The wreckage of the gunship burned on the street, bringing up billowing smoke, but it was not over yet, accompanied by a burst of heavy footsteps, the smoke was instantly torn apart, and a tyrant passed through the billowing smoke, stepping on the flames It rushed up, but this time, it couldn't even connect to the front of the Yidonian government army. The soldiers in the alley and on the roof grinned and took a handful of bazookas from behind, and then pointed at the other side. The charging tyrant opened fire suddenly, and suddenly, amidst the sound of piercing through the air, rockets with trailing smoke struck from all directions. The tyrant shot suddenly and grabbed one of them, but before it let go, the follow-up The rocket hit it fiercely, and for a while, the sound of the explosion accompanied by the fire light and the rising red mushroom cloud became one. I took a piece of good meat, it was smoking, and it was scorched black, with flesh and blood under the chapped skin, as if even the body had shrunk a circle, stubbornly stood in place and swayed, the tyrant finally lay obediently on the ground. on the ground.

The war was in full swing, and the reinforcements of the new security forces were long overdue. They marched along the main street of Loples, and successfully reached the flank of the Itonia government army. Then they were shocked by the sight before them. Stunned, under the scorching of the flames, the security team leader raised his head and watched rockets fly into the sky, chasing and hitting the only remaining armed helicopter in the sky, and then, one round was mixed with the rockets. The Stinger missile turned a corner and hit the armed helicopter. With the sound of an explosion, the armed helicopter burned and fell into the dense bungalow area below, setting off a burst of explosions.

"What the hell... what is this?" After a long while, the team leader wiped the cold sweat off his face, and whispered in horror: "I thought it was "Black Hawk Down", but after a long time, it turned out to be "Mission" Summoning?!


Volume 6 Mission.61-[-]. Hunk fire strike

"Sir! There is news from the people below that a group of new enemies has arrived on our flanks!" Amidst the sound of gunfire, Yeager's adjutant Kai shouted to Yeager.

Yeager was taken aback for a moment, then turned around, turned his left ear to his adjutant, and said loudly at the same time: "I didn't hear you clearly, please say it again!"

"Enemy reinforcements have appeared on our flank!" the adjutant shouted.

"How many people? What size? How many heavy weapons are they carrying?" Yeager asked loudly.

"Dozens of people, light infantry, I didn't see them carrying heavy weapons!" The adjutant replied loudly: "The group of guys misfired after firing a few shots, as if they wanted to run!"

"You want to run even though you're here? Do you think I have too little food on the wine table?!" Yeager became angry when he heard it, and he yelled at the adjutant: "Let Stanwell take two teams up and take them away." Keep it for me!"

After all, Yeager turned his head and said viciously: "If the table is not finished today, no one can leave early!"

After destroying the air power and a few tyrants who came to support the enemy, the soldiers of the Itonia government army began to move again. Because the enemy's support came too suddenly, the group of soldiers who had just rushed up lost their lives. It was a bit disastrous, most of them failed to break into the enemy's defense line in the end, but directly chose to bypass the firepower net and get into the alley, trying to use the terrain to pull the enemy's flank.

Undoubtedly, for the armed forces from the Eastern European Division, the battle has already been badly fought. The back of the defense line has begun to feel the pressure. Most of the teams attacking the hospital have given up their offensive and started to gather towards the defense line. Be wary of those lingering local mercenaries, and at the same time be careful of the hunter γ who was put into the battlefield before and has not been killed, and the hunter δ who was thrown into the battlefield later and who is equally indiscriminate between friend and foe.

Predator δ is the only new type of Predator in the Predator series that does not continue the existing Predator model in the Umbrella era. Paranov, the research director of the Eastern European Division, believes that it can be achieved by genetic selection of raw materials. After using the genes of various reptiles and amphibians to create a lot of garbage that is neither good-looking nor useful, Paranov finally used a certain gecko The genes of the new Hunter-Killer Delta.

The skin of this hunter is brown, the epidermis is harder than that of ordinary hunter α, and its body is slimmer than hunter α, and its night vision is much better than other models of hunter, but relatively, The claws of Predator δ are obviously not as huge as other models of Predators, and the fingertips are replaced by swollen suction cups, and they are not as powerful as Predator α. The only thing worthy of praise is probably the one that can almost ignore the terrain. climbing ability.

All in all, just a barely usable piece of junk out of a pile of junk.

Although the comprehensive ability is slightly inferior to other types of hunters, at this moment, the dark night and complex terrain make this new type of BOW a duck to water. These monsters that can't distinguish between friend and foe have caused tremendous pressure on the poor security team members. The line of defense seemed likely to collapse at any time, but just as the government forces in Itonia were about to charge again, two huge figures stepped out from behind the line of defense of the security forces. Their shape was similar to that of the previous T-103C The T-103C Tyrants are similar, with the same bald gray head, the same expressionless face, and the same black coats full of buttons, but they are a whole circle larger than the T-[-]C Tyrants.

