"This is...killed?" Behind the ruins on the side of the street, Yegel stared blankly at the monster lying in the middle of the street. He couldn't believe it. The monster that almost destroyed his army just fell down. Yes, and it was because of self-explosion.

"What's going on here?" On the other side, Adjutant Kai also looked shocked.

After thinking for a while, Yegel frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "The cooling vent, that maid somehow destroyed the cooling vent on the back of the monster."

But how exactly?

Seeing that the monster finally fell down, the soldiers on the other side of the ruins bravely crawled out. They stretched their necks and looked at the huge monster lying on the ground with flames on its body, with ecstasy on their faces. The soldiers even started to cheer, but Rita standing in front of the monster remained motionless. She was holding a scythe and was wearing a tattered maid outfit. There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and some gray eyes were shining through. The messy gray hair silently stared at the huge monster in front of her. She could feel that although the monster had suffered severe injuries, it was still alive.

Sure enough, as if in response to Rita's waiting, after a long silence, the steel monster lying in the middle of the street suddenly trembled. Seeing this, the East Asian government army immediately fell silent. They raised their guns in a panic, and lay down behind the ruins again, staring at the monster with both eyes, for fear that it would stand up suddenly, while Rita waved the gun in his hand. Scythe, drawing a crescent moon in the firelight, quietly waited for the monster in front of him to move again.

The white shell kept shaking slightly, and the wreckage of the giant cannon on the back kept splashing sparks, and then cracked suddenly, pulling wires and flesh and blood, falling off from the monster's back, exposing the monster's back, At this moment, the monster's back was dripping with blood, covered with burns and lacerations. Through the broken skin, one can faintly see the vertebrae. In the next second, the monster trembled suddenly. It's like something inside is eager to break out of the shell. Behind the bloody and bloody back, the spine under the skin suddenly bulges, and some sections even squeeze out the skin that has become fragile due to burns, and it is white. On the outer shell, almost all the mechanical gaps were opening little by little with the sound of metal cracking, releasing layers of high-temperature steam. Immediately afterwards, several pieces of the metal shell suddenly shattered, scattered and splashed, and were covered under the white shell. The monster arched its body like a shrimp, constantly trying to squeeze out of the gap in the back of the metal shell.

Accompanied by a strange sound, the spine began to proliferate with sharp thorns, tearing the skin on the back of the monster. With low and muffled groans like beasts, the monster got out of the shell that restrained itself little by little. When it came out, the white mecha shell shattered little by little, and the scalded flesh became dripping with blood as it forcibly broke free from the shackles. Finally, a head emerged from the white shell. The shape of the human head is similar, except that there is no hair, and it is covered with burns, and the skin is peeled off in large chunks. Its cloudy left eye is constantly rotating in the eye socket, while the right eye is violently stitched up. There are dense pustules all over the wound. The monster has no nose. There are only two skull-like holes where the nose should be. It has no lips, or even a lower jaw. The long tongue is constantly wagging.

Shaking his head vigorously, tearing off the wires connecting the back of his head with the mecha, as if to celebrate that he was finally freed from the metal shell, Ymir let out a deafening cry Roaring, at the same time, he pulled his arms out of the metal shell. In an instant, sharp giant claws pierced the flesh and grew out. They firmly grasped the ground, tearing his lower body vigorously, Even if the flesh and blood burst, he didn't care. Finally, with the blood gushing out like a spring, the giant finally got rid of the shackles, and completely tore the lower body that was almost integrated with the metal shell, leaving only the upper body dragged by the monster. Half of the spine crawled out, its claws supported the broken street, exposing the huge beating heart in its chest, and then let out a deafening roar again...

One more.

Volume 6 Mission.78-[-]. Macho Mu Da

Seeing the incomplete, bloody monster crawling out of the metal shell, the smile on Rita's face became more and more sinister. The monster in front of her basically lost her defense ability and could no longer use modern combat weapons. With the upper body down, there is no doubt that it has been scrapped.

"Fight!" On the other side, watching the monster get out of the armor, Yegel, who had been waiting for a long time behind the ruins, roared immediately, raised his gun, and fired at the monster together with his soldiers. Geer squinted his eyes and roared angrily: "Dog! Where's your bastard?!"

