Slightly frowning, Kananxin said that the car must have a way to the front of the mountain. If he can't find the way, it can only mean that the car has not yet reached the front of the mountain!

Anyway, just keep going!

That being said, Kanan knew it was a waste of time.

"Damn..." Finally, Kanan couldn't help cursing, she whispered to herself: "I think I was a team leader at any rate back then, why do I look like a fool now? Is it because I haven't used my brain for too long?" ?”

It's all the fault of that guy, who made me stupid!

Shaking her head helplessly, she didn't even notice the faint smile on her lips. Kanan stopped and looked around. After a while, she chose a tree that looked thicker, and then climbed directly After going up, she stopped within a few seconds. If she climbed up again, the branches would not be able to bear her weight.

Although there are still large branches and leaves blocking the view, the view from high places is better than that from below. Kanan looked around and saw that the mounds were full of trees. She squinted her eyes for a long time before seeing To the pitted gray road beyond the mounds in the distance.

"Isn't the road too crooked?" Can't help poking her lips, Kanan secretly thought something bad, if she walks in the direction she just saw, she will probably pass the enemy's garrison, but if Looking back, if the enemy's garrison is in the front but not behind, it means that she wasted a lot of time. Inadequate information transmission may affect Li Yexing's grasp of the battle situation and subsequent decision-making.

"Oh my god..." Kanan finally despaired, she sat on the branch and scratched her head violently: "I can't really be a fool?!"

As soon as the words fell, there were bursts of sound coming from afar. Kanan raised his head following the sound, and saw a large black helicopter without any identification marks heading in the direction of Lopulus under the dark night sky in the distance. Fly away, except for a large number of armed helicopters with heavy machine guns and rockets, all kinds of things are hung under the rest of the helicopters, some are huge containers, and some are bundles of huge metal cans. Inexplicably, she thought of the human cannon that an unscrupulous research director let them ride.

Looking at the helicopters flying towards Loples, Kanan's expression gradually became rampant. She lit a cigarette for herself, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and dialed the number of her boss.

"Kanan?" In less than two seconds between dialing the number and connecting the phone, the voice of his boss came from the other side, and Li Yexing asked in a low voice, "Did you find them?"

"Not yet, but it's not important..." Kanan, who sprayed two white mist from his nose, looked at the group of helicopters in the sky with a cigarette in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Boss, I saw a large group of helicopters heading towards Loppler. Flew over in the direction of Adams, a large part of it was a gunship, the rest of it was hung with a mess, I don't know what was in the container, but the cans should be full of tyrants."

"How many are there?" Li Yexing asked on the other side of the phone.

"There are six containers, there are more than ten cans, and there are one, two, or three gunships... Forget it, I'm too lazy to count them, anyway, there are a lot of them..." Kanan looked at the helicopter flying past in front of him. Qun said: "Their posture is a bit big, can you handle it? Boss?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Rather, I thought they would have more cards to play..." Li Yexing said with a smile.

"Really?" Seemingly suspicious of Li Yexing, Kanan frowned and said, "Isn't it too difficult for everyone to kill these guys without revealing their capabilities and only using conventional weapons?"

"It's not difficult, we still have a big card in our hand..." Li Yexing said with a smile: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'm going to start the next move, you quickly find their place, and then move Inform me of the situation, don't rush up rashly."

"Be careful, boss, I'm not a fool..." Kanan said with a smile, "That's it, I'm going on my way."

After hanging up the phone, Kanan rubbed the remaining cigarette butt on the bark of the tree, and then jumped down from the tree. She patted her buttocks, then raised her head, with a shadowy but fanatical smile on her face .

"What did I say? There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain..." Step by step through the woods, the pace became faster and faster, and then slowly turned into a run. Although the road is still far away, I don't know what the Eastern European branch is Where the hell is the guy hiding, but one thing Kanan knows very well, running in the direction those helicopters are coming from, you can't go wrong!


After finishing the communication, Li Yexing put down his legs on the desk, then raised his head, looked at Yegel who was sitting opposite him, and said with a smile: "It's almost done, let your people move." .”

"Has it started yet?" Hearing Li Yexing's words, Yegel was taken aback for a moment, and then his spirit was shaken. He stood up, straightened his collar, and said with excitement on his face: "Finally, it's my turn." ! I can't wait!"

After all, Yegel picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and said loudly, "Kay, get those slackers moving! We're going to work..." He pushed the door open and walked out of the office, leaving Li Yexing alone. In the office and outside the office, his excited voice still reached Li Yexing's ears from time to time.

"Okay, now the cards in my hand are all gone, and the rest are the cards hidden under the buttocks for cheating..." Stretching, Li Yexing turned his head and focused his eyes on the flickering gun outside the window On the fire, after a long while, he whispered to himself softly: "At most one more round, it's my turn to end.


One more.

Volume 6 Mission.43-[-]. The third round of the macho

"Arctic wolf, we have cleared out four scavenger troops, and the mercenaries and gangsters are about to push back to the police station. How is your side?" Hank's voice came from the communicator next to his ear. The news came out, because there was no cold gas mask, so compared to the low and hoarse voice in the past, Hank's tone was much more human.

