A few seconds later, a slender figure suddenly jumped down from the roof carrying a heavy sniper rifle. Gretel, a slender girl with silver hair, was wearing a black dress and squatted halfway between the alleys, letting her body be exposed to the enemy. In the center of his field of vision, before the two scavengers opened fire, Gretel suddenly raised the big scary sniper rifle in his hand, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Suddenly, a gunshot was deafening, and Gretel couldn't help but staggered a step back. He raised the big gun in his hand, and the large-caliber sniper bullets shot out from the muzzle like cannonballs, flying in the air. It left a trail of white smoke and dust, piercing through everything along the way, leaving a hole in a whole row of enemies that was almost enough to separate people's bodies, and then opened a big hole in the wall at the end of the alley.

The moment Gretel opened fire, Hank rushed forward. The roar of the NTW-20 almost deafened his right ear, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed forward, taking advantage of this devastating moment The gun created a commotion in the enemy group, and Hank directly locked the target on another scavenger. He bullied himself, slapped the scavenger's muzzle away at the moment the scavenger opened fire, and then He pulled out the dagger at his waist and stabbed it directly along the gap between the bulletproof vest and the bulletproof helmet.

The neck was severely injured. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to stop the scavenger's movements instantly. Hank seized the opportunity and kicked the scavenger in the stomach. To the scavenger's neck, in an instant, a small blade popped out of Hank's shoe tip, and was sent directly into the scavenger's neck.

The neck was hit continuously, and the scavenger shook his head. It was just about to fight back, but saw Hank had already circled behind it, grabbing the scavenger's head tightly. With a crisp sound, the scavenger's neck bone was completely broken. BOW's powerful vitality prevented it from dying on the spot, but it made it lose control of its body, and swung its head that was almost bent at 416 degrees. The scavenger was about to fall down straight, but Hank didn't let it go. Hank grabbed the scavenger in front of him, and passed his HK-[-] under the armpit of the scavenger's corpse. , and then suddenly pulled the trigger towards the remaining members of the security forces in the alley. For a moment, screams and gunshots mixed together, and together with the flickering flames, the entire alley was enveloped.

At this moment, Hank suddenly felt young again...

The two-in-one chapter is close to the 4k5 chapter, and the third is later.

Volume 6 Mission.41-[-]. Beyond the macho, the shadows are moving

On the side of the road outside Loples, in the black command car, the slightly sleepy Bai Muqing pulled herself together. She raised her wrist, gently opened the cuff, and glanced at her Vacheron Constantin watch engraved with the black lily pattern , a trace of coldness flashed across the cheeks with the unique oriental beauty.

From suppressing the European branch to welcoming the members of the Joint Committee, to flying directly to the Eastern European branch and the current battle, Bai Muqing never rested for a moment. She looked up the information about Yidongya, looked up the information about Li Yexing, and had to wait all the time. Prepare to receive the latest deciphering data from the European branch, and at the same time pay attention to the battle situation in Lopulus and coordinate resource scheduling. Since entering the executive department, it is the first time for Bai Muqing to participate in such a high-intensity task, but she does not Care, because she is still young, so she has the ability to squeeze her own capital, or in other words, it is because she is too young but in a high position, so she must prove her ability to the joint committee as much as possible.

Minutes and seconds passed, and Minister Alexi still hadn't sent back the latest battle situation. As an executive who had commanded battles many times, Bai Muqing knew exactly what this situation meant.

The battlefield of Lopulus has turned into a quagmire!

Bai Muqing couldn't understand this situation. Itonia is located in Eastern Europe, the domestic situation is very turbulent, there are many anti-government armed forces, the economy is backward, the equipment is backward, and the quality of the soldiers is also backward. It can be said that the poor can't afford to wear pants. As usual, A well-equipped security force and a BUMF force with rich combat experience are enough to disintegrate all the defenses in the city in a short period of time, but the reality is that even if you join the BOW Scavenger Force and invest a lot of Eastern European branch technology The newly developed hunter gamma land combat model "Gluttony" only changed the battle situation from being suppressed to intense.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the town of Loples?Impossible, internal information shows that this is just an ordinary town under the control of government forces, and the only thing worth noting is the Lopulus incident five years ago.

"Damn..." Vermilion lips parted slightly, complaining in a low voice, eyes with faint dark circles fixed on her pad, Bai Muqing whispered to herself: "What is the problem? What did I not think about?" Arrived? Is it the government army? No, those poor ghosts are nothing to worry about. Are they gangsters? The gangsters with heavy firepower are indeed beyond my expectations, but the BUMF troops can handle them completely, and the first agency has also been frozen. There's no one to support them..."

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became. Bai Muqing frowned more and more tightly, and spoke faster and faster: "Is it that mercenary? No, it's impossible, it's just a mercenary. Even if he got Casimir's Qian has gathered a large group of wild dogs of war, but in the dense urban battle, the scavengers and gluttons are enough to destroy their battle lines, damn it, what went wrong?"

In a trance, Bai Muqing seemed to see a huge chessboard in front of her, and the resources at hand were placed on the chessboard one by one like chess pieces. As long as she raised her head, she could see those pitiful chess pieces on the opposite chessboard. Everything was clean, but for some reason, she just couldn't win this game of chess, because all the chess pieces on the opposite chessboard were jumping randomly, not following the rules at all, Bai Muqing seemed to be able to vaguely see the opposite chess player through the mist That mocking smile on his face.

Is my intelligence work not in place?Is there something wrong with my combat thinking?How much more is there that I don't know?In an instant, countless questions came to mind, his confidence was gradually shaken, Bai Muqing subconsciously frowned.

"Miss Bai, Miss Bai?"

