Li Yexing was about to say "I don't like it", but found that there seemed to be a faint hope in Tiliris' eyes.

"I like it very much..." Li Yexing nodded to Tiliris after thinking about the few bright spots on Bai Muqing's body.

After getting the answer she expected, a slight smile appeared on Tiliris' face, as if she was a silly girl whose gift was praised by her boyfriend. She stood up, held Li Yexing's hand, and whispered Said: "Ye Xing, let's go back."

"Okay..." Yexing nodded, he stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks with one hand, and held Tiliris with the other hand, he chuckled lightly and said, "Let's go back together.


Volume 6 Mission.95-[-]. Macho Boss Chair

Li Yexing slowly climbed down the ladder on the outer wall of the office. When he reached the door of the office, Li Yexing opened his arms and smiled at Tilly Lisi who was still on the roof. Sitting on the edge of the eaves with his legs, he slid forward slightly and slid down from the roof. Li Yexing caught Tiliris in the right way. In the darkness, one of his arms passed through the bend of Tiliris' leg, and the other His hands supported Tilly Lis's back, like a knight holding a princess.

Standing in front of the office, the two of them looked at each other in the posture of a princess hugging each other. A few seconds later, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing, while Tilly Lisi said in a low voice with a slightly red face: "Yexing... "

"Hmm..." Li Yexing nodded, he gently put Tiriris down, then pushed open the door of the office, took off his shoes, took Tiliris' hand and walked across the hallway with Tiriris, At this moment, the office was the same as when he left. Kanan was sitting on the sofa with a cigarette in his mouth, his feet crossed on the coffee table, looking very bored, and Tong Qiandao was sitting on Li Yexing's boss chair. Facing Li Yexing's computer, he kept marking something in the notebook, chanting words, with a very hardworking look.

Seeing Li Yexing and Tiriris returned to the office together, Kanan turned his head and looked at the two of them. After a while, a sly smile appeared on her face.

"Is this coaxed?" Kanan asked with a smile.

"It's not that easy..." Li Yexing smiled. He took off the large black coat that belonged to Tilly Lisi, and then hung it on the hook at the door along with his leather coat. Lilith trotted all the way to the big TV opposite the sofa, turned on the XBOX, and then quickly returned to the sofa with the handle placed under the TV cabinet, throwing off the slippers with her little feet wrapped in white silk. , and then curled up and pressed under her buttocks, the girl with silver hair and red eyes handed a handle to Kanan, and said with a blank expression: "Together."

"Here we come!" Rescued from boredom, Kanan immediately became excited. She took the handle from Tiriris with one hand, and pressed the half of the cigarette dangling from her mouth into the ashtray with the other. Crossing his legs on the sofa, he said with a smile, "Today I'm going to show those rookies that you are the number one sniper in the river!"

"Give up the sniper rifle." Tilly Lisi poured cold water on her expressionless face.

Seeing Tillyris enter "Gears of War" with the controller, Li Yexing couldn't help but frowned and said, "Keep your voice down, Tong is still learning."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Hitomi Qiandao, who was sitting on the boss's chair, stood up. She smiled and shook her head at Li Yexing, and said softly, "I don't want to study anymore, I don't like it, I'm tired."

After all, Hitomi Qiandao patted Li Yexing's boss chair and motioned Li Yexing to sit on it.

Looking at Qiandao Tong's eyes full of expectation, Li Yexing walked up without hesitation, and sat down on the boss chair, while Qiandao Tong, blushing slightly, sat lightly on Li Yexing's lap, leaning on the chair. Into Li Yexing's arms.

Li Yexing was slightly taken aback. In his impression, Qiandao Tong was reserved most of the time and rarely took the initiative like this, so he couldn't help subconsciously looking at Qiandao Tong more.

As if aware of the doubt in Li Yexing's eyes, Hitomi Qiandao lowered her eyebrows, her face flushed, she whispered shyly with her lips: "Hitomi, imagine getting close to Yexing-kun like Miss Tiliris and Miss Rita... a little."

