"Don't worry, I'll tear your head off and put it in a basket before that!" In the alley across the street, a black man suddenly poked his head out and fired at this side, knocking Boris back. After getting over the wall, seeing Boris shrinking back, he proudly gave him a middle finger.

"Fuck, that bastard..." Boris cursed in a low voice while changing the bullets. Seeing his angry look, Li Yexing asked curiously, "What's wrong with you two?"

"He slept with me!" Boris replied viciously: "You should really see how hot that female cousin is. I can hear her calling Dad when I walk in the corridor!"

"Oh, that's pretty darn..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "I hope you hit his head."

"Thank you..." Boris smiled, then poked his head out suddenly, and shouted while firing at the opposite side: "Hey! You bloody hell! Did you hear that? Li wants me to blow your head off!"

"Lee! It's not fair!" Immediately, there was an angry roar from the opposite side, and the black man shouted: "You forgot the happy time when we were in the same room five years ago who yelled louder? Is it time?!"

"Pervert..." Tillylian slowly focused her gaze on Li Yexing's body, her ruby-like single eyes carried a trace of scrutiny, and after a while, she whispered, "Are you still cheating?"

"It's just a matter of the past, your sister basically knows about it." Li Yexing smiled and patted Ti Lilian's head.

"By the way, this is your new horse?" On the other side, Boris, who had run out of bullets, looked at Tilly Lian and said, "Pretty is really pretty, but she's a bit small, aren't you afraid to play her to death? "

"My lord will tear your mouth apart!" Tillylian said angrily.

"Oh, I'm still a bad temper..." Boris said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is my sister-in-law Tilly Lian, Tilly Lisi's younger sister." Li Yexing explained with a smile, and patted Tilly Lian's head casually.

"Oh, so it's Miss Tillyris' sister, no wonder she's so beautiful..." Boris nodded in a serious manner, and Boris said, "I'm suddenly interested in your mother-in-law, Li, it must be someone who gave birth to such a beautiful daughter." Beauty."

Li Yexing thought about a certain Miss Kelly who had already taken refuge in BSAA, and then said, "Well..."

After chatting with Boris for a few more words, Li Yexing was worried that Jack was in a hurry, so he said goodbye to Boris. He turned around and left the alley with Tillylian and Jack.

After a while, Jack whispered with a confused face, "What happened just now?"

"It's a bit like a duel in an old western movie. It's nothing to make a fuss about. In Loples, this kind of thing happens almost every day. Everyone doesn't take it seriously. Anyway, people are rarely killed..." Li Yexing shrugged Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "Just treat it as an ordinary fight."

Leaving the gunshots behind him, Jack turned his head and took another look. He whispered, "Loples is incredible..."

"Right!" Tillylian said a little excitedly: "My lord, just say it! Lopulus is so fun, there are interesting people everywhere! My lord really likes this place!"

After the episode, the crowd walked not long before they came to the door of the Frantic Bar. Li Yexing smiled and said to Jack, "This is the place." Not moving at all.

The door is locked.

"Is this...closed?" Li Yexing frowned and whispered


One more.

Volume 6 Mission.6-[-]. The accident of the hunk

Because the crazy bar was closed, Li Yexing was unable to invite the old man to have a drink later. Jack euphemistically expressed his unwillingness to continue walking with Li Yexing, and then left.

"It's strange..." On the way back to the office, Tilly Lian whispered, "Obviously my lord was still there when I left in the morning, why did they all disappear within a few hours..."

"Who knows, maybe there is something to be busy..." Li Yexing shrugged.

Having said that, Li Yexing really can't think of the circumstances under which all the members of the frantic team would go out without saying a word. According to the original first agency, in order to ensure that they can connect with Li Yexing at any time, unless there is an emergency, Otherwise, there must be someone on duty in the crazy bar, but now, there is no one in the bar.

Could it be that the European branch of Black Umbrella was finally investigated by the BSAA?

Just when Li Yexing was a little confused, Li Yexing's phone rang suddenly.

He stopped, took out his phone, and glanced at the caller ID, only to see a big "Hunk" written on the note on the phone.

"Who is it?" Holding Li Yexing's shoulder, Tillylian asked as she hopped her feet trying to see the phone screen.

"Keep your voice down, it's Hank..." Li Yexing whispered, then connected to the phone, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, Hank? I just passed by your bar. Where have you all gone?"

"Listen! Li, something is wrong!" A low and serious voice came from the phone, and Hank said urgently, "Come to the hospital, hurry up!"

"What's the matter?" Li Yexing frowned. From the phone call with Hank, he heard something unusual.

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, anyway, come here quickly, I'll wait for you at the gate of the hospital!" Hank said urgently.

"I see, I'll drive towards you right away..." Li Yexing said in a deep voice, "Do you need anyone with me?"

"No need for now, just come first." Hank said.

"Understood." After Li Yexing finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He patted Tilly Lian on the shoulder and said, "Go back to the office first, and tell Rita that I may not be going back for dinner at noon."

"Oh?! Do you want my lord to talk to that maid?!" Tillylian shook her head fiercely, her face showing fear: "No! I don't want to talk to that maid! It feels super scary!"

"Scary? You mean Rita? Stop making trouble..." Li Yexing rubbed Tilly Lian's head with a smile and said, "If you don't want to talk to Rita, then go find your sister."

"Oh, if it's my lord sister..." Tillylian nodded.

In this way, Li Yexing frowned after quickly sending Tilly Lian home, and rushed to the hospital in the center of Lopules.

It is said that it is a hospital, but it is actually just a three-story building. Although the medical conditions are poor, the equipment is lacking, and the medical expenses are high, the level of doctors is worthy of recognition, especially the proficiency in amputation operations can be said to be excellent.

After running for more than ten minutes, Li Yexing arrived at the entrance of the hospital. From a long distance, he saw Hank guarding the entrance of the hospital. He was wearing that combat uniform, with a gun on his back, and his gas mask was hung. At the waist, his face was extremely gloomy. After seeing Li Yexing, his face looked a little better.

Quickly running in front of Hank, Li Yexing glanced at the entire row of three-story buildings behind him, then frowned and said, "Who happened?"

"Director Casimir." Hank replied directly.

Li Yexing was stunned, as if he suspected that he had heard it wrong. After a while, he frowned and said, "You mean, that guy Kasimir is lying on it?"

"Shoulder and right leg were shot, severe blood loss, still being rescued." Hanke replied in a deep voice.

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