Raising her eyebrows slightly, Kanan glanced at Li Yexing's body armor. After realizing that there was indeed a missing magazine on it, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll forgive you this time."

"Come on, are you a silly girl who is waiting for her boyfriend to come on a date?" Li Yexing finally couldn't help but speak out, stretched out his fingers and tapped Kanan's head lightly, Li Yexing said in a low voice: " How's the situation over there?"

"There has been no movement since the last batch of things were shipped to Lopulus..." Kanan shrugged, and then said as if he suddenly remembered something: "Oh, yes, a helicopter flew away."

Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then asked with some doubts, "Only one flew away?"

"Only one flew away." Kanan nodded.

"Where's the convoy? Still in place?" Li Yexing asked.

"Let's keep it. A team of more than a dozen people is deployed separately. It's a bit pitiful to be loose." Kanan replied.

"What kind of operation is this?" Li Yexing was a little confused. He didn't think about the possibility that the other party would withdraw immediately after finding out that something was wrong. After all, BSAA had already started ransacking the house. It is estimated that the Eastern European branch should be smashed at this time. Well, it's normal for those guys to come back for help or run away, but you only flew away with a helicopter and left all the people and cars here, which makes it hard to understand.

"Could it be that the executive lady saw the situation was not good and went back to resume her job early?" Li Yexing couldn't help but wondered.

"Boss..." On the other side, seeing Li Yexing in a daze, Kanan touched his shoulder lightly, and said, "What's wrong with the helicopter that ran away?"

"It's not a problem to run away, just one... is the problem." Li Yexing frowned.

After thinking for a while, but unable to come up with a reason, Li Yexing shook his head to dispel those useless thoughts, and then said: "That's all, it doesn't matter."

"You let him run away just like that?" Kanan couldn't help asking in a low voice. After all, in her impression, Li Yexing didn't seem like the kind of talkative guy who would let you go home for dinner if you came to trouble me. type.

"It's okay, he can't run away, he's already here, why go back?" Not wanting to get entangled in this issue, Li Yexing whispered to Kanan: "Don't talk about these useless things, where are they? "

"Cross the hillside on the opposite side, and you can see it after a short walk." Kanan pointed to the hillside on the other side.

"Then don't waste time, finish your work and go home quickly. I want to solve the problem before dawn, so that I can sleep before the BSAA comes to an end." Li Yexing said with a smile.

According to Li Yexing's plan, Kanan should wait for him directly next to the enemy's garrison, and when he and Kanan reconcile, the two will go out and kill the enemy, but Li Yexing did not expect that this plan was stranded from the beginning up.

Kanan was unable to accurately describe to Li Yexing the location of the enemy's garrison.

"On the road is on the road! Boss, are you an idiot?! There is only one road outside Loples! You just follow the road to find it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?! If I can’t come, I’ll do it myself! I really want to do it myself!”

When Li Yexing repeatedly asked Kanan about the location of the Eastern European branch, Kanan, who was completely impatient because he couldn't explain the location clearly, answered Li Yexing in this way.

In desperation, Li Yexing had no choice but to change the meeting place to the hillside where he could just see the roof of the Passion Hotel.

"By the way, how was the fight at Lopulus when you left?" Kanan, who couldn't rest while walking side by side in the forest with Li Yexing, asked curiously.

"Shouldn't it be enough?" Li Yexing replied, "After all, that guy Yeager has an armored vehicle. No matter how powerful the BOW of the Eastern European branch is, won't it be broken at the touch of a tank?"

"Speaking of which, Yeager's old dog actually has an armored vehicle in his hand. I really didn't expect that..." Kanan joked with a smile: "Didn't it mean that the poor government troops in Yidongya would have no pants? ? Where did that guy get the armored car?"

"You have to understand one thing, it's Itonia who is poor, not Lopules..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "Do you know how much tax the Italians have collected from our firm every year? Heck, I used to pay taxes in a symbolic way, just to save face, and I blame Rita for being so easy to talk, and let the Italian stick her nose in the face!"

"The maid is not easy to talk to..." Kanan shook his head and said, "And to be honest, if it weren't for the maid who usually helped you make connections, you might not be able to call out all the gangsters and army guys this time to support you .”

