Naturally, Kanan has seen this kind of thing a lot, and she didn't bother to care about it until Duergen couldn't help but say: "I'm going out dressed like this, why are you pretending to be cold?"

"Huh?" Biting the cigarette in his mouth, Kanan slowly turned his head, raised his eyebrows and said, "You want me to pick out your eyeballs?"

With just one glance, Duergen realized that this woman is very strong, but at this moment, the tavern is full of colleagues, and everyone is watching the fun, and Duergen is a person with a good face, after thinking about it, he sat For the dozen or so brothers beside the counter, Duergen pointed at his own eyes and said viciously: "Cousin, the eyes are here, you can pick them out if you have the ability!"

So Duergen was beaten up by Fatty.

In a panic, Duergen shouted: "Brothers! Don't look! Copy the guy and fuck her!"

So Durgen and his brethren were beaten up.

When the dust settled, Duergen's brothers lay down on the ground, all the mercenaries in the tavern were silent, their expressions were like they had seen a ghost, and several members of the Italian gangsters had already started calling for support, and In the middle of the bar, the refreshed Kanan stomped Durgen's head on the chair, pressed the cigarette butt on his mouth to Durgen's temples, and then picked it up on the ground. Looking at the broken glass bottle, he sneered while moving towards Duergen's eyes: "It can be picked out, right? That's what you said..."

Durgen let out a scream like a pig.

Of course, the eyes were saved in the end, because Li Yexing came, he smiled and apologized to Duergen, and asked how much he should pay for being beaten so hard.

Duergen thought for a while, and felt that Kanan must be exhausted from beating people so hard, so he gave Kanan two hundred dollars, and bought Kanan a drink a few days later, which seemed to settle the suspicion.

That is to say, from here, the mercenaries of Lopulus knew that there was another irascible woman in Lopulus...

Three shifts, call it a day.

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Volume 6 Mission.34-[-]. The hunk brother turned up

It is said that the past is fleeting, but Durgen feels that the memories with this Miss Kanan are particularly unbearable.

Taking a deep breath, he tried his best to hide the fear and restraint on his face, put on a forced smile, and Duergen said to Kanan: "Miss Mafar, why are you here? Boss Li asked me to Are you here to support us?"

"It is true that BOSS asked me to come out, but I am not here to help you, I have a mission." Kanan replied with a smile.

"Really?" Hearing Kanan's answer, Duergen's eyes showed a trace of imperceptible disappointment. Although he was very afraid of Kanan, he had to say that Kanan was really good!If they could get her help, they might have a chance to pull the front line back to the alley before, which would effectively relieve the pressure on the entire mercenary front.

"Boss! They rushed through the alley in front!" The shouts and bursts of gunfire from his subordinates pulled Duergen back from his thoughts. He frowned and said to Kanan: " Since Miss Kanan has her own business, let's do it quickly, we are fighting very hard here, and we don't have time to take care of you."

After all, Duergen turned his head, aimed his gun at the alley in front of him again, and at the same time shouted at the team members around him: "Hold me to death, once our side falls again, this street will be destroyed!" I'm going to lose it!"

Seeing a group of tall and thick men with guns in front of them looking like they were going to die or live, Kanan couldn't help but smacked her lips. She stepped forward, taking advantage of the time when Duergen emptied the magazine and replaced the ammunition, she He went straight up, then poked his head out, and saw in the alley ahead, a group of long-armed men in black combat uniforms, holding HK-416, and gray skin, slowly advancing towards this side.

"What the hell is this?" Kanan asked, frowning.

"God knows what this is!" Durgen said coldly after changing the bullets: "These guys are wrapped too tightly. Their helmets are very strong. It takes several rounds to penetrate them. And arms can't stop them at all. Since these guys entered, we have retreated two streets, and there is a monster that looks like a frog in the alley. Two of the unlucky guys guarding the police station were directly Swallowed alive..."

Speaking of this, Durgen patted Kanan on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, Miss Marfar, we still have to work."

Kanan didn't speak, nor did she leave. She just poked her head out slightly, staring at the gun-wielding monsters who were walking up step by step. The special version of Beretta 9x2F, turned his head, raised his eyebrows and said to Duergen: "Come, light me a cigarette."

"Ah? Oh!" Duergen was taken aback for a moment, and then his face couldn't restrain his ecstasy. Seeing Kanan's posture, he knew that this irascible old lady was going to make a move in person.

Hastily took out a pack of crumpled high-end cigarettes from his pocket, threw out one, and handed it to Kanan's mouth respectfully. Kanan clamped the cigarette holder with his lips, and pulled the cigarette out of the cigarette case. A mercenary working for Duergen immediately took out a lighter and lit Kanan on fire.

Putting the smoke on the flame and lighting it, Kanan took a deep breath and sprayed two streams of white mist from her nose, then she frowned.

"What's the matter? Sister? My cigarettes are not easy to smoke?" Seeing Kanan's expression changed, Duergen immediately said nervously: "It shouldn't be, Sister, my cigarettes are quite expensive!"

"I know..." Kanan turned his head, looked at the monsters with long arms that were almost touching their faces in the alley, and said in a low voice: "The person who handed the cigarette and the person who lit the cigarette are both wrong. , tasteless."

