Hearing the adjutant's words, Yegel opened his eyes suspiciously, his blurred vision slowly focused, and finally reflected the red sky illuminated by the fire, and an extremely strange face, which was completely black , the teeth are a little yellow, only the eyes are a little white, shining with concern.

Yegel watched for a long time before realizing that this was his adjutant.

"Hey..." Yegel smiled, and he whispered: "Kay, look at your stupid look, it looks like you just dug out from the scene of a mine accident..."

The adjutant smiled in agreement, but did not speak.

His strength recovered slightly, Yegel gritted his teeth, and slowly supported his body. He staggered two steps, and then stood firm, stretched out his hand and patted his dirty face that was almost colorless. uniform, then frowned and said, "What's the situation ahead?"

"Our armored vehicles were basically blown up, and the heavy machine guns that were on the ground before were gone. Some brothers were killed, but most of them slipped away quickly..." the adjutant reported the loss in a low voice, with a smile on his face. Yi Yi said heavily: "Now, our people are trying to fight against that monster, but using only conventional grenades and rockets can't hurt that monster at all, its armor is too hard..."

"Damn it..." Yegel gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, saying that he didn't feel sorry for those destroyed weapons and equipment, they must be fake, after all, they were his savings for five years, but in comparison, Yegel was more It is his soldiers who feel distressed, perhaps because he has not fought all the year round, and Yegel can't accept the fact that his soldiers are falling one by one.

After all, Yeager has never been a fan of war, and the reason why he joined the army is only to make a living. Compared with those commanders who use troops like mud, he is a little more humane.

"Sir, are we still fighting?" After a while, the adjutant asked in a deep voice.

Pain was still coming from the left side of his face, and Yegel frowned. He still remembered the battle five years ago. If this battle ended in such a hasty way, what is the difference from five years ago? !However, the loss in this battle in front of him has far exceeded his imagination. Once the fight continues, the result is likely to be nothing. He can't just push his soldiers to death.

Yeager pursed his lips, he still refused to give the order, he looked around slowly with hesitation in his eyes, only to see the junior officers and a few soldiers around him were surrounding him, more or less wearing They were wounded, and the military uniforms that were about to fade after washing were already in tatters, but their eyes were extremely firm. Yegel saw trust, determination, and blazing fire of revenge.

"Hey girl, when did I become such a mother-in-law?" With a self-deprecating smile, Yegel dispelled his last bit of confusion, he smiled and said: "If you treat me to dinner, how can I eat half of it?" The master's reason for escaping orders?! We have to eat up this meal! Eat well! Let him eat to the end!"

Scorched black fingers with blood stains ran along the dusty hair, ignoring the burn on the left face that extended to the neck, Yegel bent down, picked up an AK-47 leaning against the wall, and stood up. He raised his chest, showed eagle-like eyes, and said forcefully: "Beat! Keep beating! Beating to death! Even if there is only one person left, you must continue to be beating! Tonight, everyone on the table will be his wife." Let's go! I said it!"

"Yes!" The fighting spirit was burning like a raging fire again, and the surrounding junior officers and soldiers roared in response...

Three shifts, call it a day.

Come, feel the golden spirit and dark will of Lopulus!

Volume 6 Mission.69-[-]. Macho New Tactics

The sound of heavy footsteps resounded through the street, and the huge white metal giant slowly crossed the street covered in flames with a heavy cannon with a strong sci-fi design on its back. On its left arm, the round white shield was somewhat dented, There is still a slight crack on the edge, which is the result of resisting a tank gun just now, but it is harmless.

On the white helmet, the one-eyed hole exudes a frightening red light. It slowly sweeps along the other side of the street. The dense gray and white pixels form the image in front of you. System prompts flash across the line of sight quickly. In the upper right corner, the icon that symbolizes the special weapon is still flashing, but the frequency of the flashing is much lower than before. A street hit.

Suddenly, Ymir stopped. It stood still in the flames, staring at the opposite alley with one eye. On the tactical display screen, faint red dots flickered from the darkness. Those red dots More and more, and then, men in tattered military uniforms climbed up the ruins. They raised their guns at Ymir, and then fired without hesitation. Shooting at Ymir from all directions, tinkling on its outer armor, splashing sparks one after another.

A red circle appeared in the gray-white line of sight, then shrank smaller and smaller, and finally locked on the group of attackers. Immediately afterwards, a row of small characters popped up in the middle of the screen: "-Armed Personnel-12-Threat Level-Extremely Low- "

In an instant, the built-in combat system quickly helped Ymir analyze the enemy's combat capabilities. Ymir did not move, but stood quietly, but his armor made a sound of mechanical operation, accompanied by this sound , Ymir's left shoulder suddenly spread out, and a six-barreled machine gun protruded from the inside of Ymir's shoulder, and then began to spit flames crazily towards the attackers on the distant ruins. Flying out of the ejection window on the side of the machine gun, the bullets of the small-caliber machine gun dragged a trail of light in the air, and swept directly along the ruins.

Seeing that Ymir opened fire, the attackers in tattered military uniforms quickly jumped off the ruins one by one. Ymir slowly rotated his gaze, letting the machine gun protruding from his left shoulder be locked on according to the guidance of the system. The enemy continued to fire, setting off streaks of ash on the ruins.

