After a long while, the BSAA soldier put down his gun and said in a low voice, "The female horse, the captain said he would catch them alive."

After all, the BSAA soldier turned around, lightly clasped the communicator next to his ear, and said, "Captain, this is Kuroda, we caught up with that research director, he tried to resist, I had to shoot him dead gone."

"Damn it, I told you to catch the living, now it's over..." The voice of the captain of the Bravo team came from the opposite side of the communicator, and after a while of complaints, he said in a deep voice: "Forget it, just die if you die, you are all fine Just fine."

"We're fine, we're going to return to the office area, meet with Jin Haishan, and escort the staff in the facility..." the BSAA soldier said in a deep voice, but at this moment, he saw his teammates' expressions changed. It was weird, they stared at their backs, and some even raised their guns.

The BSAA soldier thought it was wrong, he decisively canceled the communication, then turned around with his gun in hand, and saw Paranov who had just been knocked down was standing up little by little, wearing a blood-stained white coat, slowly Slowly supported his body that was no longer rickety. After a long while, Paranov, who had come back from the dead, took a sharp breath. He looked at his arms and said in surprise: "The eyesight...has recovered, and I can't feel the cold. ...I did it!"

As soon as the words fell, Paranov suddenly raised his head, and the leading BSAA soldier saw at a glance that Paranov's eyes turned red.

"Hehe, hehehe, hehehahahahahahahaha..." In an instant, Paranov's maniacal laughter filled the entire warehouse, and a trace of madness appeared on the face of the research supervisor in a white coat. He said loudly to the group of BSAA soldiers : "Did you see it? Did you see it? I succeeded! My DNA passed the screening of the gods, at this moment! I have evolved! I have surpassed the mortal body! I have become a god!"

Pulling off his blood-stained white coat suddenly, Paranov's smile became more and more strange. He took steps that he did not recognize, and walked up to the gunpoints of the BSAA soldiers. However, before he could take a few steps, Paranov The husband's expression suddenly froze, and he stopped abruptly, as if he was being pulled by someone. Then, a foul-smelling liquid surged up from his body, and Paranov bent down and vomited crazily , black liquid spewed out of his mouth continuously, and then, something fell to the ground along with his vomit. They were like snakes and worms, all black, writhing crazily among the black vomit with.

"No... Impossible... This is wrong... It shouldn't be like this... My genes must... definitely be able to..." Seeing the black objects writhing like worms on the ground, the arrogance on Paranov's face disappeared. , It was replaced by endless fear, severe pain came, like countless snakes biting the body, foreign objects were constantly swimming from under Paranov's skin, intertwined, Paranov staggered back and said: "No, no, no no no no!"

In the next second, the skin was torn apart suddenly, and the black liquid splashed in all directions. Along with Paranov's screams, countless snake-like black tentacles spewed out of Paranov's body, and they were constantly entangled in the At the same time, Paranov's body snaked forward along the ground, climbing up to the corpses in the warehouse with black sticky traces, wrapping them around, and dragging them towards Pala, which had been completely swallowed. Nove, the shocked BSAA soldiers thought of firing. For a while, bullet casings kept flying out of the ejection window. Black liquid was splashed on the monster, but it was all in vain. The black tentacles kept dragging the corpses in the warehouse to Paranov. In just a few seconds, countless black tentacles and corpses The entangled monster doubled in size!

"Run!" Seeing that the existing weapons could not do harm to the monster, the BSAA soldier named Kuroda ordered decisively. They turned around and rushed out of the warehouse, leaving only the monster that could no longer be called Pala Nove's monsters were still devouring the surrounding corpses. Tentacles dripping with black liquid slowly climbed up the counter, dragging the blond girl's extremely distorted body out of the body bag, and then slowly merged into it. The body of the huge monster, I don't know if it is an illusion, but the corner of the mouth of the girl's corpse seems to have a faint sinister smile...

Three shifts, 3k+, call it a day.

Every time I write a scumbag to death, I feel inexplicably happy inside.

