There was a slight twitch between the eyebrows, and Kasimir paused for a full two seconds with a smile on his face, and then he smiled and asked: "Of course it's no problem, but I don't know what aspect Mr. Li wants to talk about?"

Turning his head to look at Tiliris and Kanan, he saw that Tiliris' attention seemed to be still focused on Bai Muqing, while Kanan stood aside with his arms crossed, and Li Yexing quickly stepped forward with a gloomy face. Putting his arms around Director Casimir's shoulder, the gunshot wound was touched, and Director Casimir couldn't help but gasp in a "hiss".

"Mr. Li! Director Casimir's physical condition..." Seeing Director Casimir gritted his teeth in pain, Secretary Jia Liya, who was standing by, looked uneasy. Just as she was about to say something, Director Casimir frowned suddenly Said: "It's okay!"

After Jia Liya was interrupted, Director Kazimir turned his head to look at Li Yexing. The cynical smile on his face was replaced by a complicated look. A few seconds later, he pointed to Shen Sheng on the other side of the road. Said: "Do you want to talk over there?"

"It couldn't be better." Li Yexing nodded.

So, with the support of Li Yexing, Director Casimir limped towards the darkness with the firelight on his back. When he reached the edge of the Eastern Europe Division's convoy, Director Casimir suddenly stopped in his tracks. Shen Sheng said: "This is good, as long as the voice is not loud, it can just get out of Tiriris' effective hearing range."

"I don't think it's necessary..." Li Yexing frowned. He followed the firelight and looked at Tiriris who was standing in the distance, and Tiriris turned her head as if she had noticed Li Yexing's gaze. Their eyes met in the darkness, and after a while, Li Yexing turned to Supervisor Kazimir and said, "That child is very smart, she knows everything."

"Maybe..." Supervisor Casimir frowned slightly, looked at Li Yexing, and asked in a deep voice: "Okay, tell me, what do you want to know?"

"There's something wrong with my body, right?" Without a word of nonsense, Li Yexing asked straight to the point.

"It's hard for me to answer you..." Director Casimir shook his head and said: "After all, I can't judge. If you are used as the standard, what kind of situation happened to you to calculate the problem?"

Li Yexing frowned, and pulled his trousers out of his boots, exposing his blood-stained calf, pointing to the hole above, and said, "The wound that was just bitten by that bitch has almost stopped bleeding. Now, isn't that a problem?"

"Of course not..." Supervisor Casimir shook his head and said, "It's not a problem if the blood stops, it's only a problem if the blood doesn't stop."

"What do you mean?" Li Yexing asked, frowning.

"Literally..." Director Casimir shrugged his shoulders and said: "Since you have discovered the problem, I am not afraid to tell you that your body is different from ordinary humans, in terms of bone strength, self-healing ability, internal organ function, There are other issues, anyway, genetically speaking, you are no longer human."

Although he had a faint premonition before, Li Yexing was still a little unacceptable when the words came out of the mouth of Director Casimir. After a long while, he asked in a low voice: "How did it become like this? Is it because Are they?"

"Objectively speaking, it is like this..." Director Kasimir nodded and said: "But from my point of view, it is not the case. Your body has problems from the beginning, and they just guided you to change. Incentive."

"You mean, I was abnormal from the beginning?" Li Yexing asked, frowning.

"I want to correct you again, Mr. Li, don't think about your problem from a human perspective. The abnormality in human inertial thinking is your normal..." Director Casimir shook his head, and then continued: " We analyzed your blood samples and finally came to the conclusion that your body seems to have some ability to cut and remodel foreign gene fragments, either by directly modifying some foreign objects into part of you, or Simply cut the gene directly, program all the useful fragments into your gene, and then renovate your body through cell proliferation and death..."

Speaking of this, Director Kazimir paused, and then continued: "Of course, this is a conclusion based on your blood sample. As for the reason for this phenomenon, we have no way of analyzing it. After all, your ability is too strong. It's too... unscientific."

"Is it because of me that Bai Muqing changed back to human form?" Li Yexing continued to ask.

"That's right..." Director Casimir nodded bluntly and said: "Although I don't understand the principle, the fact is that your body fluid still has some effectiveness in a short period of time after being separated from the body. Although no sample analysis has been done, I It can be wildly guessed that once your body fluids are ingested by other organisms, they will violently modify the DNA of the ingestor in an extremely fast manner in an extremely brutal manner until it is transformed into a stable organism suitable for survival in the current environment .”

Unknowingly, there was a hint of excitement on his face, Director Casimir raised his voice subconsciously: "For example, if you do it with a cat, that cat is still a cat. If you do it with a dog If you do, the dog is still a dog because they are stable and selected from generation to generation in nature's natural selection, but if you do it with a tyrant, then the tyrant is not necessarily a tyrant Yes, because the tyrant was forcibly cultivated by using the T virus, and it has various defects from a biological point of view, and your body fluids will directly restructure the tyrant's gene, turning it into another tyrant with the ability of a tyrant. biology."

"Keep your voice down..." Li Yexing frowned, lightly poked Supervisor Kasimir's shoulder on his hand, and then looked at Supervisor Kasimir grinning in pain, and said, "According to what you said, can I be immune?" All the viruses?"

"Theoretically speaking, it should be like this..." Director Casimir nodded when his shoulders became a little more comfortable, "But I can't guarantee that your ability will still work if you directly inject a large amount of virus, after all, your body is If you have been changed little by little during the long exchange of body fluids, you should have an upper limit, once a large amount of virus is forcibly injected, it is difficult for me to guarantee whether your ability will make drastic changes to your body in order to save your life."

