"Wait, why did this guy show up in Loples?" Li Yexing wondered, "And how did he get injured? What about the security forces of the European branch?"

"I can't tell at the moment, let's talk as we go..." Hank said to Li Yexing, after finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the small building behind, and Li Yexing immediately followed.

Bypassing the first building and walking towards the back building, Hanke said slowly, "Something happened in the European branch."

"An accident?" Li Yexing frowned and asked in a low voice, "They asked BSAA to investigate?"

"It's more serious than BSAA's problem..." Hanke said in a deep voice, "The European branch is completely blocked."

"Complete lockdown? Has the virus leaked?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"No, it's the joint committee..." Hanke shook his head and said, "The executive department under the joint committee at the headquarters sent someone here. It's a very troublesome woman. All projects have been frozen, the Security Department has been disarmed, all means of communication have been banned, and the first agency has been completely paralyzed..."

After a slight pause, Hank continued: "I guess it won't be long before the executive officer from the executive department will find out about the matter of the first agency."

When the two entered the building, their nostrils were immediately surrounded by the smell of the potion. Li Yexing followed Hank upstairs and said, "So, your research director was hunted down by his own people?"

"It's not my own." A cold voice answered Li Yexing's question. Li Yexing raised his head and saw a young woman in business office attire standing on the stairs. She pushed her glasses and looked at Li Yexing. Ye Xingdao: "There have always been some ideological conflicts between the European branch and the headquarters, as well as a few other branches. This surprise inspection by the executive department is just an excuse. Some people want to eradicate dissidents before the rights change."

Looking at the woman standing on the stairs, Li Yexing had a slight impression. The woman seemed to be the secretary of Kasimir's supervisor, and her name was probably... Jia Liya?

"However, is your Black Umbrella faction struggle so complicated?" Scratching his head, Li Yexing said with some doubts: "And I still don't understand, according to Hanke, hasn't the European branch been completely controlled?" Are you staying? Why is Kasimir here?"

"As soon as the executive officer arrived at the European branch, the minister arranged for Director Casimir to evacuate secretly..." Jia Liya said coldly: "As for the evacuation to Lopulus, it is the decision of Director Casimir. decision."

"Then why did it happen?" Li Yexing asked, frowning.

"Because our car was attacked by unknown armed forces on the mountain road near Loples..." Jia Liya frowned slightly and said, "According to their equipment, I suspect that they are Finn from the Eastern European Branch of Black Umbrella." Lear Force."

"Fenrir's troops? What is that?" Li Yexing scratched his head, feeling that the amount of information was a bit overwhelming.

"The nature of Fenrir's troops is similar to that of the Frenzied Squad. They are all formed to perform special missions..." Hank said in a deep voice: "But it's different from our flying and dog-hopping team, Fenrir It's a real elite."

Li Yexing frowned tightly.


Two more.

I'm going to take a break today, my mind is a little messed up, not necessarily the third watch.

Volume 6 Mission.7-[-]. Macho calculations

"Bai Muqing, 23 years old, Chinese-American, proficient in various martial arts, received a doctorate from STF University at the age of 17, and at the same time studied law by himself, and entered the headquarters of Black Umbrella under the recommendation of the joint committee two years later. After working for one year, she was transferred to the executive department, and in August 2009, she officially became one of the executive officers of the executive department, code-named ten, and she is the youngest executive officer in the history of Black Umbrella."

In the corridor of the hospital, Li Yexing and all members of the frantic team gathered together, listening to Jia Liya's introduction quietly. After Jia Liya's introduction, Li Yexing frowned and said slowly: "The elite education the monster..."

"So, this is our enemy?" Paglis, who took off her gas mask, frowned and said, "Although I don't quite understand it, it sounds very powerful..."

"Miss Jia Liya, I have a question..." Jiang Xueyang raised his hand like a primary school student. He frowned and said, "How much power does this executive have? How many resources can she mobilize?"

"The executive officer is the highest person in charge of the executive agency under the joint committee, and is responsible for exercising powers for the joint committee..." Jia Liya explained coldly: "That is to say, as long as it is acting outside, the executive officer can require any regional branch to completely Yes, unconditional cooperation can even mobilize all the resources of the branch, because the executive officer himself can represent the will of the joint committee."

