"That car is their command car, and there should be high-level officials from the Eastern European branch in it..." Turning his head, Li Yexing whispered to Kanan: "In a moment, we will directly shoot down that car, and then surround the That car took all the security forces here, understand?"

"Of course I understand..." There was a fanatical smile on the corner of his mouth, and Kanan whispered: "It's really a simple and clear tactic, and I like you for that."

"Get moving when you understand..." Li Yexing also showed a smile on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "I'll go down in a while, remember to follow me closely, let's try not to shoot, I'm worried that if the gun goes off, The command vehicle was scared away."

"Don't worry, I understand." Kanan nodded vigorously, his face was full of excitement, and he looked eager to try.

Carefully observing the convoy below, Li Yexing quickly planned the stealth route. He beckoned to Kanan, signaling Kanan to follow up, and then dodged out from behind the tree, under the cover of layers of trees Slowly approaching the convoy, accompanied by the soft noise of the soles of their shoes stepping on dead branches and rotten leaves, the two finally reached the side of the road, and the black convoy was right in front of them.

He quickly rushed to the street and leaned against a truck. Li Yexing set up his gun to confirm the surrounding environment again. After seeing that there were no enemies, he nodded towards Kanan behind him. After receiving Li Yexing's signal, Ka Nan rushed out immediately. Holding the gun in both hands, she lowered her figure and quickly came to Li Yexing's side.

Seeing Kanan following up, Li Yexing began to push forward slowly against the truck. When he reached the rear compartment of the truck, Li Yexing cautiously poked his head out. Seeing that the other side of the truck was still unguarded, he strode forward Behind the truck compartment, he raised his gun and aimed at the interior of the truck compartment, only to see that there was no one in the truck compartment.

It seems that there is indeed no one here. The hot-blooded young executive put almost all his armed forces into Lopulus.

Slightly relieved, Li Yexing led Kanan to speed up the forward speed, passing behind trucks continuously, and when he was about to reach the command vehicle, Li Yexing stopped suddenly, he raised a hand, Signaling that there was a situation ahead, Kanan immediately stood still behind her, frowning slightly, waiting for Li Yexing's next instruction.

Slowly lowering his raised hand, Li Yexing raised his gun, frowned, and poked his head out slightly. On the other side of the truck, there was a member of the security force hiding in the shadow beside the truck, with his back to Li Yexing. Ye Xing, holding an AK-12 in his hand, stood upright without making a sound. If Li Ye Xing hadn't been cautious enough, he might have run over with Kanan directly.

After observing in place for two seconds, seeing that the soldier had no intention of turning around, Li Yexing took a breath and made a tactical gesture to signal Kanan to stand by in place. A member of the security force rushed over from behind, and the moment he arrived at the next truck, he heard a soft "snap" from his feet.

This is the sound of stepping on water!

Li Yexing's nerves tensed instantly. He turned around, put down his gun, and took out a dagger from his waist. If the member of the security force heard his voice and turned around to check, Li Yexing can guarantee that he will see the dagger when he sees it. In an instant, I sent the dagger into his throat.

With his nerves tensed, Li Yexing slowly raised the dagger like a vicious dog ready to bite someone at any time, while Kanan on the opposite side also silently pulled out the Gurkha saber brought back from Japan. People waited one after the other for the arrival of the enemy, but as time passed, the member of the security force did not appear for a long time.

Li Yexing frowned. He squatted down carefully, came to the side of the front of the car, and then poked his head out slightly. He saw that the soldier was still standing there, motionless, as if he hadn't heard the sound just now.

Seeing this, Li Yexing breathed a sigh of relief. He retreated a little bit, and then waved at Kanan. Kanan understood, and immediately lowered his body and ran towards Li Yexing. The dagger was inserted back into his waist, and he continued to move forward with Kanan. Black liquid stuck to the soles of his shoes, leaving footprints on the ground.

After a while of sneaking quietly, Li Yexing finally brought Kanan to the vicinity of the command vehicle. Li Yexing poked his head out again and saw two members of the security forces guarding the command vehicle. He took out the Gurkha saber, stretched out two fingers, and motioned for Li Yexing to be alone. Li Yexing thought about it and thought there was nothing wrong with it, so he pulled out the dagger again, and then slowly moved up with Kanan. .

With the help of the cover of darkness, Li Yexing got closer and closer to the enemy in front of him, and the distance shortened little by little, until there were only five steps left in the end. Suddenly, Li Yexing raised his hand again, signaling Kanan to stop.

Kanan was stunned, and then a puzzled look flashed between his brows, this was almost on the back of the enemy's head, why did he stop?

