"That machine gun will cut your soldiers down like wheat, won't it?" Rita took Yeager's words.

"That's right, my soldiers don't even have the chance to get close." Yegel frowned.

"Okay, the basic situation is understood..." Rita nodded lightly, and there was a smile on her face again, and she said softly: "Leave it to me about dealing with the cooling vent."

"Are you serious?" Hearing Rita's words, Yegel subconsciously widened his eyes and said, "You can do it alone?"

"Of course it can't be done..." Rita shook her head and said with a smile: "I need your soldiers to provide me with as much assistance as possible and create opportunities for me."

"How to create opportunities?" Yeager asked, frowning.

"Just fire at it and try to attract its attention..." Rita replied with a smile: "By the way, pay attention, don't hit me."

"Don't hit you? Wait, what are you going to do?" Hearing Rita's words, Yegel was stunned, and then he was startled. He was about to say something to Rita, but saw Rita unloading He lowered the sickle on his back, smiled and said to Yegel: "I will trouble you next."

After saying that, Rita turned around and jumped out directly.

"Oh my god!" Yegel's scalp went numb in an instant, ignoring the doubts in his head, he snatched the adjutant's walkie-talkie, and shouted anxiously: "Everyone fire! Cover Griffey!" Miss S! Quick! Quick!"

On the other side, Rita, who jumped out of the ruins, swung the sickle in the air, and bounced off the bullets that swept past her one by one. After falling to the ground, she swung the sickle in the fire light Yue, and then walked towards the giant body covered in white exoskeleton with graceful steps.

On the other side, seeing a human jumping out from behind the ruins with a scythe and trying to walk slowly, Ymir stopped suppressing the ruins beside the street, and turned around slowly, his one eye glowing orange red. The light, quietly looked at Rita through the combat system.

In an instant, the combat system quickly made a judgment: "-unarmed personnel-cold weapon-1-threat level-extremely low-"

After receiving the data from the combat system, the machine gun on Ymir's shoulder began to move. In the gray field of vision, one after another flashing red dots were constantly moving around Rita's body, looking for Rita's weakness as a creature, but In the next second, all the red dots began to flicker frantically, and then they went out together, the combat system began to re-analyze the data, a large number of calculations and characters were constantly skipped, and the threat level was "-extremely low-" Jumping back and forth between "-extremely high-", as if going crazy, a few seconds later, Rita's tactical judgment suddenly turned into a long series of unexplained garbled codes, if the people in the headquarters are still observing and collecting According to Mir's data, they will be surprised to find that Ymir's carefully developed combat power analysis system is down!

The "da da" sound of the high heels stepping on the broken road stopped abruptly. Rita stopped, raised her head, and looked at Ymir, who was less than five meters away from her, and Ymir was also staring at Rita. , The constantly beating garbled characters made it lose its ability to judge Rita, and the combat system was unable to give a reasonable response for a while.

After a while, Rita smiled, a cold light flashed in her gray eyes, she looked at the motionless Ymir, smiled and said: "The warm-up is over, and the next thing is the battle between monsters.


Volume 6 Mission.72-[-]. Strongest Supporting Man!

"Scatter to both sides! Quick! Quick!" Amidst the sound of roaring gunfire and weird hissing, Chris shouted loudly. The Bravo team on the other side followed Chris' command and rushed to the other side. In the next second, the piercing sound of metal being torn apart sounded, and countless entangled black tentacles tore apart the large metal plate on the wall. It mixed with itself, and then fell from the sky like a huge battering ram, and slammed into the center of the tarmac. In an instant, with a loud noise, the entire tarmac shook violently, and large cracks were like spider webs towards the center of the tarmac. Spread around.

The battle situation in Lopulus was extremely stalemate, and the BSAA far away on the border of country R also encountered an unexpectedly hard fight.

The huge black meat ball formed by the intertwining and splicing of countless black tentacles recklessly changes its shape, and the densely packed small tentacles are entangled together, turning into thicker tentacles, constantly tearing the cracked chunks on the surrounding walls The metal plate, while the rest of the tentacles firmly grasped the edge of the tarmac, hanging the huge and bloated body in the air, like a huge octopus, in the center of the big group of black tentacles, one can faintly see The huge yellow glowing object was surrounded by other black tentacles. It was spherical in shape, with tiny yellow tentacles all over the bottom, constantly swinging under the squeeze of the thicker black tentacles around it, which looked extraordinarily weird.

Chris gritted his teeth, frowned, and emptied a magazine again at the huge yellow core shining with light. As the battle progressed, his heart sank slowly, the same as when he was in South Africa before. Unlike the giant Ouroboros monster that always exposed its core, this guy in front of him seems to be very keen on hiding his core inside his body. Besides, it will also tear up the surrounding metal and stir it up Use it as a sharp weapon in your own tentacles...

