Then, amidst the desperate cries of the gang boss, the brown-haired man turned and left, closing the door behind him.

A few days later, on the boat that was smuggled back to Loples, the Asian man had a pair of young siblings beside him.

"To be honest, taking them back to Lopulus would be better than just throwing them on the street to beg for food..." In the cabin, the brown-haired man shrugged and said, "Lopulus is not a place for children. "

The young Asian man didn't speak, but just looked out of the window silently. Beside him, the siblings hugged his arms tightly, fearing that he would run away.

"Heh, Li Yexing, Li Yexing..." He whispered the name of his employee softly, a smile appeared on the face of the boss who was born in UBCS, and he said softly: "For the smuggling tickets of these two children, you put yourself this All the money from the second entrustment has been invested in, is it worth it?"

A trace of boredom flashed between his brows, Li Yexing's face was sullen, as if he didn't intend to listen to others.

"Forget it, as long as you are happy..." In the end, the boss just shook his head, looking helpless.

From that day on, the seeds were planted, and the scarred silver-haired brother and sister, the notorious twin killers, deeply burned the name of the big brother in his mind...

Three shifts, call it a day.

Maybe Lao Li's predecessor was not a good person, but he was really naive and passionate.

Volume 6 Mission.40-[-]. Macho Men Collaborate

After all, Hansel didn't tell the story of himself, his sister and Li Yexing, but Hank already understood that from the eyes of the silver-haired boy, he read some inexplicable emotions, which were more like dependence than love.

"Lopulus, does everyone have a story...?" Laughing at himself, Hank smiled helplessly, and then said to Gemini Killer: "Since this commission is for Li's cover letter, how can you You have to take it seriously, you know, Li is very strict."

"En!" The silver-haired Gemini Killer nodded excitedly, looking eager to try.

"Very well, I like energetic young people..." Hank smiled, and at the same time held up the HK-416 in his hand. The members of the security force from the Eastern European branch were slowly advancing with the BOW scavenger troops in front. Hank's smile gradually subsided, and he slowly raised his arms, turning his back to his team members and the silver-haired twins. , he swung his hand violently, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Action!"

In an instant, Hank rushed out of the alley and went straight to the back of the enemy team just now, while Fisher and Anna immediately followed. They looked at each other in blank dismay, and after a long while, the faces of the siblings showed sweet smiles like angels at the same time.

The younger brother Hansel turned around and put the heavy machine gun behind his back. He was facing his sister by the wall, then he suddenly lifted up his big black windbreaker, squatted down, and crossed his hands and fingers. It was like a platform, while her elder sister, Gretel, put the sniper rifle like a heavy artillery on her waist, and then ran directly towards Hansel. When she was in front of Hansel, she jumped up suddenly. Stepping on Hansel's hand, feeling the weight coming from the palm of his hand, Hansel pushed upwards and lifted Grete up directly. With this force, Grete jumped again, Jumped directly onto the roof.

"Leave the top of the head to my sister!" Hansel said with a smile towards Gretel on the roof.

"Then I'll leave it to my younger brother." Gretel responded with a smile as she removed the NTW-20 from her back.

After lifting Gretel onto the roof, Hansel quickly ran towards the direction where the frantic team had just left.


After a burst of gunshots, Jiang Xueyang pulled the bolt, ejected the bullet casing, and then continued to cast his gaze in the scope. From the scream of the hunter γ who was shot in the leg just now, more and more Hunter γ climbed onto the roof, which caused great pressure on Jiang Xueyang. In addition, it seems that because the locals attacked too many times from the roof and inside the building, the security forces from the Eastern European branch also began to attack. Trying to break through the defense line from the roof, they climbed up from all directions, and then fought with the locals and the hunters γ.

