The air in Eastern Europe became icy again because of a passing truck.

"I never thought that I would hate BSAA one day..." Li Yexing frowned and whispered when the street returned to calm.

"It's okay, sir..." The slender hands wrapped in black lace gloves slowly climbed onto Li Yexing's cheeks with a wonderful touch. Li Yexing lowered his head and saw Rita Wei squinting, her eyebrows were full of spring, and the tip of her tongue was tender The lips that were lightly licked bloomed with a seductive luster, and she said softly: "Good things take time, don't they?"

In the next second, Li Yexing did not hesitate, he directly printed his lips on it, accompanied by the moist and soft touch, Li Yexing was instantly addicted to it, in his arms, Rita squirmed her body, wrapping her arms around Li Yexing Lita's neck responded fiercely, as if he wanted to suffocate Li Yexing in his tenderness and enthusiasm. After a while, Li Yexing let go of his lips, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. Before he could take a breath, Rita Suddenly caught up.

As the temperature between the two dispelled the coldness of Itonia, the breath gradually became chaotic. Rita changed her posture, and she straddled Li Yexing's lap, fiercely demanding, as hot as magma, as hot as the scorching sun. Passionate, as soft as spring water, but as fierce as a beast, it wasn't until Li Yexing couldn't help but patted her waist lightly that she reluctantly released Li Yexing.

The cold air suddenly poured into the lungs, and the two hugging each other panted lightly. The exhaled white air collided between the two, and then blended together. After a while, Li Yexing's breathing calmed down. Looking down at Rita, whose face was brimming with happiness, she whispered, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Rita... Rita is dissatisfied..." Shaking her head lightly, some messy gray hair swayed along with her, half covering her gray eyes full of mist, Rita gasped lightly, let The air flowed across the slightly exposed white teeth between her lips, she stared at Li Yexing, and said in a voice that was so sweet that it almost melted Li Yexing's brain: "Sir, will you love me?"

"Here?!" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said, "Rita, are you crazy?! This is the street!"

"Rita is not crazy. Rita just wants to be loved by her husband. Rita can't wait..." The pretty maid's confession sounded like a magic voice piercing through his ears. Li Yexing only felt that his reason was slowly evaporating. Roughly tore Li Yexing's coat, let the cold air pour into Li Yexing's coat, his breathing became rapid again, Li Yexing held back some of his lust and grabbed Rita's hands, he frowned and said : "Stop, Rita, don't forget, you are the head maid from the Griffith family, you must maintain elegance and restraint."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita's movements suddenly stopped, she nodded as if waking up from a big dream, and murmured softly: "Mr. is right, Rita is the perfect maid, Rita can't be in the street superior…"

A trace of disappointment flashed between her brows. Rita lowered her head, as if trying to calm herself down. After a while, she raised her head again to look at Li Yexing, and said in a low voice with some regret: "Then let's end it with a kiss." ,gentlemen…"

This time Li Yexing did not refuse, he kissed Rita's lips again, and after a while, Rita let go, and then slowly moved down, licking Li Yexing's chin and neck with the tip of his tongue, biting Li Yexing's collarbone, and then Sliding down onto the pectoral muscles, leaving a water stain across the scar, all the way down...

all the way down...


"Damn it..." Li Yexing couldn't help but raised his neck, he frowned while panting heavily, "Rita, stop! I told you this is a street! It's a street!


Volume 6 Mission.94-[-]. Macho Rooftop

Until night fell, the hustle and bustle in Loples still did not end. The Italian gangsters had already dealt with their internal affairs, and the government troops basically cleaned up the battlefield. Now, they are helping the BSAA people clean up the BOW corpses in the alley, wearing The BSAA team members in protective clothing walked through the alley, spraying disinfectant on every bloodstain, and Jill stood in the middle of the road, discussing with BSAA's chemical defense experts and the local ZF officials in Loples. On the side, Hank was sitting on the ruins with a cigarette in his mouth, and the silver-haired Gemini Killers surrounded him on both sides, talking enthusiastically, the girl in a white coat and goggles was holding With the chainsaw, under the horrified eyes of the BSAA soldiers, the corpses of members of the security forces were sawed into pieces, and then stuffed into sacks and thrown on the truck aside. The sexy Yujie of Huajie held a heavy machine gun in one hand and With one arm around Jack, she gave a rippling laugh and kissed Jack's side face from time to time. The little flower seller took off her mask and chatted with an old man. The mercenaries also gathered on the side of the road in twos and threes, bragging about their achievements to each other.

Suddenly, there was a commotion, and a BOW corpse suddenly appeared. The monster that looked like a gecko opened its mouth and screamed, but before BSAA could react, the surrounding onlookers froze He quickly took out his gun and shot the monster to death. After a burst of gunshots, the streets became noisy again, only the people of BSAA were stunned.

The cold wind blew, and the silver hair curled up. The girl with silver hair and red pupils sat quietly on the roof of the office. She was wrapped in a black coat that was a bit large in size, with her arms wrapped around her knees. The calf is wrapped in white knee socks, and the feet are stepped on high-top sneakers.

Tilly Lisi quietly looked at the lights of the street in the distance, surrounded by the noise, she sniffed lightly, feeling the faint aroma of tobacco on the black coat, without the slightest expression on her face, as if she was an independent woman There is an invisible barrier between angels and mortals.