Those attackers hid quickly, and this round of machine gun fire failed to achieve results, but Ymir didn't care, the machine gun on his left shoulder slowly retracted, and the mecha on his right shoulder quickly unfolded, revealing a muzzle, and he was fighting Under the guidance of the system, the muzzle slowly rose, and when it reached the predetermined elevation angle, there was a "bang" sound, and a grenade shot out from the muzzle, drawing an arc in the air, and then fell directly into the ruins Behind it, in the next second, there was an explosion, and gravel and rubble were scattered and scattered, among which were two mutilated corpses.

"It's a machine gun and a cannon. What kind of monster is this?" In front of another alley, Yegel was lying on the ruins, watching the monster quietly with a telescope. After a long while, he didn't turn his head. He just asked in a deep voice, "What happened to that team just now?"

"How's the situation over there?" Hearing Yegel's words, the adjutant Kai, who was lying next to Yeger, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and asked in a low voice.

"Wolf was shot in the shoulder, some seriously, and Pedro was killed..." The answer came from the other side of the intercom, and the person who answered was a sergeant of the Itonia government army, leading a A small team rushed to the ruins to test the combat capability of the metal monster.

"One of them died and one was injured. The injured one was a little serious. Even if he survived, his arm might be disabled." After the communication was over, the adjutant quickly reported the casualties of the team just now to Yegel.

Undoubtedly, from a strategic point of view, this test was considered a success. Yeager obtained new information. In addition to the cannon on the back, the monster also had machine guns and grenades.

But the cost is the life of one soldier and the future of another.

"The current situation is basically clear. There are machine guns, grenades, special weapons like mortars, and heavy armor. It may be difficult for our existing equipment to penetrate it head-on..." Staring through the telescope Looking at the back of the monster, Yegel whispered: "However, it is not impossible to win, I have a new idea..."

"What shall we do, sir?" asked the adjutant.

"Did you see the two cannons on the back of that beast?" Yegel frowned, pointing to the monster's back and said, "There is a row of grooves next to the two cannons on the back of that monster. The monster just now The first time I fired the cannon, I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of steam coming out of the row of grooves..."

After a short thought, Yegel whispered his judgment: "I think it's a cooling vent."

"So?" The adjutant asked a little puzzled.

"Observe carefully, the two sides of the heat dissipation vent are blade-shaped, and should only be opened when heat dissipation is needed..." He took off the telescope hanging around his neck and handed it to his adjutant, Yegel whispered: "Until Now, the vent is still open, and the air near the vent is distorted. Obviously, the vent is still cooling. I don't think it will fire again until the cooling is over and the vent is closed... "

After a slight pause, Yegel continued: "I think this is our chance. Since the two cannons that can destroy armored vehicles are temporarily unusable, the big guy only has machine guns and grenades left on him. There are also two tanks on board, which can easily withstand its attack, so we can give it a go!"

"It sounds like there's nothing wrong with it..." the adjutant frowned, "But our tanks can't seem to penetrate that guy's armor..."

"Then don't shoot at the armor on your body..." Yegel frowned and said in a low voice: "Shoot at the two giant cannons behind that monster, if you can hit the cooling vents, that would be great! As long as the two cannons can be disabled, it will become a slow, stupid big man, and we will have more ways to deal with it then!"

"Understood..." the adjutant nodded and said, "Do you need me to drive those two tanks that are still on standby at the corner?"

"Let's drive up..." Yegel whispered: "Let the boys prepare the bazooka and the stinger, and when the tank comes up, we will go up, and let the boys call the two cannons behind the monster to shoot it to death. , Whether it’s a tank or a rocket, as long as the vents are destroyed and the two cannons are destroyed, we can win half of the battle!”

After receiving the new order, the adjutant quickly slid down from the ruins, took out the walkie-talkie again, frowned and said: "Listen well, the next phase of combat preparations begins, the tanks will immediately drive into the streets, and the soldiers will take all available This is a large-scale counterattack. The goal is to paralyze the two giant cannons behind the monster. Now, let's move!


One more.

Volume 6 Mission.70-[-]. Macho Despair

Among the ruins illuminated by the flames, a large group of soldiers quickly passed through with their rocket launchers in their arms. They lowered their figures and looked stern. After arriving at the predetermined position, they quickly lay down on the ruins, and then slowly climbed up , and did not stop until it was about to pass.

On the street on the other side of the ruins, the sound of heavy footsteps came in bursts, with an indescribable sense of oppression, vaguely, it seemed that even the ruins on the side of the street were shaking along with it, a soldier rubbed upwards slightly, as if He wanted to look at the monster, but in the next second, a hand patted on his shoulder, and he turned his head, only to see his chief staring at him with a serious expression.

After a while, the officer shook his head.

The soldier understood, decisively gave up his little curiosity, and tightened the bazooka in his arms. The soldier turned to look around, and saw that the nearby ruins were densely packed with soldiers, and there were no more bazookas in the team. There were too many stingers, and there were only a few stingers left, which made the soldiers feel a little shaken. After all, even self-propelled artillery and tanks failed to penetrate the monster's defense before. get it?

Seemingly seeing the wavering of the soldiers, the non-commissioned officer lying on the side whispered: "Don't worry, we have tactics."

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