Through the scope, Jiang Xueyang saw a small leader of the security force leaping over the roof with his team members. The moment he took off, a hunter γ suddenly jumped out of the alley below, and took the hapless team leader to the ground. Swallowing it in one gulp, Jiang Xueyang didn't hesitate, and pulled the trigger instantly, piercing the hunter γ in mid-air and the team leader in its stomach.

"It's so chaotic..." There were bursts of gunshots from HK-416, which were suppressed by the silencer, but they were still clearly audible. Paglis held the gun and looked through the ACOG sight continuously. He shot towards the roof below, complaining in a low voice: "Both monsters and people are jumping, I don't know who to deal with first."

"Provide cover for the locals in Loples as much as possible. I still have to keep an eye on the captain. I can't be too distracted..." Jiang Xueyang, who had withdrawn from the bullet casing, whispered, shaking the muzzle of his gun, through the Looking for the next target with the scope, I saw a blond lady with a machine gun on the other side. She was hiding behind a pile of debris and fired at the security forces who were trying to pass through the defense line from the roof. The girl in the dress with the chainsaw was jumping back and forth on the roof. At this moment, a hunter γ quietly climbed up from behind the blond lady. Just as it was about to stretch out its mouthparts, Jiang Xueyang shot it directly. The sniper bullets of the caliber pierced through the flesh, and the hunter screamed and fell, leaving only blood on the ground.

Hearing the scream from the monster behind her, the blond elder sister was slightly taken aback, then turned her head, and after seeing the blood on her back, she turned her head to look at Jiang Xueyang's position. Through the scope, Jiang Xueyang could see The woman had a coquettish face and blew a kiss to herself.

"Heh..." Jiang Xueyang chuckled, pulled the bolt of the gun, and then heard Paglis beside him say: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing..." Jiang Xueyang refocused his gaze on the scope, and said in a low voice: "Lopulus is really an interesting place."

"Yeah, it's interesting that Lopules has that bitch who casually blows kisses to other men..." A jealous smell rushed over her face, and Paglis muttered: "That woman is disgusting, It’s better not to wear such shameless clothes.”

Before talking about others, please take a look at your own wardrobe, I am afraid that you are no better than her when you are in bed...

Of course, such words must not be said clearly. Jiang Xueyang turned his eyes and saw that the hunters γ had been unable to stop the security forces who were determined to fly over the roof from all directions. He directly locked his sights on those people. Then he pulled the trigger, and after a burst of gunshots, Jiang Xueyang pulled the bolt and said to Paglis: "Keep an eye on the security forces, there are not enough hunters, and we can't stop them."

"No problem!" Paglis pulled off the empty magazine, replaced the bullets, and then locked the field of vision in the scope on the members of the security forces. After a burst of gunshots, the two security forces The team members fell down, and the rest shouted in Russian, and then spread out in all directions at the same time, hiding behind the debris.

"Damn it..." Seeing all the members of the security force hiding, Pagliss cursed in a low voice: "Why do people here like to pile up all the sundries on the roof so much? Are you sick?"

"Maybe it's because the houses here are too densely built..." After knocking down a member of the security force, Jiang Xueyang pulled the bolt and said: "If you pile up all the debris outside, it will easily block the road, so we simply put all the It's on the roof, I thought so."

While speaking, Jiang Xueyang saw the girl in a dress holding a chainsaw jump onto the roof of a house, then stepped on the debris and jumped to the back of the pile of debris. With a scream, a large amount of blood splashed out from behind the pile of debris. After a while, the girl in a dress came out from behind the pile of debris and kicked half of the corpse off the roof.

"It's really shocking..." Jiang Xueyang muttered in a low voice. He turned his field of vision, and then saw a silver-haired girl in a long black dress lying on the house in the distance. It was the one he had targeted before. Putting a large exaggerated sniper rifle with a smile on her face, after a while, she slammed the trigger, and with a deafening gunshot, a pile of debris on the roof in the distance exploded, and a large piece of flesh and blood mixed with it. Broken pieces of black cloth were spilled.