When the roar of "Ulla" sounded again, the blood-boiling soldiers stared red-eyed, holding the AK-47 in their hands and pouring firepower crazily at the monster that had lost its armor protection, the iron curtain formed by the ammunition of the automatic rifle In an instant, it enveloped the monster. In an instant, the bullets hit its scalded and torn skin continuously. In an instant, blood flowers densely covered the monster's arms and side ribs. It exploded, but it could only penetrate its already fragile skin, and then it was firmly stuck by the solid muscles under the skin.

Even after taking off the thick and solid armor, Ymir's physical strength is still strong enough.

The skin and flesh were continuously pierced by the bullets, and the ferocious monster completely lost its mind. Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the monster suddenly supported the ground with its thick and strong arms, and rushed towards Rita at an alarming speed. , due to the loss of the lower body, the monster's center of gravity seemed very unstable, it seemed to be stumbling, the broken spine was dragged on the ground, and the blood was still continuously flowing down the wound on the waist.

After losing its lower body and its armor and weapons, the monster became more flexible!

Although the monster in front of her was coming fiercely, Rita didn't panic in the slightest. This was not only because she would definitely strengthen the monster in front of her if she shot with all her strength, but also because when the monster squeezed out from the white metal armor just now, Lita The tower clearly saw the exposed heart on its chest.

Rita clearly remembered what Li Yexing said by chance in his spare time:

"Generally, the BOWs starting with T are Tyrant-type, and if you are facing a Tyrant-type BOW, you will not have any problems if you find the exposed heart first, especially those non-mass-produced Tyrant-type BOWs, most of them cannot Handled the exposed heart issue very well."

Being able to remember what the master said is also one of the compulsory courses for a perfect maid.

Seeing the monster rushing towards her head-on, staring at the hail of bullets, Rita held the sickle in front of her chest, slightly lowered her center of gravity, and at the same time spread those two beautiful legs wrapped in black silk with holes back and forth, she was as calm as a matador Waiting quietly, waiting for an opportunity to seriously injure or even kill the huge monster in front of him.

Finally, at the moment when the monster rushed in front of Rita and raised its giant claws towards Rita, Rita suddenly moved, holding the scythe tightly with both hands, the muscles on her arms tensed up to the extreme in an instant, she suddenly Turning around, let the huge claws graze his back and hit the ground fiercely. At the same time, ignoring the sand and stones splashed on his face, he gritted his teeth and exerted force instantly. Suddenly, the tip of the sickle in his hand tore through the air Suddenly it pointed upwards, pointing directly at the huge beating heart on the monster's chest, but immediately, Rita froze.

The blade spun suddenly, carrying a huge monster across the sky like a throwing ball, and then slammed into the ground fiercely. A piece of rubble was instantly thrown up from the broken road, and the monster that fell on the ground rolled in embarrassment. When the dust settled, it propped up one arm, then turned its head, staring at Rita with its one eye, as if there was some fear hidden in the eyes.

Just now, in front of hundreds of Yidonian government troops, Rita used a sickle to perform a "four or two strokes of a thousand catties", which caused a burst of exclamation from the government troops. However, if you look closer, you will find that Rita is The expression on her face was not good-looking, and there was a rare seriousness on her face.

Rita never imagined that there was a layer of skin full of muscle tissue growing on the monster's heart!This layer of skin firmly blocked Rita's sickle.

"It's such a headache..." Rita complained in a low voice, but she didn't slack off in the slightest. From the blow just now, Rita roughly understood the thickness and hardness of the monster's heart membrane, and finally she came to a conclusion , if she wanted to cut into that heart, she first had to ensure that the sickle in her hand would not break, and secondly, she needed to expand her arms to the thickness of a human waist.

This is impossible, after all, the people of the Yidonian government army are still watching, and you suddenly swell like a Popeye, which is somewhat unreasonable.

"Since we can't solve the problem of the exposed heart, why don't we just strengthen the hardness of the heart?" Rita raised the sickle above her head and waved it, and then cut it off suddenly. The voice said: "It's really a simple and crude research and development idea..."

Because all the heavy firepower in their hands was exhausted in the previous battle, it was difficult for the Yidonian government army to cause enough damage to the monster's body, not to mention that because of the absence of the lower body, the monster always kept its heart Pressed under the body, it is impossible to shoot with a gun from the surrounding angles. Even if you can seize the opportunity to hit a few shots occasionally, it may be difficult to cause effective damage.

