Having lost its senses in the traditional sense, the huge monster couldn't hear Alexisa's words. It just waved its tentacles blindly, and then slammed in the direction of Alexisa. The tentacle slammed down towards the top of her head, and Alexisa raised her hand unhurriedly. At the moment when the huge tentacle was about to touch Alexisa, the air on Alexisa's palm suddenly Twist, and then, the terrifying high temperature suddenly rose, and the orange flame instantly roasted the tentacles into charcoal, and accompanied by the crisp cracking sound, the charred tentacles fell apart and turned into ashes all over the sky. Alexisa shook his hand lightly, and the hot wind caused by the flames instantly blew all the ashes aside, none of them fell on Alexisa's body.

"Forget it, it seems that you are only at this level. It's a pity that I didn't kill you immediately because of curiosity. It was a waste of my time..." Ignoring the painful scream of the huge monster being roasted, Alecle A trace of disappointment flashed between Sha's brows. She slowly raised her arms like a god who was about to bring down divine punishment on the world, and said coldly, "I hope the guys from BSAA can run far enough."

In the next second, a dark green liquid with a strange luster was thrown out of Alexisa's arms, and purple flames rose up one after another, twisting the air.Circles formed around Alexisa's body, spreading outwards layer by layer. Immediately afterwards, the terrifying temperature erupted instantly, and the purple flames turned into orange-yellow, and then swept away in all directions like a tsunami of flames. Continuously rising into the sky, the metal and cement piled apron on the inner wall of the apron began to melt little by little, and the huge monster turned into a whole piece of coke before it could even scream, and was wiped out in the hot wind of the flames. Climbed, searing everything that could, and blasted out of the tarmac dome.

After a long while, the flames gradually extinguished, and the gusts of wind continued to blow down from the hollow of the dome. The entire underground parking apron had become like a crater, filled with bright orange, and the distorted air was transformed by the burnt skirt. The naked blonde queen stepped on the magma with bare feet, relieving the discomfort caused by the lack of oxygen.

Ah, are you overdoing it?I hope I didn’t catch the BSAA guys. If I accidentally hurt those guys, I’m afraid my dear will blame me, right?

Gently lifting the long golden hair on her forehead, Alexisa suddenly said, "Speaking of which, the time should be around the corner, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the faint sound of explosions coming from his side. The sound was getting closer and closer, but stopped abruptly when he approached the apron. Obviously, because of the sea of ​​fire just now, the self-destruct system near the apron was destroyed. Paralyzed.

Raising her head, looking at the white moonlight covered by the scorching air, Alexisa showed a tired but satisfied smile on her face and said: "As long as you insist on starting with small things like this, my dear, there will be nothing to worry about." The cure is in love with me, right?


Two watch, don't wait three, I'm going to bed, let's see what time I wake up.

Volume 6 Mission.76-[-]. The hunk exploded

The dense gunshots mixed with the sound of bullets hitting the metal continuously hit Rita's eardrums. The perfect maid wielding a sickle frowned and turned slightly sideways to avoid the mecha monster in front of her wielding it. With a muffled sound, the huge fist like a battering ram brushed past Rita and beat it fiercely on the street, kicking up a piece of gravel. Taking this opportunity, Rita suddenly lifted her quilt The tattered black silk-wrapped legs stepped on the monster's fist, then jumped up suddenly, and at the same time waved the sickle like a fan, deflecting the machine gun bullets that the monster threw at her, and she changed her body in the air. Shaped, he used his sickle to slam into the gap in the mecha on the monster's neck.Arriving behind the monster like on a swing, Rita let go of her right hand holding the sickle, and slashed at the cooling vent on the side of the monster's giant cannon with a palm, instantly, blood splattered everywhere.

One miss, the monster suddenly turned around, swung its huge fist towards Rita fiercely, Rita immediately lowered her figure, slipped from the monster's fist, and circled around the monster's buttocks. The cooling vent on the other side, and then slashed over with a palm again. In a burst of blood, Rita turned around suddenly, hooked the giant cannon behind the monster with a sickle, and exerted force suddenly. The next second, she flew into the air, and once again Dodged the fist of the huge monster.

