilly Lian on his back. "This is the first time I have returned to this ghost place tonight?"

"Pervert, let me down..." Tilly Lian whispered behind Li Yexing.

Li Yexing didn't speak, and as soon as he let go of his hands, Tillylian jumped down. She stood beside Li Yexing with a faint blush on her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

On the other side, after moving his slightly sore arms, Li Yexing carried the backpack hanging on his chest back to his back, then raised his hand and pressed the communicator and said, "Boss, I'm here, where are you? Can't you hear the gunfire?"

"We've got rid of that guy for the time being, and we're moving closer to the assembly point..." The deep and hoarse voice of the bar owner came from the other side of the communicator, and he said to Li Yexing: "Come closer to the middle of the village, then Let's go, I have a hunch, that ghost thing will catch up immediately."

As soon as the bar owner finished speaking, there was a roar in front of him. The voice seemed to be calling someone's name.

"Damn it! It's chasing it..." Paglis' voice came from the communicator, and then the woman exclaimed: "My god! What is that?! A chainsaw?!"

Hearing the roar and the bursts of sound from the communicator next to his ear, Li Yexing immediately raised his head, and said in a deep voice, "I know where you are, hold on."

After all, Li Yexing cut off the communication immediately, he took off the pistol from his waist, and handed it to Tilly Lian beside him.

"Take this..." Li Yexing said.

Tilly Lian was not polite, she reached out and took Li Yexing's pistol, and then the two ran towards the center of the village.

As the two got closer and closer to the center of the village, the voices in front began to become louder. Li Yexing was about to take Tilly Lian to follow the direction of the voice to continue deeper, only to hear a sudden explosion from the front, followed by , A group of people in black combat uniforms rushed out of the alley in front with guns and entered Li Yexing's field of vision. On the other side, those people in black combat uniforms looked up and saw Li Yexing.

After seeing Li Yexing, they immediately ran towards Li Yexing, and the shortest among them waved at Li Yexing, and shouted in a stern voice while waving: "Brother Yexing! Hurry up!" run!"

"Jiang Xueyang?" Hearing this voice, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback.

At the moment when Li Yexing was in a daze, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, a large group of bloated flesh and blood with five short limbs rushed out of the alley behind them. The huge monster of blood seemed to be nearly three meters high. The right arm of the fat monster was normal, but its left arm had turned into a large pile of deformed flesh and blood with jagged bone spurs. Those bone spurs were mixed with meridians, roaring The sound is constantly spinning at high speed, just like a huge flesh and blood chainsaw.

"F-Lan-K!!" Seeing Li Yexing and Tilly Lian on the street ahead, the monster roared excitedly: "It's the new Frank! Frank! A lot of Frank! It's all Frank!!"

"Hey! So ugly!" Looking at the monster's fat body and shameless head, Tillylian couldn't help but feel a chill.

"Damn it! What the hell is this?" Li Yexing was also shocked by the monster. Seeing the team in black combat uniforms rushing towards him with the monster, Li Yexing felt his scalp tingling, so he took it directly. Picking up the M4A1 in his hand, just as he was about to lock the holographic scope on the monster's head, the person running in the front shouted to Li Yexing: "Save some bullets! Headshots won't work!"

This voice, it sounds like the bartender Fisher...

"Does headshot work..." Hearing Fei She's words, Li Yexing did not run away. He pointed the gun in his hand directly at the monster's ankle, and then pulled the trigger. After firing the shuttle halfway, the monster lost its weight. Wen fell to the ground, and with the little time Li Yexing bought, the five-member team in black combat uniforms rushed over directly.

"Go!" When they rushed past Li Yexing, they did not stop, but shouted directly at Li Yexing.

Li Yexing didn't hesitate. He turned around, picked her up amidst Tillylian's soft exclamation, and then ran after the frantic team, and shouted to Tillylian while running: "Take my Gun, aim at that guy's ankle!"

"My lord, I don't need your command!" Tillylian frowned slightly and said displeasedly. At the same time, she adjusted her body position, grabbed the M4A1 that was slung around Li Yexing's waist, and put it on Li Yexing's shoulder.

Behind him, the monster that fell to the ground due to an unstable center of gravity has already got up staggeringly. It shook its head, and then roared loudly: "Come drink! Frank! Whiskey!"

In this way, Li Yexing joined the frantic team on their escape journey. They kept running through the streets and alleys, trying to get rid of the monster, but it ran too fast, just like a chariot. Even though Tillylian's shooting could effectively delay its speed, it was only a delay. After crossing two streets tightly, Tillylian emptied Li Yexing's two magazines, and was chased by it like this, and all the bullets were exhausted. It's only a matter of time before food runs out.

Knocking down the monster again, everyone immediately got into the alley beside the street. At this moment, the bar owner who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "This can't go on like this! We can't run with this guy, even if We have enough, this guy will eat all our bullets!"

Li Yexing frowned, thinking hard about the countermeasures, he murmured softly: "I run very fast, but the inertia is too great, and the left arm is seriously mutated, so the center of gravity is very unstable..."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing said in a deep voice: "Maybe we can kill it!"

"Really?!" Paglis, who was wearing a half-covered gas mask and showing short red hair, ran wildly and said in surprise, "We blasted down the whole building and failed to kill this guy. !"

Rushed out of the alley and returned to the spacious street, Li Yexing looked at the surrounding houses, and then said: "You take Tilly Lian to disperse the ambush, shoot its left arm or left leg as much as possible, and provide me with Fire support, leave the rest to me."

After all, Li Yexing stopped abruptly, he put down Tilly Lian, quickly untied his backpack, and handed it to Tilly Lian beside him along with his M4A1, and said: "Help me keep it a bit."

"Are you crazy, perverted! Don't you even want a gun?" Tillylian frowned and said, "Are you going to kill that guy or commit suicide?!"

Despite what she said, the blond girl still took what Li Yexing was holding.

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Paglis seemed to want to say something, but the bar owner stopped her by patting her on the shoulder. He turned his head and asked Li Yexing in a low voice, "Can you?"

"Don't worry..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "The thinking is clear, I can operate it.


One more.

Volume VII Mission.5-38. Macho Tradition

Head...drowsy...Always feel as if something important has been forgotten...

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