In front, the thrown monster finally got up slowly. It raised its arms again against the hail of bullets, staring at Rita with its muddy one-eyed eyes. After a while, the two muscular arms suddenly With force, the monster rushed towards Rita again at an astonishing speed.

Rita's face became a little ugly, she couldn't think of a way to deal with the monster without revealing her true strength.

Just when Rita was posing, ready to use the same trick to throw off the monster, a sudden change occurred!

There was a sudden "bang" sound from the other side of the street, and then, a rocket rushed into Rita's perspective, and then slammed into the monster's body, the explosion sounded loudly, and the shock wave Wrapped in heat, centered on the soaring mushroom cloud, it suddenly spread to the surroundings, blowing away Rita's hair, and the already unstable monster fell directly to the ground after eating a rocket at close range. , constantly howling and struggling.

Rita was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and looked towards the other side of the street, and saw a man wearing a black open top with golden curly hair standing out from the ruins opposite the Yidonia government army position, He looked stern, and slowly lowered the bazooka on his shoulders. Behind him, rows of men and women in black suits came out. All kinds of weapons, such as light machine guns, heavy machine guns, howitzers, and bazookas emerged one after another. Surrounded by hundreds of thugs in suits, Giorno Giobana, the godfather of the gang in Lopules, still put down the bazooka in his hand. He raised his head, his eyes seemed to be burning with golden flames, his legs were slightly spread apart, he bent his knees, and slowly stroked his chest with one hand along his waist, and then suddenly pulled his collar away. With the completion of this strange posture, An indescribable demonic aura instantly erupted from Jobana's body.

As if infected by this aura, hundreds of thugs in suits carrying weapons also followed suit and posed in various mad postures. In an instant, a group of demons danced wildly on one side of the street.

"I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!" The loud voice sounded, and the young godfather raised his head and said loudly: "I want every villain in Lopulos to have the principle of belonging to the villains. And the bottom line! Have the belonging and pride of being a villain! I want to expel all those chaotic guys who have no bottom line and principles, and who have no concept of good and evil! I want to become a gang superstar in Lopulus!"

Exhaling lightly, Chopper pulled his collar with one hand, slowly raised the other hand, pointed at the huge monster struggling to get up on the street, and said with a stern expression: "Golden experience!"

In an instant, the gunshots of light and heavy machine guns and the sound of howitzers and bazookas blasted enveloped the entire street. After the government forces in Itonia, the gang superstars from Lopulus once again showed outsiders that the people of Lopulus The enthusiasm of the crowd, the continuous explosions swallowed up the miserable howl of the monster, and the billowing smoke completely covered up the crippled body. For a moment, only the flickering fire and the mushroom cloud soaring to the sky remained on the street.

Amidst bursts of explosions, Rita turned around slowly with a smile, stepped on high heels through the devastated streets, and walked towards the outside of Loples. She knew that the battle here was over...

Two more, my mind is a little messed up, rest, don't wait three.

Volume 6 Mission.79-[-]. Hunk is finally online

The thick-soled black military boots rolled over the dry branches, making a soft "rustling" sound. The gunshots and explosions from Lopulus became smaller and smaller, and they were thrown behind a little bit. Li Yexing hugged his AR-15 He hurried through the dense forest and ran towards the hillside ahead. When he reached the hillside, he stopped, looked around, and frowned unconsciously.

"I can barely see the hillside of the Passion Hotel, it should be here..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, "Where did Kanan go?"

As soon as he finished speaking, something glowing suddenly landed at Li Yexing's feet. Although he couldn't see what it was, Li Yexing could smell it, it was an unextinguished cigarette butt.

Turning around suddenly, Li Yexing raised his gun and pointed it directly at the top of his head, only to see Kanan sitting on a branch and smiling at Li Yexing.

Li Yexing put down his gun and gave Kanan the middle finger. Kanan smiled back and jumped down from the tree with a little force.

After a soft sound of military boots stepping on dead branches and rotten leaves, Kanan, who fell from the sky, stood up, patted his butt lightly, and then said to Li Yexing, "Why did you come? I'm going to be bored to death."

Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, thinking, why does this line sound like a silly girl complaining about her boyfriend being late for a date?

After clearing his throat, Li Yexing explained to Kanan: "The fighting at Lopulus was a bit chaotic, I had to take a detour and deal with a few short-sighted ones by the way."

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