Bai Muqing stared blankly at Rita who was smiling all over her face. She really didn't understand why this maid had to make arrangements for such a thing that hadn't even been written yet. After a moment of silence, she said coldly to Rita. Said: "I don't understand what you are talking to yourself. Obviously, no matter how poor I am, even if I die, I can't serve a wild dog in the mud like you do."

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the bedroom became weird again. Rita squinted her eyes and looked at Bai Muqing lying on the bed with a smile, while Bai Muqing's eyes were a little dodged, as if she was afraid of meeting Rita's eyes.

"Miss Bai, you seem to have a deep prejudice against your husband." After a while, Rita smiled and said.

Bai Muqing didn't speak, but the trace of disdain in her eyes fully exposed her inner thoughts.

"Miss Bai, first of all, as Mr.'s maid, I sincerely hope that you can respect Mr. from the bottom of your heart. After all, you are the defeat of Mr...." The smile became more and more dangerous, and Rita whispered: "Second , I suspect that you don't seem to understand your situation, don't you think you still have a chance to go back to Black Umbrella?"

The curve of the corner of her mouth became more and more flamboyant, like a fox, Rita slowly moved closer to Bai Muqing's ear, and whispered in a sweet voice: "After all, you are on the side of the black Umbrella... you are already a dead person."

The sweet breath was blown into Bai Muqing's earholes with a tinge of warmth, and Bai Muqing's ears immediately turned red, and even her body couldn't help trembling. She wanted to turn her head, but Rita stood up. The quilt was lightly pressed on her body, and the fingers wrapped in black lace gloves slid over Bai Muqing's cheeks with a wonderful touch, Rita gently blew into Bai Muqing's ears, and then, her glowing Her luscious lips pinched Bai Muqing's earlobe lightly.

There was a faint stabbing pain in her ears, and Bai Muqing couldn't help moaning. She blushed, frowned slightly, and looked up slowly, but saw Rita sitting on her waist through the quilt. Flushing, the gray eyes filled with light water mist seemed to hide some beasts, the pink tongue brushed the white teeth, swept across the lips, and gently licked the black ink stains that stained the lips into the mouth, tightly Then, Rita slowly closed her eyes, with a satisfied expression on her face, as if she had tasted some delicious food.

After a while, Rita opened her eyes, smiled and said to Bai Muqing: "It's such an interesting gene, to be honest, if it wasn't because Miss wanted to keep you, I couldn't help but want to eat you up .”

"What are you... talking about?" For a moment, Bai Muqing felt her hair stand on end. Although she didn't quite understand what Rita was talking about, she had a faint feeling that she shouldn't delve into it.

Looking at Bai Muqing who was crushed under her body, Rita smiled even more happily. The corners of her mouth were split little by little towards her ears, and the flesh and blood were torn inch by inch along her cheeks, each piece was jagged like a steel nail In an instant, the bones of the bones squeezed out the gums and grew out, the gray eyes slowly turned red, blood vessels expanded from around the eyes, and continuously gathered red lines. Looking at the scene in front of her, her reason seemed to be leaving her, she couldn't help opening her mouth to scream, but the next second, her mouth was immediately sealed by something, that thing was warm, Tenderly bound her neck and face, stroking her lightly like a lover, but made her unable to speak, Bai Muqing couldn't help but look down, but saw under the maid's skirt, one by one The bloody tentacles slowly stretched out, spreading continuously on the bed, and then bit by bit into the quilt, swimming past her body continuously.

Frightened, Bai Muqing tried to struggle, but couldn't move, and her body didn't obey her command at all!Feeling the abnormal touch from all over her body, Bai Muqing almost cried out.


Get moving!


Suddenly, something in his body seemed to respond to Bai Muqing's desire to survive. In the next second, with a huge force, the quilt covering Bai Muqing's body was suddenly lifted, and the thick tentacles made of countless tiny black worms were like fists. The hammer hit Rita's chin fiercely, and Rita smiled slightly when she saw this. All the tentacles exerted force suddenly, and Rita flew up directly. Rita raised her head, looked at Bai Muqing who sat up suddenly on the bed, a look of surprise flashed between her brows, she murmured softly: "The aptitude is top notch, but the body is still too fragile, it seems that I need more love from my husband ..."

After finishing speaking, Rita withdrew her tentacles and jumped down from the ceiling. After she landed gracefully, she turned her head and saw Bai Muqing who was sitting on the bed staring blankly at her white arms. On the arm, black worms were slowly shrinking towards her chest until they were hidden in the yellow core between the two peaks. After all the black worms were retracted, the yellow core sank under the skin little by little. .

"Welcome to the world of inhumans, Miss Bai Muqing."

Rita's words pulled Bai Muqing out of her stupor. She turned her head blankly and looked at Rita, only to see Rita open the silver metal suitcase she had put on the ground with a smile on her face. She took out the contents While speaking softly to Bai Muqing: "From now on, we will be family members. This is a small gift from me on behalf of my husband to the new family. It is not a respect."

Before Bai Muqing realized what had happened, Rita suddenly moved closer, and then, with a soft "click", Bai Muqing's neck was wrapped in a strange sense of tightness. On the other side, Lita Ta took two steps back and picked up a thick iron chain from the ground. One end of the iron chain was held in Rita's hand, the middle part was hanging on the ground, and the other end was connected to Bai Muqing's neck.

Bai Muqing was slightly taken aback, then raised his hand to stroke his neck, feeling the touch from his fingertips, the panic caused by his body changes instantly disappeared, replaced by uncontrollable shame and anger.

That damned maid put a collar on her


One more.

