In the end, the patrol team of the Itonia government army appeared, and the two sides had to stop the exchange of fire. Fenrir's troops could only watch the two battered cars drive into Loples and drive away.

This is an unacceptable shame!

Fortunately, this kind of humiliation will not hang over Fenrir's troops for too long, because the new order has been issued. The target Casimir was injured in the daytime exchange of fire and is now staying at the hospital in Lopulus. The executive officers of the government demanded that they bring Director Kazimir back for trial by [-]:[-] am Moscow time.

"Anyway, it's too early before six o'clock..." The man walking beside the captain whispered through the woods and along the road to Lopulus: "What is that executive officer thinking? "

The captain with a scarred face didn't answer, but just walked forward with his gun in his hand.

Seeing that the captain didn't reply, the man continued: "By the way, captain, have you read the information sent from it? Is that the Asian-faced mercenary?"

The captain still didn't speak, but raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was a little interested in this topic.

"The mad dog of Lopulus..." After a pause, the man walking beside the captain continued: "Captain, you know that I was a mercenary in the early years, so I still have many friends over there. Some time ago, I seemed to have heard them mention it, saying that you must never confront this guy, and also said..."

Before he finished speaking, the captain suddenly raised his hand and stopped the whole team. Immediately afterwards, he suddenly fell to the ground. In the next second, the entire Fenrir team was lying on the ground in the woods.

A few seconds later, with the light of the headlights dispelling the darkness, a green truck drove past on the road. The truck was full of soldiers in green military uniforms and tattered helmets, holding AK-47s in their hands. , seemed to be chatting about something.

A few seconds later, the truck drove past, and the sound of the engine gradually faded away. After confirming safety, the captain stood up, and he waved his hand. In an instant, the team members behind him stood up one after another.

"Was that the Yidonian government army just now?" The man on the side raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's really shabby."

The captain still didn't answer, he raised his head, and through the sparse trees, he could already see Lopulus in front of him. It was late at night, and Lopulus was completely dark, with only a few sporadic lights still shining. It was like a monster that was eating people, staring at its eyes and opening its mouth wide, waiting for the food to arrive.

For some reason, the captain suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart...

Second watch, don't wait for third watch, I'm so sleepy, I may not be able to get up today if I sleep.

Volume 6 Mission.10-[-]. Macho Heavy Industry

The five-person team quickly passed through the dark alleys without people, and gathered by the hospital wall. After nightfall, only the street full of girls and sisters was still lit. The lights of the hospital.

"They call this a hospital?" Looking at the row of three-story buildings that looked like they were made out of mud, the middle-aged man holding an AK-12 couldn't help but whispered.

Leaning against the wall of the hospital, the captain still didn't speak. He frowned, looking restless, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Captain, captain?"

His thoughts were interrupted, and the captain of Fenrir's army raised his head. He glanced at his adjutant, then ran away from the distracting thoughts in his mind, pulled himself together, pressed the communicator next to his ear and whispered: "B , C, D, and E teams are all ready?"

Originally, according to the predetermined plan, Fenrir's troops could enter directly through the main entrance of the hospital, or through the walls on both sides of the hospital, but the captain's sense of uneasiness became more and more intense. The troops were divided into five teams, and then bypassed the patrol route of the Itonia government army, assembled on the outer wall of the hospital, and then attacked from different directions at the same time. In this way, even if the team encountered during the day was enough Difficult to deal with, they will lose sight of the other. In this way, they will have a chance to defeat the enemy one by one before the enemy shrinks the line of defense.

Even so, this strong sense of unease has not subsided.

Fortunately, soon, the voices of the team leaders came from the communicator, and they were ready.

The hanging heart relaxed a little, and the captain whispered: "Then let's start."

After all, the captain gently pressed the communicator next to his ear and said coldly: "All teams, start to act!"

After giving the action order, the captain immediately leaned his back against the wall and lowered his body. He supported it with one hand and raised a finger with the other hand. His deputy took the lead and rushed up and stepped on the captain's hand. The captain lifted his hand up, allowing his deputy to see the situation on the other side of the wall. After a while, the deputy stepped on the captain's shoulder and jumped over.

Just when the captain was about to send the next person in, the deputy's voice suddenly came from the communicator, and he whispered: "Wait a minute, there is a situation!"

Hearing the deputy's words, the captain immediately frowned, but then, the deputy's voice came out again, and he whispered: "There is a girl over here..."

