"Is it the compensation here..." I have no interest in those development projects that start with "T" and are based on tyrants. Bai Muqing immediately grasped the cryptic message conveyed by Alexei, She raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said, "It seems that you have completely screwed up."

"That's right, I screwed up, I still underestimated the fighting power of those mud-legged people..." To Bai Muqing's surprise, Alexei directly admitted his failure. He shrugged and smiled lightly. Said: "Not only that, but as we speak, the BSAA is attacking the headquarters of the Eastern European Division, maybe this meeting has already been taken down..."

"What?!" This news really scared Bai Muqing, his eyes turned cold instantly, Bai Muqing frowned and said, "What did the headquarters say? Has the emergency plan been activated? Has the joint committee Start communicating with the International Pharmaceutical Union?"

"They didn't say anything..." Alexei smiled, "Because I didn't tell them anything..."

"Minister Alexei xx! Are you crazy?!" Hearing Alexei's words, Bai Muqing finally couldn't control herself. She stood up abruptly, subconsciously staring and angrily saying, "Don't you know?" Know what you are doing?! Do you know that your actions will destroy the Eastern European branch and even threaten the headquarters and branches in various regions?! Where is your loyalty?! Where is your dogma?!"

"Come on, the pampered young lady of the elite class..." The inexplicable smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a deep contempt in his eyes, Alexei raised his eyebrows and said: "Worry about the black Umbrella when you have time, you It's better to worry about yourself, after all, you are a hateful, pathetic, despicable... traitor!"

"What...?" Bai Muqing was stunned for a moment.


Two more.

Volume 6 Mission.59-[-]. Macho Man Vicious

"What did you say?"

As if he didn't understand what Alexei said, after a while, Bai Muqing asked in a daze.

"Don't understand what I'm talking about? You hateful traitor!" With a happy smile on his face, the bear-like man suddenly opened his arms and said, "Miss Bai Muqing, the executive officer of the Black Umbrella Executive Department, Collaborating with Director Durand Casimir, the criminal from the European branch, to provide false information for the operation, which caused all the armed forces of the Eastern European branch to fall into Itonia. At the same time, you also secretly colluded with the BSAA in an attempt to completely Destroying the Eastern European branch and subverting Black Umbrella is simply a heinous crime!"

"You...you're talking nonsense!" For a moment, Bai Muqing only felt angry. She staggered back two steps, pointed at Alexei and said, "Do you think the joint committee will believe your nonsense? What about the evidence?! I What is the motive?! Why would I want to subvert Black Umbrella?!"

"Motivation?" The smile on his face became more and more insane, and Alexei said righteously: "Your motive is to cooperate with the European branch to attack Congressman Roaldo Sudleton of the Joint Committee! Re-election is imminent, that old Alzerich Dongxi was worried that once Congressman Sudleton became the speaker, the European branch would not be able to get enough research funds from his subordinates, so he bribed you as the executive officer! He even sold the entire Eastern European branch for this!"

"You...you liar full of lies!" Bai Muqing frowned and said with furious anger on his cold face, "Do you think your little trick will succeed?! As an executive officer, I don't know. I will let a despicable and dirty guy like you do whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Muqing lowered his body and rushed towards Alexei, at the same time, he pulled out the alloy long knife from his waist, which symbolized the power of the executive officer, and reached to Alexei's neck, but Alexei But there was no panic on his face, as if he had expected Bai Muqing to make such a move, he unhurriedly took out something from his pocket and pointed it at Bai Muqing who was coming, Bai Muqing subconsciously Thinking it was a gun, she froze slightly, and then, a faint pain came from her neck.

I was hit by something!

Bai Muqing drew back abruptly, and at the same time quickly touched his own neck, took off the foreign object that pierced his skin, held it in his hand, and saw that it was a needle tube as thick as a little finger. The needle tube was empty, and there was no doubt that the things that had been in the needle tube had already entered his body.

A chill instantly filled Bai Muqing's body, she suddenly raised her head, and saw that Alexei was holding a long-range injection gun specially used to launch BOW.

"You just... injected something into my body?" A trace of panic gradually appeared in her eyes, and Bai Muqing didn't notice a tremor in her voice.

"What did I inject?" Seeing that cold face gradually filled with fear, Alexei sneered triumphantly: "Of course it is prepared for elites like you, the most powerful human DNA screening agent, I believe , someone as excellent as you must be very suitable for it, right?"