On the other side, Li Yexing stared at the enemy in front of him. The dark clouds passed by, and the mottled moonlight shone on the vicinity of the command vehicle. I don't know if it was an illusion. Li Yexing faintly felt that the black combat uniform of the security force member There seems to be a trace of water stains on it.

Something is wrong!The atmosphere is a bit strange!

Li Yexing raised his head and looked at the command car, only to see that the windshield of the command car was gone, but because the light was too dark just now, he couldn't see it clearly. Now, through the window, he can faintly see the command car. The driver's seat of the car seemed to be splashed with a black liquid like ink.

An ominous premonition rose from Li Yexing's chest. Li Yexing no longer lowered his figure. He walked forward in three steps and two steps, and pushed on the security team member in front. The next second, that person A member of the security force fell directly to the ground, and black liquid spilled from that member's body in an instant...

One more.

Volume 6 Mission.81-[-]. The macho doubts

Something is wrong!Something is wrong here!

Looking at the body of the security force member who was leaking black liquid on the ground, Li Yexing turned his head suddenly to look at Kanan. He was about to speak, but saw a black shadow rising up from behind Kanan, getting higher and higher. Countless worm-like black tentacles are constantly entangled, interspersed with each other, squeezing each other frantically, causing black liquid to continuously flow out of them.

Li Yexing's pupils shrank instantly, and on the other side, seeing Li Yexing's expression changed, Kanan's brows gradually frowned. There seemed to be some sound behind him, Kanan slowly raised his hands holding the two guns, and then Suddenly crossed from the front of the abdomen, let the muzzle pass through his armpit, and fired suddenly towards the back. The sound of the gun instantly shattered the silence that enveloped the main station. The fire of the muzzle flickered in the darkness. Leta 9 2F showed powerful power, and the extended magazines endowed them with lasting firepower. The bullets shot out of the chamber and hit the monster behind Kanan, and the black juice splashed in all directions. The wind swept across the back of his head, and Kanan suddenly turned over and rolled towards Li Yexing. In the next moment, the tentacles made of countless black worms passed through Kanan's position just now, and smashed hard on the street , splashing a large piece of ink-like black liquid.

Quickly rolling to Li Yexing's feet, Kanan turned over and squatted on the ground. She swung her ponytail and turned her head sharply, pointing her guns behind her. Immediately afterwards, Kanan froze, her eyes widening. , as if seeing something extraordinary, a few seconds later, she twitched the muscles on her face and said, "Damn it! Boss, what is this?!"

"Uroboros...ouroboros virus..." Looking at the twisted monster in front of him, Li Yexing looked cold and called out its name.

Ouroboros, a virus developed by Albert Wesker, the villain of the "Resident Evil" series, has extremely terrifying power. It will screen the DNA of the infected person. Once the DNA of the infected person is not perfect, it will It will become the distorted appearance in front of you. In "Resident Evil 5", Chris has fought with the infected of the Ouroboros virus four times. The first time was just an ordinary infected person, and the second time was a stronger gene As for the third time, another villain, Exela, the real power controller of Sanlian Pharmaceutical's African branch, was at the core, and a super octopus was piled up with hundreds of corpses as raw materials. The snake monster, and the last time was in the crater, and Wesker, who was infected with Ouroboros, finally fought and defeated him.

With the fall of Albert Wesker, the story of "Resident Evil 5" ended, but the shadow of the Ouroboros virus did not dissipate. In the later "Resident Evil. Revelation 2", the Ouroboros virus It reappeared, and combined with the T-fear virus, it created a terrifying monster made entirely of corpse parts. Of course, this is all a later story.

To be honest, Li Yexing scoffed at Wesker's idea of ​​using ouroboros to screen human genes and lead humans to forcibly evolve. There is no other reason. Ouroboros has too strict requirements on genes. I am afraid that only perfect Only genes can be compatible with the power of Ouroboros, but how can there be perfect genes in this world?Even a genetically powerful Albert Wesker was still severely eroded after being infected with the Ouroboros virus, let alone other ordinary humans?Once Wesker's plan is successful, the most likely outcome is that the whole world is full of monsters that look like Jajang noodles.

The Ouroboros monster in front of him is still writhing its body, its black tentacles are constantly interspersed and swimming around its body, and countless tiny black worms are constantly gathering towards the monster from all directions, slowly converging into a body over [-] meters tall. Although the two-meter monster has become like this, it still seems to have limbs. According to common sense, ouroboros will swallow all the corpses around it. The more corpses it swallows, the body and mind will change. The monster grew bigger, but for some reason, this monster didn't swallow the members of the security forces killed by it, which made it a bit unusually slender.

