"Why do I have the feeling of being victimized by wind criticism?" Li Yexing muttered in a low voice.

On the other side, although the chained thing wanted to escape, Rita didn't panic in the slightest. She narrowed her eyes and exuded a cold aura. Rita dragged the chain into the office bit by bit like a tug-of-war. He smiled and said, "What a naughty child."

A few seconds later, with the sound of chaotic footsteps of shoes stepping across the hallway, the thing tied to the other side of the chain was dragged into the office of the office bit by bit. It was a woman in a black combat uniform, biting Fang, with a face full of shame and anger, kept resisting Rita's dragging, but the black collar around her neck and the iron chain hanging on the collar held her tightly.

This woman is really that extremely stinky-looking elite lady, the executive officer of the executive branch of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee who is about to be declared dead in the line of duty—Bai Muqing!

Although he vaguely guessed it, after seeing it with his own eyes, Li Yexing still had to admit that the visual impact was a bit strong.

"You bloody monster! Monster! Monster!" On the other side, Bai Muqing was still yelling while pulling the collar around her neck and struggling towards the outside of the office. It seemed that Bai Muqing had noticed the sight beside her, and Bai Muqing subconsciously Turning her head, she saw that behind the desk, the damn mercenary and an Asian girl in a white kimono were looking at her in surprise, as if she saw something strange.

Her face turned red in an instant, Bai Muqing gave up struggling, she turned her head, pointed at Li Yexing with shame and anger, and cursed angrily, "You dirty and reckless mercenary! A wild dog in the mud! This is what you came up with. A trick to humiliate me?! You mean and shameless bastard! No gentleman's trash man! Even the rat in the gutter is ten thousand times nobler than you! You are like the one who was washed down the sewer ..."

Looking at Bai Muqing who was scolding him angrily, Li Yexing suddenly said in Chinese: "Your female horse is dead."

Bai Muqing was stunned for a moment. Her eyes widened and her mouth was slightly open, like a mudskipper who couldn't find water. After a long while, her body began to tremble with anger and shame, and she suddenly raised her face with a flushed face. He raised his voice, pointed at Li Yexing and said tremblingly, "You said that?! You... you..."

Before Bai Muqing could speak, Rita smiled and ruthlessly tugged at the iron chain in her hand, so Bai Muqing was staggered immediately, and the words that reached her throat were immediately swallowed back.

The door of the office was still open, and many spectators had already gathered on the street. In a daze, Li Yexing seemed to hear someone shouting outside: "In order to satisfy my desire, I have already started to let my minions rob civilian girls." Is it?! You really deserve to be the mad dog of Roples!"

"Your female horse..." Li Yexing rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly, and said in a low voice: "The wind review was murdered...


Second watch, the old rules, don't wait three, see what time I wake up.

Volume 6 Mission.91-[-]. Within the macho

To be honest, Li Yexing didn't like Bai Muqing a little bit.

Looking back, I took a closer look at my girls. They all experienced strong winds and waves. Tiriris was born as a weapon and was tortured in the laboratory. Rita was born as a young soldier and experienced the baptism of war. Later, he also experienced power disputes within the big family. Kanan was born in the anti-government armed forces, worked as an organization leader, and experienced the persecution of Sanlian Pharmaceuticals. Hitomi Qiandao experienced the pain of losing his father. was destroyed once.

Compared with her own girls, Bai Muqing's experience is too ordinary. She was born in an elite family and received elite education since childhood. Yexing believed in her efforts and her abilities, but in Li Yexing's view, Bai Muqing was just a kid who hadn't experienced the beatings of the world. He had lived in Lopules for nearly ten years. There are so many so-called elites. When they came, they were full of ambition, but when they left, they were disheartened, and many of them didn't even get out.

Li Yexing believes that even if Bai Muqing's hostility can be resolved, she still cannot integrate into the atmosphere of Lopulus and her office. At the desk, Bai Muqing is like a hysterical cat trying to scratch her master. Shouting and shouting, Rita kept a smile and didn't reply back. Just now, whenever Bai Muqing wanted to insult Li Yexing, Rita would yank and tie it around Bai Muqing's neck. The chain made her speechless, so she had to turn the gun.

The door of the corridor was suddenly pushed open, and Kanan, who was only wearing a black sports bra on his upper body, stood in front of the door, frowning and angrily said: "Why are you so noisy? Why don't you let people sleep?!"

Then Kanan saw Miss Bai who was chained.

The eyebrows raised slightly, Kanan was stunned, after all, this scene in front of him is not very common, and on the other side, seeing Kanan walking out, Bai Muqing subconsciously stopped talking, she still remembered that when she was lying on the road in embarrassment It was Kanan who took off his clothes to cover his naked self.

"Tsk..." After a long while, Kanan curled his lips and said, "Miss Shi, why did you lock it for someone else? Is this what the boss meant?"

