"Whose secretary would wear such a short skirt!" Bai Muqing said with a look of disgust as she grabbed the black cloth on the bed and shook it in her hands.

"Of course the short skirt is for the convenience of the husband. After all, the unspoken rules in the workplace are also part of the secretary's job, isn't it?" Rita explained with a smile: "Think about it, when you are standing next to the husband to work, the husband Suddenly got up and pressed you on the desk, lifted your skirt, and tore off your black stockings, this kind of humiliation forced by the husband is really unstoppable..."

"Stop it!" Bai Muqing couldn't help shivering when she thought of that rude war dog pressing herself on the desk with a silver smile on her face. She threw the wrap skirt on Rita's bed, and then He turned sideways and said viciously: "I will not be the secretary of that wild dog! If you dare, kill me!"

The smile on her face gradually turned cloudy, and tentacles protruded from under the maid's skirt. Under Bai Muqing's horrified eyes, Rita stood up and said with a light smile, "You really have backbone, Miss Bai, it seems that Miss You are right, there is a long way to go to train you."

After being pressed on the bed by Rita and having her mouth gagged and having fun for a while, the limp Bai Muqing finally gave in. With half a push, she put on this shameless OL outfit in her opinion, and Under Rita's drag, the costume was exposed to Li Yexing's sight.

Feeling the gazes all around her, Bai Muqing felt more and more ashamed and angry, as if she was about to be filled with shame. She never dreamed that she had worked so hard and earnestly in the first half of her life, but ended up in this kind of situation in the end. , under the watchful eyes of the public, like those women standing on the street wearing this kind of clothes to please men, now, she has begun to regret it, if she knew it would become like this, she should have let Alexei shoot kill her!Rather than living with this shame for a lifetime, she would rather die!

In shame and indignation, she turned her gaze, only to see that the young mercenary holding the girl in kimono behind the desk was staring straight at her legs that were barely covered by the hem of the skirt, and there was no trace of lust in her eyes. It's like looking at the caged monkey in the zoo.

In an instant, an unknown fire surged into her heart, and Bai Muqing pulled the corner of her skirt and said angrily, "I told you not to look, can't you hear me?"

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

The black liquid instantly wetted the stockings, seeped out from the fine mesh, and then condensed into black worms under the skirt. They entangled crazily and fused into a thick tentacle in an instant, and then condensed like a fist. He slammed hard at Li Yexing who was behind the desk.

This sudden change startled the people in the office. Tirilith and Kanan suddenly dropped the handles and stood up at the same time. Rita frowned slightly, and ruthlessly grabbed the iron chain in her hand, trying to stop this The sudden attack, Li Yexing behind the desk had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and quickly opened the drawer of the desk. Just as he was about to take out the pistol, a white steam exploded in his arms, blocking his vision.

The hot wind blew the curtains behind her, and the girl in white kimono looked like a sword. She broke free from Li Yexing's embrace in an instant, stepped on the desk with slightly opened red lines on her bare white feet, and then rose into the air with her chest open. Open, the hilt of the sword popped out, and Hitomi Qiandao, who was spinning in the air, pulled the bone blade out of his chest, and the white jade-like hand quickly brushed over the blade, dyeing the blade with raging fire, and only heard the sound of the sword piercing into the flesh, which was almost adult The thigh-thick black tentacles snapped right before reaching the desk, fell to the ground like a severed snake, twitched continuously, and finally turned into a black liquid all over the ground.

After resolving the crisis, Hitomi Qiandao didn't stop. A murderous intent flashed between her eyebrows and eyes as her feet landed on the ground. Taking small steps, Hitomi Qiandao moved forward rapidly, and instantly put the bone blade on Bai Muqing's neck.

There was a sudden change, and the atmosphere in the office instantly became tense, only the sound of gunshots from the TV was left in the air, and the severed tentacles hung on the ground, wriggling and retracting into Bai Muqing's hip-wrapping skirt. Bai Muqing's eyes were glazed over, her face full of astonishment, as if she had been stunned, after a while, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

Tiriris sat back on the sofa, but her expression was a little cold, and she didn't know what she was thinking, while Kanan frowned and yelled at Bai Muqing: "What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!"

"No, it wasn't me, I didn't, it wasn't me..." Bai Muqing shook her head in a panic, her eyes were full of horror, and her fear of her own body even made her ignore the bone blade that Hitomi Qiandao was still holding around her neck.

"Can't you even control your own strength..." After a while, Li Yexing frowned and sighed. He raised his pistol a little irritably and pointed it at Bai Muqing's head. However, at this moment, Rita suddenly Stopped in front of Bai Muqing, with a flustered look on her face, Rita bowed to Li Yexing and said, "I'm sorry, sir, it's all my fault, please give Miss Bai one more chance, I will definitely kill her in a short time. Make an excellent secretary."

Seeing Rita's apologetic face, Li Yexing's anger subsided, and he knew very well that it was impossible to kill Bai Muqing who was combined with Ouroboros with just a pistol, and sat down on the boss chair , Throwing the gun into the drawer, Li Yexing waved to Qiandao Tong and said, "Forget it, Tong, come back."

Hitomi Qiandao heard the words, put down the bone blade on Bai Muqing's neck, brushed the jade hand fiercely to extinguish the flame, Hitomi Qiandao inserted the bone blade back into his chest along the open collar, and walked around behind the desk with a sullen face , sat on Li Yexing's lap again, and Rita leaned down again and said, "Thank you sir for your forgiveness, I will clean up the office immediately."