In the darkness, Li Yexing's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. After thinking for a moment, he asked in a deep voice: "You said before that my body will cut the messy genes into my body. If it continues like this , will one day, I also become a monster?"

"What an interesting idea..." Supervisor Casimir smiled and shook his head, "With all due respect, Mr. Li, you are already a monster. What do you want to become?"

"It's true..." With a self-deprecating smile, Li Yexing said casually: "By the way, if my physique is so convenient, why don't you try to clone me with my blood sample? According to you, as long as you have my blood , you are afraid that anything can be made, aren’t you?”

"Of course we can think of anything you can think of, and we have tried to do it..." The faint smile on his face disappeared instantly, and Director Casimir said in a deep voice: "It's just a cloned thing..."

"What did you clone?" Li Yexing asked curiously.

"You don't want to know..." Supervisor Casimir shook his head and said, "All research materials on your blood have been destroyed, even including component analysis and your blood sample itself. The first agency has never received your blood sample. blood samples."

Although Li Yexing was very curious, seeing Supervisor Kazimir's dignified and somewhat scary expression, he chose to restrain himself, sighed softly, rubbed his fingers through his short hair twice, Li Yexing said in a deep voice Said: "The last question, does Rita already know about me?"

"Miss Griffith?" Director Casimir was taken aback for a moment, then whispered: "Maybe, after all, she has lived with you for so long, hasn't she?"

Seeing Director Casimir's reaction, Li Yexing suddenly understood something.

At this moment, Li Yexing only felt that his chest was blocked, and his heart was in a mess...

One more.

The content is nonsense, you just have to enjoy it, after all, I am not engaged in scientific research.

Volume 6 Mission.93-[-]. Macho Street

On the outskirts of Loples, Li Yexing sat quietly on the side of the street, while Rita sat on Li Yexing's lap. She blushed slightly and leaned tightly into Li Yexing's arms, as if she wanted to rub herself It was like entering Li Yexing's body. In the corners of her eyes, the faint tear stains were not yet dry. In the silence, she slowly stretched out her slender hands wrapped in black lace, and gently stroked through Li Yexing's open collar. Li Yexing's chest.

With a hand around Rita's slender waist, Li Yexing gently rubbed his cheeks against Rita's gray hair. After a while, he whispered: "I'm sorry, I don't want to, and I don't have the right to blame you. It's just kind of... unacceptable, Rita, you should have told me..."

"It's not my husband who should apologize, but me..." Rita said quietly: "After all, what my husband said is correct. I really should tell him about such an important matter, but... I also have my own difficulties..."

The movement of her hands stopped, Rita raised her head, kissed Li Yexing's cheek lightly, and then said in a low voice: "Even for mercenaries, sir's acting style is too unrestrained, once you enter the battle The state will become no worries, don't care about your own life at all, I am very worried, once the husband realizes that his body is different, the husband may get worse..."

In fact, as early as last year, Li Yexing had faintly realized that there might be something wrong with his body, but he himself was reluctant to face it. He always prevaricated the physical examination proposed by Chris and Leon until BSAA When they came to the door, Li Yexing couldn't avoid it, so he reluctantly let them take some blood.

When black Umbrella and BSAA reported the results of the medical examination at the same time, Li Yexing let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that he was just being paranoid, until his abdomen was pierced by helicopter debris and healed in just one night When the scab formed, he realized that he seemed to be unable to deceive himself and others anymore.

When he got the truth from Director Casimir, Li Yexing suddenly remembered that before going to the Caribbean, Rita had always suspected that the results of her medical examination had been concealed, but after returning from the Caribbean, Rita never heard of it again. Mentioning this, it's so freaking out!

Recalling that time, when everyone had just returned to the temporary supply base of Black Umbrella, Rita seemed to have had a private conversation with Director Casimir. Li Yexing realized in an instant that Rita might have had a problem with his body. Just know.

Director Casimir concealed the results of his physical examination out of confidentiality, and Chris probably concealed it to protect himself. As a player who has cleared the entire series of "Resident Evil", Li Yexing is too aware of the urine of those big organizations. Once their special physique is known to them, they will definitely go crazy and try to catch Li Yexing. At that time, the stable days will come to an end, and what awaits Li Yexing will be endless pursuers, and they have no choice but to die The same is true for Tianya and Rita. She worried that Li Yexing would stop taking her own life when she learned that she had a super self-healing ability, so she only told Tilly Lisi about this matter. , Rita also chose to conceal.

Out of love for Li Yexing, Rita once again violated the principle of being a perfect maid.

Facing the rising sun, Li Yexing tightly wrapped his arms around Rita's waist. Rita was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head subconsciously, feeling the temperature from Li Yexing's body. There was a faint mist in the gray eyes, a faint blush appeared on the white and tender cheeks, and the vermilion lips were slightly parted, and let out a mouthful of hot air, Rita said softly: "If you really don't blame Rita, Mr. Prove it to Rita, otherwise, Rita won't feel at ease..."

I don't know if it's because of the sun or people, but the air started to heat up gradually. Looking at the pretty maid exuding strong lust in his arms, Li Yexing's brows gradually relaxed, his eyes drooped and slowly turned down, but Just when Li Yexing was about to kiss him, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the other side of the street. Li Yexing raised his head subconsciously, and saw a heavy truck driving towards this side, accompanied by a slight movement on the ground. Vibrating, the truck passed in front of Li Yexing and Rita, and a thick arm like a big tree was exposed outside the carriage, connected to the ferocious giant claws and dragged on the ground, shaking slightly.

It seems that they did not expect that there would be pedestrians here. The moment the truck drove by, the eyes of the young BSAA team member sitting in the driver's seat and Li Yexing met. drive away.

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