"That's what I meant..." Rita smiled and said, "Miss asked me to temper the temperament of the new sisters. I thought about it and thought it would be more appropriate..."

"Does that mean that you mean Missy? Then there's nothing I can do..." Under Bai Muqing's desperate eyes, Kanan waved his hand, and then went straight to Li Yexing without even looking at her. He took out a pack of cigarettes from Li Yexing's pocket, then sat down on Li Yexing's desk, took out two cigarettes from the cigarette case, put one in his mouth, and stuffed the other into Li Yexing's desk. Between Ye Xing's lips, Li Ye Xing did not speak, he tacitly poured out the lighter from the cigarette case, the two put the cigarettes together, lit them together, then turned around at the same time, and exhaled a puff of white mist.

Staring blankly at the scene in front of her, Bai Muqing suddenly realized something. She looked at Li Yexing and asked, "You are the only man in your office?!"

Li Yexing didn't answer, but Rita said with a light smile, "That's right, this office is everyone's love nest, only Mr. and Mr.'s wings."

"Then these girls are all..."

"That's right, except for Mr., everyone in the office is a monster." Rita replied with a smile.

Bai Muqing's expression became terrified at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Li Yexing frowned slightly.

except me?

Poking the cigarette that he had only smoked into the ashtray, Li Yexing stood up, and walked towards the door of the office under Kanan's somewhat surprised eyes. He took off his coat hanging on the wall, and put it on casually. Then he turned his head to Rita and said, "Rita, accompany me for a walk."

"Oh? Sir..." Rita was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the iron chain in her hand. She was about to say something, but Li Yexing said, "It's okay, let Tong and Kanan look at her. "

After all, Li Yexing turned his head and said coldly to Kanan: "If she is disobedient, just kill her. It's useless to keep her anyway."

"You can't do that? What happened to you today?" Hearing what Li Yexing said, Kanan raised his eyebrows and Bai Muqing said angrily, "What are you bastard talking about..."

Before she finished speaking, Rita yanked the iron chain in her hand fiercely. This time, Rita's strength was a little too strong, and Bai Muqing was almost dragged to the ground. After Bai Muqing swallowed all the words that came to her lips , Rita came to the desk, handed the iron chain in her hand to Kanan, then walked quickly to Li Yexing's side, bowed slightly and said, "Let's go, sir."

Li Yexing nodded, and took Rita out the door. Before leaving, he heard Kanan say to Bai Muqing: "Stop talking useless things, let's see how angry you are with the boss..."

Li Yexing walked forward silently with his head sullen, and Rita followed behind, maintaining half a body position with Li Yexing. The two walked along the street in front of the office towards the periphery of Lopules, slowly. Slowly, the number of pedestrians on the street began to decrease, and the shops and restaurants on the street were replaced by dilapidated warehouses and unfinished buildings. The air became quieter a little bit. After a while, there were no people nearby, and Li Yexing also stopped pace.

Looking at Li Yexing's back, Rita faintly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. She bowed slightly to Li Yexing, and asked with some doubts: "Sir, did you encounter any troubles?"

"Rita..." whispering the girl's name, Li Yexing turned around slowly, staring silently at Rita, the perfect maid whom he had always trusted deeply. After a while, he whispered Said: "Do you still remember when you were in the Caribbean Sea a few days ago?"

"Of course I remember, sir..." Rita smiled and said, "After all, at that time, sir scared us to death."

"Yeah, it scared me too..." Fingers caressed the abdomen that had been stabbed by helicopter debris, and there was a smooth touch on the fingers. Li Yexing took a deep breath, and then cleared all the stasis in his lungs. Spit out all the fire, and then, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head and looked directly into Rita's eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "That day, we left the Caribbean Sea and arrived at the temporary supply of Black Umbrella. After the base, what did you and Casimir talk about?"

The air became quiet in an instant, and Li Yexing keenly noticed that the muscles on Rita's face twitched unnaturally. After a long silence, the smile on Rita's face disappeared, and she frowned slightly. With unconcealable tension and fear, her lips slightly opened and then closed several times. Finally, she lowered her head and whispered: "Sir, do you know everything?"

Li Yexing suddenly felt distressed when he saw Rita, who was always calm and unhurried. He walked forward slowly, stretched out his arms, and hugged Rita tightly in Rita's surprised eyes. Feeling the softness and warmth in his arms, he leaned into Rita's ear and whispered, "It's okay, I don't blame you."

Until the end, Li Yexing was not as aggressive as he imagined, he couldn't bear to...

Three shifts, call it a day.

Volume 6 Mission.92-[-]. The Truth About the Macho Man

A few hours ago, outside Loples.

"Just talk about me, Kazimir...Director."

On the road burning with flames, Li Yexing looked directly into Director Kazimir's eyes with a cold expression.

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