Everything in this world has nothing to do with her.

In the darkness, the sound of footsteps came from behind her. Tilly Lisi didn't turn her head, but just watched the street in front of her silently. After a while, a man sat down slowly leaning against her. The man stretched his legs straight. , the other leg was curled up, he put one arm on his knee, and the other arm bent over Tiliris' neck, wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

That man's name was Li Yexing, he was a mercenary with no ambitions, he was the one who saved Tilly Liss, and he was the only bridge between Tilly Liss and this mortal world.

"Are you angry?" After a while, Li Yexing turned his head and asked Tilly Lisi softly.

"No..." Tiliris moved her little butt, and then leaned close to Li Yexing, she whispered: "It's not Tiliris who should be angry, but Yexing..."

"Me? I'm not angry..." Li Yexing said with a smile, but Tilly Lisi suddenly turned her head, she stared at Li Yexing expressionlessly, her red eyes seemed to carry a slight scrutiny.

"Well, I was angry at the time..." Li Yexing had a helpless smile on his face under the aggressive eyes of Tiliris. He shrugged his shoulders as if surrendering, and said in a low voice: "After all, one It makes me sad to think that the girls I love the most hide such important things from me..."

"So during the daytime, Yexing deliberately snubbed Tiliris..." The silver-haired, red-eyed girl lowered her head and whispered, "Yexing blames Tiliris, Yexing doesn't like Tiliris anymore..."

"Who said that! Who said I don't like Tiliris anymore?!" Pretending to be angry, his eyes widened, and then a smile appeared on his face. Li Yexing rubbed his back and stretched out his hands to rest on Tilly. Si's armpit, and then lifted Tiliris up and put it on his thigh. He wrapped his hands around Tiliris's slender waist, gently rubbed Tiliris's silver hair, and whispered: "I'm sorry. , It's my fault, I lost my temper during the day, I shouldn't have left Tilly Lisi alone on the street..."

"Insincere..." Rubbing Li Yexing's chest lightly, Tilly Lisi raised her head and stared at Li Yexing with burning eyes. Plain fingers stretched out from the sleeves of the black coat and gently pressed against the On her cherry lips, she said in a low voice, "It's common sense to kiss when apologizing..."

"Look at you..." With a slight smile on his face, Li Yexing stretched out his fingers and gently scratched Tilly Lisi's little nose, and then hurried to the dark place away from the noise and lights before Tilly Lisi's eyes became dissatisfied. In, kissed gently.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Under Li Yexing's gaze, Tiliris licked off the water stains on the corners of her lips, and said quietly, "It's still not sincere enough."

"Isn't that okay?" Li Yexing pretended to be troubled, and said pitifully, "Then what should I do so that my little wife will forgive me?"

I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but when he said the word "Little Wife", a light flashed in Tilly Lisi's eyes. Immediately afterwards, Tilly Lisi's mood seemed to improve, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. Cha's cute little arc, the silver-haired and red-eyed girl stretched out a finger from her sleeve, and said in a voice without any emotional ups and downs: "Tonight, Tirilith wants to make love at night."

"Once?" Seeing a finger stretched out by Tiliris, Li Yexing smiled and said, "No problem."

Tiriris shook her head and twitched her outstretched fingers.

"One hour?" His brows were slightly frowned, and then he relaxed again. Li Yexing smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll listen to you tonight."

Tiliris shook her head again, she waved her fingers, and said mercilessly: "One night until dawn."

"Don't make trouble!" Li Yexing frowned and tapped Tilly Lisi's head lightly, pretending to be angry: "Give me an early rest tonight, how long have you been up?"

Her small face quickly puffed up like a hamster, and Tilly Lisi pursed her mouth, turned her head and whispered, "Nightwalker, stingy."

"Haha..." Li Yexing couldn't help laughing, he hugged Tilly Lisi tightly in his arms, and rubbed her vigorously.

Until the end, Li Yexing was not able to kill his girls because of the fact that his physique was concealed. Although he had been smoking and sulking when he was alone, he secretly felt ruthless in his heart, and made up his mind to kill them once, but when he met On the face, Li Yexing only felt that his heart was about to melt, and all the violent temper dissipated without a trace in an instant.

During the several years of getting along, Li Yexing has always deeply understood a truth, these girls are not human beings, they will not be accepted by the outside world, the only person who can convey warmth to them is himself, any inappropriate words and deeds , may be stabbing their own girls. After all, as monsters, their emotions are much more delicate than humans.

Therefore, Li Yexing felt very guilty about losing her temper during the day and leaving Tilly Lisi alone on the street.

Embracing each other in silence, feeling each other's warmth, the hustle and bustle has never dissipated, but the two people outside the world are drifting away, time seems to be stagnant at this moment forever.

After a long while, as if thinking of something, Tilly Lisi suddenly raised her head, and she whispered, "Ye Xing, where's Xiao Bai?"

"Xiaobai? Bai Muqing?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then replied, "I don't know, it seems that Rita took her into the bedroom just now. That chick made my head hurt."

Seeing a slight disgust on Li Yexing's face, Tilly Lisi frowned slightly and said, "Yexing, don't you like it?"

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