Bai Muqing's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she hurriedly turned her head and pointed at Li Yexing and said to Rita, "That's a slip of the tongue! My home is in California! In Shanghai! It's not in that wild dog's kennel !"

"Then you have to change your mind soon, Miss Tianlongren..." Li Yexing shrugged and said, "After all, no one in this world will take you in except my kennel, tsk tsk..."

Although he didn't quite understand what a "Tianlongren" was, Bai Muqing could tell that it was not a good word, the brows were once again filled with anger, and the small piece of skin began to turn blue-black little by little, as if something was about to come out of it , Bai Muqing stared at her wine-red eyes, and was about to say something more when the door of the room behind Li Yexing was suddenly pushed open.

"The confirmation of the sample has been completed, and the remaining commission will be settled within three working days. Can we go back?" Jiang Xueyang, who was wearing a black combat uniform and carrying a large silver-white box, pushed open the door of the lounge and smiled. After walking in, he found that the atmosphere in the room seemed not right.

Looking at Bai Muqing's skin that seemed to spew out ouroboros at any time, Jiang Xueyang shrank subconsciously towards the door, and at the same time whispered to the three people in the lounge: " guys go ahead first?"

"Let's go." Li Yexing, who glanced at Bai Muqing, frowned and said in a low voice, and then turned his head and walked towards the door. Jiang Xueyang followed Li Yexing without hesitation. Behind Ye Xing, I was afraid to stay in the lounge for a second longer.

"It's really a long way to go..." Looking at Bai Muqing who was sulking in place, Rita sighed faintly. She came to Bai Muqing and said with a slightly sullen expression: "Miss Bai, you have gone too far today. I know, Mister will never give in for insignificant people..."

Speaking of this, Rita's expression and tone softened a little, and she whispered: "Also, I think it's time for you to realize the reality, whether you like it or not, your whole life has been tied to Mr. "

"This kind of thing...I know..." Bai Muqing lowered her eyebrows, turned her face to the side and said in a low voice: "After all, I have even done that kind of thing..."

"So, I don't think you need to use such a clumsy way to attract Mr.'s attention..." The corner of her mouth curled up, and Rita comforted in a low voice: "Mr. has already noticed your new clothes as soon as he entered the room." , I think Mr. just didn't mention it because he didn't have a good relationship with you..."

"Who wants to attract the attention of that wild dog!" Hearing Rita's words, Bai Muqing immediately became furious, her high-heeled shoes stepped on the floor tiles and made a hurried "da da" sound, Bai Muqing blushed slightly, lowered her head, While quickly leaving the lounge, he said coldly: "Let's go! Go back!"

"Hehe..." Following behind Bai Muqing, Rita showed a sly smile as if she had succeeded in a conspiracy...

Volume 6.5 Extra.7-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

Walking in the corridor, Li Yexing's eyebrows seemed a little restless. He subconsciously touched his pocket and wanted to take out a cigarette, but after thinking about it, he forgot, after all, he was about to get in the car. .

Li Yexing couldn't figure it out, it's fine that the several months of living together didn't smooth Bai Muqing's edges and corners, but it made her venomous mouth worse. In my conscience, since Bai Muqing entered the office, even if With all kinds of reluctance, Li Yexing never lost his temper with Bai Muqing for no reason. Besides, he never ordered Bai Muqing maliciously. He always sat at the same table when eating, and never let her squeeze Sleeping on the sofa in the warehouse, even if there is basically no job, Li Yexing still pays his nominal secretary as usual. The salary level is the same as that of Kanan. I dare not say that it is definitely higher than the salary of the executive department, but it is definitely considered an industry Top notch.

This damn woman, what is she dissatisfied with? !

Probably because I don't want to take medicine...

Annoyed, Li Yexing and Jiang Xueyang left the small building of Durand Medical and went straight to the black van parked in front of the door.

"Hank is asleep, you sit in the front..." Li Yexing patted Jiang Xueyang on the shoulder and pointed to the co-pilot's seat as he vaguely saw Hank slumped on the seat through the car window.

Jiang Xueyang nodded subconsciously, then opened the door and got into the car. When he saw the person in the driver's seat, he couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice: "Mr. Bugarati! Why are you driving?"

Bugarati didn't speak, just nodded.

On the other side, Li Yexing directly opened the rear door, and then sat on the last row of seats, all the way inward, leaving enough empty seats for two people to sit side by side. Li Yexing did not close the door, but gently Frowning, she silently stared at the glass door of the small building, after a while, Rita walked out with Bai Muqing.

Black high-heeled shoes stepped on the asphalt road. With a cold face, Bai Muqing walked in directly through the car door left by Li Yexing, leaving a distance of one person from Li Yexing, then closed the car door, and looked at the car sideways. Outside the window, he didn't speak. Seeing that Bai Muqing didn't wait for Rita to get in the car, Li Yexing frowned even tighter. Just as he was about to say something, the car door beside him was opened, and he saw Rita holding a black Luggage, smiled at Li Yexing and said, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time, can you please sit in the middle?"

Looking back at Bai Muqing, seeing that Bai Muqing was still looking out of the car window, Li Yexing didn't say anything, but sat slightly in Bai Muqing's direction to make room for Rita, while Rita smiled and carried the leather bag. The box was loaded into the car.

After closing the car door, Rita put the black suitcase on the seat next to her, then turned her head in trouble, looked at Li Yexing and said, "Sorry, sir, could you please lean over there a little?"

The black suitcase, whether it was big or small, just occupied a person's body, and squeezed Rita almost to sit on Li Yexing's body. Li Yexing wanted Rita to take the black leather suitcase. He threw the suitcase into the trunk, but he didn't want to trouble Rita to get out of the car, so he turned his head and took another look at Bai Muqing, only to see that Bai Muqing was still looking out of the car window with a cold face, as if he didn't care about the situation here.