Listening to Alexei's words, Bai Muqing's face turned pale instantly, and she faintly guessed the answer.

"You are a complete bastard! I want you...I want you..." His body gradually began to tremble, Bai Muqing gritted his teeth, and walked towards Alexei step by step with the long alloy knife in his hand. Immediately afterwards, accompanied by With the sound of the alloy long knife hitting the ground, Bai Muqing's body softened and fell to Alexey's feet. At this moment, she only felt that her body was bitten by countless snakes, and she couldn't bear the extreme pain. Live and start to twitch.

Looking at Bai Muqing who was twitching and rolling her eyes while lying on the ground, Alexey sneered and kicked her lightly, and at the same time said with a smile: "Miss Bai, I have to admit that you are very good, you are very good. Pragmatic, but at the same time... you're too young."

Bai Muqing tried her best to open her mouth, but she could only make a strange sound with unknown meaning from her throat. As the virus took effect in her body, her skin began to squirm slightly, as if snakes were crawling under her skin Same.

"Will it be so slow to take effect? ​​This is really beyond my expectation..." Looking at Bai Muqing who was constantly struggling on the ground, Alexei showed a hint of surprise on his face, because the injection he injected for Bai Muqing just now was an extremely Overbearing virus - Uroboros, this virus was brought back by Fenrir's troops from a crater in South Africa a year ago, it has the ability to screen genes, the better the genes, the better It is easy to live in harmony with it, but on the contrary, once some genes are identified as bad genes by ouroboros, it will rewrite them in an extremely rough way or even completely destroy them, so when Alexei found that Bai Muqing was not When it mutated for a while, he was somewhat surprised.

"Could it be that your woman's genes are really good?" The bear-like burly man shrugged and said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter, there are no perfect human beings in this world, so how can we talk about perfect genes? Ouroboros will eventually devour you, it's only a matter of time, now, let Miss Bai be alone for a while."

Ignoring Bai Muqing who was lying on the ground struggling constantly, Alexei put away the smile on his face, turned around and left the carriage, and closed and locked the carriage casually. The two members of the security force he dispersed waved, and seeing Alexei greet them, the two members ran over immediately, waiting for Alexei's order.

"Miss Bai is not feeling well, please don't disturb her..." Alexei said in a low voice to the two team members in front of him: "One more thing, no matter what happens to Miss Bai, don't open the compartment , because of the unsatisfactory actions on the front line, Miss Bai blames herself very much, and may act irrationally."

"Understood, Minister xx!" The two members of the security force said in unison.

"Very good..." Alexey nodded to the two team members in front of him, and then asked, "Did the transport plane that transported BOW to the front line return?"

"It has returned, Minister xx!" A team member replied: "The helicopter is parked behind the convoy, ready for the next mission at any time."

Alexei didn't speak any more, he just patted the team member on the shoulder, and then left.

Stepping on the somewhat potholed road and bypassing the huge convoy, Alexei quickly found the helicopter parked behind the convoy. Since there were only two teams left near the convoy, the security forces who could guard the helicopter were separated. There was only one person left. Seeing Alexei walking over, the team member immediately saluted Alexei.

"I'm going to do something, and the command has been handed over to my adjutant. If there is any emergency, please remember to listen to the adjutant's command." Alexey told the team member, and then boarded the helicopter.

Walking through the cabin and sitting in the driver's seat, the stern smile returned to Alexei's face. Although the operation failed miserably, his remedial plan was successful, and T-Yimr will provide enough for his evacuation. Time, after killing the security forces and BOW inside Lopulus, those Yidonia's mud legs will definitely go straight to the Eastern European branch's station. At that time, the elite lady from the headquarters will definitely give them A huge surprise!

I will have the last laugh


Three shifts, call it a day.

Volume 6 Mission.60-[-]. Macho Modern Warfare

"Crush! Crush them!"

Even amidst the endless gunfire, Yeger's roar was still loud, and the hearing loss in his right ear made him squint his right eye subconsciously. On the contrary, his left eye was wide open and almost congested.