"Okay, let's get closer..." After a trace of surprise, Li Yexing smiled and nodded. In Qiandao Tong's soft exclamation, he wrapped one hand around Qiandao Tong's waist, and pulled Qiandao Tong closer to his arms. He tightened his grip, and at the same time leaned the boss chair towards the desk. Immediately, the space became smaller, and the two of them were pressed together. The panic like a small animal flashed across Hitomi Qiandao's face. Immediately, Hitomi dressed in white Yamato Nadeko in kimono showed a trace of satisfaction and embarrassment on his face.

Kissing Hitomi Qiandao's face lightly, Li Yexing closed the notes and books placed by Hitomi Qiandao on the desk with one hand, pushed them neatly together and pushed them aside, then held the mouse, Log on to the webpage and click on the news website you browse most often.

The Middle East is still in chaos, and Eastern Europe is not much stronger. North Africa may have some money recently, but Li Yexing doesn't really want to go to work.

After all, my deposit is really large, too much...

Rolling the mouse wheel silently, Li Yexing stared at the computer screen intently. In his arms, Hitomi Qiandao buried her head in his neck, breathing his breath gently, her body temperature gradually rose, and through the white kimono Passed to Li Yexing, accompanied by Kanan's excited laughter and bursts of gunfire from the TV, Hitomi Qiandao cautiously raised his head and observed Li Yexing's reaction. When he saw that Li Yexing did not focus When she was on her body, she breathed a sigh of relief, then blushed, carefully leaned against Li Yexing's collarbone, stretched out her pink tongue and licked it lightly, leaving a faint water stain.

Li Yexing didn't speak, but hugged Hitomi Qiandao's arm tightly.

Seeing that Li Yexing acquiesced in her actions, the corners of Hitomi Qiandao's mouth turned up slightly, and the sharpness in her eyes gradually melted away, revealing a hint of lust. She stuck out her tongue, wet her cherry lips, and then gently touched Li Yexing's lips. On Yexing's collarbone, the white teeth nibbled, and then sucked, allowing Li Yexing's taste to diffuse in his mouth. After a while, Hitomi Qiandao let go of his lips, allowing the glistening silver thread connected to Li Yexing's collarbone to break , I saw a small hickey on Li Yexing's collarbone, like a strawberry.

As if the prank had succeeded, Hitomi Chishima couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't it just a strawberry..." Hearing Qiandao Tong's chuckle, Li Yexing finally lowered his head, only to see that there seemed to be a pool of water between Qiandao Tong's eyebrows, filled with faint water vapor, she gently The corners of her mouth were raised, her white teeth were slightly exposed, and she exhaled a faint heat. On her face, shyness and enthusiasm were mixed together, covered by some messy black hair, which ran down the hair, slightly On the neck covered with red silk threads, one can faintly see the whiteness hidden in the darkness between the collar of the kimono.

"Yoxing-kun..." Hitomi Qiandao raised his head, stared at Li Yexing, parted his cherry lips, and whispered in Japanese, "Kiss me, okay?"

Of course Li Yexing can understand such simple words, even if he doesn't understand, he can still read the atmosphere in it. The two people on the boss chair pressed their lips together, caressing and biting each other until Hitomi Qiandao felt a little confused. Unable to breathe, Li Yexing moved his lips away.

Lying on Li Yexing's chest, Hitomi Qiandao closed her eyes and panted lightly, her face was full of happiness filled by her lover. Just when she raised her head and wanted to ask for another kiss, the door of the office was suddenly opened. Immediately afterwards, Rita, the perfect maid, came out of the corridor holding an iron chain in her hand. At this moment, she squinted her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised like a devil, outlining an evil smile on her face.

Seeing Rita enter the office, everyone in the office subconsciously raised their heads to look at her, and on the other side, seeing Li Yexing who was holding Hitomi Qiandao also looked at him, Rita's face showed satisfaction. With a smile, she lightly tugged the iron chain on her hand, then smiled and said to the corridor outside the office: "Miss Bai, don't be shy, come in and meet Mr."

