Swinging her arms to break away from Li Yexing's hand, Bai Muqing took two steps back, with a slightly evasive expression, "Don't touch me."

On the other side, Rita also got out of the car. She put the black leather suitcase in front of her with both hands, and came to Bai Muqing's side. She first glanced at Bai Muqing with some meaningful eyes, then turned her head and smiled at Li Yexing: " Get out of the car, sir, if you don't sleep well, you can go back to your room and continue to sleep."

"No, I'm fine..." The cold air poured into the car, and Hank, who was lying on the car seat and snoring, subconsciously tightened his clothes. In the cold, Li Yexing became a little sleepy. Chaos' mind became a little clearer, he rolled over and got out of the car, and closed the door, while Bugarati rolled up the window and said to Li Yexing: "Then I'll go first."

"Say hello to Jobana for me..." Li Yexing nodded and said, "I'll look for you after the first day of the new year."

"I'm looking forward to it." Bugarati smiled and rolled up the windows. With the sound of the engine, the black van left, leaving Li Yexing, Rita and Bai Muqing at the gate of the office.

Stimulated by the cold, Li Yexing's drowsiness began to disappear little by little. With the recovery of his senses, a strange cold began to stimulate Li Yexing's thighs. The cold wind mixed with fine ice crystals blew past, and Li Yexing couldn't help biting. gritted his teeth.

This kind of cold is more terrifying than running in the snow naked...

what happened?

Li Yexing frowned, and scraped his fingers over his thighs stimulated by the cold. In an instant, a wet and sticky feeling came from his fingertips. Li Yexing put his fingers in front of his nose and sniffed gently. In the cold, The faint fragrance of lilies spilled into the nostrils.

Li Yexing suddenly realized something. He raised his head and looked at Bai Muqing in surprise, only to see Bai Muqing's back was facing him, and her two long black silk legs bound by the hip-wrapping skirt were moving hurriedly. She seemed to be caught by something. She hurriedly stepped on the stairs at the entrance of the office as if chasing after her. After a rush of high-heeled shoes stepping on the metal stairs, she hurriedly took out the keys from her waist. Because of nervousness, she failed to insert the key into the keyhole several times. As her movements became more impatient, finally, after a soft sound, the key was inserted straight into the keyhole. She looked happy, and then quickly opened the door of the office. , Drilled in without looking back.

With a bang, the door was closed, and Li Yexing and Rita under the ladder were locked outside. After a burst of hurried footsteps, Kanan's voice came faintly from the office: "Wow! Xiaobai You came back so soon?! Where is the maid? You must have messed things up, right?"

Outside the office, in the cold wind, Li Yexing looked at Rita silently, only to find that Rita was also looking at him. The perfect maid squinted her eyes and curled up her mouth, revealing a sly smile.

At this moment, Li Yexing just felt a little dumbfounded.

With a hint of helplessness between his brows, Li Yexing took out the key chain from his pocket, twirled it lightly on his fingers twice, and then said to Rita: "Come in, don't stand here stupidly, it's so cold .”

"Okay, sir..." Rita smiled slightly.

Leading Rita up the metal stairs, he used the key to open the door of the office. It was almost evening, and Li Yexing finally returned to his den.

"Look at my master's hidden sword, jumping knife, BKB rotation, and three consecutive big shadow pressures to hit your female horse in succession!"

As soon as he put on his slippers, a girl's clear and excited shout came from his ears. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, took off his coat and hung it on the hook, and at the same time looked towards his desk. When I went there, I saw a lovely girl squatting on her own boss chair. Her skin was snow-white, and her long golden hair fell down her back. Color pupils, her left eye shows a gradient from purple to blue, and her right eye is a jewel-like crystal clear red. On her body, she is wearing a thin pure white vest, and her lower body is wearing shorts. Two slender, white legs were exposed. On the boss chair, the toes on the little snow-white feet were constantly twitching due to tension and excitement.

At this moment, the blond girl was pulling the mouse furiously, and kept typing on the keyboard with her fingers. Finally, a few seconds later, she suddenly left the keyboard with both hands, straightened up, and tilted her head up, with a smug expression on her face. Loudly said: "Did you see it?! This is the strength of my lord!"

"What? It's all due to the anti-mage playing well?! My lord just entered the field perfectly in this wave!"

"Huh? Just use your hands? Don't use your brain?"

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and the blond girl raised her blond hair, turned her head to look at the camera next to the computer, turned up the volume of the headset, and said suddenly: "Bastard! You just need hands?! Then you Why not? Why are you so good? Why are you still at [-] points on the ladder? You are at [-] points on the ladder. In my eyes, you are like a patient with terminal cancer. Not reconciled, you think the ladder below [-] points is not worthy of fighting with you, but if you want to score [-] points, you can't beat it, you don't have the skills..."

"What? My lord is not allowed to say the dishes? Then you are on the point? You analyze and analyze for me. What is wrong with this wave of my lord? If you can't analyze it, you have terminal cancer..."

"Huh? Stop talking? You won again? You won spiritually again? Oh, my lord understands. As long as you kill your mother, my lord will not be able to kill your female horse. As long as you raise the ashes of your female horse , my lord can’t dig your female horse’s grave, it’s really a top understanding, hehe~”

Standing at the entrance of the porch, watching the blond girl with yin and yang exhale strangely, Li Yexing's eyebrows twitched violently twice.

