The soldier thought for a moment, then nodded.

After a long wait, the street suddenly trembled, the floating ash on the ruins kept shaking, and a few pieces of broken rubble mixed with bricks slid down from above. Then, accompanied by this tremor, the sound of tank tracks rolling over the street finally sounded. Getting up, outside the street, two tanks slowly drove up from the corner of the street. They rotated their turrets and aimed at one side. After passing the corner of the street, the figure of the huge monster finally appeared in the field of vision.

Such a tremor, Ymir naturally noticed it, it slowly turned its bulky body, and aimed its sight with red light at the tanks driving out on both sides of the street corner, and quickly began to analyze the enemy with its gray vision, after a while, A row of medium-sized text appears in the center of the field of vision: "-Enemy Tank-2-Threat Level: High-"

Following the guidance of the combat system, the howitzer on Ymir's right shoulder aimed at the tank in an instant, and then fired loudly. The grenade pierced the air and hit the tank's outer armor fiercely. It exploded suddenly, but it didn't cause any damage. On the other side, the turrets of the two tanks rotated extremely fast. After aiming at the huge monster, the two tanks opened fire at the same time.

In the two overlapping loud noises, the shells pushed out of the barrel and went straight to Ymir. The huge and mecha monster raised the round shield on its arm and blocked it in front of it. Then, as the shells hit the armor, There was a loud sound, two shells exploded at the same time, the huge shock wave was blown away by a gust of wind, and the sound of the explosion was scattered in all directions. The explosive mushroom cloud rose into the sky in the billowing thick smoke, and the next second, the thick smoke was suddenly torn apart Then, the white mech monster staggered back, and then fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, a roar came from the communicator, and Yegel's adjutant, Major Kay, shouted: "Attack!"


In an instant, a deafening roar resounded through the sky, and hundreds of soldiers rushed out from behind the ruins. They held up rocket launchers and AK-47s, and at the same time poured firepower at the behemoth that had fallen on the street. The bullets trailed the tail smoke, and together with countless bullets, they attacked the heavy artillery behind the monster. Although the accuracy was very limited, a few rounds still hit the heavy artillery successfully, and the continuous explosion and gunshots engulfed the entire area again. In Lopulus, mushroom clouds continued to rise into the sky amidst the saturated firepower.

Just when the soldiers of the Itonian government army thought that the attack had worked, they heard a roar from the center of the explosion, and then, dense machine gun bullets dragging the ammunition chains suddenly penetrated the billowing smoke from the darkness. When the attack hit, dense firepower clinging to the ruins, swept across like mowing grass, several non-commissioned officers immediately shouted "conceal", even so, many soldiers were hit, their bodies were instantly pierced, flesh and blood Splashing on the ruins with warmth, the next second, a battered corpse slid down from the ruins and rolled to the bottom of the ruins.

The white steel giant stood up again. While waving its battering ram-like forelimbs to disperse the smoke, it continuously poured firepower towards the side of the street with the machine gun on its right shoulder. On the other side of the street, the tanks had already been loaded. After the completion, the two tanks fired again. Ymir did the same and raised the shield on his left arm again. However, this time, the shield failed to completely block the shells of the tank. In a burst of explosions, the shield on Ymir's left arm exploded. It shattered, and the milky white metal block with scorched black marks scattered and splashed in blue smoke, and Ymir was overturned to the ground again by the huge impact force, and the brave soldiers launched another attack. The rockets were mixed with the hail of bullets and attacked the fallen Ymir, burying him again in the sound of the explosion.

"The shield on the left arm has been broken!" Behind the ruins on the other side, the adjutant who put down the binoculars turned his head and said excitedly to Yegel.

"Very good! Just fight like this!" Yegel, holding the stinger, said viciously. In this fierce battle, he finally saw a glimmer of victory.

In a burst of explosions, Ymir slowly stood up again, his red vision was blocked by smoke and dust, making him unable to quickly find the enemy, and the machine gun could only follow the firepower network set by the combat system according to the enemy's position to fire wildly. The gray field of vision trembled for a while, and then a system crisis prompt appeared: "-Slight damage to 'Ymir's Wrist' was detected-The cooling capacity is expected to decrease by 20%-"

"-Emergency protocol approved-Overrun combat system activated-"

In an instant, the red one-eye on the white helmet turned into a dazzling orange-red, and the side armor on Ymir's back, arms and calves slowly unfolded, and part of the thick armor full of scratches slowly fell off, revealing the With relatively thin armor, Ymir moved violently in the next second.