The feet on the high heels fell back to the ground, and the blood trickled down the sickle little by little. I saw that two fingers on Rita's right hand were broken at the root, but Rita didn't care, the new bones were constantly being reshaped , The fracture where the finger joint was pierced grew little by little, and then, delicate red granulation extended from the wound, covering the new phalanx layer by layer, and soon, Rita's hand returned to its original integrity.

On the other side, Ymir turned his head again, the red circle kept moving in the gray-white line of sight, and then locked on Rita again, the machine gun on his shoulder began to follow the system's aim at Rita, but before it could adjust At a good angle, Rita moved again. She slid between Ymir's legs like a loach, and then slashed at the cooling vent on Ymir's back again.

Ymir has been wrestling with Rita for more than three minutes.

After the threat analysis in the combat system fell into some kind of logical confusion due to the inability to accurately judge Rita's threat level, the temporary combat system was forced to go online in an instant. Although its algorithm was not as accurate as the former, it was enough to command Ymir to destroy its enemies. .

In theory, this should be the case, but in practice it is very difficult.

From the very beginning of the battle, Rita chose an unimaginable way of fighting, that is, hand-to-hand combat.

The designers of Ymir have never considered what to do if there is a highly flexible combat unit that sticks to Ymir. As a monster covered in armor, Ymir is already flexible enough, but its The attack was still cumbersome to Rita, and because Rita kept turning around Ymir, Ymir's weapon system couldn't lock Rita at all.

Ymir couldn't hit Rita, and Rita couldn't break Ymir's defense, and the battle seemed to be deadlocked.

On the other side, behind the ruins beside the street, the Yidonian government army responsible for covering Rita was already dumbfounded. They had no idea that Rita would choose to fight that steel monster hand-to-hand, and the fighting movements were so gorgeous and wonderful. , It's almost like watching an action movie.

"Miss Griffith is so strong, she can deal with that kind of monster close to her!" Watching the fierce battle on the street, the adjutant Kai couldn't help expressing his sincere admiration, but Yegel, who was standing beside him, had a serious face. There was no smile on his face, not only that, but at this moment, his brows were tightly frowned.

Yeager couldn't figure out what Rita was thinking.

Although the fight was beautiful, in Yegel's view, Rita's attack was meaningless, she just kept using the sickle to circle around the monster, and beat the heat vent on the back of the monster with her own hand whenever she had a chance. Yeager doesn't understand the meaning of such a fight. You know, even if Rita cuts the monster thousands of times, the monster will not be damaged at all. On the other hand, the monster, as long as it hits Rita once with its fist , Rita is about to turn into a puddle of meatloaf.

As for Yegel's thoughts, Rita naturally has no way of knowing, she just executes her tactics efficiently and accurately, constantly sticking to Ymir's body to fight him, and whenever she has a chance, she will slap her palm hard. Slashing on the monster's cooling vent, with the blood continuously flowing down Rita's sickle, Rita's finger was broken repeatedly, and then regenerated. In just a few minutes, Rita's finger was broken No less than twenty times!

Hitting the monster's cooling vent again, Rita dodged Ymir's fist with a somersault. At the same time, she hooked the sickle into Ymir's shoulder fiercely, changed her figure in the air, and fell back to the ground. The fingers regenerated quickly, Rita raised her head, her gray eyes pierced through the messy hair ends, fixedly staring at the giant mecha, as if she was waiting for something.

Being repeatedly teased by Rita, Ymir's combat strategy became more and more aggressive. The howitzer slowly set up, and then fired loudly, blasting big holes in the street, as if hoping to injure himself and himself through the explosion. Fighting Rita, however, its tactics are destined to be impossible to succeed. Rita keeps rolling and moving, dodging Ymir's attacks time and time again, and hitting Ymir's cooling vent time and time again. When Mir was about to set up the howitzer again, in the gray field of vision, the red icon flickering on the edge finally turned back to green, and a system prompt appeared from the center of the screen: "'Ymir's Wrist' cooling and recharging is over, enter the standby mode state."

The combat system, which became more aggressive due to Rita's stimulation, made a judgment in an instant, and Ymir stopped suddenly. He stood still, and the two devastating cannons behind him began to emit bursts of buzzing. , in the muzzle, the red glowing spiral turned again, and it turned faster and faster. In just a few seconds, the light emitted by the spiral changed from dim red to bright orange red.

