"Let the technical department use the highly controllable BOW to cover our troops to withdraw from Lopulus, leave a small team stationed near Lopulus, and always pay attention to the movements of Director Casimir, if he leaves Lopulus Les, notify the joint committee as soon as possible..." Having made up her mind, Bai Muqing dispelled the frustration and weakness in her heart, and became that confident strong woman again. She calmly arranged: "I hope our team can meet at three o'clock All the evacuation of Lopulus before, now, go arrange it, I'm going to draft a report on the failure of the operation."

Alexei did not respond, his bear-like body stood upright, the expression on his face was hidden in the darkness, as if something was brewing.

"Minister Alexei xx!" Seeing that Alexei didn't respond, Bai Muqing raised her eyebrows, and she said in a deep voice, "Give up this time, realize your shame and be brave, we still have a chance."

Speaking of this, Bai Muqing seemed to have thought of something, she sighed slightly: "No, it should be said that you still have a chance, after this action, I will be demoted, this matter should be covered by other The executive takes over..."

"There is no chance..." Under the shadow, Alexei suddenly whispered.

"What?" Bai Muqing was slightly taken aback without hearing what Alexei said.

"There is no chance!" Alexei suddenly raised his head, and walked out of the shadows with an indifferent expression. His eyes were fixed on Bai Muqing, and he said in a deep voice: "The action cannot be stopped, we must Keep it going, whatever the cost!"

"Minister Alexei xx, with all due respect, you have lost your mind..." Bai Muqing frowned and said, "You are a soldier, you should understand better than me that this war is completely out of control, even if you can win , will also lose all the assets of the Eastern European branch..."

"Then pay it!" Alexey said decisively: "The initiator and person in charge of this operation is Councilor Sudleton of the Joint Committee! We have no way out! You know what price you will bear if the operation fails Can you bear it?!"

"Affordable!" Bai Muqing replied decisively: "The action has deviated from the right track. Timely stop loss is far more important than looking forward and backward!"

"It seems that our opinions are not in agreement..." Alexei said coldly, "It's a pity, Miss Bai, to be honest, I respect you very much..."

Hearing Alexei's words, Bai Muqing frowned, narrowed his eyes slightly, and put his hand down on the handle of the alloy long knife at his waist in a vague manner, and said: "Minister Alexei xx, you Are you sure you want to disobey an executive order?"

"Miss Bai, don't worry about leaving the matter to me. You just need to find a place to rest and wait for me to settle everything..." Under the bushy beard, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Alexei's mouth. He turned his head and said loudly, "Adjutant!"

"Here!" With a loud shout, Alexei's adjutant ran over from not far away. He stood in front of Alexei, gave a military salute, and then quietly waited for Alexei The command.

"Take Miss Bai down to rest, she's too tired..." Alexei turned his head and said to his adjutant after glancing at Bai Muqing with a cold expression.

"Yes!" The adjutant replied sonorously, then turned his head to Bai Muqing and bowed slightly: "Let's go, Miss Bai, please don't make things difficult for me..."

Bai Muqing frowned, and glanced around, and saw the members of the security forces in the distance looking at her, with their hands resting on their guns, as if they were ready to shoot her into a sieve at any time.

Although she didn't think that ordinary members of the security force would dare to open fire at the executive officer at the headquarters, Bai Muqing gave up struggling. She removed her hand from the handle of the knife and stared straight at Alexei with a cold expression. Said: "Minister Alexei xx, you will regret it.


Volume 6 Mission.52-[-]. Macho Panic

Not long after, the adjutant came back.

"It's been dealt with?" Without looking back, Alexei asked in a deep voice, staring at the darkness in the distance.

"Miss Bai has been asked to go to another carriage..." the adjutant whispered: "We confiscated all the communication tools on Miss Bai and asked two people to stand guard at the entrance of the carriage."

Alexei nodded and did not speak again, while his adjutant stood beside him quietly, waiting for his next order.

After a while, Alexei turned around and whispered to the adjutant, "Is 'Ymir' ready?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not ready..." The adjutant whispered: "The preparation of 'Ymir' still needs time, and the people in the technical department said that the system of 'Ymir' still needs to be adjusted, and it can't go directly to battle..."

"Then put all the remaining parts into the battlefield first! Buy time for the debugging of 'Ymir'!" Alexei said loudly, eyes widening.

This time, the adjutant didn't leave, he just stood where he was, looking hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go soon?!" Alexei couldn't help but shouted as he became more and more irritable.