"Ah Jiang, that gun of hers seems to be bigger than yours!" Seeing the scene just now through the ACOG scope, Paglis couldn't help but turned her head and said in surprise to Jiang Xueyang.

"Tch, what's the use of such a big gun?" With a slight displeasure on his face, Jiang Xueyang casually shot through a pile of debris, shot and killed the member of the security force hiding behind, and then pulled the bolt of the gun while feeling unhappy. Said: "Things with excess power are just toys!"


On the other side of the alley, Hank outflanked and successfully led his team members to intercept a group of enemy's rear. There were local mercenaries in front of them, followed by the frenzied squad. In an embarrassing situation, the commander of that team quickly made a judgment. Instead of retreating without knowing how many people are behind, it is better to fight directly with the physical advantage of BOW, so he quickly ordered to break through the front at all costs. In an instant, all the grenades left by the security forces at their waists and hadn't been thrown out all flew forward. For a while, the sound of explosions accompanied by rising flames rang out incessantly, mixed with those The shouts of mercenaries greeted by grenades.

From the other side of the alley, he quickly pointed his head and fired two shots at the enemy, and then was forced back by the BOW scavengers who were advancing in the cover team. Fisher frowned, and said to Hank and Anna on the other side while reloading. : "There are two scavengers guarding the buttocks, they are in a hurry."

"Our task is to get rid of those BOWs, and the rest will be handed over to the locals..." Hank whispered, then suddenly opened fire with his head, and Fisher also fired with Hank's movements. For a while, the two Human firepower attacked the back of the local team from both sides, but after the two of them shot a shuttle at the same time, the two scavengers still stayed behind. Although their legs and arms were full of bullet holes, they were completely free It means to fall down.

"Isn't this too hard?" Fisher couldn't help complaining after reloading again: "What the hell did they put on the scavenger?"

"Those are the special bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets made by the Eastern European branch, which are specially used for this kind of street fighting. Because of the high cost, only a small number of them are installed in the European branch..." Hank, who was also changing bullets, frowned and said: "A long time ago, I heard that the Eastern European branch is more like a military camp with its own arsenal than a research institution. Now I have some experience. If there is no special armor-piercing warhead, these monsters will be very difficult to kill."

"It seems that they need some artistic inspiration..." Fisher frowned, took out a C4 from his pocket, and was about to install it, when he saw a figure in a trench coat running directly behind Hank and Anna When he came out, the silver-haired boy Hansel shouted excitedly, "I'm here, Master Chief!" and rushed straight into the alley, ignoring Hank's exclamation. The security forces in the alley unleashed their firepower directly. Accompanied by the sound of roaring gunshots, the metal storm shot out in an instant, hitting sparks on the armor-like black body armor. Even as strong as a scavenger, they could not resist this huge impact. One scavenger fell to the ground directly, while the other aimed his gun directly at Hansel. Seeing that the scavenger was about to fire, Hansel felt a huge force on his collar. In the next second, he was dragged directly into the narrow aisle on the side.

The bullet passed through the place where Hansel was standing just now, and hit the wall, causing small pieces of rubble to scatter in all directions. Hansel was startled and sat on the ground, panting lightly. , he turned his head, only to see Fisher frowning staring at him.

"You don't want to die?" Seeing the silver-haired boy looking over, Fisher stared and said.

"Hey..." Looking at Fisher's slightly sullen face, a slight embarrassment appeared on Hansel's face. He raised his hand and scratched his head, then stood up and said, "What is that? Feeling So tough!"

"You can't even pierce their body armor with your machine gun?" Fisher whispered with a trace of irritability between his brows, "No wonder the locals can't hold them down..."

Bai Nen's little hands touched his chin, Hansel frowned slightly and thought for a while, then raised his head decisively and shouted to the opposite roof: "Sister! Sister! Come and help! My big gun can't pierce theirs." Bulletproof vest!"

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