After a long wait, the two T-103C02 tyrants who were first thrown onto the battlefield finally arrived at the battlefield under the guidance of the program. The body of the two tyrants swelled rapidly, and soon, monsters with a height of more than three meters appeared like giants in mythology. Like the T-103C tyrants in the liberated state, their muscles were extremely developed, but their The claws are even bigger, even stretched beyond the knees. In addition, a large amount of irregular black horniness grows from their bodies, covering their bodies. There are only a few scattered pieces on the legs. The upper body is directly covered by this weird black horn, and then extends along the body to the arms, connecting with the huge claws, like a jagged rock.

"Come again? Are they going to learn?" Seeing two big men with unique shapes running out of the opposite alley, Yegel couldn't help frowning. This time, needless to say, the machines on the surrounding roofs The gunmen opened fire immediately, and the scorching barrels accompanied by the gunfire sent machine gun bullets out of the chamber one by one, hitting the huge monster's body, knocking off the black horniness all over their bodies. Blocks, but those monsters didn't care at all, their huge claws covered their faces, and those monsters rushed up against the heavy machine gun fire from all directions.

"It turned out to be one with a body armor..." The performance of the monster in front of him somewhat exceeded Yegel's expectations. Not far from him, the automatic artillery suddenly rotated the turret, the barrel slowly downward, and then headed towards the oncoming The monsters poured out terrifying firepower, and shells were fired at high speed amidst the roar of the automatic artillery, hitting those monsters crazily. This time, their horniness failed to protect them. , one of the tyrants was beaten back again and again, the horniness of his body was constantly falling off, and the muscles hidden underneath were about to be exposed, but the other tyrant rushed up straight from the other side towards the mobile artillery.

Seeing that the monster intended to attack the automatic artillery, the surrounding soldiers immediately took out the grenade launchers and bazookas, and aimed at the monster with a burst of saturated blows. For a while, the machine guns, grenades and rockets greeted the tyrant's body together, setting off an explosion. The scorching flames carried astonishing heat, but in the next second, the monster tore through the flames and rushed out. This round of concentrated fire almost destroyed all the horniness of its upper body, directly exposing its scarlet muscles to the However, it managed to rush to the side of the self-propelled artillery. Before the turret of the self-propelled artillery turned around, it raised its giant claw with a roar, and it was about to hit the barrel of the self-propelled artillery. Hearing a loud "boom", the tank on the other side fired. The shell passed through the scorching air, instantly broke the tyrant's relatively fragile arm joints, flew over the tyrant's shoulder, and crashed into the opposite side of the street. On a small tower building, the tower collapsed amidst the sound of an explosion, and the tyrant who was hit just now had no head, and the neck wrapped in residual horny was spraying blood crazily. A few seconds later, the tyrant fell to the ground. After falling down, blood was sprinkled on the barrel of the automatic artillery, and bursts of blue smoke burst out in a "sizzling" sound.

After killing a T-103C02 tyrant, the other tyrant who had just been hit by the automatic artillery crazily stood up slowly. The horniness of its upper body was almost destroyed, leaving only bloody muscles, but it felt No more pain, and after regrouping, it rushed up again, but just as it rushed to the middle of the street, there was a rumbling sound above its head.

Stopping in his tracks, the tyrant raised his head subconsciously. Immediately afterwards, he saw a huge monster descending from the sky with flames, smashing into the street like a meteorite. With a loud noise, the broken horniness mixed with blood The tremors of the earth scattered and splashed, and the billowing smoke suddenly rose, sweeping across the positions of both the Itonia government army and the security forces like a storm.

For a moment, the battlefield fell into silence.

After the smoke cleared, Yeger, who was hiding behind the abandoned tank, gritted his teeth and slowly raised his head, only to see that the tyrant who was about to launch a final charge just now had been smashed into the ground, and around the tyrant's body, spider webs General cracks spread all over the street, and above the tyrant's body, a very huge white metal ball suddenly appeared. It exuded terrifying heat and emitted bursts of white smoke. There were several streaks of black paint on it. In the cracks of the paint, on the metal ball, there seems to be a row of mottled gray writing, which says: T-Yimr...

Two more.

Volume 6 Mission.62-[-]. Macho ass!The end of the scum!

In the narrow and dark corridor, the sound of dense footsteps echoed constantly behind him. Director Paranov knew very well that those BSAAs were about to catch up with him, but he had exhausted his energy, and he could no longer run, and On top of that, he lost his glasses.

