"Why are you swearing in the live broadcast room again..." Rubbing Tilly Lisi's loose blond hair, Li Yexing said helplessly, "If this continues, who will watch your live broadcast?"

"Don't you understand? Perverted brother-in-law?" There was a smug flash between her brows, Tilly Lian said with a smile: "These bastards said those weird things in my lord's live broadcast room, in fact, I hope that my lord will insult them, and my lord will scold them." The uglier it sounds, the happier they are!"

Withdrawing the foreword, the happiness between men and men may not be the same...

On the other side, after rubbing against each other for a long time, Tillylian turned her head, looked at Rita behind Li Yexing and said, "Ah, the cannibal maid..."

"What a disrespectful statement..." Rita said helplessly.

"By the way, the ice cube girl went to the cannibal maid's bedroom with the silly dog ​​just now..." Tillylian whispered to Rita, "The ice cube girl smells so weird..."

"You went to my bedroom with Miss Kanan?" Rita was taken aback for a moment, then smiled as if she understood something, and said, "No wonder, after all, it's only natural to change it after all... Although I think it will be easier to win the favor of Mr. if you don't change it..."

"What did the ice cube girl go to trade with the silly dog?" Tillylian blinked her eyes, twitched her little nose, and said, "Besides, it seems that the perverted brother-in-law also smells like the ice cube girl..."

"Okay, stop making trouble..." Just before he needed to explain the strange knowledge to Tilly Lian, Li Yexing picked up Tilly Lian, took Rita into the office, and sat down on the sofa. Ye Xing asked Tilly Lian, "Where's your sister?"

"For my sis, I went out with the steam engine," Tillylian replied.

"He Tong went out?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Why did they go?"

"They said they were going to buy red paper or something, and it's going to be a holiday." Tillylian said.

"Oh! By the way, girl, I forgot about this..." Li Yexing patted his head, frowned and said, "I really drank too much today, and it was a mistake..."

"Sir, I'm going back to my room first..." Seeing Li Yexing and Tilly Lian sticking together, Rita's mouth curled into a sly smile, she bowed slightly to Li Yexing and said, "Rita, I'm a little worried about Miss Bai. there…"

"Go..." Li Yexing nodded.

Turning around, Rita walked straight towards the door of the office, while Tillylian, who was lying on Li Yexing's body, watched Rita's back. Lilian suddenly turned her head, blushed and said to Li Yexing, "Pervert brother-in-law, when will you take your medicine today?"

"Take medicine?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Before going to bed, I'll feed you first, and then feed Bai Muqing. Of course, I can feed you now..."

After all, Li Yexing took out the dagger from his waist and was about to cut his finger when Tillylian suddenly stopped Li Yexing.

Li Yexing didn't speak, but looked at Tillylian with a trace of doubt in his eyes, but saw that Tillylian's face was reddish, she gently rubbed her snow-white legs under the shorts, she looked straight into Li Yexing's eyes, for a long while Then he pursed his lips and whispered: "Perverted brother-in-law...that...my lord...want to try to take medicine like the ice cube girl..."

In an instant, Li Yexing's expression froze.


Three shifts, call it a day.

A little tired, rested, today is too rushed.

Volume 6.5 Extra.10-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

As the saying goes, the most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

On the sofa, Li Yexing and Tillylian looked at each other silently. Seeing the twinkle of curiosity and anticipation in the pair of different-colored pupils, Li Yexing pulled out the hand that was held down by Tillylian, and at the same time said to Tillylian: " Don't make trouble, you can't take medicine like Bai Muqing..."

"Why?" Grabbing Li Yexing's hand holding the dagger again, Tillylian said with a puzzled expression, "I can't take the medicine that the ice cube girl can take. How can there be such a reason?"

Li Yexing thought for a while, and then said earnestly and kindly to Ti Lilian: "Because you two have different problems, and you need to take different medicines for different illnesses. Your problem lies in your eyes. Your eye was not the same before. Can't you see things if you don't move? But Bai Muqing is different, her problem lies in her mouth, look how poisonous her mouth is, so the medicine she takes is specially for her mouth..."