"Miss Griffith! Run! It's about to fire!" Seeing the thing spinning again, Yegel rushed to the ruins with his eyes wide open, and shouted at Rita, but Rita didn't notice it at all. The meaning of avoidance, she just stood there silently, if Yegel was close enough, he would definitely be able to see the weird curvature of Rita's mouth.

"Damn!" Seeing that Rita had no intention of running away, Yegel slid down from the ruins and shouted at the soldiers, "Hidden! Find cover!"

Seeing that the terrifying cannon was about to be fired, the soldiers scrambled to hide in the alley behind. Yeager just wanted to run, but when he turned his head, he saw the adjutant Kai staring at the monster in a daze. He couldn't help but shouted. : "Kay! What are you looking at?! Don't die?!"

"Sir..." Lieutenant Kai slowly turned his head, pointed at the monster in the middle of the street, and said to Yegel, "There seems to be something wrong."

"What's wrong?!" Yegel was about to explode, but suddenly realized that something was wrong...

The cannon has been spinning for so long, why hasn't it fired yet?

Yegel turned his head suddenly, lying on the ruins and staring at the monster in the middle of the street. He saw that the spirals on the two cannons behind it turned faster and faster, and the orange-red light almost turned into white. The buzzing sound from the giant cannon became extremely weird, like a microwave oven that boiled canned food. Immediately afterwards, the giant cannon behind the monster began to tremble slightly, and white steam spewed out from the mechanical gap from time to time.

In the next second, there was only a loud "bang", accompanied by the soaring flames and the rising mushroom cloud, a large number of metal casings and parts were scattered and splashed.

The giant cannon behind the monster exploded


Three shifts, call it a day.

Volume 6 Mission.77-[-]. The macho disintegration

Accompanied by the flames soaring into the sky, Ymir's back exploded one after another, and the mournful roar penetrated the white bulletproof helmet, filling the entire street with the sound of bangs, large pieces of metal fragments and parts one after another Following the explosion, the flames were scattered and splashed. At this moment, the huge mecha monster finally showed the reaction that a real creature should have. Arm scratching his back.

Compared to the Yidonian government army behind the ruins who had been stunned by the sudden situation, Rita's reaction was much calmer, as if she knew that things would definitely turn out like this.

Although there was always an elegant smile on her face, in fact, Rita also secretly let out a long sigh of relief. She was not so confident in her tactics, and she was also very worried that the monster would directly launch the weapon behind her. It's not that this weapon poses any threat to her, but she just finds it difficult to explain to Yegel how she survived such a terrorist explosion that could destroy an entire street.

Fortunately, the plan worked.

After learning the information about the heat vent on the back of the monster from Yegel, Rita had a bold idea in her heart. Since the monster will be forced to emit a huge amount of heat when using the weapon, why not directly What about blocking its cooling vent?

Therefore, in the ensuing battle, Rita kept looking for opportunities to insert her fingers into the monster's cooling vent, and then quickly snapped off her fingers. Those fingers stuck in the cooling vent did not slip out, they were like plants Generally, the root system quickly splits, firmly fixes itself in the cooling vent, and then fuses with each other with tiny tentacles, turning into a whole piece of hideous flesh, and then, they continue to crawl inward like slimes , block the heat dissipation vents, generate the main important parts of the bone structure card, and erode the circuit. If a staff member of the black Umbrella disassembles the shell of the giant cannon behind Ymir, he will be horrified to find that Ymir’s huge The cannon was covered with flesh and blood, like a third-rate horror movie.

On the other side, Ymir, who was still exploding behind him, was completely lying on the ground, motionless as if he was half dead. The extreme high temperature made Ymir almost paralyzed. On the white helmet, the red light emitted by the one-eyed eye began to flicker. At this moment, Ymir's gray-and-white field of vision filled with pixels was filled with a lot of snowflake noise, and the red error message Jumping out constantly, various systems began to go offline one after another after struggling. Soon, the combat system completely collapsed and could not be maintained.

In the end, all the pixels on the gray-white screen disappeared, and the field of vision became pitch black. Immediately afterwards, a line of red text jumped out: "T-Yimr has a serious failure, and the failure information is being uploaded... The upload failed, and the emergency stop loss system was activated."

The scarlet letter flickered twice in the black field of vision, and then completely disappeared.

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