It's almost like having wisdom!

As if to confirm Chris' thoughts, the monster squirmed those tentacles that grabbed the edge of the tarmac, and slowly propped up its body. Then, from under the gap in the tarmac, a thicker tentacle appeared Wrapped around the wreckage of a helicopter, it slowly rose up. Countless tentacles protruded from the even bigger tentacles, and like trees took root, they stretched into the helicopter's cabin along the broken window. The wreckage is firmly fixed.At the same time, like ghouls in the deep sea, they continued to penetrate the corpses of the BSAA team members and facility staff in the cabin. Soon, the interior of the helicopter was filled with the tentacles of the Ouroboros monster. Squeezing, black slime poured out of the helicopter continuously.

In the next second, with a strange hissing sound, the huge monster suddenly raised the tentacle with the helicopter wreckage fixed at the end, and then slammed down on the BSAA team members on the tarmac. At this moment, The crippled helicopter kept beating on the tarmac like a fierce giant hammer, and the BSAA fighters had to flee in all directions. Even so, a few fighters who couldn't dodge were smashed into meat paste, Chris He was still firing continuously, and when the magazine was emptied, he turned his head to change the bullets and saw a few soldiers ran to the edge of the apron without avoiding the attack of the huge monster.

"Come back!" Seeing that the BSAA soldiers were in danger, Chris immediately yelled at the opposite side. The soldiers heard what Chris said, and then seemed to realize something. They ignored the helicopter wreckage in front of them and hammered Hitting the tentacles on the tarmac, they ran back with horror on their faces, but before they could take a few steps, dozens of arms-thin tentacles suddenly protruded from under the edge of the tarmac, and the BSAA soldiers Strapped it firmly, and dragged the soldiers down amidst the terrified screams of the soldiers.

"Captain! Our weapons are useless against this guy!" The bullets in the sniper rifle in his hand have been completely emptied, and Pierce's face has become extremely ugly. Seeing the huge black monster on the tarmac, the voice trembled uncontrollably: "Are we going to die here?! Captain?!"

"No! No way!" Chris frowned. No matter what kind of crisis he encountered, this steely man would never compromise. On the other side, the team leader Jin Haishan transferred from the Far East Division Already mad, he completely emptied the bullet, holding the grenade in both hands, and roared ferociously: "Axi, Kaiser!" Then he bit off the tabs of the two grenades at the same time with his teeth, and slammed towards The huge monster threw it over, and in an instant, two explosions sounded, and large black tiny tentacles splashed out together with the black juice in the explosion. They fell to the ground, and then quickly disintegrated, like tiny worms. The ground squirmed and twisted, a thicker tentacle was directly blown off, and fell directly down the gap along the edge of the apron.

Being blasted against the face by two grenades, the monster didn't seem to have any substantial damage. The pitch-black tentacles wriggled rapidly, squeezing out pieces of black juice, and then continuously filling the holes in the body. , the monster recovered as before, as if it had never been injured.

This scene is simply a mockery of BSAA, mocking their ignorance and self-deprecation, mocking their courage like a fly shaking a tree.

At this moment, Chris was finally sure that the monster in front of him had intelligence. Although the intelligence might be extremely low, it did exist!

how can that be?This monster is nothing more than a large group of corpses wrapped in tentacles. How could it have intelligence?

At this moment, the announcements from around the tarmac rang again, and the inorganic female voice said indifferently: "There are still ten minutes before the self-destruction process starts, please take the time to upload the data for the staff who cannot leave the facility, thank you Black Umbrella The dedication of every employee…”

"Damn! There are only ten minutes left!" Pierce roared, "Captain! Think of a way!"

"I'm thinking!" While continuously pouring firepower towards the core of the huge monster, while constantly scanning the surroundings, looking for a glimmer of life, Chris's forehead began to emit layers of sweat, in order to ensure that the other side of the tarmac Chris had to lead his team to firmly confine the battlefield to one side of the apron, which made the battle very difficult. Although half of the apron is still very wide, it is still very difficult for dozens of Still too cramped for a single combatant and a big, exaggerated monster!

A sense of desperation began to spread among BSAA fighters.

Even though the dense bullets hit the body without pain, as if to convey greater despair to BSAA, the monster's body suddenly began to squirm continuously, and the huge black tentacle ball was constantly squeezed, and then , suddenly spit out a large ball of black liquid from the body, the large ball of liquid slammed on the tarmac hard, splashing like ink dots on rice paper, revealing the things wrapped in the liquid.