Volume 6 Mission.90-[-]. Macho style review was murdered

Cold water rinsed his body to wash off the sweat and mud stains on his body. Li Yexing turned off the faucet, propped his hands against the wall, and looked at himself in the mirror. His years have not carved any marks on this face at all. If there is any change, the shadow between the brows has indeed dissipated a lot. Compared with the ferocious and brutal Lopulus mad dog, the young man in the mirror is more like is an ordinary person.

A normal guy with horrific scars all over his body.

Water droplets dripped from the tip of his hair, slid over his sharp muscles, and gathered under Li Yexing's feet to form a puddle of water. Li Yexing shook his head, dispelling the messy thoughts in his head, and casually tore off the towel hanging by the mirror , wiping his body perfunctorily, before he could dry himself, he put on his pants, pushed open the door, stepped on his slippers and left the bathroom.

The sun shines into the room through the outside window, adding a touch of warmth to the office. Li Yexing walked through the office with his upper body shirtless, sat down on the office chair, and silently faced the unpowered computer on the desk. in a daze.

Suddenly, a trace of warmth covered his shoulders, squeezing his muscles just right, his nerves gradually relaxed, and the fatigue from a busy night was immediately relieved. Li Yexing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing Qiandaotong standing behind the office chair, gently rubbing Li Yexing's shoulders, and seeing Li Yexing looking over on the other side, Qiandaotong immediately returned a warm smile, and she said softly: "Yexing, you have worked hard!" .”

At this moment, Hitomi Chishima was wearing the same white kimono that she wore at the Nagaba Cherry Blossom Festival. Along the collar, she could see the white collarbone pierced by a thin red thread, and her half-dry long black hair fell from one side of the shoulder. It hangs down naturally, adding a unique temptation to Chishima Hitomi as a beauty out of the bath.

"Hitomi..." Li Yexing smiled, stretched out his hand, and gently covered Qiandao Tong's tender catkin.

After rubbing and rubbing for a while, Qiandao Tong stopped her hand, and wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's neck. She lightly pressed on Li Yexing's back, and leaned close to Li Yexing's ear, using a somewhat stiff He whispered in English: "Mr. Ye Xing, you don't look very happy..."

"Did you see it..." The smell of shampoo mixed with the girl's faint body fragrance permeated Li Yexing's body. Li Yexing couldn't help taking a breath, then stretched out his hand and brushed Qiandao Hitomi's wet eyes With long hair, he said, "It's a bit..."

"Did something happen?" Hitomi Qiandao asked softly, rubbing her cheek against Li Yexing's ear.

"There are too many things..." Sighing lightly, Li Yexing said in a depressed mood: "I messed up the battle, I thought I would crush the guys from the Eastern European branch with the power of Lopulus, As a result, many people died on Yeager's side, and BSAA's side too. Heck, I was so confident that BSAA was easy enough to flatten the Eastern European branch with no defense power. Only I shouldn't make such a mistake! And what bothers me the most is..."

Having said that, Li Yexing stopped suddenly, he stared blankly at the computer screen, and then asked unpreparedly: "Tong, speaking of which, I heard Tilly Lisi say that you should be with Rita... "

"Rita is with the Italians, I can't help, so Rita let me come back first..." Hitomi Chishima explained in a low voice.

"That's right..." Li Yexing nodded, and then said, "Where's Kanan? Asleep?"

"Hmm..." Hitomi Qiandao nodded and said softly, "Kanan took a bath with me, and then she went to rest."

"Really..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, "I really envy this kind of person who can just fall asleep after busy work."

Hitomi Qiandao didn't answer, but just tightened her arms, as if she wanted to rub Li Yexing into her arms. At this moment, Yamato Nadeko's eyes were full of doting on her man.

In fact, Hitomi Qiandao couldn't fully understand what Li Yexing said just now, and Li Yexing's words seemed to stop suddenly at a certain point, as if he didn't want to continue talking. The teachings: As a good woman, you must know how to advance and retreat. A man’s life is like moving forward with a heavy burden. A woman must understand a man’s suffering. But if the other party does not want to say something, don’t force him to ask. Leave a little space for the man. As a woman , just hug each other when a man is tired.

On the other side, feeling the embrace of Hitomi Qiandao, Li Yexing felt a sense of peace of mind for no reason. The warmth of the girl's body spread through Li Yexing's body little by little through the white kimono. It swept up, which made Li Yexing feel a little drowsy.

In a trance, his vision blurred, and Li Yexing closed his eyes little by little. Just when he was about to fall asleep safely, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and with the sound of "da da" from the high heels, Rita left When he came in, even though Qian Daotong immediately raised his head to signal silence, Li Yexing still woke up.

Subconsciously breaking free from Hitomi Qiandao's embrace, Li Yexing raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. When his eyes met Rita's, Rita's expression changed from astonishment to apology. She frowned slightly and looked at Li Yexing Wei Wei bowed and said, "Sorry, sir, I interrupted your rest."

"It's okay..." Li Yexing shook his head with a smile, and then he saw a chain in Rita's hand, which stretched all the way to the outside of the office, and he didn't know what was hanging on the other end.

A thought flashed like lightning, and Li Yexing suddenly had a strange premonition. He raised his eyebrows and said to Rita, "Rita, what are you holding?"

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita stood up straight, smiled at Li Yexing, then turned her head to look outside the door, tugged at the iron chain in her hand and said, "Come on, dear, come in and meet sir."

As soon as the words fell, the iron chain on Rita's hand was suddenly stretched. It seemed that something on the other side of the iron chain was trying to escape. There were bursts of exclamations from outside the office, and Li Yexing vaguely heard someone who seemed to be Shout again: "Wow! You really know how to play, you are indeed the mad dog of Lopulus!"

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