"It's in good condition, Captain, Hunter γ should have been cleaned up..." Jiang Xueyang, who was lying on the roof of the three-story building, pressed the communicator next to his ear, and replied: "There are still a few scattered teams of security forces on the roof. , the locals are dealing with them."

"Don't let your guard down..." Hank's old father-like voice came from the opposite side of the communicator, and he warned: "According to Li, the next battle will be the most difficult. We're going to be under a lot of pressure."

"Don't worry, according to the current situation, we can still..." Just as Jiang Xueyang was about to say something, he felt that someone suddenly patted his shoulder. Jiang Xueyang raised his head subconsciously, and then saw Paglis pointing at the opposite side in a daze. Sky.

"What..." Jiang Xueyang froze for a moment, then looked in the direction Paglis was pointing at. In the next second, all the muscles on his face froze.

"What's the matter? Arctic wolf? Is something wrong?" Hank, who noticed something was wrong on the other side of the walkie-talkie, asked eagerly.

"It's a helicopter! Captain! There are a lot of helicopters!" Jiang Xueyang, who was lying on the roof of the building, couldn't help but lose his voice as he watched the helicopter brigade flying rapidly from afar: "Armed helicopters and helicopters transporting BOW! There are so many! Heading towards us Flying over!"

As the helicopters of the brigade approached slowly, the roar of the spiral wings instantly filled Loples. Those helicopters flew over the sky of Loples, and then moved the containers and metal cans hanging below towards Lopples. The firefighting area in the center of Sri Lanka was directly thrown down. Containers fell from the sky one by one and smashed hard on the densely packed bungalows, while those metal cans were thrown into the complicated and narrow alleys one by one. In front of the local mercenary group and gang members, the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Amidst the roaring sound in the sky, Paglis turned around slowly, followed the two transport helicopters flying overhead, and watched them drop the two huge jars directly in the small hospital building Along with the loud noise, the roof of the hospital collapsed in an instant. Amidst the smoke and dust, two huge metal storage bins smashed through the floor and fell into the building.

"Damn it! Stinky tofu! Those bastards threw BOW into the hospital!" Paglis couldn't help shouting.

As soon as the words fell, an armed helicopter hovered in the air, and then slowly landed. The guns on both sides of the helicopter turned simultaneously, aiming directly at Jiang Xueyang and Paglis on the top of the three-story building. .

"My god..." For a moment, Paglis felt her scalp go numb. The roar of the armed helicopter prevented her and Jiang Xueyang from hearing Hank's reply. Jiang Xueyang subconsciously wanted to put away her gun, but Before she could hold the gun firmly, Paglis turned around abruptly, stretched out her arms and hugged Jiang Xueyang, wrapped her arms around her waist, then turned her head and ran.

In the next second, the machine guns on both sides of the armed helicopter began to roar, and the super-caliber machine gun bullets streaked across two fine rays of light in the dark night, chasing Paglis who was running around Jiang Xueyang like a storm made of steel. The bullets were biting behind her, hitting the roof of the building intensively, and constantly kicking up the rubble in the smoke and dust. Seeing that there was no way ahead, Paglis gritted her teeth and stepped on the roof amidst Jiang Xueyang's exclamation. He jumped from the edge of the building, and then fell directly towards the debris pile on the lower floor. The next second, the metal storm was blocked by the building and swept across the head.

Accompanied by a loud noise, Paglis and Jiang Xueyang directly smashed on the pile of debris, crushing the pile of rags, wooden boards and waste furniture. For a moment, Paglis only felt sore back, It seemed as if all the bones in her body were about to fall apart, but she didn't have time to breathe. Taking advantage of the gunship hovering in the air to adjust the angle, Paglis hugged Jiang Xueyang who was humming in pain beside her, and rolled over again. The two hugging each other rolled directly off the roof and landed in the dark alley below.

In the next second, the gunship spewed tongues of fire, swept across the roof, and punched the roof of the house full of holes.

Having lost its target, the armed helicopter in the sky kept circling. After confirming that it could not find a suitable angle, it quickly left and headed towards the battlefield.

In the dark alley, Paglis pressed Jiang Xueyang on the cold ground, not daring to move, until the sound of the helicopter circling above her head gradually faded away, she finally got up little by little, only to see Jiang Xueyang biting her body below her. Gritting his teeth, frowning, his face looked very ugly.

"Ah Jiang? Ah Jiang, why are you here?" Seeing that Jiang Xueyang's expression was not good, Paglis immediately asked nervously.

"It's nothing, it's just that I was thrown a bit badly..." There was a forced smile on his face, Jiang Xueyang whispered: "I was scared to death, I thought my bones were going to break..."

In the next second, Paglis hugged Jiang Xueyang tightly, and then kissed her.

This time, Jiang Xueyang did not refuse the flirting on the battlefield. He accepted Paglis's kiss with a hint of doting in his eyes. He took off his tactical gloves and let his white but not so delicate fingers gently caress Paglis. At this moment, Hank's voice sounded from the communicator next to his ear, and he said loudly: "Jiang Xueyang! Paglis! Are you still alive?! Damn it!"

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