It was a big black tentacles!They are constantly wriggling, interspersed, and squeezed, joining all kinds of corpses together. A head of Hunter α and a head of Hunter γ are slowly revealed from among them, and behind them are More than a dozen human arms and thighs protruded from the torso made of black tentacles like centipede feet, supporting the chaotic body together with the black tentacles, and then, amidst a strange hissing sound, rushed To the surrounding BSAA players.

Seeing the new monster appear, the BSAA team members immediately opened fire on the strange monster, one after another automatic rifles spit out flames, and smashed the head from Hunter α into a sieve in the fierce gunshots, but the other The head of a hunter γ opened its mouth suddenly, and a large amount of black juice gushed out from the mouth, and then, it had already festered and leaked, and the mouthparts covered with tiny black tentacles carried a strong corpse smell. Wei suddenly protruded from the bloody mouth, the torn mouthparts were forcibly maintained by the black tentacles, and opened suddenly like a rafflesia flower with sticky flesh and blood, and then bit the BSAA with one bite. The soldier's waist dragged him fiercely towards the big mouth that belonged to Hunter γ.

Seeing this, the surrounding BSAA soldiers immediately fired at the festering mouthparts, but the mouthparts that belonged to the corpse supported by the black tentacles did not feel pain at all, even though the bullets passed through the body that could no longer bleed, Blowing out black water splashes, the monster bit the BSAA player tightly and did not let go. The bitten player lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground. Hunter γ's head was struggling to crawl in the opposite direction, but the next second, the bitten BSAA team member stopped suddenly, his eyes were round and almost bloodshot, and then he He opened his mouth "wow" and spit out a large mouthful of mixed red and black liquid.

In the huge mouthparts biting his waist, countless black tentacles are constantly stretching out along the mouthparts, they slide into the gap of the BSAA soldier's body armor under his clothes, and then on his abdomen and waist Drilled out holes one by one, directly inserted into his body, continuously entangled and pierced his internal organs, within a few seconds, the soldier completely lost his ability to resist, he vomited turbid blood, dragging red and black mixture The traces together were getting closer and closer to the monster's bloody mouth, and then it was swallowed in one gulp.

A few seconds later, the black tentacles on the monster's body trembled and squirmed, and the head of the BSAA soldier slowly emerged from the middle of the two hunter's heads. He rolled his eyes, his lips were pale, and his face was stained with black mucus. , a strip of black tentacles wriggled out from the surroundings from time to time, and then burrowed back into his body along his mouth.

There is no doubt that the body of this BSAA player has become a part of the monster's body.

All of a sudden, the surrounding BSAA soldiers were stunned. Even for those old BSAA veterans who had gone through fire and water with Chris, the scene in front of them was too horrible and harsh. High-intensity combat, stretched ammunition and the lack of dignity of teammates The tragic death continuously hit the tense nerves of the BSAA fighters. For a while, the morale of the BSAA dropped to freezing point.

Just when desperation enveloped every soldier's head, dense gunshots rang out again, and bullets shot out of the chamber, hitting the hideous monster's body, killing the dead BSAA member in an instant. His head was beaten into a bloody mess, and his face was completely changed. Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and saw Chris holding a gun and firing while shouting: "Keep fighting! It's not time to give up yet!"

Pulling off the empty magazine and inserting the last magazine into the gun in his hand, Chris squinted and roared angrily: "We are BSAA! We are here to fight biochemical terrorism and maintain world order and people's stability. Established organization! As long as we live, we will fight non-stop!"

Chris shouted, aimed at the human arms and thighs under the monster and fired continuously. With the sound of the gun, the bullets continued to tear the shriveled joints. After a few seconds, all the limbs on one side of the monster's body were completely The broken, unsupported monster fell on the ground with an unstable center of gravity. It kept sliding on the ground with the other limbs in vain, while constantly stretching out black tentacles, as if trying to shake those broken All the limbs were retracted, but in the next second, gunshots sounded from all directions again. Encouraged by Chris, the BSAA soldiers dispelled the fear in their hearts, and their eyes became firm again.

At least for this moment, the hero of the BSAA is with them!

Accompanied by the gunshots, the monster's limbs began to be broken continuously, and it didn't take long before it became a living target dragged limply on the ground. A tentacle stretched out, and the surrounding bullets would focus on it to interrupt it. After a while, the monster finally let out a hissing sound. The tentacles kept stirring and entwining on the corpse, and then slowly melted. After a while, The ferocious monster turned into a black liquid mixed with corpses.

"Beautiful shot!" Chris encouraged loudly, he left the completely empty automatic rifle behind him, took out a pistol from his waist, and then turned his head to stare at the huge monster that hadn't shot in the distance. The monster body, since the monster was just spit out, it seems to be not very active, as if watching from the sidelines.

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