"Minister xx, there is news from Golden Eye that the Idonian government forces in Lopulus have a lot of heavy firepower, and even armored vehicles..." the adjutant frowned, his eyes flickering, he whispered : "Minister xx, according to the current situation, we simply can't cross the center of Loples, let alone the hospital close to Loples, and bring the target back..."

"Do as I say!" Alexey finally couldn't hold it anymore. He stared at the adjutant with bloodshot eyes and roared: "Unshackle all the tyrants who are thrown! Block those damned mud legs! Just drag Go to 'Ymir' and take down those muddy legs!"

"Understood..." After a moment of silence, the adjutant nodded. With a gloomy face, he turned around and shouted to the members of the security force and the technical department over there as he walked towards the opposite street: "The security force Leave two guard squads to guard, and move the rest! Send all the remaining tyrants and gunships to the battlefield!"

Following the adjutant's order, the members of the security forces who stood in place were all stunned.As if he couldn't believe their ears, one of the squad leaders couldn't help but said: "Major Prunev, the front line is in the end..."

"The front line has turned into a quagmire. What we are facing now is not a small-scale operation, but a war!" The adjutant frowned and said, "Stop struggling, move, this is the order of Minister xx."

"Damn it..." the squad leader cursed in a low voice, then turned his head and walked towards his soldiers and shouted loudly: "The break is over, slackers! It's our turn to play!"

Seeing the soldiers move a little bit, Alexei, who was standing in the shadows, sneered. Soldiers are always just numbers. As an excellent officer, what I have to do is to treat them preferentially , and then throw them all down at the critical moment.

"As long as 'Ymir' can be dragged into the arena, as long as..." Alexey muttered, as if he was half dazed.

At this moment, the mobile phone in his pocket rang suddenly. Alexey was taken aback for a moment, then took out the mobile phone, and saw that the caller ID seemed to be the number from the laboratory of the Eastern Europe Branch, and he would call his own number People, in addition to the joint committee, should be the only one left under his incompetent research director.

"Director Paranov..." After connecting the phone, Alexei said coldly, "Is there anything?"

"Something has happened! Something has happened, Minister! Something has happened!" As soon as Alexei finished speaking, Director Paranov's voice came from the other side of the phone. His tone sounded out of breath, but The voice was very obscene and sharp, like a cock that had been strangled by the neck.

"Calm down, Director Paranov..." It seemed that he was infected by the emotions transmitted by Paranov, and there was a trace of panic in Alexei's heart. He gritted his teeth and dispelled the excess emotions in his heart. Then he said angrily, "What happened?"

"Dong...dong...dong..." Paranov kept panting, as if he was in such extreme fright that he couldn't even speak. Alexei was about to lose his temper, but he heard Paranov The supervisor yelled: "The Eastern European branch has been attacked by the BSAA!"

In an instant, Alexei was struck by lightning, his brain went blank, and the blood in his body seemed to be frozen. After a long while, he slowly opened his mouth and asked in a trembling voice: "You just said, what?"

"It's BSAA!" Director Paranov yelled in panic: "Those guys, they got the position of our branch from nowhere, and they directly called in with a large group of people!"

"How is this possible?!" With an ugly face like a dead person, Alexei said anxiously: "Isn't BSAA's actions subject to the permission of the International Pharmaceutical Union?! Didn't the headquarters send back the news in advance?!"

"No...no, there is no news at all..." Director Paranov panicked: "They suddenly appeared from the direction of Smolencus, went straight to our branch, and knocked down our sentries as soon as they met. Also killed the 'messenger' used to patrol the surrounding situation!"

Hearing Director Paranov's words, Alexei's heart sank slowly. He knew very well the combat power of the "messenger". A kind of BOW produced by the controllability technology of the Tyrant. Although it looks like an ordinary crow on the surface, it is quite controllable. There is a pinhole camera embedded in the "messenger", which can be used as a mobile Monitors, in addition, they can also launch fierce attacks on intruders according to the set procedures. The power of parasites makes their bodies stronger, and the T-virus guarantees that even if their organs are injured Attacks can still be launched even when the damage is serious.

A single "messenger" may not be able to pose a sufficient threat to the armed forces, but a large number of "messengers" is enough to hold back any small-scale army. You must know that these guys even have the ability to infect the T virus!If all the "messengers" are mobilized but no results are obtained at all, then there is only one possibility...

The BSAA that came to trouble the Eastern European branch had a huge team, and they were all armed to the teeth!They obviously didn't come to explore the way, they just came here to kill themselves!

Damn it... at this time...but why?Why would the BSAA know the location of the Eastern European Division?

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