"Let me go! Monster! Who wants to wear such shameless clothes!" Immediately, Bai Muqing's voice came from the corridor, sounding hysterical.

"What a disobedient child..." The fingers wrapped in black lace were brought together, gently covering the corners of the mouth with evil curves, Rita smiled, and the hand holding the iron chain suddenly exerted force, the next second With an exclamation, Bai Muqing staggered and was forcibly dragged into the office.

Seeing Bai Muqing who was dragged into the office, Li Yexing was stunned, and after a while, he opened his eyes and whispered: "Wow...


One more.

Volume 6 Mission.96-[-]. Macho accident

Objectively speaking, Li Yexing was really not very interested in Bai Muqing, but when Rita brought Bai Muqing out, Li Yexing was still amazed.

The capable short black hair hangs down from the ears, Bai Muqing bit her lips lightly, her snow-white face was flushed with shame and indignation, under the long black eyelashes, the wine-red eyes due to the influence of the virus kept dodging Looking at the eyes of the people around her, it seems that her body shrank a little because of nervousness. On her body, she was wearing a half-open black professional attire, revealing the white shirt underneath which was propped up by the chest. Wish, so the white shirt was a bit messy, and the collar button was not fastened, revealing a seductive gully, and then it stopped abruptly at the black lace, and went all the way down the slender waist. The black hip wrap skirt with light gray stripes is tightly bound, outlining a seductive round curve. Under the wrap hip skirt, two straight and well-proportioned long legs are wrapped in black ultra-thin stockings, revealing faintly. Bai Muqing's snow-white complexion was connected to her ankle with light blue blood vessels, and she was inserted straight into the black high-heeled shoes without a trace of fancy.

Li Yexing couldn't help but think of the secretary in charge of Casimir in this urban office worker's attire, who seemed to be called Jia Liya... What?

As if to respond to Li Yexing's association, Rita smiled and said to Li Yexing: "This outfit is largely based on Miss Jia Liya's opinion, and at the same time combined with my personal aesthetics, I just don't know if the husband likes it or not." like."

His eyebrows were raised slightly, and Li Yexing carefully sized up Bai Muqing, who had been carefully packaged by Rita. When his gaze caught sight of Bai Muqing's thigh wrapped in fleshy black silk, Bai Muqing finally couldn't help it, and she stretched out Gently pulling down the corners of the skirt with both hands, revealing half of her white belly, her cheeks were flushed, and she said with shame and indignation: "Don't look! You wild dog in heat!"

After all, Bai Muqing lowered her head, pulled the corner of her skirt and said with an expression like she was about to cry: "Besides, whose secretary would wear such a short skirt?!"

"Ah~ Miss Bai is really, you were not so shy when you put it on just now, but you got tangled up when you saw Mr.?" Rita tilted her head, propped her cheek with one hand, and said with a smile on her face. : "Showing a shy look in front of your husband, is this the way that Miss Bai came up with to curry favor with him and gain his favor? She really deserves to be an elite-educated young lady~"

"It's not because of you!" Bai Muqing turned her head and said angrily. Just when Li Yexing was about to go to the rooftop to find Tiliris, Rita led Bai Muqing to her bedroom with a mysterious expression on her face. With a horrified expression, he took out a complete set of OL professional attire from a silver-white box.

"Take off Miss Anna's combat uniform and change into this one..." In the tidy bedroom, Rita sat on the bed with her legs crossed, gently shaking the iron chain in her hand, facing the shocked Bai Muqing So said.

Of course, Bai Muqing refused to do this kind of thing. She shook her head fiercely, and then said with disgust: "No! I don't know how to wear it!"

"Really?" Rita frowned slightly, and said in distress: "Miss Bai, you have to understand that from today onwards, you are the secretary of the husband, just like a maid should wear a maid outfit. As a secretary, you have to It's time to wear what a secretary should be wearing."

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