"Oh, you mean that old guy Sudleton..." As soon as Senator Sudleton was mentioned, Director Casimir cheered up, and he said excitedly: "That guy directly flipped over after learning that the Eastern European Division lost the battle. He recited it with a blank eye, and the emergency team from the headquarters gave him cardiopulmonary resuscitation for an hour!"

"Rescued?" Hearing what Kasimir said, Li Yexing couldn't help frowning.

"The sternum was fractured, and it was cremated that afternoon." Supervisor Casimir shrugged, and then said with a smile: "So far, everything is as planned, Senator Roaldo Sudleton is gone, he It is foreseeable that the Joint Committee will usher in a turmoil, and how much the European branch can benefit from this turmoil depends on the ability of our old minister."

"That's good..." Li Yexing nodded, and then said: "Since the accusation against the European branch has been shelved, can you prepare to go back?"

"Of course..." Director Casimir nodded and said with a smile, "I'll be leaving right away. The helicopter from the European branch has already taken off. I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"Heh..." Li Yexing chuckled, looked at Kasimir and said, "I didn't realize that our relationship has become so good..."

"Don't say that..." Supervisor Casimir said with a sneer, "We have a solid cooperative relationship."

"Really?" Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, "Then, my partner, when are you going to settle the [-] million dollars you owe me?"

"This has already quadrupled!" Director Casimir said with his eyes widened, "Don't think I don't know that you're raising the price, it's only [-] million, and I'll pay it off when I get back. If you ask for more, you Just chop off my head and sell it for money!"

"Although I feel a little wronged, it's not unacceptable..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "Then it's [-] million dollars."

"Okay, the price has been negotiated, and you have been asking me for a long time..." Director Casimir smiled and said: "Next, it's time for me to ask you."

"What do you want to ask?" Li Yexing asked, frowning.

Director Casimir's face became serious. After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth slightly, but then closed it again, as if he had swallowed something. After a while, a cynical smile resurfaced. On the face, Director Kazimir turned his head and glanced at the secretary standing far behind, then cautiously approached Li Yexing, and asked in a mysterious whisper: "Li, is it cool to do it with Ouroboros? "

Li Yexing knew that this was definitely not what Director Casimir wanted to ask, so he didn't answer, just grabbed a handful of fine stones and threw it at Director Casimir's shameless face. It's not good, he turned around immediately, the gravel crackled on his buttocks, but he didn't care at all, accompanied by wild and strange laughter, he held his crutches and ran back to Jiajia in an extremely weird posture. Next to Secretary Liya.

After exchanging a few words of rubbish, Director Casimir left with his secretary. For a while, only Li Yexing was left on the mound.

The surroundings returned to silence, with occasional birdsong. Li Yexing looked at the stele in front of him, picked up the remaining half bottle of wine, took a sip, and then directly sprinkled the rest in front of the stele.

Putting the empty bottle next to the stele, Li Yexing stood up, patted his butt, took one last look at the stele, then turned around and left.

Under the feet, there are gravels all over the ground, and above the head, there is a clear sky.

...Mission.6-Main article.End...

Three shifts, call it a day.

Volume 6 Mission.1-DLC.[-]. The Dream of the Macho ([-])

On July 2010, 7, the chaos in the Caribbean ended, two weeks before the second Loples incident.

A pair of black-rimmed glasses without prescription hung on her chest, and her two black silk legs protruding from her hip skirt moved rapidly. Accompanied by the sound of high-heeled shoes, Jia Liya walked through the white corridor with her documents in her arms. Then she stopped in front of the door of a room. She exhaled lightly, put on the glasses hanging on her chest, and straightened the messy hair on her forehead before knocking on the door of the room in front of her.

"Please come in." The familiar voice sounded from the other side of the door.

With the permission of the owner of the room, Jia Liya gently pushed the door open and walked in. After closing the door, she remained expressionless and slightly bowed to the serious man sitting behind the desk. Said: "Director Casimir..."

"Oh, it's Jia Liya..." Seeing that it was his secretary who entered his office, Director Casimir, who was supporting his body, immediately collapsed, lying on his back and leaning on the back of the chair, with his legs crossed When he got on the desk, the seriousness on his face instantly turned into a look of unmotivated salted fish. He took a sip of coffee from the small porcelain cup on the table, then waved his hands and said, "The coffee is cold, Carrie Ya, make me a new cup."

"No problem, Director Kazimir..." Looking at the man sitting behind the desk, Jia Liya felt a little angry for no reason. She lowered her head slightly, suppressed the displeasure between her brows, and walked forward The documents in her hand were placed on the desk, then she turned around, took away the cup from Director Kasimir, and poured all the contents into the bathroom. After finishing all this, she came to the other side of the office. On the side, picked up the thermos pot in the corner of the office.