"My God, why does it sound like the first agency is full of traitors..." Fisher said with a grim expression, "So, our enemy is such a woman?"

"Of course it's not just her..." Jia Liya shook her head and said, "This review of the European branch was proposed by a member of the joint committee named Roaldo Sudleton, and this Miss Bai Muqing is The person in charge of this operation, and the relationship between Senator Sudleton and the Eastern European Branch seems to have been very ambiguous..."

"That is to say, we are going to deal with the entire Eastern European branch?" Anna, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised her head and said, "And it's still without the support of the first agency?"

"That's right." After a moment of silence, Jia Liya replied in a low voice.

"It's too difficult..." Jiang Xueyang shook his head and said, "We were already overwhelmed when we first received Director Kasimir and Miss Jia Liya, Fenrir's troops... are very strong, if it weren't for the patrolling Yidonia Government forces, we probably won't be able to bring Director Casimir back."

"And... this matter is probably not over yet..." Fisher shook his head and said, "I remember that at the end of 2013, the chairperson of the joint committee will be changed, and that so-and-so councilor made it clear that he wanted to eradicate dissidents and force others to stand in line. , want to take the European branch, that is to say, they will not stop until Director Kazimir is brought back."

Sighing lightly, Jia Liya felt unprecedented pressure. She was not sure whether the frantic team could still be loyal to Director Casimir when the first agency was completely paralyzed. What if there was an inner ghost in the team?What if the squad fails to hold off Fenrir's forces?What if that exec decides to bring out the security forces of the European division?

At this moment, Hank suddenly turned his head to look at Li Yexing. He said in a deep voice, "Boss Li, what do you think about this matter?"

"What?" Li Yexing was slightly taken aback and said, "What do I think?"

"The executive officer Bai Muqing may still be supporting her Eastern European branch behind the scenes. What do you think?" Hanke asked in a deep voice, "I want to know what the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere thinks about this matter."

"Oh..." Nodding seriously, Li Yexing groped his chin for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Tell me, what does this Bai Muqing look like?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, and the eyes of everyone looking at Li Yexing gradually became strange.

"Haha, I just made a joke to brighten the atmosphere. After all, putting on a dead face can't solve the problem..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let them take Director Kasimir away, after all That guy still owes me two million dollars."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Jia Liya's expression softened a little, but even so, she was still a little worried: "I heard that the executive officer is a very ruthless and resolute woman, once she gets unified We will be very passive in mobilizing the capabilities of the Eastern European branch, in this case, can we really defend Director Casimir?"

"To be honest, I don't think she's scary. I really don't understand what you guys are bragging about her for..." After digging his ears, Li Yexing said with a smile: "Maybe she's pretty good outside, but you should know that here It's Lopulus, here, the solution to the problem is not to look at people's qualifications..."

"How do you say that?" Hank asked in a low voice.

"There's nothing to explain, just think about it, a woman who is as dazzling as the stars holding the moon may also be good-looking, has never encountered setbacks in her life, and has always done things smoothly, and now she is still in a high position, what will this lead to? " Li Yexing asked with a smile.

"Arrogant and self-willed." Jia Liya replied coldly, and then asked with some doubts: "But what's the point of this? With all due respect, the opponent now has the power to crush any resourcefulness , and the strength in our hands is not enough to shake the entire branch, even if you add your wives, you must know that although the research and development capabilities of the Eastern European branch are lacking, the armed strength has always been strong."

"It's okay, believe me, maybe we will make mistakes in other places, but our armed forces are absolutely fine..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "As for the others, I basically know it."

"Do you have a plan?" Jia Liya asked in surprise.

"Well, probably the prototype is already in place, let's see her reaction first, I will judge her character based on her reaction..." Li Yexing shrugged and said: "In short, tonight is a very critical time, We have to guard the supervisor who got shot, if my guess about her is correct, that Fenrir force might come to snatch her tonight, as long as tonight is over, I can write the script."

"It sounds so cool..." Jiang Xueyang whispered.

"Then, if there is nothing to do here, I'll go back first..." After finishing what he had to say, Li Yexing waved to everyone, turned around and prepared to leave.

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