Li Yexing frowned as he watched the monster in front of him prop up his body little by little. According to the settings in the game, this kind of monster is extremely afraid of fire. At the same time, there should be a yellow glowing core in its body. If the core is not exposed, You can't go wrong with roasting it with fire.

After making up his mind, Li Yexing turned his gaze to the black Umbrella troop truck, and saw a large bulge under the truck, which was the truck's fuel tank, but outside the fuel tank, wrapped A thick black metal plate, which means that the truck's fuel tank may be difficult to shoot through from the side.

With an idea in mind, Li Yexing turned his head and whispered to Kanan: "Be careful, I'm going to blow up the truck in front of me."

"Oh? Oh!" Kanan was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately stood up straight. Of course, Kanan didn't understand the low fire resistance of ouroboros, but if Li Yexing said he wanted to blow up the truck, there must be something His reason for blowing up the truck.

There was a strange hissing sound, and Li Yexing seemed to hear some kind of pain and unwillingness, but in the next second, he regarded it as an illusion. After all, things like ouroboros are just monsters wrapped in corpses. How can there be emotions?Seeing that the monster was on all fours, with faint signs of rushing up, Li Yexing and Kanan raised their guns at the same time, and then fired wildly at the monster. Splashes like ink exploded from the monster's body, and broken tentacles continuously splashed out from the monster's body.

As if being hurt, the monster screamed suddenly, and then crawled towards Li Yexing and Kanan frantically. Li Yexing immediately turned his gun and aimed at the monster's forelegs. A burst of fire was fired, and as the broken black worms spilled out from the monster's tentacles, the monster's tentacles broke suddenly, and the monster with an unstable center of gravity fell to the ground all of a sudden, it kept twitching, wriggling The x was moving, and black worms drilled out of the body continuously, crazily making up for the broken limbs. Seeing this, Li Yexing took out a grenade from his waist without saying a word, quickly pulled out the pull ring, and directly Rolled the grenade down the bottom of the car.

Throwing the grenade, Li Yexing hugged Kanan and rushed to the compartment of the command vehicle behind him. The next second, the grenade rolled under the truck's fuel tank and exploded. The fragments penetrated the fuel tank, and sparks ignited the gasoline. Hearing a loud "boom", the fuel tank of the truck exploded suddenly, and the terrifying shock wave swept across the surroundings like a gust of wind. A mushroom cloud dyed crimson by the flames soared into the sky, illuminating the entire convoy. Under the reflection of the fire, Li Yexing hugged Kanan tightly and lay down behind the compartment of the command car.

After a while, the light of the fire gradually dimmed, and the bits and pieces that were thrown into the sky fell down with the light of the fire. Li Yexing shook his dizzy head, then stood up slowly, and walked from the back of the command vehicle. Walking out, I saw that the exploded truck had been overturned in the middle of the road, and the flames were burning fiercely. In the flames, the ignited black monster was constantly twisting its body, sending out bursts of waves. Seeing this, Li Yexing fired at the monster without saying a word, hoping to repel it, while the monster struggled to crawl out of the flame against Li Yexing's firepower. The moment it climbed out of the flames, its body finally couldn't bear the scorching of the flames, it stopped and opened its tentacles one by one.

It really wants to expose its core!

With a slight shock in his heart, Li Yexing tore off the emptied magazine, quickly replaced it with a new one, then raised the gun again, waiting for the monster to expose its core, accompanied by the black liquid continuously Flowing down, the tentacles opened one by one, and after a while, it finally revealed its core to Li Yexing.

His eyes widened little by little, and his expression gradually became weird. Li Yexing turned his head slightly and looked at the core exposed by the monster. After a long while, he finally couldn't help but asked with a puzzled expression: "Huh?


Second watch, old rules, don't wait for three.

Volume 6 Mission.82-[-]. Strong men have special skills to turn BOW into wives

Under the light of the fire, sticky black juice flowed from each of the tentacles, peeling off and opening up, revealing the inside that was wrapped up in groups. It was a girl. Her body was very slender, but not thin. With the unique classical beauty of Asian women, the wet short black hair sticks to the pale skin one by one, covering an indescribable morbidity. The black liquid keeps dripping down the hair without contaminating the skin, like a drop Drops of ink slowly slid down the petals of the lily, and then flowed over her collarbone. At this moment, the girl wrapped in black tentacles was closing her eyes tightly, frowning slightly, as if she was drowning in a nightmare from which she could not wake up. In general, on the girl's chest, a yellow fleshy ball was emitting a little light, indicating that the girl's life was not taken away by the Ouroboros virus.

Li Yexing never expected that the one wrapped in ouroboros was not a corpse, but a girl!

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