On the streets of Loples, bullets and shells flew together, and the flames produced by the explosion and combustion brought light symbolizing iron and fire to this street that should have been in darkness. Above the sky, new gunships joined On the battlefield, at the same time, a transport plane was dropping metal cans one by one. Those metal cans fell naturally, and then directly hit the middle of the street, leaving a cobweb-like pattern on the not-so-flat road. Cracks, those metal cans opened with puffs of air, and huge monsters wearing black coats, gray skin, and huge physique came out. They stepped on heavy steps and joined the battlefield expressionlessly. There was a sound of the locks cracking, and the black coats were all taken off from the monsters. In an instant, silver muscles squeezed the blood-colored gully and swelled from under the coats. The gloves turned into sharp and hard giant claws, and in just a few seconds, the size of those monsters became a full circle. They opened their arms and screamed, and then rushed towards the front line of the Itonia government army.

"It's finally here! It's those damned monsters!" Seeing those naked and muscular monsters rushing towards the armored troops, Yegel waved his eyes and roared angrily: "Heavy fire saturation strike! Don't even Give me dear money! Hit me to death!"

Accompanied by Yeger's shouts, the soldiers who had fallen into a war frenzy set up a heavy machine gun on the roof, then grinned and pulled the trigger towards the muscular monsters. Suddenly, the large-caliber machine gun bullets swept across the cracked On the street, a storm-like Iron Curtain line was opened, and then directly climbed onto the bodies of those monsters, tearing their skin apart in bursting blood flowers, and stuck into their muscles.

Even the unshackled T-103C tyrants couldn't directly resist such firepower from the front. They ignored the torn bodies, stretched out their giant claws to cover their relatively fragile heads, and rushed towards the enemy without hesitation. Seeing the monster running closer and closer, the tank on the other side of the street fired suddenly. With a burst of screaming, the shell shot out and hit the tyrant's head hard. In the chest, the powerful impact force wrapped in the shells instantly tore up the solid muscles, and then flew out from the tyrant's back, bringing a large piece of flesh and blood into the abandoned warehouse on the other side of the street, and then there was an explosion. , The shock wave almost overturned all the nearby soldiers, and the hit warehouse instantly turned into a piece of scattered rubble, and was thrown into the air together with the rising mushroom cloud.

A big hole was torn open in the chest, and the tyrant sprayed blood and fell to the ground, but this was only one of them. Right now, there are more tyrants attacking the defense line of the Itonia government army. The tank that fired just now was too late. As the turret rotated, the tyrant rushing up from the flank approached him. The tyrant clasped the tank's chassis with both claws and exerted force before the tank's tracks turned. He seemed to want to lift the tank up, as if They wanted to overturn the tank. Seeing this, the soldiers on the roof immediately turned their guns. For a moment, all the heavy machine guns were aimed at the tyrant's body. Under the baptism of the Iron Curtain, the tyrant His side and back were soon covered with blood.

Finally, as if unable to resist the dense firepower around him, the tyrant's body suddenly went limp, and he dropped the tank to the ground. Immediately, with the sound of the roaring engine, the tracks turned at a high speed, pressing down on the tyrant's legs. The tyrant, whose center of gravity was unstable, fell directly to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the tank ran over the tyrant directly. The huge weight instantly crushed the muscles under the skin and the organs protected by the muscles. The tyrant He vomited blood, but he couldn't resist. Under the tank, its blood was continuously squeezed out from the holes made by the heavy machine guns on its body, but in the next second, its pain stopped, because the tank's tracks were on the ground. It bumped over its head, and amidst the sound of bone shattering, the tyrant's head was suddenly crushed, like a watermelon being placed under a hydraulic press.

In just a few minutes, two tyrants who had liberated their power died under the torrent of steel, but this had already delayed enough time for the subsequent armed helicopters to enter the battlefield. One of the armed helicopters was maneuvering in the air and climbing rapidly. Dodge the rockets flying towards you, and then spit flames towards the ground and the houses next to the street. The genuine airborne machine guns instantly destroy the ground and houses, tearing the government machine gunners on the nearby roofs into pieces Blood mist, but in the next second, the automatic artillery locked on it, and the turret on the tank chassis rotated rapidly, aiming the barrels at the armed helicopter that was trying to strike again after maneuvering in the air, and then spewed out flames , A series of shells flew out densely, directly tearing the tail and bottom of the armed helicopter. A raging fire ignited on the smoking armed helicopter, and then hit the street like a fireball, exploding loudly.

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