The thick smoke was torn apart in an instant, thanks to the fire from the explosion, Ymir, who had unloaded part of the weight, changed his previous bulky appearance, ran on all fours like an armored chimpanzee, and ran wildly on the street, launching rockets one after another. The bombs were left behind, and they went straight to the two tanks at the end of the street. For a moment, the whole street trembled under the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Damn! How did this guy suddenly become so fast!" Seeing the cumbersome monster suddenly become flexible, Yegel showed a shocked expression on his face, and the two tanks at the end of the street followed the high-speed moving Ymir The turret was rotated rapidly, and after aiming, the two tanks fired successively. However, at this moment, Ymir's legs were bent, and then he jumped up suddenly with a muffled "thump". Cracks appeared on the street. Ymir in the air seemed to change his figure, and then raised his arms like a warhammer. In the next second, huge gravity ruthlessly pressed on the body of the tank. Ymir's slender but powerful body It stepped on the tank's territory with both feet, and hammered the tank's turret with both fists like smashing cans. Then, it turned over and got off the tank. At the same time, it stretched out its arms to grab the tank, and then slammed At the moment when the tank opened fire, Ymir slammed the tank picked up by him on the barrel of another tank.

In the next second, there was a loud explosion, billowing thick smoke diffused towards the surroundings, and then dispersed by the arms like a warhammer, the white mecha giant slowly walked out, behind it, the only remaining Idonian government army The two tanks were completely declared scrapped.

The armored units were all destroyed, and the bazooka was basically exhausted in the offensive just now. The Yidonian government army seemed to be powerless.

"Damn! Damn beast!" His eyes were red, his gums were about to bleed, and Yegel finally lost his mind. He pushed away the adjutant who was trying to stop him, and stood in the ruins with the last poisonous thorn on his shoulder On the ground, he stared at the monster with orange-red eyes, and in the next second, he directly fired the Stinger missile at Ymir.

The missile left the launcher in an instant, and after a momentary stay in the air, it spewed out a burst of tail smoke, then drew an arc in the air, and went straight to Ymir who had removed part of his armor. Ymir did not dodge, but just silently Standing there, a mechanical sound came from its body, and I saw the armor under Ymir's ribs suddenly unfolding, revealing two rows of holes, and then, light spots burst out from it, shooting towards In the sky, at the moment when those light spots lifted into the sky, the Stinger missile that was supposed to shoot at Ymir suddenly turned around in place, then went straight to the sky, finally lost power, and exploded with a bang.

Yegel was at a loss. He held the launcher that no longer had missiles, and stared blankly at the scene in front of him. On the street opposite him, Ymir set up the machine gun on his left shoulder, and then directly faced the standing Yeger, who was on the ruins, swept over.

Yegel knew that he was going to confess here, and he stood calmly where he was, waiting for death to come.

Sorry, I lost this battle, brothers, I will go down to accompany you...

However, at the moment when the deadly iron curtain was about to tear Yegel's body apart, Yegel suddenly saw a red and black light filling his field of vision, and in the next second, he was hit hard from the ruins. He fell down and hit the ground heavily.

The fall was so heavy that Yegel almost lost his breath. He resisted the pain from his internal organs and raised his head. First, he wanted to see who saved him. In front of him, a man with a face covered in blood A woman is standing in front of him holding his collar. The woman has short gray hair, a huge strange scythe on her back, and a black maid outfit. At this moment, the woman's face There was still an elegant smile on his face, but the blood on his face made this elegance a little weird.

"Miss Griffith?" His mind was pulled out of the chaos in an instant, and Yegel recognized the woman in front of him at a glance. This woman was the maid from Roples Lee's Night Walk Office——Rita. Griffith!

"I really admire your heroic fighting posture, Colonel Yeager, but with all due respect, your actions just now will chill the hearts of those soldiers who died heroically in this battle..." He loosened his grip on Yeager Rita, whose face was covered in blood, smiled and said, "Colonel Yeager, it's not time to give up yet.