Li Yexing pouted with displeasure on his face. He knew that Kanan was right, but when he thought that all his money was taken away by that Italian curly hair, he felt uncomfortable. After all, what Li Yexing hated the most was being People take advantage.

Seemingly aware of Li Yexing's displeasure, Kanan smiled, then changed the subject, she chuckled and said, "However, it's really weird to say, according to what you said, Yeager doesn't have all the weapons and equipment Was it purchased in secret? Why do you know about this kind of thing, boss?"

"Of course I don't know if he doesn't say it..." With a hint of disdain on his face, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't he just showing off? Call me and Qiaoba to see his so-called 'steel torrent', Heh, it’s really funny to get a few second-hand cars and dare to come out and call it ‘Steel Torrent’.”

Walking through the woods, Li Yexing and Kanan chatted one after another, until they turned over the hillside in front of them, Kanan stopped. She raised her hand, pointed to the opposite hillside and whispered: "Look, there it is."

Li Yexing turned his head, looked through the woods, and looked in the direction Kanan pointed, only to see a few black trucks parked on the opposite side of the road.

"The rest are behind the hillside. There are less than [-] guards, just beat them casually..." Kanan whispered, "What should we do next?"

"What should I do?" Fumbling his chin, Li Yexing whispered: "Honestly, I can do whatever I want, the key problem is that once I think of that Chinese elite chick running away in a helicopter, I won't have the motivation to go down and do things." .”

"Damn! Boss, you don't really like her, do you?!" Kanan was really surprised this time.

"How is it possible? I will kill her with one shot..." Li Yexing shrugged and said, "The main thing is, the core idea of ​​our battle this time is not to kill people, but to kill people. She ran to my door full of confidence. Nonsense, but I slapped her hard, I humiliated her, you can't say too much, right?"

"Wow, boss, I haven't seen that you have such a bad taste..." Kanan raised his eyebrows pretending to be disgusted, and then said to Li Yexing: "Since that chick has already run away, let's... go back House?"

"Forget it..." Li Yexing shook his neck and made a sound of bones rubbing against each other. Li Yexing said with a smile, "The guests are already at the door. How can there be any reason to close the door and drive them away when they don't bring gifts?"

"Let's go, Kanan, let's go to see our guests.


Three shifts, call it a day.

Volume 6 Mission.80-[-]. Macho accident

Using the cover of darkness, they passed through the woods and climbed over two small mounds. It didn't take long for Li Yexing to bring Kanan to the side of the black Umbrella Eastern Europe branch station.

Hiding behind a tree, poking his head out slightly, carefully observing the situation on the road, he saw black trucks lined up in a long row beside the road. The truck lights were not on, and there were no lights on the road. Street lights, which made the entire convoy seem to be hidden in the dark. With a little moonlight, Li Yexing could vaguely see the members of the security forces stationed at the convoy. They stood quietly near the convoy with guns in their hands. Also do not move.

"Those guys stand upright." Kanan gently pressed Li Yexing's back, looked over Li Yexing's shoulder at the convoy down the mountain, and quipped with raised eyebrows, "After all, according to that secretary Kasimir To put it bluntly, the armed forces of the Eastern European branch are basically trained according to the model of military training, so it is not surprising to have such qualities..." Li Yexing frowned and said, "But to be honest, I always feel a little strange."

"What's strange?" Kanan asked.

"It's nothing, it should be just my illusion..." Shaking his head lightly, the heat brought by Kanan's words close to his ear made Li Yexing's ears itchy. He stood up quietly and lifted the handle on the handle Gun, and then whispered to Kanan: "Let's go."

Slowly descending the hillside, Li Yexing and Kanan approached the convoy on the road step by step. When they were less than [-] meters away from the convoy, Li Yexing stopped again. He carefully observed the structure of the convoy And arming, finally locked his sight on a truck at the back of the convoy. Compared with other trucks, the rear compartment of that truck was abnormally huge, and the structure of the compartment was also different from other trucks. The side of the compartment There is a metal door for people to enter and exit at first glance, and there is an antenna installed on the top of the car. Beside the car, two members of the security force are guarding. They hold guns and stand upright like sculptures.

Li Yexing made an instant judgment, that truck must be the enemy's command vehicle!

"Did you see that one? The one with the antenna on the compartment..." Pointing at the truck behind the convoy, Li Yexing said in a low voice to Kanan.

"I see." Kanan nodded.

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