On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing was leaving, Jia Liya couldn't help asking, "Mr. Li, will you be back tonight?"

"Of course I'm coming back..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "I'll just go home and report the situation to my wives, that's all. After all, my father-in-law has been collapsed, so I have to inform the family, isn't it? ?


Third watch, it's over.

Volume 6 Mission.8-[-]. Macho script

Sitting in the helicopter, crossing the border of country R, ​​Bai Muqing, with his legs crossed, slowly opened his eyes, then turned his head and looked out the window quietly, the apron on the surface was getting closer and closer.

Sighing softly, Bai Muqing stood up slowly. She straightened her clothes and raised the black long knife at her waist. When she raised her head again, her eyes were no longer the same as before. His eyes were full of confidence and arrogance.

She is the oldest executive officer in the history of Black Umbrella, and a member of the joint committee in the future. She is young and beautiful, with a superior education.

A confident and cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Bai Muqing turned around, revealing his tall and slender figure. When the helicopter landed on the landing pad, the soldiers of the security forces sitting around immediately got up, and they walked quickly with their guns in hand. After getting off the helicopter, he stood guard on both sides of the helicopter. After confirming that it was safe, Bai Muqing stepped forward and walked out of the cabin.

With the soft sound of hard heels hitting the ground, Bai Muqing got off the helicopter. She walked through the guarded soldiers, looked around, and finally locked her sight on the two men standing in front of her.

Standing in front was a middle-aged Caucasian male who looked very burly, and seemed to have some Slavic blood in appearance. He was close to two meters tall, wearing a large gray suit, and wearing leather shoes like boats on his feet. Standing beside him is a man in a white coat. The man is thin and hunchbacked, which is in stark contrast to the giant man in a suit standing beside him. He wears small glasses, and his face shows a bit Wretched, those small eyes are constantly turning under the lens, as if calculating something, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Stretching out her hand and tugging at the collar, Bai Muqing walked slowly towards the giant man in a suit in front of her. When she got in front of the giant man, she stopped and looked at the giant man silently. There seemed to be something colliding with east, west and east, sparks were sparked, the giant man's eyes moved down vaguely, after realizing that Bai Muqing had no intention of drawing his sword, he lowered his head and bowed slightly to Bai Muqing.

The bear-like giant compromised. He stretched out his hairy hand towards Bai Muqing, and said respectfully: "Hello, executive officer, I am the head of the Black Umbrella Eastern Europe Branch, Alexei Mandotoroyevsky, you may call me Alexey."

"Hello, Mr. Alexei, I am the tenth executive officer of the executive department under the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, Bai Muqing..." Taking off the black leather gloves, shaking hands with the strong man in front of him, Bai Muqing turned his gaze away When she arrived at the thin man in a white coat next to the giant man, she smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"This is the new director of our Eastern Europe branch, Professor Angel Paranov..." A slightly ferocious smile appeared on his face, and the minister named Alexei introduced to Bai Muqing, The man next to him also opened his mouth, and he said in a sharp voice: "Hello, Miss Bai, I am the new research director here, you can call me Professor Paranov, but you can call me Angel I don't mind either."

"Nice to meet you, Minister Alexei and Professor Paranov..." Nodding, putting away the polite smile on her face, Bai Muqing's expression became serious, and she said in a deep voice: "Excessive politeness Let it be exempted, how are you doing with the task entrusted to you?"

An imperceptible tangle flashed across his face. Minister Alexei frowned. After a while, he bowed slightly and said, "Sorry, Miss Bai, something went wrong..."

"Something went wrong?" Bai Muqing raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked in a low voice: "Haven't you already discovered the whereabouts of Director Casimir and dispatched the Fenrir troops that the Eastern Europe Division is proud of? Why did something go wrong? "

"Our Fenrir troops were blocked by other unknown militants..." Alexei said with a grim expression, "Commander Fenrir has received news that those militants are well-trained, well-equipped, and aggressive. The firefight took its toll on Fenrir's troops in just two minutes..."

After a pause, Alexei said slowly, "The enemy is the best of the best."

"Heh, the elite of the elite..." Quickly concealing the disdain between her brows and eyes, Bai Muqing looked straight into Alexei's eyes and said, "So, you guys failed, didn't you?"

"That's right, our first phase of operations did not achieve the desired results..." Putting his hands on his chest, the bear-like giant bent down, and he whispered: "This is my responsibility, I will not escape."

Bai Muqing was a little taken aback by Alexei's behavior of not shirking blame or shirking blame. From the laboratory to the executive department, every high-ranking person Bai Muqing met was a push-pull, and now a pragmatic person suddenly appeared in front of him. Minister, this somewhat surprised her.

"There is a saying in heaven, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Minister Alexei doesn't need to stick to a small defeat. We still have a chance..." Bai Muqing's voice softened slightly when he had a good impression of the minister in front of him. There was a smile between her brows and eyes, and she whispered: "At least you didn't lose people, didn't you?"

"Of course." Seeing that Bai Muqing's tone softened, Alexei immediately straightened up, as if a little flattered, he nodded and said: "Don't worry, Miss Bai, we got the information. He was wounded by a stray bullet during the firefight and is currently being treated at the hospital."

"Where's the hospital?" Bai Muqing asked.

"Itonia, Lopulus." Alexei replied.

"Lopules?" Hearing Alexei's answer, Bai Muqing was slightly taken aback, then a smile appeared on her face, and she whispered: "No wonder it costs so much money to build a 'first institution' No wonder he embezzled public funds to a mercenary, no wonder he ran to Lopulus as soon as something happened, it seems that he realized that he would have such a day as early as half a year ago, so he established the so-called first agency..."

