I saw those crows on the top of the cowshed before, standing in a row and staring at this side. I don’t know if it was Pierce’s illusion. He seemed to see a little red light in the crow’s eye sockets...

Volume 6 Mission.50-[-]. Macho Turning

"How is things going?" An old voice came from the other side of the phone. The tone was not so much a question, but a question. After a moment of entanglement, the middle-aged giant man holding the phone He replied in a low voice: "Everything is under control, Senator Sudleton."

"Really... are they all under control?" The tone suddenly rose, and the old voice said aggressively: "According to my original idea, you should have taken care of that little kid from the European branch last night, and now the I should sit on the bench and watch how that old man Marduk defended his subordinates feebly, instead of lying in the hospital like a dying old man like this now!"

The giant said in his heart that you seem to be a bad old man who is about to die.

Of course, this kind of words cannot be said, because the old man on the other side of the phone is a member of the joint committee, the Congressman Roaldo Sudleton who has held great power since the Umbrella era. No matter how dissatisfied, he must remain respectful to the old man.

"I'm sorry, Honorable Councilor Sudleton..." After a while, the giant man whispered, "Some accidents occurred in this operation. The director of the European branch has recruited a group of helpers, and they are a bit difficult to deal with."

"Heh, the helper you found from Itonia?" As if amused by the giant man's words, Senator Sudleton's voice was full of disdain, and he said in a strange way: "You want to tell me, black Will Umbrella's hounds, one of the most powerful divisions in the Eastern European division, be forced to fight a pack of wild dogs hunting for food in the mud?"

"No, Senator Sudleton..." The bear-like giant immediately said in a low voice: "Don't worry, although there were some accidents during the operation, they are still within our control. Before dawn, we will be able to get that The executive from the European branch will be taken back."

"Hehe, you are very determined, Alexei, you have always been very determined, I can't help but think of that guy Sergey..." As if thinking of his old friend, Senator Sudleton's voice softened When he came down, he chuckled and said in a low voice: "Son, you know, the relationship between me and Sergey has always been very good, and I also miss the days when I worked with Sergey very much, but it's a pity that that guy was killed in the end. The traitor Wesker was killed, he should have a wider sky..."

The giant man held his mobile phone and listened quietly without answering, and this attitude of listening to teachings made the old man on the other side of the phone very satisfied. Councilor Sudleton said softly: "You know, I am old, and people always Old, I always like to recall the past. To be honest, I admire Sergey's military style and his loyalty, so when he left us, I chose to promote Sergey's favorite student, that is, you, and You have never let me down, in you, I see the shadow of your officer..."

"I have always admired Colonel Vladimir. It is my lifelong pursuit to become a soldier like Colonel Vladimir." The giant man whispered.

"Yes, that's right, very good..." The giant man's words made Senator Sudleton feel very comfortable, he took a breath, and his tone became slightly more cheerful. The old man smiled and said: "You and I understand very well, The development of Black Umbrella has hit a bottleneck, and the black sheep is lurking among us. Although the lady's dog has been expelled from the joint committee, we can't stop here. We must clean up this group of moths Clean, they grabbed Black Umbrella's hind legs, they won't die for a day, I can't sleep or eat! This time, we'll start with that old Marduk!"

"Don't worry, I will devote myself to the future of the black Umbrella." The giant said firmly.

"I believe you can do it..." Senator Sudleton said with a smile: "But then again, Black Umbrella's talent vacancies have always been serious. If Marduk is dismissed because of his boy If it is done, the seat of xx head of the European branch will be vacant, what should I do? It's really annoying..."

Speaking of this, it seemed that he suddenly had a good idea. Councilor Sudleton said excitedly: "If Marduk is dismissed, you will take his place concurrently, right?"

"How can this work?" The giant hurriedly said: "Even in the Umbrella era, there has never been a precedent for one person to concurrently serve as the head of two divisions, and the joint committee may also..."

"Don't worry, the Umbrella era is over. As the saying goes, those who can do more work, an outstanding young man like you should naturally take on greater responsibilities..." Senator Sudleton paused, and then continued: " Also, if that old guy in Marduk gets pulled out, I'm likely to be the new Speaker in the 2013 elections, and by then, it's not a good idea to push back against the odds and get you to pick up Black Umbrella impossible…"

"If Black Umbrella needs me, I will do my best!" the giant man said forcefully.

"Hahaha, that's why I like young people. They're so energetic..." Mr. Sudleton laughed loudly, as if he was in a good mood. Are you also upset? Your actions are important, so I won’t bother you. When people get old, they tend to get sleepy. I’ll take a nap first, and hope to hear good news from you when I wake up tomorrow morning..."

After a few brief greetings, the phone finally hung up.

"Immortal thing..." Putting the phone back into his pocket, the giant man muttered to himself, his eyes were stern.

In the shadows, Alexei Mandotoroyevsky, the head of the Eastern European Division of Black Umbrella, looked even more ugly. Just now, he first lied to the executive officer of the joint committee Military situation, and then he lied to the members of the joint committee about the military situation, but he had no way out. He couldn't tell Bai Muqing about the disadvantages of the battle, because he saw the wavering in Bai Muqing's eyes, and his instinct told him that once the battlefield After telling Bai Muqing the real situation in the Internet, she will definitely choose to withdraw and stop the loss!