In a trance, a familiar voice pulled Bai Muqing out of her thoughts, she opened her eyes suddenly, and what caught her eyes was the rough face of Alexei, the head of the Eastern Europe Branch. At this moment, There was a hint of concern on this face with sharp edges and corners, as if it had been carved by a chisel.

Bai Muqing suddenly realized that he just fell asleep!

hateful!Falling asleep at work or something, shame on me!

Anger ignited in her heart, but this kind of anger was more harsh on herself. Bai Muqing always believed that it was a shameless act and a sign of incompetence to blame her subordinates who worked hard because of her fault, so she stood up, He straightened his hair, then with an apology on his face, he slightly bowed to Alexei and said, "I'm sorry, Minister Alexei, I let you see my gaffe."

"It's okay, Miss Bai..." Alexei smiled and said, "I know, you have been working continuously for a long time, dealing with the group of unruly guys below, and dealing with the joint committee. Master, you must have worked hard too, right?"

"No..." Bai Muqing shook his head, and said with a serious expression, "Besides, hard work and exhaustion cannot be used as an excuse to be lazy, since this is my job, no matter how difficult the job is, I have the obligation to complete it. "

After all, Bai Muqing looked into Alexei's eyes and said, "You must think so, too? Minister Alexei?"

"You... do you think so?" The lips hidden in the beard squirmed slightly, and Alexei whispered: "You are right, Miss Bai, as long as it is a job given to us, we will take it obligation to fulfill."

I don't know if it's an illusion, some indescribable emotions seemed to flash in the eyes of Minister Alexei just now, but Bai Muqing didn't care, because she knew that the Minister Alexei who followed the creed of the Umbrella era Like her, Chief xx is a hard-working and serious person. Perhaps his lack of talent stopped him here, but Bai Muqing was taught since childhood that even if he is in a high position, he should respect the efforts of others.

Doubting a person's achievements and beliefs is the greatest disrespect for the efforts of others.

"Okay, let's end the chat here..." After dispelling the wavering and timidity on her face, Bai Muqing turned into that cold and strong young female executive again. She looked at Alexi and said, "Alexey's department Mr. xx, since you have come to find me, it means that there must be a new situation ahead, right?"

"That's right..." Alexei nodded, with a hint of joy on his face, he said: "Our battle line has successfully advanced a lot, and we will soon arrive at the hospital in Lopulus, and join us again." After obtaining the 'gluttony' type hunter γ, which can resist drought and cold and greatly strengthened its land combat capabilities, the enemy's defense line began to shrink sharply, and they have no cards to fight!"

"Really, this is really good news..." Although she was happy in her heart, Bai Muqing didn't look overjoyed, she just slightly raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile: "So tonight's action is coming to an end, isn't it?" ?”

"That's right..." Alexei said with a smile: "At present, our enemies are fighting around the hospital, I think we should just draw out our cards, let our enemies lose their fighting spirit, and completely crush our enemies." collapse!"

"No need, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, and leave half of the defense near the convoy to prevent them from leaving behind..." With a cold smile on his face, Bai Muqing shook his head and said: "It only takes half to deal with those guys." Enough is enough, after all, they are at the end of their battles, aren't they?"

The corner of his mouth twitched unnaturally, but was covered by his beard. Alexei smiled and said, "You are right, half of it is enough."

"Then let's make arrangements..." Bai Muqing smiled and said, "We've wasted too much time tonight, it's time to end this ridiculous night."

After receiving Bai Muqing's new order, Minister Alexei left the command vehicle with a happy expression on his face. As soon as he closed the dark hatch of the command vehicle, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by the lingering shadow.

"Minister xx, the battle situation on the front line is clearly rotten. Why did you say..." The adjutant following Alexei couldn't help but want to ask something, but before he could finish speaking, Alexei suddenly Turning his head, his eyes were like a wild beast that would choose someone to eat, and coupled with his bear-like body, the adjutant was scared back half a step.

After a while, Alexei turned his head, looking through the layers of trees and hillsides, facing the direction of Loples, and said coldly: "Two-thirds."

Although Bai Muqing ordered half of the release, at this juncture, the adjutant still chose to follow Minister Alexei's order. He took out the walkie-talkie and said: "Attention the transportation department, the new order is to release BOW around the center of Lopulus. Ten T-103C Tyrants, two T-103C02 Tyrants, and six groups of Hunter Delta..."

Listening to his adjutant conveying orders, under the shadows, Alexei's eyes became darker and fiercer...

Three shifts, call it a day.

Volume 6 Mission.42-[-]. The Big Man's Joker

On the outskirts of Lopules, in the dark and dense forest, Miss Kanan Mafar is facing the biggest crisis in her life.

To cut to the chase, Kanan got lost.

Thinking about it carefully, Kanan has actually only been living in Lopulus for a year. During this period, apart from following Li Yexing's commissions, she spent most of her time in offices, bars and shooting ranges. Les didn't know the internal situation, let alone the outside?

After helping several mercenary groups who had dealt with along the way, Kanan walked through the city of Loples along the alleys extending in all directions, and then rushed out directly from the blown gate. According to Li Yexing's instructions, She entered the woods and wanted to search along the road under the cover of trees, but after running happily for a long time, Kanan suddenly found that the road was gone!

"Kanan, your task is very important. I need you to find out their defenses. It's better to see what cards they still have. According to my idea, after this wave of temptations is over, they should use their cards. Come on, when you find that they have a large-scale transfer of personnel and materials, please notify me as soon as possible, and we will proceed to the next stage of the operation."

The good brother's advice like an old father still echoes in her ears, which makes Kanan feel a little embarrassed. According to the current situation, maybe she can contact Li Yexing, but...

It's too embarrassing for Kanan to take over the mission swearingly, and then get lost before running to the place and meeting the enemy.

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