"Didn't you forget it?" Li Yexing said with a smile: "Be patient, if you want to serve a big dish before finishing the soup before the meal, it will scare our guests away. Tonight's meal, We have to eat one bite at a time."

"Go to the female horse..." His face looked a little better, Yegel smiled and pushed Li Yexing and said: "It's not your turn to teach me how to fight."

Seeing that Yegel's mood had stabilized, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone with a smile and dialed a certain number. After a while, a deep and hoarse voice rang from the other side of the mobile phone, and the man said in a deep voice: "What? thing?"

"Don't guard the hospital, Hank, the situation of the battle has changed, the enemy has started to invest in BOW, and those unlucky guys that Agor hired are not very good at dealing with them..." Li Yexing smiled and said: "Now, take your team Come on in, it's time for the death show."

"What about Director Casimir?" Hank asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Tiriris and Tong will tear apart the enemies who enter the hospital, no matter if they are human or BOW..." Li Yexing replied with a smile.

"Where's Miss Kanan?" Keenly aware that Li Yexing's roll call seemed to be missing one, Hanke couldn't help asking curiously.

"I asked her to do some personal things for me..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "And I guess according to her personality, there is no difference between letting her stay in the hospital honestly and killing her. In this case, it is better to let her She went out to get some air, and killed another wave by the way, so she might be able to force out the opponent's next card."

"It seems that you have arranged everything properly..." Hank said in a deep voice, "No problem, the frantic team is ready to dispatch at any time, what do you need us to do?"

"Go to support the frontal battlefield in front of the hospital..." Li Yexing said: "The other party left a large group of hunters γ. Those guys have never seen this thing before, and they can't handle it."

"Hunter... γ? You mean the hunter γ that looks like a frog?" Hearing this ancient name, Hank was slightly taken aback, and then wondered: "Won't they hibernate in such a cold day? ?”

It seems that Mr. Death God and Li Yexing have the same doubts.

"Although I am also curious about this matter, they obviously don't hibernate, and they have already eaten two unlucky eggs..." Li Yexing replied.

"Understood..." Hank whispered: "The Frenzied Squad will be dispatched immediately and will give you the information on the battlefield as soon as possible. Please ask your girls to protect Director Casimir and ensure your communication time." In a state of patency.”

"Don't worry." Li Yexing replied with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yexing waved his hand at Yegel and said, "Look, this is settled."

"Who are you talking on the phone with?" Yegel asked with some doubts.

"Of course they are from my side..." Li Yexing replied: "They are experts in dealing with BOW, and they are very good at small-scale special operations. You don't have to question their capabilities at all."

"Of course I won't question their abilities..." Yegel said, "After all, they are from your side."

"Okay, I'll play this card too..." After dealing with everything, Li Yexing stretched with a smile, then turned his gaze out of the window under Yegel's gaze, and quietly watched the flickering lights outside the window. Huoguang, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he whispered to himself: "Young and energetic executive, let me see how many cards are left in your hand...


Volume 6 Mission.33-[-]. The macho good brother

"Damn it! I'm alive!"

Stepping out of the gate of the hospital, Kanan took a deep breath, and then shouted excitedly: "Mama, you should have let me out a long time ago! The smell of disinfectant in the hospital makes me want to throw up!"

After leaving the hospital, the voice that saved herself from boredom still echoed in her mind, and she still remembered Li Yexing saying to her on the phone: "Kanan, I need you to do something here. You leave Lopulus and find the location of the enemy headquarters."

"Huh? Boss, are you finally going to do something?" Kanan asked with bright eyes.

"Almost..." Li Yexing said on the opposite side of the phone: "According to my estimation, the temptations of both sides have been completed, and the next step is to turn over all the cards and fight desperately, so I know the location of the enemy's headquarters. As they put most of their power into Lopulus, we rushed out, bypassed the headquarters from the dense forest outside, and took them all, this is called all tactical changers!"

"Okay boss! No problem boss! I'll go right away!" Although she didn't quite understand why all tactics had to be changed, Kanan knew very well that it was time for her to relax. After hanging up the phone, she turned to Tiliris Hitomi and Chishima proudly shook the caller ID on his mobile phone, and then rushed out of the hospital like a strong wind.

"But...Although I am out of the hospital, where do I go?" Once out of the hospital, Kanan was caught in a dilemma. At this moment, all the military forces of the Black Umbrella Eastern European Branch have entered the small In the alley, street battles started with local mercenaries and Italian gangsters, so if you walk from the street, the road ahead is probably unimpeded. people hit.