Forced to do so, Li Yexing leaned in Bai Muqing's direction again. This time, their bodies were forced to touch each other, but Rita could barely sit down by crossing her legs. Although she didn't speak anymore, she Li Yexing clearly saw a trace of trouble and embarrassment from Rita's eyebrows.

Sighing softly, Li Yexing squeezed towards Bai Muqing like a broken jar. This time, the two were completely close together, and Rita also heaved a sigh of relief. She leaned against Li Yexing and let go of the overlap. legs, and whispered to Li Yexing: "Thank you, sir."

Sitting in the front of the car, Hank was still sleeping soundly, his snoring fluctuated up and down, as if he was just an ordinary uncle who was drunk, and there was no trace of "Reaper" at all, while the driver's seat and the passenger seat In the driver's seat, Bugarati and Jiang Xueyang watched the three-person small theater performed by Li Yexing, Li Yexing's maid, and Li Yexing's secretary through the rearview mirror. The two subconsciously looked at each other, and then At the same time, he showed a polite yet awkward smile.

"Buggarati, let's go back." Li Yexing said in a low voice without seeing the small movements of Bugarati and Jiang Xueyang.

The engine sounded, and the black van began to move slowly, and then drove out along the gate of Durand Technology Pharmaceutical Company, and stepped back on the road.

In the car, it seemed that Hank's snoring sound was too loud, Bugarati frowned slightly, and turned on the music. Immediately, the melodious and brisk music sounded, filling the van together with Hank's rhythmic snoring. In that crowded and narrow space.

On the back seat of the van, Li Yexing was squeezed between two girls and couldn't move. He thought for a while, and then gently pulled out the squeezed arm that was tightly attached to his side. His left hand met Rita's surprised eyes. The middle ring hugged Rita's waist, while the right hand side rested on the back of the car seat, only a palm away from Bai Muqing's smooth black hair.

With Li Yexing's wrist around her waist, a faint happy smile appeared on Rita's face. She turned her head to look at Li Yexing, her eyes were full of sweet tenderness. She smiled, and then, as if she didn't care whether Li Yexing felt crowded, she leaned hard towards Li Yexing, completely fitting her body on Li Yexing's body, Li Yexing being squeezed by Rita Subconsciously moving closer to the other side, he was pushed onto Bai Muqing's body.

There was a rustling sound, and Bai Muqing's temperature began to diffuse due to the too close distance, with a hint of warmth and comfort, while on the other side, it seemed that he felt uncomfortable due to being squeezed, Bai Muqing frowned, and overlapped. Stretching her legs, she leaned her chin, pressed her knee against the door of the van, and squeezed the other side against Li Yexing's thigh, perhaps because the car was too crowded, the journey seemed extra bumpy , to Bai Muqing, this was tantamount to torture.

On the other side, feeling the soft touch from his thigh, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback. He turned his head to look at Bai Muqing. Through the reflection of the car window, he could clearly see Bai Muqing's stinky face full of boredom. There was a faint blush on that face.

A faint fragrance filled the car. Li Yexing sniffed it lightly. It seemed to be the fragrance of lilies.

Bai Muqing seems to be wearing perfume...

However, in the fragrance of this lily, there seems to be something else hidden...

Raising his eyebrows, Li Yexing suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the car was a little weird. At this moment, Hank was still sleeping, and Bugarati was driving, but from time to time, he cast his eyes on the rearview mirror with Jiang Xueyang. Ta squinted her eyes and smiled to the sound of the music, while Bai Muqing was cold on this face, and the bumps in the car made her cold scent a bit more condensed...

The residual alcohol smell began to rise, and before he knew it, Li Yexing also fell asleep. He squinted his eyes slightly, and leaned gently on Bai Muqing's shoulder, while Bai Muqing just frowned and didn't speak.

In a trance, Li Yexing had a dream. He dreamed of a large field of lilies. With the breeze blowing by, the fallen leaves were rolled up one by one, wrapped in the fragrance of lilies. Li Yexing couldn't help being intoxicated by it. Consciously, his brows relaxed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...

One more, I have something to do today, so I just went home to code this time.

I don’t care about the public sacrifice, but I ask my readers to take it seriously. I am very annoyed after reading some comments today, but I will not go into details. It is fair and comfortable, and I thank our government and those who have selflessly dedicated during the epidemic Workers from all walks of life, and you who have responded to the call of the country and actively fought against the epidemic, when the Western world is struggling, our country and people have already handed in a number one answer sheet in this global exam.

Volume 6.5 Extra.8-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

In a dream filled with the fragrance of lilies, Li Yexing was shaken awake.

"Here we go, wild dog!"

In a daze, Bai Muqing's cold voice came from beside his ears, Li Yexing opened his eyes in a daze, got rid of the softness that was pressed under his head, and straightened up, his blurred vision gradually focused , and finally stayed on Bai Muqing's face.

Her complexion was reddish like drunkenness, and Bai Muqing hastily brushed the thin hair on her forehead behind her ears. Although her expression was cold, there was an inexplicable color in her wine red eyes behind the black-rimmed glasses. After taking a deep look at Li Yexing, he got out of the car directly.

The heels of the black high-heeled shoes stuck into the snow. I don't know whether it was because the weather was too cold or his legs were numb. Bai Muqing couldn't stand still and almost fell to the ground. Li Yexing, who was still in the car, subconsciously leaned out half of his body , and supported Bai Muqing, but saw Bai Muqing turned his head suddenly, with an inexplicable shame and anger on his brows, as if Li Yexing had done something outrageous.

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