"Sir..." Rita's voice came from behind her. Li Yexing turned her head and saw a trace of blame on Rita's eyebrows. She said in a low voice, "It's all your fault, sir, for making Second Miss into what she is now... "

That's right, the disheveled, elegant and easy-going blond girl sitting on Li Yexing's boss chair, playing games on live broadcast, is the half ass of the perverted brother-in-law, Tilly Lisi's cheap sister, the second lady of the office , Li Yexing's caring sister-in-law - the smart and lovely Lady Tillylian...

Two more.

Almost ten chapters haven’t been written until New Year’s Eve, this volume of Extra is probably as long as a ghost...

Volume 6.5 Extra.9-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

Why did Tillylian become like this?This probably has to start from two months ago.

At that time, after her eyes were healed, Tillylian, who loves competitive games, came up with the idea of ​​becoming a game anchor. Li Yexing thought about it, anyway, since she was his sister-in-law, he should be pampered, so he asked Agor to buy it. After a series of operations, Tillylian's career as an anchor finally started.

Men's happiness is often interoperable. Who wouldn't like a girl with blond hair and double ponytails with different eyes?It didn't take long for Tillylian's popularity to explode, but when there were too many people, many weird guys would appear. How could Tillylian, who has lived in the laboratory for so many years, have seen such a battle?After a while, the child was scolded and cried by the audience in the live broadcast room, and tears fell down.

"Perverted brother-in-law...those low-level humans...they bullied me..." Under the contemptuous eyes of Tiliris, the crying Tililian put her head in Li Yexing's arms, and Lihua said with a grievance on her face.

Li Yexing thought for a while, then turned his gaze to Rita. Rita hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.

"Hey, here's a good show..." Kanan, who was sitting on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and then looked at Li Yexing with great interest, while on the other side, Li Yexing patted Tiny lightly. Lilian's small head showed a hint of doting between his eyebrows and eyes. He hugged Princess Tillylian, sat on the boss's chair, adjusted the camera slightly, put on the earphones, and said with a smile: "Hello? Audition, can you?" Did you hear that? Which son of a bitch was farting in the live broadcast room of grandpa and sister-in-law just now?"

Immediately, the comments of the blockbuster were swiped from the comment area, and the content was simply unsightly.

But in the eyes of Li Yexing, the keyboard warrior of the Celestial Dynasty Zaan, these people are really brothers.

Hehe, is this the level of cyber violence in China?It's so funny...

With a refined and easy-going smile, Li Yexing opened his mouth lightly. In an instant, a long list of greetings aimed at others, their immediate relatives, and collateral relatives within eighteen generations blurted out. The strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere cheerfully greeted the group The people on the line vividly described the tragedy of their immediate family members when they died and the related treatment after death. The content ranged from nationality to race all the way to parent-child relationship and genetic identification, from city appearance management to rural construction and fertilizer selection, to The eight major cuisines of the Celestial Dynasty and various cooking techniques can be described as continuous like a surging river.

In the office, Tilly Lisi silently watched the smiling Li Yexing, whispering what Li Yexing had said with her lips. Looking forward to what Li Yexing could say more, Hitomi Qiandao sat silently on the sofa, she couldn't understand what Li Yexing was talking about, with a trace of curiosity on her brows, while Rita stood by the coffee table, crossing her hands in front of her. The smile on her face was a bit stiff, as for Bai Muqing, who was sitting alone with her black silk legs crossed and learning business management by herself, stood up directly, and went back to Rita's bedroom with a look of boredom.

Li Yexing, who hadn't breathed out the fragrance for a long time, finished the first set of Zaan's keystrokes lightly, and when he was about to seriously enjoy his mouth, he saw that the comment area in the live broadcast room was completely silent, it was only the cyber violence of the Celestial Dynasty The average level is enough to scare these foreign trolls who have never seen the world into speechlessness.

"This is really... I haven't exerted all my strength yet, why did I fall down?" Li Yexing lowered his head with a trace of regret in his brows, looked at the blond sister-in-law in his arms dotingly, and said softly: "How is it?" ? Tillylian, have you learned?"

Tillylian looked at Li Yexing in a daze, her eyes sparkling, as if she was looking at her own superhero.

From then on, the second lady of the office gradually drifted away on the elegant and easy-going road...

On the computer screen at the desk, the battle situation has been decided. Tilly Lian left the keyboard with both hands and stopped operating. It seemed that because she scolded a glass-hearted little troll, she became very happy and stretched a little. She glanced at the comment section, then raised her eyebrows and said to the camera, "What? You want to see that handsome Asian guy who can curse people?"

"Huh? Want to be scolded by him? Are you a bitch? Human brains are really strange..."

As a target tracker of BOW, Li Yexing noticed it when Li Yexing got off the car outside the office, but she didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the next wave of team battles is very important. After seeing the news in the comment area, She raised her head, blinked at Li Yexing who was standing at the entrance, smiled sweetly, then looked at the camera and said, "The perverted brother-in-law is my lord's perverted brother-in-law, so I won't show it to you, hmph~"

After finishing speaking, Tillylian clasped her tender little hand on the camera, and said with a smile: "The perverted brother-in-law is back, let's broadcast, let's broadcast, hehe..."

Turning off the live broadcast, under Li Yexing's somewhat complicated gaze, Tillylian jumped off the boss's chair. With her bare feet, she stepped on the floor tiles and ran towards Li Yexing, bouncing and trotting all the way, and then bumped into Li Yexing. In Yexing's arms, shaking her head vigorously against Li Yexing's stomach, the blond girl with strange eyes raised her head, hugged Li Yexing's waist and smiled coquettishly, "The perverted brother-in-law smells so heavy..."

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