What will it do next?

As if to answer Chris, the huge black tentacle ball on the edge of the tarmac slowly squirmed, and a large amount of black mucus continued to protrude from it. Then, the monster suddenly compressed its body, and with its movements, one by one Black meat balls were continuously spewed out, and then smashed onto the tarmac.

The expression on Chris's face froze completely.

The tentacles are constantly wriggling, wrapping corpses from various monsters and slowly supporting the body, some from humans, some from tyrants, and some from hunters or other unnamed things , the huge Ouroboros monster kept spitting them out, and it took more than a dozen to stop. After all this was done, it didn't move, as if it wanted to appreciate Chris's despair.

It succeeded, and Chris was really desperate. He lowered his head, looked at his pistol, and then looked around at the BSAA fighters and the lumps of disgusting monsters around him. After a long while, he bit into the crown, his eyes Showing unbelievable firmness, he knew very well that in this team, everyone had the right to despair, except himself!He is not only a soldier, but also a commander. He has the responsibility to lead this group of soldiers who violated the orders of their superiors to go out!

He raised the pistol again and kept pulling the trigger. Chris dispelled the confusion, leaving only the high fighting spirit in his eyes. His emotions infected everyone around him. The BSAA fighters who had fallen into despair once again cheered up and started to fight. A counterattack, even if it is the last counterattack.

It seemed that it was dissatisfied with the tenacious fighters in front of it, or maybe it was just tired of playing, the huge monster finally stopped watching, it moved, and in an instant, dozens of thick black tentacles soared into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, It slammed down on the BSAA fighters who were stubbornly resisting on the tarmac. There was a trace of panic in the eyes of the BSAA fighters, but they were more relieved to see death as at home.

"Is it over?" Even Chris had a trace of regret in his eyes. He never thought that his journey would end in such a way.

Raising his head, holding the empty pistol, watching the huge tentacles blocking the light and slowly falling down, Chris was about to close his eyes when suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

The darkness was dispelled by the light in an instant, and the terrifying temperature suddenly rose from the top of his head. The raging flames filled Chris's field of vision as if they were about to burn the entire sky. Those extremely thick black tentacles were instantly ignited by the flames, screaming His neighing echoed continuously in the airtight underground tarmac, as if the hell had been torn open, the tragic howling of the devil when the light was roasting, the tiny tentacles kept squeezing each other under the high temperature, the drops of black The juice evaporated into the air before it could fall.

In an instant, all the tentacles retracted, and a strong smell of burning filled the entire apron. Under the moonlight, a black figure fell rapidly, and then slammed into the apron hard, accompanied by that figure When it landed, a strong wind with scorching temperature suddenly blew all around.

Subconsciously covering his face to block the terrifying temperature, Chris opened his eyes with difficulty, looked forward along the gap between his fingers, and saw a woman standing there, with a slender figure and a skin as white as snow , on her body, she was wearing a thin black long dress, showing a sense of grace and luxury. Behind her, a head of blond hair that was as bright as a flame hung down naturally with some strong yet soft curls.

Chris froze, this woman... who is it?

Blonde hair...flame...nobility...

For a moment, Chris' eyes widened.


Two-in-one super-large chapters, 5k+, all the grievances in the early stage are just to highlight the last one.

Don't wait until the third watch, let's see what time I wake up.

Volume 6 Mission.73-[-]. The fierce queen is full of majesty

My thoughts were brought back to the vast and boundless ice field in 1999. In the freezing weather, the queen who had been sleeping for more than ten years slowly opened her eyes. She was elegant, cold and cruel, surrounded by raging flames. Albert Wesker, who has acquired extraordinary power, is not the enemy of that woman. If Albert Wesker is a conspirator who has just glimpsed the realm of the gods, then the queen who opened her eyes is the king of the world gods.

That year, Chris was young and vigorous, holding the god-killing cannon left by the god's father, and blasted the god who had grown wings and flew all over the sky into scum.

However, at this moment, the queen who was bombarded to death by him appeared in front of him again.

"Alexia Ashford!"

After a while, Chris, who was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, finally called out the queen's name.

Hearing Chris' shout, the blond woman turned around slowly, and the black long skirt with delicate hollow patterns swayed slightly following her movements, revealing her white and flawless feet hidden under the black skirt. It appeared like a flash in the pan, and then was covered by the skirt again. The blond woman raised her white catkin, and her green fingers passed the conspicuous but unobtrusive tear mole in front of her eyes and inserted it into her long golden hair. Lightly lifted, dots of fire light drifted from the flying hair tips, and then disappeared without a trace in the air.

Looking at this face, Chris instantly realized that he had misunderstood the person. Although this woman resembled Alexia, she was by no means the same person. Moreover, judging from the god-like blow just now, the woman in front of him, Definitely stronger than the original Alexia!

On the other side, the blond flame queen, the third lady hidden in the shadow of the Ashford family - Alexisa Ashford is also looking at Chris, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

To be honest, Alexisa is not very interested in Chris, but he is the man who ended her stupid sister after all, and most importantly... Li Yexing seems to care about this guy.

Swept by those snake-like orange-red eyes, even though the surrounding temperature was so high that it made people sweat, Chris still felt icy cold all over his body, and the huge pressure crazily piled up on him, as if he had sensed Chris' embarrassment , Pierce stared, and suddenly raised the gun in his hand to point at Alexisa, and said in a bad tone: "Who are you?"