Tear open the bag of instant coffee, sprinkle coffee powder, then lift the silver-white thermos, slowly pour in the hot water inside, with a burst of white smoke rising, the aroma of coffee permeates the office, Carrie Yawei frowned, and couldn't help but whispered: "Director Kazimir, I think you should pay attention to your image."

"In front of you, do I still have any image to speak of?" Sitting slumped on the office chair, Supervisor Kasimir looked at the ceiling and said weakly: "I don't want to work at all today. When I think of my presiding over the research and development of those used to fool the upper management and Toys from customers, I have no motivation to work..."

Jia Liya put down the kettle, came to Director Casimir, put the coffee cup on the desk gently, and then said to Director Casimir: "Then you can try to make something you like..."

"How can I have money? I still owe that mercenary several million, and the funds from the headquarters have not yet been approved..." I habitually put my hand into Jia Liya's hip skirt, stroking it gently while feeling depressed Said: "And I heard from Powell that an executive officer from the joint committee will be sent over in a few days. Why do I feel that the wind direction is not right? The last time the executive officer came here, he took my boss away..."

"Powell?" Jia Liya was taken aback for a moment, and then said in surprise, "You mean the fourth executive officer, Mr. Powell, who casually gave you his command knife?"

"That's right, it's him..." Director Casimir nodded and said, "At the beginning, he was reluctant to ask him, but in the end he sold the knife for five thousand euros?"

"Director Casimir, excuse me for being curious, what do you want to do with the command knife of the execution department?" Jia Liya couldn't help asking after hearing what Director Casimir said.

"Of course it's a gift..." Director Casimir smiled and said, "The saber of the executive officer of the executive department under the Joint Committee symbolizes the will of the Joint Committee...It is really suitable to give it as a handicraft."

Jia Liya frowned slightly, she vaguely felt that this seemed a bit inappropriate.

On the other side, Supervisor Casimir seemed completely indifferent, took another sip of coffee, raised his head excitedly and said to Galiya: "Tell me, is the executive officer above coming this time to take Arzerich away? That old thing? If Arzerich is taken away, I might be a minister!"

"Director Kasimir, please maintain the most basic respect for Minister Arzerich. At the same time, you must understand that even if Minister Arzerich is taken away, there is a high probability that the new minister will be parachuted from the headquarters. After all, your qualifications are not old enough..." Watching the light in Supervisor Casimir's eyes gradually dim, Jia Liya poured down the last bucket of cold water and said: "And, the most important point is that I think the executive officer of the Joint Committee The dispatch is likely to be directed at you."

"Impossible. I work hard, distinguish between public and private, fulfill my duties, and have outstanding abilities. Why are my superiors arresting me?" Supervisor Casimir smiled and shook his head. He clapped and said to Jia Liya, "Come here."

Jia Liya frowned, and walked up. In the next second, Director Kazimir moved the office chair slightly, and then buried his face between the two black silk legs, breathing hard while rubbing against each other. At the same time, he said intoxicatedly: "Jia Liya, your perfume smells so good today..."

Jia Liya's face became colder at a speed visible to the naked eye, and strong contempt was revealed in her eyes. She lowered her head and looked at Chief Kazimir who was making trouble between her legs: "I didn't Perfume."

"Oh!" Director Casimir pretended to be surprised while rubbing, "So this is your body fragrance?"

"Director Casimir, you don't need to praise me with such love words that are two eras behind, after all, I'm just your secretary..." Jia Liya said coldly: "Besides, I think you'd better pay attention The movement of the joint committee, after all, it is related to your safety."

Seeming to be dissatisfied with Miss Secretary's preaching, Director Kasimir looked up at Jia Liya, frowned impatiently and said: "Jalia, you came to me at this time, you are not here to teach me right?"

"Of course not..." Surprised that Director Kasimir could still remember to do business, Jia Liya's eyes softened a little, and she whispered: "It's not a big deal, Dr. Angelika asked me to tell you, the public The pizza sold at window No. [-] in the cafeteria should be ready soon, I hope you can go and have a look, and bring some for her by the way."

"I need my secretary to tell me about this kind of thing?" A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and Director Kazimir rubbed Jia Liya's black silk thigh with a dissatisfied expression, pretending to be angry and said: " That guy really doesn't think of me as his boss."

"After all, she is Director Kasimir's ex-girlfriend, isn't she?" An inexplicable emotion flashed in her eyes, and Galiya took half a step back, avoiding Director Kasimir's mischievous hand, and muttered in a low voice .

Seeing Jia Liya's miraculous reaction, Director Kazimir was slightly taken aback, and then an evil smile appeared on his face. He said with a strange smile: "Jaliya, are you jealous?"

"What an interesting idea..." With slightly flushed cheeks, Galiya turned around and picked up the documents on the table, frowning and said, "I'm going to deliver pizza to Dr. Angelita."

"Wait, wait a minute..." Kasimir stood up in a hurry, smiled and said to Jia Liya: "I'll go too, after all, I'm a little hungry."

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