That woman is very confident and responsible. Maybe she will be willing to take the responsibility for the ineffectiveness of the battle, but for Alexei, this does not mean the slightest, because he has no way out, and the strength of the Eastern European branch is indeed Not weak, but not the strongest. Senator Sudleton chose him as the hound just because he was once the adjutant of Sergei Vladimir, the head of the Caucasus branch of Umbrella. That's all!

Alexey knew very well that if he failed to prove his worth, Senator Sudleton would immediately abandon him and choose a new hound.

Alexei doesn't want to be so rotten in the Eastern European branch with low research and development capabilities, he needs a platform!Let him be transferred to be the minister xx of those branches with strong research and development capabilities, such as the European branch!At that time, combining his military training with the research and development capabilities of the European branch, he will instantly gain a pivotal position in the black Umbrella!Maybe in the future you can become a member of the joint committee!

Therefore, in this war, Alexei has no retreat!

"Minister xx, Alexei..." Just as Alexei was still furious, a woman's voice sounded from behind. Alexei turned his head subconsciously, and saw the executive from the headquarters ——Bai Muqing was standing behind her with a cold smile on her face.

The gloom on his face melted instantly, and a simple and honest smile appeared on Alexei's face. He bowed slightly and said, "It's Miss Bai, why did you come out? Is there something wrong?"

"Things... there are indeed some..." Smiling and nodding, Bai Muqing said in a deep voice, "I just received your battle report, so I breathed a sigh of relief and decided to come out to blow some air..."

"It's a good thing, young people, don't be too harsh on yourself, just leave the matter to us old guys." Alexei responded with a smile.

"In the beginning, I thought so too..." Bai Muqing gently lifted the broken hair beside her ears, and said with a smile: "Until I just happened to find out when I was counting the supplies, the remaining supplies seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with my decision. ..."

The smile on his face gradually faded, and Bai Muqing said with a frosty face: "You concealed the real situation of the battle, right? Minister Alexei xx?"

In an instant, Alexei's smile froze on his face


In the middle of the night, I went out to blow the cold wind, and my condition improved a lot.

With the development of the plot to this point, it is estimated that everyone should be able to understand what the black Umbrella is doing.

Volume 6 Mission.51-[-]. Macho executive

In the cold air, the atmosphere gradually solidified, and the smile on Alexei's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a lingering gloom. After a long while, he said in a deep voice: "So, you should be honest Just stay in the command vehicle, and let me handle the front combat matters."

"I would like to trust you, Minister Alexei xx, but unfortunately, you seem to have betrayed my trust..." With a cold smile on his face, Bai Muqing shook his head, then frowned slightly and said coldly Said: "What has become of the battle ahead?"

"Everything is still under control, you don't have to worry about it..." Alexei replied coldly.

Bai Muqing watched Alexei quietly, and after a while, she sighed and said, "It seems that the battle situation on the front line is already in chaos, isn't it?"

"As I said, everything is still under control!" Alexei couldn't help raising his voice, frowning and said, "It's all expected! I can handle those damned mud legs! "

"I disobeyed my order and invested two-thirds of the combat power secretly, but it still failed to relieve the pressure on the front line..." Bai Muqing stood quietly on the spot, not caring about Alexei's increasingly ferocious face, and After weighing in her mind for a while, she raised her head and said to Alexei, "Retreat."

"What did you say...?" Alexei's eyes widened, as if he hadn't heard Bai Muqing's words clearly.

"Let's retreat..." Bai Muqing paused, "Two-thirds of our energy has been invested but we still haven't been able to relieve the pressure ahead. I'm afraid there is no point in investing the rest. Let our People get out."

"No, Miss Bai, we can still..." Alexei stared and seemed to want to justify something, but Bai Muqing interrupted him roughly, and the Asian woman in a black windbreaker said in a deep voice: "Give up, although I am very unwilling, but we have to admit that our intelligence work has not been done well, neither the mad dog nor Lopulus behind the mad dog is far from as simple as it is recorded in the data."

In all fairness, Bai Muqing was also very unwilling to retreat back in such embarrassment, because this was not a simple retreat, it was a proof of his failure in action, and a proof of his lack of ability. I have never tasted the humiliation brought by this kind of failure. It is foreseeable that if I just go back in such a mess, my fate will not be very good. At the least, I will be marginalized by the joint committee and the executive department, and at worst, I will be demoted. Call back to the technical department.

Having said that, Bai Muqing is more aware that if the entanglement continues like this, the result is likely to lose all the assets of the Eastern European branch. As an executive from the headquarters, it is necessary for her to provide for the employees of those branches. Chief xx considers helping them to rein in the precipice and stop losses in time when they are on top. At that time, she will bravely take responsibility and be responsible for the failure of this operation.

Bai Muqing is very confident, because she is still young, even if she suffers setbacks, she still has the opportunity to climb up.

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