"Wow! What a pervert! Who wants you to recite it?! Who do you think I am?!" Sure enough, as soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, Tillylian immediately exploded, her face flushed, and she stared at Ruby The same one-eyed man said angrily to Li Yexing, then turned his head, raised his head, and said angrily, "Let's go! Huh!"

After all, Tilly Lian pulled out the pistol that originally belonged to Li Yexing, and walked forward quickly. The back view looked like a silly girl who got into trouble because her father didn't buy candy...

Three shifts, 23 shifts still owed.

Volume 5 Mission.45-[-]. Macho Secretary

"Director Kasimir, what are you doing?" As soon as female secretary Jia Liya entered the command room, she saw Director Kazimir wearing headphones and punching the computer screen continuously.

"Don't make noise, I'm busy..." Director Casimir whispered, he covered his face with one hand, and then punched the air directly in front of the computer screen with the other hand, saying : "Die to me!"

Jia Liya noticed that Director Kasimir seemed to be wearing something like metal gloves on his hands.

Oh, now that I think about it, it seems to be a gadget that Director Casimir made the technical department mess up. The main function is to manually operate the tyrant. It is one of Umbrella's legacy. After getting the design drawing of this device on the Internet, they directly produced a batch of inferior products, and then launched a tyrant boxing match against rich people from all over the world, so that those bigwigs who have money and no place to spend them put on gloves to manipulate the inferior transformation The last T-103 Tyrant boxing in the ring.

As for the result... I'm happy to hear that a certain gangster who had fought in an underground boxing match couldn't resist manipulating his tyrant to take off his clothes. After all, there were rich people present, so the BSAA handled this matter quite quickly...

Later, Director Casimir found out about this matter. Although it was just a gadget, Director Casimir seemed to have a strong interest in this equipment.

"Galiya, let the people in the technical department improve this equipment, and then make a batch of finished products. I want to try the effect on that new T-103C." That's what Kasimir's director said at the time, and Galiya also I followed suit, anyway, Director Casimir made a lot of gadgets in his spare time, but in the end, the warehouse was basically rotten, presumably this time it was also a three-minute hot spot.

But I didn't expect that after a few months, Director Casimir really took out this little toy to play with.

Jia Liya sometimes couldn't help but feel that Director Casimir was like an oversized brat.

After manipulating the tyrant to overthrow two soldiers in black armor, Director Casimir took off his gloves panting. Following his actions, a red system prompt appeared on the screen: The operator has been detected to be offline. , do you want to switch to automatic mode?

After wiping the sweat from his head, Director Kasimir turned around in a rough dress, looked at Jia Liya and said, "This thing...is too tiring to use..."

"Director Casimir, forgive me, I think you should pay attention to your physical exercise, and staying in the office and laboratory for a long time is not good for your health..." Galiya bowed slightly to Director Casimir's complaint road.

"Ah, here we go again..." Supervisor Casimir stretched out his little finger and dug his ears, "I don't know if it's my illusion, Jia Liya, you talk a lot of nonsense today!"

"Sorry, supervisor, I won't do it in the future." Jia Liya whispered.

"No, please do this..." Supervisor Casimir shook his head and said: "Although I hate subordinates who talk nonsense, but you don't have a feeling like this..."

Galiya didn't say anything about Director Kasimir's words. She just stood there, seeing that Director Kazimir had no intention of continuing to operate, she stepped forward and prepared to make a cup of coffee for Director Kazimir.

On the other side, Supervisor Casimir was not in a hurry to switch the out-of-control tyrant to automatic mode. The tyrant on the screen had already been beaten to the ground by the surrounding black-armored soldiers, and a red warning popped up, but he did not He didn't care, and randomly scratched the messy hair upstairs. Director Kasimir gradually focused on Jia Liya beside him. After a long while, he suddenly said: "Jia Liya, do you want to play with this?" ?”

"What?" Jia Liya, who was stirring sugar cubes, asked subconsciously.

"This tyrant's glove!" Supervisor Casimir grabbed the two glove on the table and shook it in his hand, then said to Jia Liya: "How about it? Let's try it? Although it is very tiring to use, but To be honest, it's pretty fun, it's the most fun thing the technical department has tossed out this year..."

Seeing Director Kasimir's expectant eyes, Galiya sighed softly, and said, "Okay, Director Kasimir."

Putting down the small spoon in his hand, he took the metal glove from Director Kazimir, and stretched his imperfect hands as a woman into it, feeling the body temperature and sweat left by Director Kazimir inside. Liya raised her head and looked at the computer screen, only to see a green prompt popping up on the computer screen: The operator connection has been detected, welcome back.

This thing seems to be quite heavy, no wonder Director Casimir was tired and sweating profusely after punching a few times...

Looking at the tyrant who was slowly standing up on the screen, the corners of Jia Liya's mouth slightly curved into an imperceptible arc, and she raised her hands with metal gloves, posing in a fighting posture.


"Maid, I don't know if it's an illusion. After the tyrant who was knocked over just stood up, he seemed to be super capable..."

Holding guns in both hands and firing continuously, a black-armored compound-eyed demon with a centipede-like mutated arm was headshot. Kanan quickly backed away, leaning against the black maid holding a sickle with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Tyrant?" Rita was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and followed Kanan's line of sight, only to see a T-103C02 tyrant punching the black-armored compound-eyed demon in front of him quickly. The light punches under the fist were struck continuously, splashing the brains of the black-armored compound-eyed demon.