Volume 6 Mission.63-[-]. Macho emergency

In the laboratory of the Eastern European branch, Jin Haishan, who was sitting on the desk, silently lit a cigarette, holding the M4A1 in his hand, he casually raised his head and looked around, and saw that the nearby ground was full of people wearing white coats. There are also a few disarmed security personnel in black combat uniforms among the staff, and around them are BSAA soldiers armed to the teeth.

The scene in front of him reminded Jin Haishan of a mission in Japan a few months ago. A gang leader used BOW in a small county town and hijacked a large group of hostages in a commercial building in the city center. When entering the commercial building, those hostages squatted like this.

"The captain led a team to block the road, and the other team is still chasing the supervisor..." Breathing out a mouthful of white mist, Jin Haishan murmured to himself in a low voice, "I don't know what's going on with the Alpha team. How's the..."

At this moment, a synthetic female voice sounded from the laboratory's speakers, and the voice said: "A level-[-] biohazard has been detected in area C, please evacuate the surrounding staff immediately, and the security personnel please go to deal with it immediately. Repeat, a Level [-] Resident Evil has been detected in Area C..."

"Captain?" Hearing the sound from the radio, all the team members turned their heads to look at Jin Haishan. Facing the eyes of his subordinates, Jin Haishan waved his hands and said, "It should be the research director Goujitiaoqiang who released some BOW , don’t worry, it’s been calling Level [-] Biohazard since we first came in, it’s only Level [-], Kuroda and the others can handle it…”

Just as Jin Haishan finished speaking, the content of the broadcast suddenly changed, and the female voice said: "A level-[-] biohazard has been detected in areas C and D, please evacuate the surrounding staff immediately, and the security personnel please go to deal with it immediately..."

Jin Haishan frowned slightly, he slid down from the table, raised his gun and said to the team members around him: "Something is wrong, everyone is on alert."

It seemed that under the influence of Kim Hae-sun, the team members also became nervous. They held their guns and looked around, but the surrounding area was still quiet. Except for the non-stop ringing of the radio above their heads, the BSAA soldiers did not feel the crisis at all.

Just when Jin Haishan was wondering what was going on, the female voice on the radio suddenly changed again, and the inorganic voice said slowly: "Warning, a level five biohazard has been detected in area B, area C, and area D, the data Prepare to transfer, ask the staff to evacuate the facility in an orderly manner under the leadership of security personnel, repeat, detected..."

It only took a few seconds to go from the third-level biohazard in area D to the fifth-level biohazard in areas B, C, and D!

Jin Haishan's expression changed in an instant. As an old oilman who has worked in BSAA for many years, he knows very well what a level [-] biohazard means in the facility. Generally, this kind of situation will never happen because of a BOW runaway. It came out, but because the virus leaked in a large area!

Grabbing the gas mask hanging around his neck and putting it on his face, Jin Haishan shouted loudly to the surrounding BSAA soldiers: "Everyone wear gas masks! Prepare to fight!" At the same time, a hurried voice came from the communication next to his ear The device rang, and the voice said anxiously: "This is Chris, the captain of the Alpha team. All soldiers in the facility obey the order. There is an emergency in the facility. The evacuation location is set on the top apron. All troops immediately go to the evacuation location. Transfer, repeat, immediately transfer to the evacuation location!"

Hearing what Chris said, Jin Haishan immediately pressed the communicator next to his ear and responded: "This is the captain of the Bravo team, Jin Haishan. We have a large number of staff in the facility. Should we evacuate them as well?"

After a moment of hesitation, Chris on the other side of the communicator said in a deep voice: "Withdraw together."

"Understood..." After hanging up the communication, Jin Haishan turned his head to look at the staff members of the Eastern Europe branch who were squatting on the ground with a look of bewilderment and panic, and cursed in a low voice: "Axi..."

It took two seconds to confirm the personnel at the scene, and Jin Haishan shouted to the people squatting on the ground: "There is something wrong with your garbage facility! If you don't want to die, follow us closely, don't try to make small moves!"

After all, Jin Haishan yelled at the BSAA soldiers: "Let's withdraw!"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly, there was a loud noise from the ceiling of the laboratory. It seemed that something was passing through the ceiling faintly. There were some strange sounds from the ventilation duct of the laboratory, and then , drops of black liquid flowed out of it.