Volume 6 Mission.71-[-]. Analysis of the Combat Strength of the Macho Wife

The machine gun bullets were still sweeping across the upper level of the ruins, dispersing the government troops who were trying to attack Ymir. Yegel, who was lying on the ground, stared blankly at the smiling Rita, and suddenly said after a long while: "George!" Miss Risfield, have you been shot?!"

"No..." Rita smiled, she stretched out her hand subconsciously, as if she wanted to wipe off the blood on her face, but the hand that was raised in mid-air stopped suddenly, as if she was afraid of getting her hands dirty. Black lace gloves wrapped around slender hands.

Embarrassment flashed across her face, and Rita's smile became a little embarrassed. She said in a low voice, "It was splashed on my face on the way here. There are still many enemies running around in the alley."

"Really..." Looking at the scythe on Rita's back that wasn't stained with a trace of blood, Yeager's brow showed a trace of suspicion.

"That's right." Rita nodded and smiled.

Quickly suppressing the weird sense of disobedience in his heart, Yegel frowned, thinking what happened to him?Miss Griffith didn't get shot at first glance, okay?If you were shot, how could you talk to yourself like this?What's more, what's the time to worry about such a strange problem?

On the other side, seeing the suspicion on Yegel's face disappeared, Rita was relieved with an unchanging smile on her face.

In fact, Yegel was not mistaken. Rita was indeed shot just now. Under the dense barrage, it is impossible to miss a single shot. Just at the moment when Rita fell from the sky and grabbed Yegel's collar, The bullet directly hit Rita's head, and Rita's reaction was also extremely fast. She instantly formed an extremely tough muscle layer and a thick bone structure in her skull, and blocked the bullet in her head. It prevents it from going out from the other side, and the muscle tissue damaged by the impact of the bullet is instantly reset at the same time, so that Rita's figure does not have a weird sense of disobedience. When Yegel landed, Lita Ta's repair of the wound has been basically completed, the only fly in the ointment is that the time is too short, Rita has no time to repair the skin, so she simply repaired the shape, directly exposing the skinless flesh and blood, at first glance it looks like it was covered with sticky It looked like his blood was splashed all over his face.

"Thank you very much, Miss Griffith..." The adjutant who was standing under the ruins stumbled forward, grabbed Yegel who was lying on the ground, and whispered to Rita at the same time.

"It's okay, this is what I should do..." Pulling out a handkerchief from her waist, she wiped the blood on her face and recovered her skin. Colonel Ill took great care of me."

Patting the dust on his body that was about to turn into mud, Yegel frowned and said, "Miss Griffith, what are you doing here? Could it be that you are here to help?"

"Yes, sir asked me to come." Rita replied with a smile.

"I'm very grateful that you can come to help, but with all due respect, it won't be of much use..." Looking carefully at Rita's smiling face, seeing that Rita didn't look like she was joking, Yeager sighed softly He took a deep breath and said: "I have lost all my armored troops and heavy weapons. With the current armed forces, it is impossible for us to defeat that monster. Although I don't really want to admit it, I have to say that our battle has failed. ..."

"Don't give up in a hurry, Colonel Yeager..." Rita shook her head and said with a smile, "Your soldiers are still fighting. As a commander, how can you give up so easily?"

Yegel turned his head and looked behind him, only to see his soldiers lying behind the ruins, still fighting tenaciously with weapons that could never hurt the monster. After a long time, he whispered: "They are very Great…"

"That's right, you have a group of great soldiers, and this group of soldiers has a great commander..." Rita smiled and said, "Trust my judgment, we still have a chance."

"Really? Miss Griffith, you can really talk..." With an ugly smile on his face, Yegel looked at Rita and said, "What do you think we should do next?"

"I need information..." Rita gradually put away her smile and said seriously.

"Okay, you need information, so I'll tell you about the information..." Yegel nodded, and he briefly and accurately summarized the process of the battle just now in a few words. After finishing speaking, Yegel told Li Ta said in a deep voice, "How is it? Miss Griffith, do you have any idea?"

Rita pondered for a moment, and then said: "Colonel Yeager, you think that as long as you can find a way to affect the exhaust port on the artillery behind the monster, you have a chance to defeat it, don't you?"

"At first I planned it like this..." Yegel said in a deep voice: "But as I said just now, after removing part of the armor, its mobility became too strong, and it could release some kind of The equipment that can interfere with guided weapons, if my soldiers rush up and stuff the grenade into the cooling vent..."

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