Volume 6 Mission.57-[-]. Hunk Waiting to Die

The sound of footsteps resounded in the dark corridor. The short, middle-aged man in a white coat was panting while running. When he turned a corner, he pushed open the door of the room next to the corridor, and went in. Then he hid behind the cabinet in the room, and the violent running almost tore his senses apart. At this moment, he only felt stars staring at his eyes and a splitting headache. Even so, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, not daring to utter the slightest ringing.

Not long after, dense footsteps came from the corridor outside the room, and then a middle-aged man's voice came in, and the man said: "This guy, where did he go? Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?" ?”

"Maybe you hid in a certain room?" Another voice sounded, and then the door of the room was pushed open, and the light from the corridor shone in through the crack of the door, and sprinkled on the space behind the cabinet. Beside the young man, the man's eyes widened instantly, almost unable to hold his breath, he even saw the black figure reflected on the white light, but immediately after, the man outside the door said: "Forget it, then The guy can't run very far, we split up, one team chases forward, and the other team controls the entrance and exit of this facility, the research director is a big fish, we can't give it to Chris."

"I don't think Mr. Redfield cares much about these things..." the young man who pushed the door turned around and said casually.

"He doesn't care, I care..." The middle-aged man said: "Okay, don't worry about these trivial things, let's hurry up, there is not enough time left for us."

Accompanied by the words of the middle-aged man outside the door, the dense footsteps sounded again, and soon went away.

After a while, the hunchbacked man hiding behind the cabinet let out a long sigh of relief. He let go of his hand covering his mouth, and then gasped like a stranded fish.

The name of the middle-aged man is Angel Paranov. He is the research director of the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella. Like a research director from the European branch, he is not good at running.

Tiredly hiding behind the cabinet, Paranov did not get up in a hurry, but quickly took out a small medicine bottle from the breast pocket of his white coat. After taking two pills with a bitter face, his complexion slightly changed. There is detente.

Paranov swore that this day was definitely the worst day he had ever experienced in his life. He never dreamed that the BSAA, which should be controlled by the International Pharmaceutical Federation, would hit the door directly, and it happened to be armed in the Eastern European branch. When the power goes out, the internal defense is so empty that it can almost be ignored.

When the news came that the BSAA had intruded into the facility, Director Paranov immediately notified Alexei in Itonia, but Alexei's reply was very simple, that is, he asked him to delay. It's not that Paranov didn't think about reporting the situation directly to the headquarters, but Alexei directly refused, and from Paranov's point of view, he didn't want the headquarters to know about it.

As the only researcher in the Eastern European Division who can be put on the table, Paranov can be said to be Alexei's confidant. He knows a lot of secrets about Alexei. The delicate relationship between the two congressmen.

Just like Alexei, who was eager to leave the Eastern European Branch with the help of the power of Congressman Sudleton, Paranov hoped to use Alexey's transfer to leave the poor land of the Eastern European Branch. Once the situation here is known to the headquarters If he did, his and Alexei's path to promotion would be blocked.

Neither Alexei nor Paranov are willing to see such a situation, and objectively speaking, even if they ask the headquarters for help, it will take a huge amount of time from passing the bill to dispatching troops to arriving here. Time is enough for the heavily armed troops of BSAA to knock down this Eastern European branch several times.

In desperation, Paranov chose to release some of the remaining BOWs in the facility. Except for the two T-103C tyrants, most of the rest were still in the experimental state and had no controllability. As soon as the monster left the experimental area, it ran around like a wild dog, and began to attack all living things in the facility indiscriminately. They killed some security forces, some researchers and staff , but the group of BSAA soldiers could not be stopped. In this indoor environment, there was no room for BOW to launch a sneak attack.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Director Paranov had to make a choice after experiencing a fierce ideological struggle...

Let's run first, running is more important than anything else!

Unlike those researchers and low-level employees who don't know anything, as the research director of the Eastern European Division, Paranov knows too many secrets about black Umbrella, and Black Umbrella has a very different relationship with the International Pharmaceutical Union. It's an ordinary relationship. Although Paranov didn't know why the BSAA would hit the door, he knew very well that once he fell into the hands of the BSAA, he would die, and the International Pharmaceutical Union would definitely find a way to seal his mouth.

After realizing his situation, Paranov decisively chose to run away, but this involved the problem mentioned earlier. Like a nearly disabled research director of the European branch, the director of Paranov was not good at running. He was caught by the BSAA who was chasing up from behind just after running halfway. He had no choice but to hide in this small storage room. Understand one thing, he can't get out.

There is no doubt that those BSAAs have already run ahead of him, and they will block all the exits and want to go out, unless he, Paranov, can dig a big hole [-] meters long in the ground!

In other words, Director Angel Paranov is dead.

"Damn...Damn...Damn...Why did it become like this?" In the dark, the desperate Director Paranov whispered to himself, recalling the death row prisoners he brought in from outside and the money he bought from human traffickers. Paranov couldn't help gritting his teeth for the pleasure of controlling the fate of others when the children were sent to the test bed. At this moment, he finally realized what it was like to have his own destiny in the hands of others. Feel.

"No, I can't just die like this, at least I shouldn't die in this way..." In a trance, there was a trace of determination and ruthlessness in Paranov's eyes. Chance!Although it is very slim, it is better than obediently waiting to die!

Trembling, he reached into the pocket of his trousers and took out a small silver metal rod. Paranov pressed the switch on the metal rod. Suddenly, with a soft sound, the metal rod shrank and opened towards both sides. The glass tube wrapped by the metal rod was exposed, and I saw that the glass tube was filled with a transparent pink liquid. In the liquid, one could faintly see black spherical particles floating in the pink liquid. It's like it's alive.

