"Don't cry, I won't give you a cheap price if you praise me..." The king smiled, pushed the wheelchair to the grocery pile in the corner, bent down to search, and after a while, he pulled out a bag from the grocery pile , and then handed it to Tilly Liss, and said at the same time: "This thing is only bought by your family, I have to prepare two copies for your family every year..."

"How much?" Tilly Lisi asked directly after taking the pocket without looking at what was in it.

"Look at it, it's not worth a few bucks..." The king smiled and said, "This thing has been sold, and it's almost closed today..."

Glancing at the king's prosthetic limb, Tiriris took out a few banknotes from her pocket and placed them on the counter.

"Oh, thank you Miss Li for your reward..." Looking at the banknote on the counter that was far higher than the price of the commodity, the king did not refuse. After returning to the counter, he stuffed the money into the drawer and said with a low mouth. He muttered softly, "If you hadn't come here, I would have forgotten about the Chinese New Year..."

Tiriris didn't speak, she handed the bag in her hand to Hitomi Qiandao, then pushed open the door of the grocery store, and brought Hitomi Qiandao back into the darkness and cold...

Second watch, old rules, don't wait for three.

Volume 6.5 Extra.12-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

Under the warm light, there is a faint fragrance of lilies in the air, the black toenails are shining with a charming luster, dotted one by one on the petite white toes like cardamom, and the delicate catkins stretch out the black ultra-thin stockings, Gently send the raised toes in, and then it goes over the instep with blue and black blood vessels, swallows the snow-white calf little by little, skips the knee, covers the plump and slender thigh without a trace of fat, and finally stagnates in the snow-white and delicate on the lower abdomen.

Sitting on the bed, after putting on the stockings, Bai Muqing stood up, put on a black hip-wrapping skirt, and inserted her beautiful feet covered by the stockings into the high heels again. After changing her clothes, she turned her head and looked at Rita There was a bit of embarrassment and shyness flashing across the brows of the drenched suspender-style black lace cut-out cloth hanging on the finger.

"I'll wash it myself..." After a long while, Bai Muqing stretched out his hand towards the small black cloth hanging on Rita's finger, but Rita gently lifted the small cloth, and Bai Muqing missed it.

Looking at Bai Muqing with a puzzled expression, Rita sighed softly and said, "I told you, you are the secretary of the husband, and this kind of work should be left to the maid."

"I...I don't want to be that guy's secretary, you guys are just wishful thinking from the beginning to the end!" Bai Muqing couldn't help retorting with a blushing face.

"Still talking like this?" Kanan, who was sitting on the bed beside him, raised his eyebrows and raised his legs, "It's all done like this and you still don't admit it, Xiaobai, are you tired..."

As he said that, Kanan sniffled his nose vigorously, and then said delicately: "I'll go, and I even sprayed on perfume, you are really hardworking..."

"Kanan! Even you!" Hearing what Kanan said, Bai Muqing stomped her feet lightly, a little angrily.

"What's wrong with me? I'm telling the truth!" Kanan frowned slightly and said, "You can do something that you can understand in one night, but you have to do it for a few months. Why are you so awkward? People who read a lot are like this ?”

"Forget it, Miss Marfar..." Rita shook her head, she looked at Bai Muqing who was ashamed and angry, her expression was rather complicated.

At this moment, Rita, Kanan, and Bai Muqing are staying in Rita's bedroom. Because there are not enough rooms, Bai Muqing and Rita have been crowded in the same room, and the books they read are placed on the same bookshelf. , and the clothes are naturally placed in the same wardrobe.

When Bai Muqing just returned to the office, Kanan, who was sitting on the sofa, saw that Bai Muqing was not in the right state at a glance, so he followed, and Rita went back to the room afterward, which is why the scene just now happened.

As if she was too lazy to argue, Bai Muqing sat back on the big soft bed, her expression was full of shame and despair, Rita folded the small piece of cloth in her hand, and put it together with her neatly stacked change of clothes Putting them together, Kanan subconsciously wanted to light a cigarette, but just as he took out the lighter, Rita and Bai Muqing turned their heads and stared at her at the same time.

"What a good roommate..." Kanan muttered softly, and stuffed the cigarette in his mouth back into the cigarette case along with the lighter.

For a while, there was no sound in Rita's bedroom, only the voices of Li Yexing and Tilly Lian could be heard faintly from the direction of the office.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Bai Muqing frowned a little bit.

"Second Miss just threw a straight ball..." On the other side, Kanan who was sitting on the bed raised her eyebrows, as if she was a little surprised, then she turned her head and said to Bai Muqing: "Look at you, even Second Miss How about, if you could take the initiative and be frank like the second lady, the boss would have put you on the desk long ago..."