"Really..." Stretching out a small hand and gently stroking Li Yexing's short hair, the sister-in-law with odd-color pupils pursed her mouth, and said with some distress: "It must be very hard for the perverted brother-in-law to come up with such a lame reason to deceive my lord." Bar…"

Surely it's not that easy to fool around?hell!Has the kid gotten smarter since playing the game? !

On the other side, seeing a trace of astonishment on Li Yexing's face, Tillylian sighed faintly. She sat on Li Yexing's lap, grabbed Li Yexing's wrist, and gently rubbed her small head against Li Yexing's chest. While whispering: "My lord knows everything, I know everything, about the perverted brother-in-law and elder sister, about the cannibal maid, about the silly dog ​​and the steam engine, and about the ice girl." Things, my lord knows everything..."

Being held by the wrist holding the dagger, Li Yexing raised his other hand, and gently stroked Tillylian's blond hair like a pet cat. He said softly, "Be good, don't make things difficult for me..."

"Is it because of my lord sister?" Looking up and looking into Li Yexing's eyes, Tillylian asked quietly: "Is it because of my lord sister that the perverted brother-in-law refuses to act like my lord sister? "

Speaking of this, the light in Tillylian's eyes dimmed. She lowered her eyebrows and whispered with her lips pursed: "Or is it that the perverted brother-in-law doesn't like my lord anymore? Does he not want to pamper me?"

"Of course not..." Li Yexing hurriedly responded softly as if coaxing a child: "Tililian is so cute, how could I not like Tiililian?"

"That's liking?" Tillylian asked, tilting her head.

"I like it, of course I like it..." Li Yexing replied hastily.

"Will you pamper me?" Tillylian continued to ask.

"Haven't I always spoiled you?"

"Then...do you love me?" Tillylian asked suddenly.

Looking at Tilly Lian's overly serious eyes, Li Yexing was unable to answer for a while. After all, in his eyes, Tilly Lian was just his sister-in-law, Tilly Lisi's younger sister, a child...

"Hahahahahaha..." Looking at Li Yexing's face full of entanglements and embarrassment, Tillylian suddenly burst into laughter. She kicked her snow-white little feet, covered her stomach with one hand and pointed at Li Yexing with a smile. : "My lord is teasing you! Look at how stupid you are, wow! The expression of the perverted brother-in-law is really...really...to no good, tears are about to burst out of laughter, hahahahahahaha..."

In an instant, Li Yexing's expression became awkward. Just as he was about to rub Tilly Lian's face fiercely, Tilly Lian sat on Li Yexing's lap again, and she gently pecked Li Yexing. Then he rubbed the corners of his eyes and said with a smile: "Come on, give the perverted brother-in-law a sip, the perverted brother-in-law is not allowed to be angry, it can't be done... Tears come out of laughter, wait for me to wipe away..."

Rubbing the corners of her eyes flushed, Tillylian still couldn't suppress the curvature of her mouth, she smiled and said: "Forget it, don't tease the perverted brother-in-law, take the medicine and take the medicine..."

"Really..." A hint of helplessness and pampering flashed between his brows, Li Yexing said in his heart that his sister-in-law didn't seem to be like this when we first met. At that time, she was still a very arrogant and shy child. How did you become like a goblin who likes to tease your brother-in-law now?

Picking up the dagger, he stroked it lightly on his index finger, and the bright red blood slowly flowed down the wound. Before Li Yexing could reach out his hand, Tilly Lian came up and took Li Yexing's index finger in his mouth. In the mouth, with the girl's cherry lips gently clamping the fingers, the moist and warm touch instantly came from the fingertips.

Closing her eyes, Tillylian continued to suck like a kitten, drawing Li Yexing's blood from the wound on her fingertips little by little. A warm current rushed towards the limbs and bones, and for a moment, a faint blush appeared on Tillylian's face.

After a while, the feeling of detachment and the subtle pain at the fingertips disappeared, and Li Yexing knew that the wound on the fingertips had completely healed.

It's only been a minute, and it really is a monster-like body...

Frowning slightly, Li Yexing said in a low voice: "Okay, Tillylian..." At the same time, he slowly pulled his finger out of Tillylian's mouth. However, something unexpected happened to Li Yexing. Ti Lilian had no intention of letting go at all, she sucked Li Yexing's fingers vigorously, and followed Li Yexing's movements to lean towards Li Yexing like a fish biting a hook.

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