"Don't make trouble..." Li Yexing said softly, and at the same time raised his hand slowly, but saw Tilly Lian immediately raised her neck, and followed Li Yexing's hand to straighten her body little by little. On his body, his hands wrapped around Li Yexing's back, squinting his eyes slightly while constantly sucking Li Yexing's fingers while squeezing Li Yexing with his petite body, as if he wanted to rub himself into Li Yexing's arms.

Putting all her weight on Li Yexing's body, Ti Lilian sat down steadily, so she brushed Li Yexing's raised arms with both hands, slowly went up, and then gently grabbed Li Yexing's hand.

"Ha..." she let go, with a faint mist in her eyes, Tillylian let out a breath of hot air, and then put Li Yexing's finger into her mouth again, this time, her soft little tongue also moved, The tip of her tongue kept licking Li Yexing's index finger like a patrol, as if what she had in her mouth was not a finger, but a lollipop.

With Tillylian's unrestrained sucking and licking, the atmosphere in the office became more and more strange. Li Yexing frowned slightly and said, "Tililian, stop making trouble..." Then there was a faint pain in his fingers , There was a faint dissatisfaction in the heterochromatic pupils full of lust, Tilly Lian bit Li Yexing, and when Li Yexing stopped talking, she showed a satisfied smile again, and then continued with her work.

A few minutes later, Tilly Lian pursed her cherry lips, spit out Li Yexing's somewhat swollen index finger sucked by herself one by one, then lightly licked the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and smiled proudly at Li Yexing smiled.

"Tililian, you are playing with fire..." Looking at the proud girl, Li Yexing shook his head and said helplessly.

"It's okay, my lord can't wait for my perverted brother-in-law to set fire on me..." I don't know if it was because of the different-colored pupils, but Tillylian's baby-fat little face showed a trace of a demon that was not inferior to Rita. Suddenly, she lay on Li Yexing's chest, leaned into Li Yexing's ear, smiled coquettishly and whispered: "Pervert brother-in-law, do you like the feeling just now?"

"Do you love?"

"Do you want my lord...to take medicine like the ice cube girl in this way?


One more.

Volume 6.5 Extra.11-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

The winter in Itonia is extremely cold, and the night comes quickly. It is still afternoon, but the sky has already darkened. On the noisy streets, black and white high-top sneakers step on the snow, sending out bursts of noise. With a sound, the girl with silver hair and red pupils, wrapped in a black fur-collar jacket that was incompatible with the cold weather, stopped in front of the flickering street lamps.

"Miss Tiriris?" A voice came from behind, the voice seemed to have the softness of a girl, but the voice was a little mature, revealing a touch of doubt and inquiry in the tone, Tiriris turned her head, looked at Hitomi Qiandao, who was following behind with his pocket in his hand, said expressionlessly, "What's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing..." Hitomi Qiandao, who was wearing a white padded jacket, shook his head lightly while speaking some broken English, "I'm just curious, why did Miss Tillyris stop."

"Because it stinks..." Tiriris whispered.

"It stinks?" Hearing what Tiriris said, Hitomi Qiandao had a puzzled look on her face.

"Ahead is Flower Street..." Seeing that Hitomi Qiandao was a little puzzled, the girl with silver hair and red pupils explained expressionlessly.

Hitomi Qiandao was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head, and saw that the streets ahead were full of women with heavy makeup and scantily dressed clothes. They were either posing, or winking at passing men, saying dirty words to them, laughing and scolding them, Then they were dragged into the room behind them with ambiguous pink lights. Some of those men were half-pushing, some were more proactive, but few refused.

"Detour..." Tiriris said indifferently, "Tiliris, I don't like this place."

Hitomi Qiandao vaguely remembered that Li Yexing seemed to have mentioned that before he met Tiriris, he was a frequent visitor to this street. No wonder Tiriris didn't like this place, no matter which woman she was, she wouldn't like herself Men go in and out of such indecent places, right?

Gently nodding his head, Hitomi Qiandao smiled and said, "Then let's take a detour, Miss Tiriris."

Tilly Lisi did not speak, but turned into the dark alley with Hitomi Qiandao, and after a while, the women's charming laughter was left behind.

In the alley, Hitomi Qiandao looked down at the ingredients in his pocket, and then said in a low voice, "Miss Tiliris, we are going to buy red paper and ink next...Is that so?"

"Yeah." Tilly Lisi nodded.

Looking around, seeing nothing but coldness and darkness, Hitomi Qiandao subconsciously put her hand on the handle of the black long knife at her waist, and whispered at the same time: "Miss Tirilith, Lopules ...can you really buy red paper and ink?"

"Okay." Tiriris replied.

To be honest, Hitomi Qiandao didn't think that this city full of thugs could buy such things full of literary and ink atmosphere in the East Asian cultural circle, but since Miss Tirilith said that she could buy them, there should be no problem.