In just a moment, Kanan had the answer, take the alley, how close it is to take the alley!

It's not because the fierce gunshots in the alley are particularly moving!

After making up her mind, Kanan showed an unrestrained smile on her face. She walked around the hospital wall, then went straight into the dark alley, and went straight to the place where the gunshots were the loudest.


"Female horses! Hold on! Don't let them push any further!" In the alley, a rough voice roared with gunshots, Moganzi's black hair was cut, and he was wearing a khaki body armor. A muscular man full of tattoos held an AK-47 in his hand and shouted loudly while firing towards the other side of the alley. Beside him, there was a large group of people also wearing khaki body armor and holding AK-47s. Men, at this moment, they are sticking to the alley in front of them, and on the other side of the alley, a large group of weird people wearing black combat uniforms and black bulletproof vests, with extremely long arms are holding HK-416 and slowly advancing.

The muscular man with the mohawk head is named Duergen. He is from Ukraine. He once served in the Ukrainian army. He fled overnight because he shot and killed the officer who slept with his wife while drunk. With excellent strength, he quickly pulled up a team of unlucky guys named "Wild Wolf Legion", and he himself became the head of the mercenary group.

Today, as usual, they accepted the commission from Agor, the smuggler of Lopulus. The commission was very simple, with a commission of [-] yuan. They cooperated with other locals to stop a group of guys who would call at the door at night. Alley, not allowing them to get half a step closer to the hospital.

This task is too simple, as long as you stop the person, there is no need to work hard!

In the beginning, the members of the Wild Wolf Legion fought very shrewdly, even a little fishy, ​​until the group of gibbons entered the battlefield.

Although they looked like humans at first glance, Duergen could tell at a glance that those things were not humans at all. What's more, how could humans continue to move forward after being shot so many times?

If these long-armed monkeys with guns and body armor put a lot of pressure on the local mercenaries, then those frog-like monsters that ran out later became the straw that crushed the defense line. These frog monsters have abnormal bodies. They are very strong and can eat bullets. It takes almost half a shuttle to kill an AK-47, and the hind legs of these monsters are very powerful, they can jump very far at once, and their mouths are so big that they can eat people in one bite!

Although Agor had mentioned about the possibility of BOW when accepting the commission before, Durgen really did not expect these monsters to be so difficult to deal with.

Under the attack of the monsters, the local mercenaries and gangsters including the wolf army had to slowly shrink their defenses. Seeing that there were only less than [-] meters away from the hospital, Duergen became more and more anxious. When he continued to retreat, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Oh? Why aren't you Moxie? What a coincidence!"

Following the sound, Duergen, who was nervous, turned his head suddenly, and saw a woman in a leather jacket and denim shorts standing behind him, her face was full of joy, and she looked in a good mood No way.

"Hey! It's the man-in-law of the Li family!" Looking at the woman in front of him, a trace of fear appeared on Duergen's face, and he shouted like a little hen being picked up by the old woman for bloodletting. Even the smoke in his mouth fell to the ground.

Hearing Durgen's horrified yell, the surrounding mercenaries turned their heads subconsciously, and then all showed terrified expressions, even ignoring the long-armed monsters slowly advancing in the opposite alley.

"Wow! What kind of expression do you guys have?!" Seeing a large group of tall and thick men showing ghost-like expressions, Kanan couldn't help but frowned and said, "Don't act like a ghost, okay? We even drank together Woolen cloth!"

The evening wind passed through the alley amidst the sound of gunfire, gently stroking Kanan's unzippered black leather jacket, revealing his slim waist and black sports bra covering the small mountain bag. At this moment, Duergen didn't even have the courage to take another look. His neck was stiff, and he stared straight at Kanan's face, as if two hands had fixed his head firmly. .

No wonder the Wolf Legion was so scared. Back in April last year, they had a fight with this woman in Agor’s tavern. At that time, Duergen took a glance at his upper body, wearing only a sports bra, and drinking alone. Kanan, said in his heart, seemed to be a woman he had never seen before.

Agor's tavern is a place full of male hormones, and girls like Kanan with a touch of wildness are fatally attractive to these wild men in the pit. After thinking for a while with the lower body , Duergen went up to strike up a conversation decisively, and his eyes were not honest when striking up a conversation, and he glanced back and forth at Kanan's fit upper body.

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