After finishing speaking, Rita stood up and walked out of the office, as if she was going to pick up cleaning tools.

"Rita, don't go anywhere..." Li Yexing frowned, pointing to the ink-like water stain on the floor tile in front of his desk, and said, "Let that bitch clean it up by yourself. Clean up the mess yourself!"

"Miss Bai is Mr.'s secretary. Her duty is to help Mr. handle matters related to work and contacts..." Rita shook her head lightly and said, "Cleaning and taking care of Mr.'s life is the job of a maid. Come to me."

Li Yexing wanted to say something, but saw that Rita's eyes were very firm. In the end, Li Yexing compromised, he waved his hand and said, "It's up to you..."

"Thank you, sir, for your understanding." A smile appeared on Rita's face again, and after she finished speaking, she pushed open the door of the office and entered the corridor.

Li Yexing rubbed the bridge of his nose lightly. For some reason, Rita was unexpectedly persistent and even paranoid about leaving Bai Muqing in the office as Li Yexing's secretary.

Turning his head, Li Yexing looked over the desk, and saw Bai Muqing still slumped on the ground, leaning against the wall, her eyes glazed over, and she kept whispering: "It's not me...not me...I'm not a monster..."

Forget it, let Rita handle it...


Two more, 3K+, old rules, don't wait for three.

Volume 6 Mission.97-[-]. Macho Stele

The sun shines down from the sky, as if trying to dispel the cold that envelops Itonia. The mounds on the outskirts of Lopules are full of trees, but the top of the mounds is bare. It seems that all the trees are It was uprooted, and the land was randomly covered with small pieces of gravel. In the center of the wasteland, there stood a lonely looking stone tablet with some messy words engraved on it.

"To those passionate lads." It was written in Russian.

"To those who have the spirit of gold." It was written in Italian.

"To the scum who fought for this city." It was written in English.

This stele is a tombstone, which commemorates the soldiers who fell in the second Lopulus incident. The Russian language is written by Yegel, the Italian language is written by Jobana, and the last sentence in English is Li Yexing wrote it.

In front of the stele, Li Yexing sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, with a solemn expression on his face.

Three full days have passed since the second Loples incident. In this incident, in the face of armed forces from biochemical terrorists, the local ZF quickly responded and mobilized in a unified way. After arduous fighting, the simple and kind-hearted people of Loples successfully thwarted the plot of the terrorists.

Of course, these are all written in news reports, and they are used to deceive ordinary people who live a peaceful life in a peaceful and prosperous age. Lopulus was severely beaten by gangsters, local warlords, and veteran villains. The hapless survivors hid in the alleys of Lopulus, terrified. Successfully waited for the BSAA to receive the captives.

As soon as those guys hiding in the dark saw the BSAA, they rushed forward crying and begging to be arrested. It can be said that their tragic appearance left a deep impression on the BSAA fighters.

Raising his head, letting the sun shine on his face, Li Yexing looked at the sky, and saw a piece of blue above the sky. The sky was clear and there was not a single cloud in sight. There was no doubt that this was a rare sunny day.

"Brothers who haven't left yet, hurry up. There are no clouds in the sky today. The road is in good condition and not blocked. It is suitable for going to heaven..." After taking a deep breath, he opened the vodka in his hand. She sprinkled some of the wine in front of the tombstone, smiled and joked in a low voice: "But I don't think most of you will be able to go to heaven. It's really a waste of the good weather."

There was a loose sound when his feet stepped on the gravel. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, then turned his head, and saw Director Kazimir coming up. He was wearing a blood-stained white coat, leaning on crutches, hanging He looked miserable at first glance, but upon closer inspection, he seemed to be in a good state of mind, while his secretary, Miss Jia Liya, followed him quietly, with a little worry on her brows , seems to be afraid that Director Casimir's injury will worsen.

"Sprinkling wine on other people's graves, is this the way your celestial dynasty commemorates the dead?" Standing behind Li Yexing, Director Kazimir asked jokingly.

Li Yexing did not answer, but silently poured the wine in his hand, and when there was only half of the wine bottle left, Li Yexing placed the bottle in front of the stone tablet, then turned his head to look at Chief Casimir and said, "How is the situation over there?" ?”

"The accusation against the European branch has been put on hold for the time being, and the people at the headquarters have started to withdraw one after another. Our old minister's fake accounts are so good, and the new executive doesn't see anything tricky..." Cassie Director Mir shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course, I think the main reason is that the executive has always had a good relationship with our European branch."

"How about the first agency?" Li Yexing asked, "Have you prevaricated?"

"Of course, thanks to you, the gangsters in Lopulos signed a big order with me..." Supervisor Casimir said with a smile: "The obvious role of the first agency is to cooperate with local armed forces in Eastern Europe. To open up the BOW market, this big order signed in the name of the first agency is enough to shut the mouths of those old people."

"I want to say in advance that this order is not counted, it is just signed to help you tide over the difficulties..." Seeing Director Kasimir's face full of smiles, Li Yexing couldn't help frowning and said: "You have to know, Italians ain't gonna buy your shitty monsters."

"Don't worry, I know..." Supervisor Casimir nodded and said, "I'll call you again in a few days for the advance payment from the Italians, and you will pay them back for me."

"Yes..." Li Yexing nodded, and then continued to ask in a low voice: "How is that congressman? I remember that there is a congressman who has been trying to make things difficult for your European branch."

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