On the other side of the wall, the deputy holding an AK-12 was staring at the girl in front of him. He saw that the girl's skin was as clear and white as snow, her soft long silver hair was quietly hanging down her back, and her red eyes were like rubies. Generally bright and bright, she was wearing a white lace dress and sandals on her feet. When the moonlight slanted down, the girl bathed in it raised her head slightly.

Subconsciously put down the AK-12 in his hand, the deputy was stunned. He never thought that there could be such a beautiful girl in this world, just like an angel.

"Bluto, what's going on with you?" The captain's voice came from the communicator, waking up the deputy who was intoxicated by the girl's beauty. He shook his head vigorously, and then looked at the suffocatingly beautiful girl in front of him. , and then pressed the communicator and said: "Captain, there is a girl on the other side of the wall. Because she is not tall and is close to the wall, I didn't see it just now."

I don't know if it was the illusion of the deputy, but when he said "not tall", the brows of the beautiful girl in front of him seemed to frown slightly.

On the other side, the other side of the communicator was silent. After a while, the captain said: "Kill her."

"What..." The deputy was slightly taken aback, but the captain continued: "That girl may reveal our attack direction, Brutal, kill her, this is an order."

The deputy gritted his teeth, and said that it was not that he hadn't thought about the shepherd's problem, the key was that no one told him that the shepherd was a beautiful girl with silver hair and red eyes!

After the battle between heaven and man, the deputy sighed. With the guilt of tearing up the beauty of this world with his own hands, he slowly raised the AK-12 in his hand, and put the muzzle of the gun on the girl's head. He said softly: "Sorry, kid, don't blame me, this is the captain's order."

The silver-haired and red-eyed girl held her head against the muzzle of the gun with no expression on her face, and there was no trace of fear on her face. This made the deputy's guilt even stronger. The moment he put his finger on the trigger, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the distance. Dazuo, immediately after, there was a scream from the communicator, and the voice shouted: "Monster! Captain! This is Team C! We have encountered a monster! That damned maid with long fingers what!"

With a harsh noise, the communication was cut off, and the screams of teammates stopped abruptly.

"What..." The deputy was slightly taken aback, and he turned his head again to look at the silver-haired girl in front of him, only to see that girl was staring at her with those ruby-like eyes, as if looking at an ant.

"Damn it! What's going on here?!" A gust of cold air rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and the assistant only felt his scalp tingling. With a gunshot, the bullet casing fell to the ground, and the girl's head shook violently, but then, she turned her head again, and a faint bruise appeared on the forehead that had just been hit by the bullet.

In the next second, blood and brains were smeared on the wall accompanied by screams.

Outside the wall, hearing the screams coming from behind, the captain immediately frowned. He stood up and pressed the communicator and shouted: "Bluto! What's going on?! Call back!"

Suddenly, a coolness from the bone marrow filled his body, and the captain suddenly realized that his position seemed to be inappropriate. He was about to take a step away from the wall behind him, only to see that the wall next to his head was suddenly pierced. The hole, accompanied by broken bricks and rubble, a slender hand covered in dust stretched out from the hole, then grabbed his face firmly, and pressed his head hard against the wall .

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Being unable to speak, feeling his head being crushed little by little, the captain raised his hands in panic and tore the figurine on his face, but at this moment, the slender arm It was like a hydraulic press that held down his head firmly, no matter how much he struggled, the hand remained motionless.

On the other side, watching their captain being firmly pressed against the wall, the remaining three team members showed fear of the unknown, and they hurriedly raised their guns, as if to help the captain out of the siege, but the hand Just pressing on the captain's face, they didn't dare to shoot at all, for fear of accidentally injuring the captain.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Finally, a team member couldn't bear the pressure and opened fire. He shot at the hand that was pressing on the captain's face, but in the next second, there was a sound as the bullet fell to the ground. With a soft sound, even greater despair fell on them. The AK-12 bullets didn't even leave a bullet hole on the back of that hand!

As if bored, the slender arm suddenly moved, and the broken bricks and rubble were scattered again, while the hand was still moving to the side, and the captain who was pressed against the wall immediately uttered a cry like a pig, At this moment, what he was facing was not only the pressure from his face, but also the friction from the wall. He could even feel that his head was like a large piece of butter being rubbed on sandpaper!

In the next second, amidst the heart-piercing screams, the captain's head shattered suddenly, and some deformed eyeballs flew out with blood and shreds of flesh, hitting a team member's face, but The three team members remained motionless, listening to the gunshots from the hospital and the continuous screams from the communicator, and witnessing the tragic death of the captain, their spirits had already collapsed.

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