like this action...

It’s a little embarrassing to say, but this action against the Black Umbrella Eastern European Branch was actually not approved by the International Pharmaceutical Federation. When Li Yexing informed Chris of the address of the Black Umbrella Eastern European Branch, Chris was more or less a little confused. Doubtful, after all, since the Lopulus incident in 2005, Chris has been paying close attention to this organization hidden in the shadows, but he hasn't even found a hair of this organization, as if this behemoth is just someone borrowed It was the same as a fictional one, but now, Li Yexing, a guy who never provided accurate information for himself, suddenly appeared and directly exposed the address of the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella. It was hard for Chris not to doubt Accuracy of intelligence.

Although he was skeptical, Chris decided to take a small team to take a look, so he directly submitted an action application letter to the upper management and the International Pharmaceutical Alliance to search for an unknown biochemical terrorist force on the border of country R .

What happened next seriously exceeded Chris' expectations, and his application for action was rejected by the speed of light!Chris didn't know that BSAA's work efficiency could be so high!

Seeing the group of old guys looking as if their tails had been stepped on, Chris was basically sure. Although he didn't know much about the black Umbrella, there must be something wrong with the address that Li Yexing gave him!Those old guys have ghosts in their hearts!

Chris was instantly relieved. If that's the case, why are you still leading the team?Wouldn't it be good to directly follow the lineup of large-scale anti-biochemical terrorist attacks?What?The International Pharmaceutical Federation does not allow it?joke!When did I, Chris, ever hear that old stuff? !

In this way, without the permission of high-level officials, Mr. Chris, who acted resolutely, directly pulled a large number of people from the North American Branch and the Far East Branch to start action.

But on the eve of the operation, Chris encountered a little accident. When he changed his equipment in the warehouse and was about to join the Far East Branch, he turned his head and saw Pierce, who was also fully armed.

"Captain, I'm going too." The young sniper said in a deep voice. After learning from Kelly that Chris planned to act privately without the permission of the higher-ups, Pierce decisively put on his equipment and came directly to the door.

"Damn it, that woman with the big mouth..." At this moment, Chris finally understood why Li Yexing didn't like Kelly so much.

Initially, Chris did not consider taking Pierce with him in this private operation. There are deep-seated reasons for this. Although Pierce is indeed an excellent sniper and reliable as a partner, as a BSAA fighter, Pierce is still a rookie, and he has no experience in fighting BOW. According to Li Yexing's information, this battle is likely to be extremely difficult, and Chris believes that Pierce is not ready.

Of course, the above reasons are only secondary, and the main reason is that this operation was carried out without a name. Chris can foresee that no matter whether the operation is successful or not, he will not be able to escape the responsibility. After the operation, he will definitely be killed. Accountability, maybe he will be dismissed, so he doesn't want to implicate Pierce. Unlike him and the experienced old guys he found this time, Pierce is still very young and has a broader future. Well, the world needs young people like him, and Chris felt that Pierce shouldn't be in this muddy water with him.

What's more, Pierce himself was trained by Chris as his successor.

Twelve years have passed since the incident in Raccoon City. During these twelve years, Chris fought everywhere. He witnessed the rise of countless forces, the downfall of countless forces, and the death of countless conspirators. He and those like-minded comrades in arms kept fighting, but what they got in return was not the stability of the world, but the intensified biochemical terrorism, as if all their efforts were just to change things. It's getting worse.

God is sorry, Chris is too tired, he urgently needs to stop, and at this moment, Pierce appears.

He was a great young man, tough, smart, charismatic, with a sense of justice and a great passion for joining the BSAA.

In this way, Chris brought Pierce from his original special forces into the BSAA, and prepared to train him as his successor. Although the young man seemed a little angry, Chris didn't care. He said that he was very satisfied. In his opinion, young people should be like this. The part of the character that goes too far will eventually be worn away by time.

Considering Pierce's future, Chris doesn't want Pierce's resume to be stained because of himself. After getting too cold, he threatened decisively: "If you don't take me with you, the captain of the operation, I will have to consider reporting your disobedience to the superior."

Female horse, if you don't take you out to play, you will report to the elders at home that your father hides private money. Where did you come from, the unlucky child?

In the end, Chris still compromised, thinking that it’s all right, it’s good to take this child out to see the world...

A lot of thoughts kept flashing through his mind, and Chris finally just sighed softly. He began to consider whether to tell Pierce about Li Yexing. After all, if Pierce was to take over his class in the future, he must Inheriting the connection between Chris and Li Yexing, although it is against the original intention to use BOW's combat power, I have to admit that Li Yexing and his firm are too easy to use, whether as an intelligence dealer or as a thug.

"That's right, that guy is an information dealer..." After a while, Chris said to Pierce in a deep voice.

In the end, Chris still didn't tell Pierce about Li Yexing...

One watch, so sleepy, so uncomfortable.

Volume 6 Mission.49-[-]. The macho is sleepy and stupid

After a long and quiet march, Chris and his team finally arrived near the predetermined coordinates. Lying on the hillside, Pierce, who was next to Chris, set up his sniper rifle and observed through the scope. The situation under the hillside, I saw a huge farm behind the hillside. One side of the agricultural product was tied with cheap barbed wire on the outer wall, and the other side was surrounded by random fences. The whole farm It looks very huge. On the edge of the farm, a two-story wooden house that looks a bit dilapidated stands there quietly.

On the other side, Chris took out the collapsible binoculars at his waist, and after unfolding it, he also focused his sight on the farm under the hillside in the distance. After a long while, Chris frowned and said: "It seems that it is indeed here."