"Don't look! Let's go!" Jin Haishan slapped a soldier on the head who was staring at the ventilation duct. As a veteran BSAA soldier, Jin Haishan knew a truth, that is, don't wait for the monster to appear before remembering. It's time to run, run without hesitation, run without hesitation!

The sound was still coming from overhead, Jin Haishan passed between the panicked staff, and then smashed open the door of the laboratory, leading the BSAA soldiers to rush to the corridor outside, while the large group of staff rushed He followed closely behind, with fear written all over his face. After all, things like Level [-] Resident Evil can only be seen in the employee handbook.

Walking through the corridor with a large group of burdens, Jin Haishan's face became more and more ugly, the voice above his head was too loud, and this sound gave Jin Haishan a strong sense of oppression all the time, and the black viscous liquid continued to flow down the ventilation duct As it flowed down, he could faintly feel something scurrying around inside.

Suddenly, there was a "boom" sound behind him, followed by horrified screams from the crowd behind, Jin Haishan turned his head subconsciously, and then he was stunned, seeing a big black lump A strange object emerged from the ventilation duct. It seemed to be made of countless black snakes. They were as soft and sticky as worms, and they were constantly intertwined to form a thick and disgusting tentacles. , and the viscous black liquid kept flowing, that thing wreaked havoc in the corridor, grabbed the staff running behind one by one, and then entangled and pierced their bodies rapidly amidst their terrified screams, The seemingly soft black tentacles directly penetrated the skin, and for a moment, red blood mixed with black mucus splashed on the wall, like a drawing of hell.

"What the hell is this?!" After a moment's sluggishness, Jin Haishan shouted: "Get down!" At the same time, he raised his gun and fired at the thing. The bullets hit its body, dispelling the black liquid. It was scattered and splashed, but the monster didn't seem to care at all. Against the firepower of the BSAA soldiers, it unscrupulously devoured the staff in the corridor who were scrambling and crawling in a panic.

In a blink of an eye, a magazine was emptied. Looking at the huge black tentacles emerging from the ventilation duct, Jin Haishan gritted his teeth and said to the staff of your female horse, you can run Count how many!He turned around and ran wildly, while changing the magazine for the gun in his hand, he yelled at the people behind him: "Don't shoot! Don't look back! Run! Run! Run!


One more.

Volume 6 Mission.64-[-]. Macho Panic

Waves of alarms echoed continuously in the huge empty space, and the red warning lights on the wall rang rhythmically along with the alarms. After a while, there was a rumbling sound above the head, and the huge dome was moving towards The sides slowly opened, revealing the dark sky outside.

"Captain, open it!" Pierce's voice came from the communicator, and Chris immediately pressed the communicator and replied: "Good job, Pierce, come back immediately, we are ready to evacuate."

"Okay Captain, I'm already heading back!" Pierce replied.

After finishing the communication with Pierce, Chris immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number. The call was connected almost instantly. On the other side of the phone, a woman's voice came over. The woman said anxiously: "Chris, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Listen, Jill, I'm in a BOW research facility near Smolensk in country R. The situation here is out of control, and I need support!" Chris frowned.

"My God..." On a helicopter thousands of miles away, a woman with a brown single ponytail and an old partner who has experienced countless incidents with Chris - Jill Valentine frowned and said: "Chris, do you know how much trouble you have made? The North American branch and the Far East branch were suddenly transferred to a large number of armed forces. The upper management is going crazy. Cui just sent me a message, and everyone is in Ask her why she became like this, she will not be able to stand it anymore!"


Chris was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that Cui should be referring to the former intelligence officer of country K who worked in the Far East branch, full name Cui Zhiyun, who has a lot of power in the Far East branch, information coordination, material mobilization, and communication with the front line She is responsible for all the communication of the combat troops. She is an out-and-out strong woman. Cui Zhiyun gave Chris a lot of help in mobilizing troops from the Far East branch this time, but now it seems that Chris underestimated The relationship between black Umbrella and the International Pharmaceutical Union has been destroyed, and the top management of BSAA has already blown their hair.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore...

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