Passing through the alley in the dark, Tiliris brought Hitomi Qiandao to a new street, which looked much narrower than the outside, the trash can in the corner hadn’t been cleared for a long time, and a wild dog with a bit of shedding was lying on the garbage dump I dug out half a leek box, and was about to eat it, when Tiriris and Hitomi Qiandao walked out of the alley, barking their teeth immediately.

Tiriris didn't stop, but just glanced at the dog coldly, meeting Tiliris' sight, the dog immediately howled and flinched, and then took the food dug out from the trash can to fight for the way and flee.

Going all the way along the narrow street, finally, Tiriris' footsteps stopped in front of a strange shop. Hitomi Qiandao raised her head and looked at the signboard of the shop. The center fell off, exposing the metal frame below, as if it would fall off at any time, for a while, Hitomi Qiandao couldn't see what was written on the signboard.

"Here we are..." Tilly Lisi whispered, and then pushed open the glass door of this store that was covered with transparent tape.

Following Tiliris into the shop, the air immediately warmed up, and the shop was filled with a faint smell of smoke. In the middle of the shop, a stove was burning coals, exuding heat, and a chimney made of iron sheets was connected to the stove and went straight to the ceiling. , next to the somewhat dim incandescent lamp, under the light of the incandescent lamp, all kinds of strange goods are randomly placed on the shelves in the store, pots and pans, gun accessories, gun oil, daggers , bundles of shoelaces, wires, pliers, screwdrivers, boxes of bombs... one here and the other, all kinds of things, in a mess.

Hitomi Qiandao understood a little bit, this place seems to be a grocery store.

On the other side, Tiriris didn't pay attention to these miscellaneous goods, she went straight to the counter, knocked lightly, and then said expressionlessly: "Red paper and ink."

Hearing Tilly Lisi's words, the snoring young store owner behind the counter tightened the coat covering his body. He frowned subconsciously and said, "NMB, why don't you see me falling asleep?"

Tilly Lisi slammed the counter twice, making a "dong dong" sound, and at the same time said coldly: "Red paper and ink."

"What the hell..." The young man sitting in the shadow behind the counter suddenly became angry, and pushed away the coat covering his body, revealing the shotgun and bulletproof clothing under the coat, as well as a very clean He opened his eyes and raised his head, just as he was about to have a seizure, but met Tiriris' cold gaze.

"Oh!" Most of the drowsiness in his head dissipated in an instant, the young store owner put down the shotgun that was half raised, rubbed his somewhat confused head and said, "Oh, it's you, I'm a little confused, buy paper chant?"

"There's Mo..." Tiriris whispered.

"Understood, wait for me to get it for you..." The young store owner turned around, squeezed his hands hard, and then pushed the wheelchair out from behind the counter, patted the cat on his thigh at the same time and said: "Go and play, Pixar , I have to work..."

The well-groomed kitten on the lap let out a cry of dissatisfaction, then nimbly climbed onto the shopkeeper's shoulder, and hung it around his neck like a scarf.

"It's okay, it's pretty good..." The shop owner smiled as he touched the kitten's head.

Behind Tiliris, Hitomi Qiandao silently looked at the shop owner in a wheelchair, feeling a little familiar. After a while, she widened her eyes in surprise and said, "You are Mr. King?!"

Hearing someone calling his nickname, the store owner stretched his neck to look carefully at Hitomi Qiandao, then smiled and said, "Oh, isn't this the little Japanese girl in old Li's house? Why come out with Miss Li's family today?" gone?"

"Come out to buy something..." Hitomi Qiandao answered the question of the shop owner 'King', and then said in surprise: "Speaking of which, I thought you were a mercenary..."

"It's a side business. I mainly open a shop, which means that the side business earns more than the main business, so this shop doesn't open much during holidays. It's a bit outrageous..." The king smiled, and then patted two The prosthesis said: "The main thing is that the two dogs in the hospital saw my leg wrongly. The side job is not easy to fix. In addition, I drank a little wine two days ago and caused an accident. The car was confiscated by the mafia society, so I won't give it to me." Well, he said he would sell the car to repair the inner door of his hotel, but he didn’t do anything, let’s leave it open for the store, and wait two days to see how it’s done..."

After all, the king patted the scarf cat's head lightly, and said with a smile: "Pixar, you have to take the blame for this. If you didn't put that in the way, would I be able to cause trouble? You gave me the whole car, I'm I even picked it up for you and washed it clean, you said I am such a good person, where would you find it?"

Pix rubbed the king's hand, then tightened his grip on the king's neck, his tail wagging once and for all.

Seeing the harmony between master and servant in the wheelchair, Hitomi Chishima smiled from the bottom of her heart, and she whispered: "Mr. King, you are such a gentle person..."

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