The next second, Kanan rushed out with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey! Wait! Sister, are you crazy?!" Seeing Kanan rushing towards the opponent, Duergen was so frightened that his eyeballs were about to fall out, and he rushed directly to meet the firepower?Where is the war fought like this? !Seeing those long-armed monsters in black aiming their guns at Kanan who was on the way, Duergen only felt that his eyes were darkened, as if he could already see the tragic situation of Kanan being beaten into a sieve and I have a miserable future when I am used as fertilizer by Li Yexing after the fall!

However, in the next second, Durgen was stunned.

At the moment when those long-armed monsters held the trigger with their fingers, Kanan's fierce man with guns in both hands jumped up. I dodged all the bullets, and the gunfire flickered in the dark alley, illuminating Kanan's face with a crazy smile. The tattoos on his arms were squirming with rapid breathing. The female gunman shouted with joy, "Let's Dance!"

In the next second, before the enemy's firepower focused on him, Kanan kicked his legs fiercely, jumped up while stepping on the wall, spun his body in the air, and flashed in a strange posture that was enough to scare Newton out of the coffin. After bullets shot at him one after another, Kanan suddenly changed his figure in the air with the help of this inertia, and stepped on the chest of the long-armed monster leading the way. The huge impact directly knocked the monster The monster fell to the ground, and Kanan stepped on the monster directly.

The inertia brought by the impact could no longer be restrained. The long-armed monster stepped on by Kanan slid towards the depths of the alley at high speed like a skateboard. Kanan's eyes flashed a sternness, and she squatted down suddenly, avoiding the other long-armed monsters around her. The arm monster shot at her bullet, and at the same time crossed her arms in front of her, aiming two silver modified Beretta 9x2Fs at the sides, and then, her body suddenly spun on the monster under her feet.

The black ponytail fluttered in the air, and the centrifugal force brought by the rotation lifted the black jacket on Kanan's upper body, revealing a toned and slender waist with thin scars. The female gunman with a high-end cigarette in her mouth suddenly opened fire. The gun spit out flames, and under the rotation of Kanan, it continuously shot at the monsters with long arms holding the gun beside them. The extended magazine gave Kanan enough firepower, and the special armor-piercing warhead sprayed out with the flames , directly penetrated all the helmets of the surrounding long-armed monsters, and the warheads burst open like flowers after entering the heads of the long-armed monsters, completely destroying the brains of the monsters.

The inertia gradually disappeared, and the monsters under his feet no longer slid forward, but Kanan's goal had been achieved. In the dark alley behind him, those long-armed monsters with guns fell down one after another, and their bodies kept falling. It turned into water mist and evaporated in the air little by little, leaving only a piece of equipment and liquid on the ground. Kanan frowned, and directly put his two guns on the head of the monster with long arms that he used as a skateboard under his feet , and then fired at the same time, shooting the last two bullets in the double guns together.

After emptying the bullets, Kanan stood up, opened his arms suddenly, and spun the two modified silver Beretta 9x2F in his hands, and the empty magazines slipped out of the gun at the same time , fell to the ground with a tidy sound, between Kanan's lips, there was still a long ash on the cigarette lit by the Wild Wolf Legion just now, and it didn't fall off at all.

Watching the corpse of the monster under his feet gradually turn into mist, Kanan reloaded his double guns, then clamped the half of the cigarette hanging in his mouth with his fingers, and inserted it into the bullet hole on the monster's helmet.

"This cigarette is tasteless, you should smoke it..." Kanan said coldly, after all this was done, she turned around and saw behind her, the eyes of the Wolf Legion headed by Duergen were wide open, It's like seeing a fairy...

One more.

Volume 6 Mission.35-[-]. The Mentality Explosion of the Macho Supervisor

Consciousness gradually surfaced from the dark abyss, like a drowning person desperately longing for breath. Under this impact, the five senses gradually returned to the body, and there were bursts of noise and noise faintly coming from the ears. There were faint gunshots and explosions, and after a while, Director Kazimir on the hospital bed opened his eyes.

The strange and somewhat dirty ceiling came into view, and the nose was filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant and the musty smell from the bedding that had not been dried for too long. Director Casimir turned his head with difficulty, and saw his own The secretary, Jia Liya, was standing by her side. The woman was as usual, wearing an OL uniform on her upper body, and a short skirt with a hip wrap on her lower body. Two long black silk legs protruded from them, overlapping each other. Behind the black-rimmed glasses, that woman The pair of eyes are staring out the window, looking worried.

"Jalia..." Director Kasimir called in a low voice, but Jialia didn't seem to hear it. The woman stared out of the window, and the flickering fire illuminated the woman's face from time to time.

"Jalia!" Holding his breath, Director Casimir, who was weak all over, suppressed the severe pain from his shoulders and thighs, and slightly raised his voice.

"What? I'm here!" Subconsciously responding to Director Kasimir's call, Galiya said after being pulled back from her contemplation. Then, she suddenly realized who was calling her, and slowly focused her gaze on Cassie. On Director Mir's face, Jia Liya immediately returned to her usual indifference, and she said in a deep voice, "You are awake, Director Casimir."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Director Casimir faintly felt that for a moment just now, Jia Liya, who saw him wake up, seemed relieved, and looked relieved.

Gently moving the arm under the quilt, there was a sharp pain from the involved wound. Supervisor Kazimir couldn't help squinting his eyes and let out a "hiss", and Jialia, who was sitting by the side, immediately had a frown. With a hint of nervousness, she hurriedly said, "Director Kasimir, what do you want? I'll just get it for you."

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