"That is to say, now we not only have to face Neo. Umbrella who may come up behind us and Shenya Pharmaceutical who is not dead, but also be careful of other forces in front of us?" Fisher murmured in a low voice. : "This is too difficult, it's simply hell!"

"And the laughing tyrant..." Anna said dryly.

"About this, I'm not too worried..." Li Yexing shook his head and said: "The intelligence at the beginning of the mission did not mention any armed forces on the island, so I think even if there are people in front of us, there probably won't be many..."

After listening to Li Yexing's analysis, the bar owner stopped in his tracks. He stood there quietly and turned his head to look at Li Yexing. After a while, he whispered, "Excellent."

"Go ahead, but be vigilant..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "After all, if my guess is correct, it's not just a tyrant with a disgusting smile standing in front of us."

After finishing their deduction, everyone continued to move forward in silence. After a while, Tilly Lian who was lying behind Li Yexing whispered, "Pervert, did you think of all that just now?"

"Of course." Li Yexing nodded.

"Wow..." Tilly Lian exclaimed in a low voice, "I can't see it, your brain is surprisingly good..."

After finishing speaking, Tillylian said softly: "Casimir's father often acts like a pervert, and suddenly he has a long speech. Although he can't understand a single sentence, it makes people feel very powerful..."

"It's not that I'm smart, it's better to say that I'm actually a pretty stupid person, otherwise I wouldn't have insisted on being a mercenary..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "I just have some reasons for being a mercenary." This kind of bullshit is more familiar."

"Really..." Tilly Lian whispered, it seemed that she still wanted to say something to Li Yexing, but suddenly, Tilly Lian fell silent, as if she was swallowing the words that came to her lips. Even the thighs on Li Yexing's arms tightened.

"What's wrong?" Li Yexing immediately frowned and asked in a low voice when he noticed Tilly's strange behavior.

After a while, Tillylian suddenly raised her head, and she said loudly, "Pervert! Let me down quickly! Something is coming! It's one o'clock, and the speed is very fast!"

Hearing Tilly Lian's words, Li Yexing quickly put Tilly Lian down, raised the M4A1 toward one o'clock, and everyone in the surrounding frantic team also stopped in their tracks, raising their guns in unison.

After a while, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the darkness. The sound was getting closer and closer. Just when everyone thought they were about to meet the enemy, the sound of footsteps stopped abruptly. Then, a tree full of adults The waist-thick tree flew out of the darkness and hit everyone.

"Get down!" The bar owner yelled subconsciously, and everyone immediately lay down on the spot. When the tree flew over their heads, Li Yexing looked up and saw a bald monster in a military coat stepping on the ground in the dense forest ahead. Facing the muddy ground, it rushed out with its fists swung, and on its face, there was a disgusting smile that made the scalp tingle...

Two more.

Volume VII Mission.5-44. Macho Tyrant

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing the tyrant with a strange smiling face rushing towards him, Li Yexing shouted, then grabbed Tilly Lian who was lying beside him and hugged him in his arms, quickly rolled to the open space beside him, and got down In a second, the big black boots with metal soles stepped heavily on the place where he was lying on his stomach just now, and the mud and stagnant water mixed together and splashed in all directions, splashing on Li Yexing's back.

Seeing that he missed a hit, the tyrant's smile became ferocious. It turned around, raised its foot, and stepped towards Li Yexing and Tilly Lian again. However, at this moment, a string of bullets struck Looking at its back and the back of its head, the members of the frenzied team who had climbed up were frantically firing at its back.

Feeling the excruciating pain, the tyrant couldn't help but staggered a step, so Li Yexing directly pulled Tilly Lian to stand up, drew his gun and shot it in the face without hesitation.

"Uh ow..." After being fired from all directions, the smile on the tyrant's face disappeared, replaced by a distorted pain and outraged anger. It covered its face with one hand, then turned its head, and moved towards The frantic team behind rushed up, while the frenzied team kept retreating to try to distance themselves. After drawing the tyrant away from Li Yexing, Fisher directly stuffed the remaining sulfuric acid grenade in his waist into the grenade. launcher, and shot directly at the tyrant.

Hearing the sound of "bang", a large cloud of sulfuric acid mist instantly enveloped the tyrant, and the tyrant immediately covered his head and screamed, covering his face with his left hand, waving his right hand continuously, staggering back while trying to Dispel the sulfuric acid mist that enveloped him.