"As a research director, as an elite, my gene is undoubtedly the best among human beings, and I can definitely control its power..." Director Paranov stared at the glass tube in his hand, as if in a daze He whispered: "Also, even if I die, I can't just die like a phoenix on fire, burning out my brilliance!"

After making up his mind, Director Paranov stood up tremblingly. He put the glass tube back in his pocket, then left the storage room with a stooped body, and walked towards the lowest floor of the facility step by step. There, all the corpses waiting to be incinerated after the failed experiments were piled up...

Volume 6 Mission.58-[-]. The macho turned his face

At the black Umbrella station outside Loples, Alexei with a cold expression silently put his mobile phone back into his pocket. On the other side, his adjutant trotted over and said, "Minister xx, 'Ymir ’ It’s ready to go, ready to go.”

Alexei didn't speak, he just hid himself in the shadows, nodded slightly, so that people couldn't see the expression on his face clearly.

"Minister xx?" The adjutant at the side was slightly taken aback, and then couldn't help calling out in a low voice.

"I can hear..." Alexei suddenly opened his mouth and said coldly. He turned his head, looked through the woods and mounds, and silently looked in the direction of Lopulus. After a long while, he said in a deep voice: "Launch, launch 'Ymir' towards the center of Lopulus."

"Yes, Minister xx..." The adjutant faintly felt that something was wrong. In his opinion, Alexei's order was too hasty, and he didn't have the slightest mood swing, which made him a little puzzled. Xie's idea, but as an adjutant, he doesn't need to doubt Alexei's order, he just needs to execute it faithfully.

Taking out the walkie-talkie hanging by his shoulder, the adjutant whispered: "Minister xx ordered that 'Ymir' be launched immediately."

"Wait, are you sure?" The voice from the other side of the walkie-talkie was full of surprise and doubt, as if unable to understand the order.

The adjutant glanced vaguely at Alexei who was standing in the shadows, but the adjutant still couldn't see his expression clearly, so the adjutant whispered: "Launch, this is the order of Minister xx."

"Understood... Got it..." The reply came from the other side of the walkie-talkie, with a little hesitation and doubt in his tone, and then the communication was cut off.

After a long while, there was a burst of roaring on the road away from the convoy, and then, the scorching temperature spread, scorching the surrounding air crazily, and a large cloud of smoke and dust rolled away with the wind pressure. The defenders couldn't help but focus their eyes on the past. In the night sky in the distance, a huge luminous object soared into the air, dragging its tail flame and thick steam, rising into the sky like a rocket launch, and then across the sky. An arc, going straight to the direction of Lopulus.

Seeing that "Ymir" had been launched, Alexei's face showed no expression at all. At this moment, his heart was neither happy nor sad.

Because Alexei knew that his future might be over.

The news came from the "Golden Eye" on the front line. The defense line organized by the security forces is being squeezed by the Itonia government forces. Without air support, they can't hold on for long, even if the two ends are unshackled. The T-103C02 Tyrant can't resist this kind of firepower comparable to that of regular armored troops for a long time. Once the defense line is completely torn, the members of the security forces who are trapped in street fighting will completely lose the possibility of withdrawing. Being bit by bit eaten inside, what awaits them is only a rout.

In addition, just now, Alexei suddenly found that he was completely unable to contact the Eastern European branch, and all communications could not be connected, even the mobile phone of the research director Paranov, Alexei I understand that the Eastern European branch has fallen, and he has completely failed in this desperate battle.

really strange?What went wrong?Why can the poor Yidonian government army suddenly pull out a heavy firepower armored force?Why can't I defeat these mud legs in street fighting with a lot of BOW and better equipment?Why was the research director so decisive to sell the black Umbrella to the BSAA?Did he really think he could get away with selling himself to the BSAA?Does he really think that the International Pharmaceutical Union will let him tell the BSAA about the black Umbrella? !

There are too many whys in Alexei's head, but Alexei has no intention of thinking about it. After all, this kind of thinking is of no help to the current situation. Right now, he needs someone to take responsibility for the failure of this operation. As long as he can put all the responsibility for this failure on others, maybe he still has a chance. As long as he can help Congressman Sudleton kill Minister XX of Alzerich of the European Branch, he will still be a qualified hound !

In an instant, a plan took shape in his head, and Alexei couldn't help showing a somewhat ferocious smile.

Walking out of the shadows, under the watchful eyes of the adjutant, he walked slowly towards a black troop transport truck. After reaching the side of the carriage, Alexei first cleared away the members of the security forces guarding the carriage, and then stepped into the carriage. , Under the dim light, he saw Bai Muqing sitting quietly in the carriage with closed eyes and resting his mind at a glance.

Hearing the noise from the side, Bai Muqing slowly opened her eyes, and saw that the person walking into the carriage was Alexei, she asked in a low voice, "What was the noise just now?"

"T-Yimr..." Alexey replied in a low voice: "That is the final product of the 'Ymir Project', the crystallization created by combining BOW with modern military technology. ——Sergei Vladimir's design concept, improving the production process of TA.LOS, and at the same time assembling a more powerful weapon system, there is no doubt that T-Yimr can be used in the frontal battlefield in the true sense BOW."

"You never told me that you still have this kind of thing..." Bai Muqing said with a blank expression.

"Because I don't really want to let it play, after all, it's too expensive, so I hid it behind the team..." Alexey's eyes showed a trace of regret, and he whispered: "Such a good product, I originally planned to use it to subvert the headquarter's view of the Eastern European branch, but I have to pay here, although I can collect a full set of actual combat data, it's still a pity..."

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