As he said that, Kanan suddenly reached out and touched Bai Muqing's black silk legs, and then said with a strange smile: "It's not like you don't know how much the boss likes your legs. Every time you pass in front of him, he stares at you. Looking at it, it's like trying to get in."

"Of course I know, I can feel his disgusting and explicit eyes across the street..." Bai Muqing blushed, gritted her teeth and said viciously: "I don't wear this to please that wild dog in heat! "

"Miss Bai, please respect sir!" Rita showed a sullen expression, and then sighed again: "Forget it, you can call sir whatever you like, anyway, sir doesn't seem to care much..."

Hearing the noise from the office, Bai Muqing's brows were slightly disgusted, and she said in a low voice: "As expected of a wild dog in heat, Miss Tillylian is obviously just a child..."

"Second Miss is not a child..." Rita shook her head lightly and said, "Second Miss's mind is far more mature than what you can see, she just doesn't like to think about trivial things like Eldest Miss."

"I really can't tell..." Bai Muqing raised her eyebrows and said, "No matter what you look at, the second young lady of your family is just a clingy little girl, either clinging to her older sister or clinging to that wild dog in heat."

"Of course she's going to cling to the boss..." Kanan raised his head, looked at the ceiling and said quietly, "only babies who can cry can have milk, and I don't know when you will understand this truth..."

"I said it! I won't deliberately try to please that guy!" Putting the matter of Lily perfume behind her, Bai Muqing said angrily, "I really don't understand what you like about that guy?! Although he looks really good ...He's handsome and safe, but other than that, that guy is useless right?! Rude, alcoholic, bad tempered, likes to smoke, uneducated and unmotivated..."

Speaking of this, Bai Muqing looked at Rita and Kanan and frowned and said, "Could you stay by that guy's side just to take that disgusting medicine?!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a total silence, maybe it was Bai Muqing's illusion, the temperature in the room seemed to drop.

"Let me just talk..." Tightening the clothes on her body, Bai Muqing rubbed her hands on the bed and said, "Anyway, I really don't understand why you guys like him..."

"Miss Bai, please don't say such things in the future..." After the silence in the class, Rita put away the smile on her face and said seriously to Bai Muqing: "This office is our home, only we Sir's love cannot be questioned."

Looking at Bai Muqing's puzzled face, Rita's brows eased slightly, and she whispered: "It's hard for me to explain why I love Mr., all I know is that when my life fell into darkness, Mr. I was rescued, when I was most confused, it was my husband who woke me up, when I was abandoned by the world, it was my husband who gave me a place to stay..."

Speaking of this, Rita raised her head, brushed her chest lightly, and said with firm eyes: "This is the grace of regeneration! Both this body and this soul belong to Mr. My value is my value as Mr. The maid dedicates everything to her husband, as long as he needs it, even if it means destroying my body and soul, I will do anything."

"Wow, as expected of a maid, it's so complicated..." After Rita finished speaking, Kanan waved his hand and said to Bai Muqing with a smile: "I'm much simpler, I'm very happy with the boss, every day is very happy , I am very happy staying under one roof, I am very happy when I go out together, I am very happy to light cigarettes together, I am very happy to drink, I am very happy to hug and kiss, I am very happy when I do it together. Before, my life was as disgusting as shit, but after meeting the boss, the air around me was sweet, so I like the boss, and I am going to work for the boss for the rest of my life, not the kind of retirement, hehe..."

Bai Muqing stared blankly at Rita and Kanan, and after a while, she shook her head and said in a low voice, "You guys are just...crazy...


Volume 6.5 Extra.13-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

In the darkness, Li Yexing opened his eyes in a daze.

Seeing through the gap between the curtains that the sky outside the room was still pitch black, Li Yexing sat up beside the bed, shook his head slightly, then grabbed the cell phone next to the pillow, and checked the time.

[-]:[-] am...

"Tsk..." Li Yexing smacked his lips.

It may be because of the still smell of alcohol, so not long after dinner, Li Yexing threw himself on the bed and fell asleep. He slept until midnight.

With his upper body naked, Li Yexing pushed aside the quilt that was half hanging on his body and stood up. The faint cold air in the room stimulated his body, dispelling the remaining faint sleepiness in him, followed by the dryness in his throat. sense.

Putting on his slippers, Li Yexing gently pushed open the door of his room. The corridor was pitch black. Li Yexing picked up his mobile phone, turned on the light, and walked quietly to the office. When he reached the door, he carefully pushed it open. The door of the office froze for a moment.

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