Seeing that the tyrant retreated, everyone immediately concentrated their firepower on the tyrant, pressing all the way until the tyrant retreated to a tree, it turned around suddenly, roared and hugged the big tree, with amazing strength He uprooted the tree with a large piece of soil, then held up the big tree in disregard of the firepower of the crowd, and slammed into the bar owner standing at the front as if holding a siege pestle.

Quickly performing a tactical roll, the bar owner narrowly avoided the blow, then he quickly stood up and fired at the tyrant's head again. On the other side, after several attacks all failed, the tyrant The tyrant actually erected the tree directly in front of him, and for a moment, the bullet hit the big tree in the tyrant's hand, and the sawdust flew.

Just when everyone changed positions and was about to go around the tree and continue firing, a heavy and chaotic voice came from behind the tree, and the tyrant opened his mouth and said in a surprised tone: "It turned out to be USS?!"

"My mother!" Hearing the tyrant's voice, Paglis's hands trembled subconsciously, and she shouted: "Ah Jiang! This tyrant can talk!"

It's not just Paglis. At the moment the tyrant spoke, almost everyone's movements froze subconsciously. I saw the tyrant sticking out half of his face from behind the tree, staring at the bar owner, uttering words Said: "Did Spencer ask you to come?"

The bar owner didn't answer, but just pointed his gun at the half face protruding from behind the tree, and the tyrant said angrily: "Sure enough! You, like that damned woman, covet my research results People! You brigands from other divisions!"

After all, the tyrant slammed the big tree in his hand towards the people in front of him. The bar owner and Fisher quickly dodged to the two sides respectively, narrowly dodging the powerful blow, and then turned their heads , I saw the tyrant plunged headlong into the dense forest, it quickly avoided the trees, and gradually hid itself in the darkness.

"Don't worry! You bastards! I have plenty of time to play with you!" An angry roar came from the darkness, and after a while, the dense forest fell silent again.

Everyone stared blankly at the direction in which the tyrant disappeared.After a while, Paglis turned her head and asked Li Yexing, "Mr. Smart, what do you think about this matter?"

"I'm so stupid..." Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched slightly, and he muttered with an ugly face: "This is the first time my perception of a tyrant has been broken?"

After all, Li Yexing turned his head and asked the bar owner: "Can your black Umbrella make the T-103 tyrant speak?"

The bar owner shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

"So, we are being targeted by a talking tyrant?" Jiang Xueyang whispered on the side: "As expected of the first agency, we can encounter something new every time we act..."

"Okay, stop joking..." The bar owner interrupted everyone's words in a deep voice, and he said in a serious tone: "This is not a good thing, if that tyrant has the wisdom equivalent to human beings, then the things he can do are just There are too many, next, our road will be quite difficult..."

"To be honest, I care more about what he just said than this..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, "That guy just mistook us for the USS and asked us if Spencer asked us to come..."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing raised his head and said with some doubts: "Umbrella completely disintegrated in 2003, and the old man Spencer has been cold for five years. Why does that guy seem to not know that Umbrella is gone?" the same?"

"It just said that we were sent by other divisions to steal its research results." Tillylian added in a low voice.

"That is to say, there is a tyrant scientist who has been isolated from the world for a full ten years in the research facility on this island?" Anna asked on the side.

"Forget it, it's pointless to discuss these now..." The bar owner said in a deep voice, "Our intelligence is not enough to support us to make a judgment on the current situation, so we just need to move on."

"It's true..." Li Yexing's face brightened a little, he turned his head to Tilly Lian and said, "Is my pistol still with you?"

"That's right, it's in the hands of my lord!" Tillylian nodded and said, "Do you need my lord to return it to you?"

"No, just take it..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "After all, the road ahead is not easy to walk. I don't know what ghosts and monsters are hiding on the road ahead..."

"So?" Tillylian asked with displeasure, tilting her head.

"So I can't carry you on my back." Li Yexing said concisely.

"Tch..." Hearing Li Yexing's words, Tillylian pouted and turned her head with a displeased expression.

"What? Don't you think I'm carrying you behind my back?" Seeing Tillylian's reaction, Li Yexing couldn't help but want to tease her.

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