From those orange-red snake eyes, it can be seen that the woman in front of her is definitely not an ordinary human being. Although she has just rescued everyone from the BSAA, Pierce will not let down his vigilance. The rescue for BSAA was just following the trend. After all, the eyes she looked at the crowd did not seem to be looking at humans at all. It was not deliberate at all, and the contempt from the bone marrow was like looking at the stones on the street. Ants in a vat.

The most outrageous thing was that Pierce instinctively didn't think there was anything wrong with this contemptuous look, as if they were supposed to be despised by this woman!

"Pierce!" The moment his partner raised the gun, Chris put his hand on Pierce's gun. Pierce turned his head to look at Chris with some doubts in his eyes, but saw Chris shook his head at him. .

Fortunately, this look full of oppression and contempt did not last long. The blond queen looked away, as if she had lost interest in them, and looked around, looking at the scene on the tarmac made of ouroboros and corpses. The monsters squirmed towards her one by one, a trace of disgust finally appeared on her face.

"It's really disgusting, weak, inferior, chaotic, disgusting, and has no artistic sense at all..." The blond queen commented on the monsters who almost pushed BSAA into a corner, although these monsters There is no threat to her, but she instinctively hates these things that are extremely dirty and ugly to her.

"Don't dirty my skirt." The queen said coldly.

Raising his slender and white arms, he gently swung them towards the monsters that were approaching every step of the way. In a trance, Chris seemed to see something splashing out. The next second, the slightly lower temperature in the air rose sharply again When I got up, I saw raging flames instantly ignited on the bodies of those ugly monsters, and the shrill hissing sound instantly filled the entire parking apron. Ping, the monsters that are extremely difficult for BSAA turned into shriveled charred corpses in the blink of an eye, without even a chance to melt into black liquid.

"Leaving the road, I have already cleared it for you..." There was no warmth in the tone, but the ultimate arrogance was hidden. The blonde queen turned her head to look at Chris, and said with a blank expression: "Take your people and leave. Bar."

As if he couldn't believe what he heard, Chris was stunned. After a few seconds, he didn't say anything, just nodded, and then shouted to the BSAA team members around him: "Evacuate! Go and fly the helicopter !"

Although confused by the situation in front of them, the BSAA soldiers quickly responded to Chris's order. They quickly turned around, passed through the charred corpses, and went straight to the tarmac The helicopters parked on the other side saw all the soldiers running over. Chris was about to follow, but the blond queen suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Subconsciously stopped, Chris turned his head to look at Alexisa, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes, but saw the corner of Alexisa's mouth slightly raised. He bowed and gave an elegant but noble skirt ceremony, and then said: "My dear, I am grateful to Mr. Redfield for taking care of me."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but for this young lady who fell from the sky, there is only a little warmth in this sentence.

Is that really the case... That guy Li Yexing... Really...

"It should be..." After a while, Chris responded in a deep voice, and then pulled Pierce straight to the helicopter on the other side of the tarmac.

Although it has no eyes, the huge Ouroboros monster, which has been left to dry for a long time, is very clear that its prey are running away. The charred tentacles are constantly falling off, and new tentacles grow out. The monster let out a horrible hiss. There was a sound, and then he waved the tentacles suddenly, as if he wanted to stop the BSAA who was starting the helicopter, but the next second, the tentacles that hit the BSAA retreating team suddenly ignited a raging flame.

Scorched by the extreme heat, the monster shrieked and retracted its tentacles, but Alexisa said coldly, "What? Do you even dare to take action on the person I saved?"

Even though it was burned by the flames, the monster still didn't give up. It kept stretching out tentacles from its body, and while supporting its heavy body to move towards BSAA, it kept trying to smash its tentacles over, but it There was no way to stop the BSAA from evacuating. Alexisa did not move her footsteps from the beginning to the end. She waved her arms gently like a conductor facing her own symphony orchestra, directing the flames that could burn everything around her. The terrifying high temperature soared into the sky, and the tentacles waving towards BSAA and the helicopter were roasted into ashes all over the sky. After a long while, the spiral wings roared, and the helicopters rose into the sky in an orderly manner. Chris and Pierce They stayed with a small team until the end, and their helicopter slowly rose into the air until everyone evacuated.

Through the windows of the helicopter, Chris and Pierce stared at the situation on the tarmac. The huge monster was still trying to tear their helicopter off with its tentacles, but every time a tentacle was raised, the blond queen would wave The arm ignited it, and finally, the helicopter finally flew out along the hollow of the dome.

Standing barefoot on the devastated tarmac, the burned tentacles turned into dust and slowly fell like snow. Alexisa raised her head and watched the last helicopter fly out of the dome. After all obstacles disappeared, Only when the moonlight shone on Alexisa through the ashes in the sky, Alexisa turned her head and refocused her eyes on the huge Ouroboros monster. An inorganic female voice came out from the radio around the tarmac, Telling the people in the facility that only the last five minutes are left, Alexisa didn't care. Looking at the dark giant in front of her, she said coldly: "Five minutes? It seems that there is still enough time, after all, for me To put it bluntly, it would take less than five seconds to solve you.


Three shifts, call it a day.

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