"Wait..." Hearing what Chris said, Pierce was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Maybe it's just an ordinary farm? I didn't see anything like surveillance facilities hidden on the outer wall or around it, nor did I see There are guards nearby, as a research facility, isn't this kind of protection a bit too sloppy?"

"Just because the coordinates of this farm are exactly in line with the information provided by Li, it can't be an ordinary farm..." Chris whispered: "Besides, you can't just look at the appearance of things, but also analyze the inside. There is no one living in a nearby farm, where do you think the farmer mainly lives?"

"Of course I live on the farm..." Pierce was about to answer, but he was suddenly stunned. Immediately afterwards, he frowned and said, "No, this farm seems to have no part for people to live in at all..."

"After all, the most eye-catching building is a cowshed, isn't it?" Chris said in a deep voice. He stood up slowly, turned his head and said to the BSAA team members behind him: "We have found the target, now, let's move forward."

Following Chris's order, the BSAA troops hiding behind the hill stood up. Everyone looked stern, followed Chris' footsteps down the hill from the front, and then slowly moved towards the huge farm in front of them.

Walking in the wilderness, everyone was walking at every step, and Pierce was always following the surroundings, looking for monitoring facilities that might be hidden nearby. In this tense atmosphere, it took the BSAA team ten minutes to reach the fence of the farm.

Although it is a fence, its height is only at the waist, and it can be crossed with a little effort. In the darkness, Chris looked around and saw that there was no one nearby, only a faint burst of cattle coming from the cowshed in front of him There was a row of birds standing on the top of the dilapidated cowshed. At first glance, it was impossible to tell whether it was a magpie or a crow. Just when Chris was about to step over the fence to search the cowshed, he heard a loud Russian, followed by , a beam of flashlight pierced through the darkness and shone on everyone's faces. A short, fat middle-aged man came out of the cowshed quickly. , wearing dirty overalls, looked very angry, but after seeing a large number of heavily armed BSAA fighters outside the fence, he immediately gave up.

Taking two steps back, the vicious man raised his fork and kept shouting.

Listening to the man dressed as a farmer on the other side of the fence speaking Russian, Chris and Pierce looked at each other. Chris thought for a while, then turned around and said to the team members behind him: "Kosikabayev! Come out!"

In the next second, as if to respond to Chris' call, a heavily armed man squeezed out from behind the line. He was wearing a rather heavy body armor and carried a 6P41 light machine gun on his back. With an AK-12 in his hand and a row of shotgun explosives hanging from his waist, he looked like a heavily armed soldier.

"Hey, Captain, I'm here!" Kosikabayev spit out English with a strong retroflex, and the big man breathed through the urn of the bulletproof mask: "What do you need me to do?"

"The translator, what is that guy talking about..." Chris pointed to the chunky farmer on the other side of the fence.

"Oh..." Kosikabayev nodded, then turned his head and shouted at the farmer in Russian, and at the same time took out a BSAA-related certificate from his arms.

After a few seconds of dialogue, Kosikabayev put his ID back into his arms, then turned his head and whispered to Chris: "That guy said he didn't know what BSAA was, and that our ID might be forged, here As for his private land, let alone us, even the president of Country R will not be able to do anything to him, if we don’t leave, he will call the police.”

"Call the police?" Chris thought it was a little funny, turned his head and looked at the chunky man on the other side of the fence, his expression gradually became dangerous, he frowned and said to Kosikabayev beside him: "Ask him What are you doing here if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Kosikabayev was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head with a smile, and repeated Chris's question loudly in Russian to the man on the other side of the fence, while the man was shouting something with a red neck, Kosikabayev turned his head To Chris: "This guy said he went to the toilet at night."

Chris didn't speak anymore, he nodded thoughtfully, then looked around, as if he was searching for something, and the chunky man saw that Chris was no longer so aggressive, he breathed a sigh of relief, He raised his hand to hook his cheek, as if he just wanted to scratch it, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and Chris suddenly displayed an agile movement that was completely inconsistent with the body that he saw, leaping over with a stride. The fence, and jumped at the chunky man on the other side of the fence.

Seeing Chris rushing up suddenly without saying a word, the short and fat man turned pale with fright. He subconsciously raised the fork used to fork grass in his hand, and just about to stab it, saw Chris directly crashing into his arms .

A heavy punch was raised suddenly and hit the man's abdomen fiercely. In an instant, the man felt as if his stomach was about to be vomited out, and his body lost the ability to resist in an instant, but Chris's movements had not yet At the end, he suddenly pulled the short and fat man's arm, making it face away from him, then kicked the man's knee socket, and at the same time bent his arm behind him with his backhand, firmly pinning him down. Press down on the ground.

Instantly controlling the chunky man dressed as a farmer, Chris frowned, and stretched out his hand to the ear that the man's finger hooked just now. Within a few seconds, Chris pulled a fingernail out of his ear size communicator.

Seeing that his identity was exposed, the man who was pressed on the ground struggled violently, and at the same time kept cursing something, as if he was speaking harshly. Behind Chris, the BSAA team members climbed over the fence and walked up one by one. Kosikabayev even stepped forward and kicked the head of the man who was pressed on the ground, and then said a few words in Russian. After being kicked, the man immediately became honest, but he was still humming. Haw, the pair of small eyes kept squinting.

On the other side, Pierce stood quietly beside Chris. Seeing the eyes of the man controlled by Chris keep drifting to the top of the cowshed, Pierce was slightly taken aback, and then subconsciously followed the man's gaze. head.

In the next second, Pierce felt a chill all over his body.

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