Everything in front of him was extremely blurred. In the dark, the red emergency light was blurred into a red spot, reflecting the yellow sign on the wall. Although he couldn't see it clearly, Paranov was very clear that it was "biochemical pollution" "Warning" sign, and further ahead, there is a warehouse for stacking discarded test items waiting to be processed. According to common sense, there will be at least two members of the security force guarding in front of the warehouse, and any staff who are not wearing protective clothing are not allowed to enter , As a research director, Paranov is well aware of what will happen if he enters the warehouse without wearing protective clothing. Even if it is stored at low temperature, the virus carried by the corpse in the warehouse may still kill him.

The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer. Paranov approached the door of the warehouse and focused his blurred vision on the scanner by the door. Relying on his memory, he groped to find the protective case of the scanner. , opened it, and swiped his work card on the recognizer by the door. After a soft "beep", an inorganic female voice came from the recognizer: "Welcome, Director Paranov ,have a pleasant workday."

With a rumbling sound, the metal door of the warehouse slowly opened, revealing the narrower corridor behind.

"Heh... happy..." There was a hint of self-mockery on that wretched face, and Paranov walked in tremblingly with a stooped body. After entering the disinfection corridor, the nozzles on both sides of the corridor automatically pointed towards Paranov. Nove's body sprinkled a disinfectant that was almost harmless to the human body. According to the past, this disinfectant should have been sprinkled on the protective clothing, but at this time Paranov's director was not wearing the protective clothing. Walking through this corridor, he was soaked through.

"Damn it..." Paranov cursed in a low voice, feeling the smell of disinfectant from the wet clothes and the slightest chill.

Opening the last door, a gust of cold air rushed towards his face. Paranov shivered, then used his body to squeeze open the special curtain in front of him, and entered the warehouse used to store discarded experimental items.

Only when you enter the interior, you will find that this warehouse is actually surprisingly spacious, and the corpses are just placed in the warehouse in such a random way, some are those poor experimental products, and some are monsters. There were a few security personnel among them. Some of these corpses were placed on nearby cabinets, and some were thrown on the ground randomly. Paranov, who couldn't see the way, squinted his eyes and groped slowly into the counter. Immediately afterwards, he felt a strange touch from his fingertips. Paranov turned his head and saw that his hand was pressing on a corpse in the counter. The corpse was wrapped in a body bag, but the head But it was exposed outside. The corpse seemed to belong to a girl. Her eyes were open, and the skin on her face had peeled off. Around those skins, there were signs of festering.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Paranov suddenly remembered that this corpse should belong to an experiment from a week ago.

"It's been placed for a whole week, it's really slack, can't the stupid pigs in the security department not even do such small things as burning boilers?" Frowning slightly, Paranov cursed in a low voice, he still remembered this When the corpse was still alive, it was a blond-haired girl, probably in her teens. Although she was not very beautiful, she had a sweet smile. Paranov liked her very much and gave her a gift A lollipop and a teddy bear, so the little girl stuck to Paranov.

Given that this is a very cute child, Paranov decided to experiment with his favorite work on her, and the overall effect is still very satisfactory. The girl's limbs have undergone changes that he expected, which shows that his first phase of research It has been successful, the only downside is that the child's cries before dying are a bit too loud.

Paranov was not very good at dealing with living children.

As if he had let go of something in his heart, Paranov gently brushed the rotten face of the girl's corpse with his hand, and the footsteps outside the warehouse became louder and louder. A few seconds later, a loud shout sounded from beside him.

"Don't move! Raise your hands!"

Director Paranov turned his head indifferently, and saw a group of heavily armed BSAA soldiers rushing into the warehouse. They held up their guns and pointed at themselves. Because his vision was too blurred, he couldn't see the expressions on the faces of those BSAA soldiers clearly. This made him subconsciously narrow his eyes.

As if aware of Paranov's embarrassment, the leading BSAA soldier held a gun in one hand and touched his waist with the other hand. After a while, he took out something from his waist, and then moved towards Paranov's I lost it under my feet.

"Your glasses..." the BSAA soldier said in somewhat blunt English, "I picked them up on the road."

Director Paranov lowered his head. He couldn't see clearly what the BSAA soldier had thrown at his feet, but he knew very well that it was undoubtedly his glasses.

Suddenly, a sense of absurdity flooded into Paranov's heart. Instead of bending down to pick up his glasses, he focused his blurred vision on the BSAA soldier. After a while, he He said blankly, "You are really a good person."

"I just have my own bottom line..." The BSAA soldier said: "Now, give up resistance and go back with us. As long as you tell us everything you know, the upper management may treat you leniently."

"Bottom line..." Paranov smiled, turned his head, glanced at the girl's body on the cabinet, and then smiled at the BSAA soldier: "Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of thing, for my Curiosity, I can easily erase my bottom line."

After all, Paranov took out a silver metal pipe from his pocket and stabbed it fiercely towards his neck. Seeing Paranov's movement, the BSAA fighters who entered the warehouse He fired subconsciously, and the bullets penetrated Paranov's body one by one, and the blood splashed in all directions stained the white coat red, and Paranov fell straight in a pool of blood.

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