"Wow! That's a fighting skill!" Kanan couldn't help but widen her eyes, and she said loudly in surprise, "Eldest lady can't even perform such an operation?!"

"Miss doesn't need to use fighting skills, and that tyrant is obviously man-made..." Rita whispered, she shifted her gaze to Tiriris and Hitomi Qiandao, and saw the silver-haired girl in black and The black-haired girl with a big sword in her hand was constantly shuttling through the enemy's formation against the enemy's firepower. It looked like someone suddenly appeared in a shooting game and shouted "Shame on the enemy! I'll take off his clothes." "The generals are average.

On the beach in the distance, a black-armored compound-eyed demon shouted something in Russian, then pulled out an RPG from behind, aiming at Tiliris and Hitomi Qiandao who were driving Wushuang, it just wanted to launch, A series of bullets directly focused on its body, knocking it to the ground, and saw four tyrants walking slowly like chariots by the beach, and a large group of them wore black combat uniforms, with shoulders and helmets The soldiers with the black Umbrella logo were hiding behind the tyrant, holding up HK-416 and shooting at the black-armored compound-eyed demons on the beach.

On the other side, I saw that the tyrant who was still using fighting skills before had completely let go of himself. It grabbed a compound-eyed demon's ankle and waved it wildly like a spinning windmill. It knocked over to the ground, and then it directly changed hands and grabbed the half-dead compound-eyed demon's neck, and used its thick fingers to tear off the ring on the compound-eyed demon's waist grenade, and then directly threw the compound-eyed demon into the opposite side. Among the enemy group, there was only a bang, and the fragment grenade directly sent the flesh and blood of several nearby compound-eyed monsters flying across.

Watching the tyrant slam her right fist hard on her left palm, Rita inexplicably felt that the tyrant's operator must be very happy now...

One more.

Volume 5 Mission.46-[-]. The macho arrives

Just about ten minutes ago, the vanguard of Black Umbrella's security forces landed on the island. Under the cover of five T-103C02 tyrants, they engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the Neo. Umbrella Far Eastern Army stationed on the coastline. , after successfully pulling out the two heavy firepower points that threatened the landing operations the most, the girls from Li Yexing's office took the remaining landing craft on the warship and went directly to the beach. From here on, the battle showed a one-sided trend , although the Far Eastern Army has more soldiers and more powerful firepower, but in front of the four top BOWs, their defenses are vulnerable.

After beheading the last black-armored compound-eyed demon on the first line of defense who hadn't evacuated, Rita swung the sickle violently, drawing a full moon in the air. She just turned her head and saw a man in a black combat uniform with a head on his head. A man in a black helmet walked towards him quickly.

"Hello, Miss Griffith..." After arriving in front of Rita, the man stretched out his hand to Rita, and said: "I am the Executive Team of the First Agency under the Black Umbrella European Branch. The team leader, my name is Klein Biederman, you can directly call me Biederman."

"Hello, Mr. Biederman..." He took half a step back without a trace, and put down the scythe in his hand. With an elegant but indifferent smile on his face, Rita gently stretched out her hand towards Biederman past.

Looking at the white and plain hand stretched out in front of him, Biederman only lightly held Rita's finger, shook it symbolically, and then let go. This kind of polite and witty behavior virtually increased Lita's Ta's favor, so the smile on Rita's face became a little more sincere, and she said softly: "Is there anything Mr. Biederman wants from me?"

"There are some things, Miss Griffith..." Biederman nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "The tactical command came to the intelligence, according to the observation of the drone, a small number of enemies on the first line of defense retreated to the two rears. The two lines of defense are on the only way in front of us. They are located near the dense forest on our left and the reefs on the right. The line of defense is equipped with heavy firepower such as heavy machine guns, bazookas and howitzers. They, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to go deeper. "

Hearing Biederman's words, Rita frowned slightly. She looked around and saw that Tiliris's special combat uniform was shot with bullet holes by heavy machine guns, and Hitomi Chishima was sitting on the ground, stubbornly wanting to help Tiriris treated the wounds under the combat uniform that were not necessary to deal with, while Kanan picked up the equipment left by the black-armored soldiers in the distance, and behind them, the four tyrants were standing there obediently, Like a sculpture, the remaining tyrant kept punching the air quickly, and around here, dozens of soldiers in black combat uniforms were quickly preparing and lifting the wounded soldiers down.

The defeat of the Far Eastern Army is only a matter of time, but now, there are still two very difficult bones ahead.

This feeling of returning to the battlefield made Rita very unhappy.

"What do you think, Mr. Biederman?" A few seconds later, Rita put away the displeasure that flashed across her face, and asked Biederman softly with a smile.

"Our reinforcements will arrive at the beach in five minutes. At that time, we will have a force of more than a hundred people..." Biederman said in a deep voice, while bending down, he outlined the nearby terrain on the beach with his fingers And the sketches of the two lines of defense, and then said to Rita: "I think that no matter which line of defense we attack, we may be flanked by the enemy's heavy firepower, so let's divide our forces directly into two groups, and I will lead the way. Miss Lilith, Miss Qiandao and the three tyrants are attacking the defense line located in the reef group with many bunkers, while my colleagues will lead you and Miss Marfar to attack the defense line located in the dense forest. We will penetrate their defense line from both wings, Then gather near the villages on the island, the tactical command believes that most of the enemies are entrenched in the villages, and by that time, we are likely to fight a tough battle."

Looking at the crude map on the ground, Rita was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's do it like this."

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