As he said that, Bai Muqing pulled out a small black pad from his bosom, and called up a certain document. On the document, the face of a young Asian man appeared on it. Beside the photo, there were dense documents. This document could Speaking of extremely detailed, only since 2005, there have been fewer written materials about the person in the photo, and most of them are just passing through.

"Li... Ye... Xing... Is he actually a person from the Celestial Dynasty?" Bai Muqing's eyes were full of disdain and contempt as she whispered the man's name. You are actually willing to sell your life to someone like you, let me see what you are capable of."

Taking back the Pad, turning to look at Alexei, Bai Muqing asked in a low voice, "How far is Fenrir's army from Lopulus?"

"It's stationed around Lopulus, Miss Bai." Alexei replied in a deep voice.

"Very good..." Bai Muqing nodded, and she said to Alexei: "The enemy of Fenrir's team is a mercenary team headed by a certain person from the Celestial Dynasty. Then I will pass on the information to you, tomorrow morning six Before midnight, I want your Fenrir troops to bring the criminal Durand Casimir to me alive."

"No problem! Miss Bai!" Alexei said in a low voice, with a hint of sternness flashing in his eyes...

Volume 6 Mission.9-[-]. Macho Troops

At eleven o'clock at night, in the woods on the outskirts of Lopules, a group of heavily armed soldiers were lurking among them. They wore black bulletproof vests, and white combat uniforms under the bulletproof vests. On their shoulders, they wore They wore the black Umbrella logo, but there was a ferocious silver wolf head printed on the logo. In the silence, they remained silent, as if they were waiting for something.

After a while, a middle-aged man glanced at the watch on his wrist, and then dropped the cigarette butt in his mouth on the ground. He turned his head and whispered: "Captain, the time is almost up. We should move."

Accompanied by his voice, the man sitting next to him slowly raised his head, revealing the hideous scar on his face, he lightly pressed the communicator on his ear, and said in a deep voice: "Move. "

As soon as the words fell, the figures stood up one by one. They took out the AK-12 behind them, their expressions were indifferent, and their eyes were like hungry wolves. There were nearly thirty such figures.

Black Umbrella Eastern Europe Division, a special operations force under the Security Department, codenamed: Fenrir.

At the beginning of the [-]st century, Black Umbrella experienced a huge power change. After this change, the power of Black Umbrella began to expand rapidly. The major branches located in the world and its subordinate branches and Operational bases began to be continuously established, and the supply of talents began to be unable to keep up with the development speed of Black Umbrella. In order to support the security departments needed by each branch, Black Umbrella used various means to recruit from prisons in various countries around the world. A large number of death row or serious criminals were recruited, and after simple training, they were made to work for the Ministry of Security, while veterans and mercenaries became the main management of the Ministry of Security.

Although the new recruiting policy has effectively filled the vacancies in the security department, it has also brought about negative effects. Black Umbrella's security department has relatively low combat capability and hardly has the ability to fight head-on with the armed forces of the same industry. , in order to alleviate this situation, Alexey Mandotoroyevsky, a former Soviet senior military officer who was originally from the military, and now the xx chief of the Eastern European Branch, proposed the "elite concept", that is, let each branch recruit Real veterans of the frontline army and excellent mercenaries who have experienced many battles, together with rigorous training, form a combat team with super combat effectiveness.

This concept was highly praised by the joint committee, and various branches began to experiment, while the Eastern European branch took the lead and quickly formed its own combat force. The name of this force was "Fenrir Force".

In order to form a troop that can handle with ease no matter whether it is fighting against humans or facing biochemical crises, Minister Alexei referred to a large number of materials. Among them, the information about Umbrella's USS troops attracted his attention. As Umbrella Pulling the real sharp knife troops, the USS has a strong combat power, even if it is fighting head-on with the special forces, it can not be defeated. Such a monster.

However, these are not the most important. Compared with their training and combat capabilities, Alexei values ​​their concept, that is, CQBZ (Close Quarter Qurantined Battle Zone). In order to restore this concept, he even gave Fenrir All members of the troops were equipped with special military hand axes, and the Fenrir troops did not disappoint Alexei. In the various battles for Umbrella's heritage, the Fenrir troops played an important role, although the Eastern European branch Its research and development capabilities are insufficient, but it has obtained a large amount of Umbrella heritage by relying on its strong combat capabilities, which is why the Eastern European Division is valued by the Joint Committee.

Compared to a research institution, the Eastern Europe branch is more like a huge military camp, and Fenrir's troops are the sharpest daggers in this military camp.

However, today the dagger hit the steel plate.

As early as a day ago, Fenrir's troops had already arrived at the outskirts of Lopulus. According to the news from the European Central Branch, the mission target, the former research director of the European Branch Durand Casimir It is likely to pass through Loples, so they set up an ambush early, just waiting to catch them off guard. Sure enough, just as the intelligence said, the car in charge of Casimir passed the road leading to Loples on time. , Fenrir's troops immediately began to intercept, and just when they thought this operation would be easy, a group of monsters suddenly came out from the direction of Lopulus.

The group of people wore some black Umbrella combat uniforms, but everyone's equipment was very different. Compared with the uniform elite troops, they were more like a group of mercenaries.

In this encounter, Fenrir's troops fought very unsatisfactorily. The enemy was elusive, and even used large-caliber sniper bullets to destroy the transportation of Fenrir's troops. Within two minutes, they had one dead and two wounded.

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