"This is the company opened by your rich friend who cheated the order?" Looking at the weird sign through the windshield, Bugarati said with a strange expression: "Li, you must have been cheated by him, right?" ?”

"He won't lie to me, at least for now..." Li Yexing shrugged and said, "In the future, the pharmacies below you can try to buy from here, the price is lower than the market price, and the effect may be better than similar drugs , the only shortcoming is that it has not been reviewed by relevant departments.”

"Fake medicine?" Bugarati raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Anyway, you won't die if you eat it, so what are you afraid of..." Li Yexing responded with a smile.

While the two were talking, a man walked out of the guard room at the gate. He was wearing a khaki bulletproof suit, holding an AK-47 in his hand, and a communicator in his ear. He went straight to the black van and knocked on the driver seat windows.

Bugarati was about to lower the car window, and just about to say something, Li Yexing poked his head out from the side and said, "Don't ask, it's me, have the two of my family come back?"

Seeing Li Yexing sitting on the co-pilot, the man was slightly startled, then nodded and said: "Miss Griffith and Miss Bai have returned and are waiting for you. I will let you in right away."

After all, the man turned his head and said something to the walkie-talkie, then turned around and ran to the gate, and pushed open the metal gate forcefully.

"Let's go..." Li Yexing whispered.

The black van drove slowly through the gate, entered the other side of the fence, and stopped in front of a small three-story building after driving across the smooth asphalt road.

"I won't go down..." After parking the car, Bugarati whispered to Li Yexing: "Go and come back quickly..."

Li Yexing nodded, and turned around to ask Hank to get out of the car, but found that Hank was already asleep. He was leaning on the backrest with a big belly, snoring softly.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself..." Shrugging, Li Yexing opened the door and got out of the car.

Outside the small building, seeing Li Yexing get out of the car, a white man in a black suit with a walkie-talkie on his ear came up immediately, he stretched out his hand to Li Yexing and said: "Hello, first time meeting, Mr. Li, I It's Vallar Andre, the person in charge of Durand Medical Technology Co., Ltd., you can call me Andre..."

"Hello, Mr. Andre..." Out of courtesy, Li Yexing extended his hand and shook his hand. The moment the two held hands together, the man suddenly leaned forward, smiled and whispered: " By the way, in addition to the person in charge of the company, I am also a senior researcher under Dr. Angelika of the first agency. If you have any troubles, you can always come to me, although I am not arrogant enough to think that I can solve the troubles that you can't solve That's it, hahaha..."

Li Yexing raised his eyebrows. I don't know if it was an illusion. He seemed to see a bit of Director Casimir in this man with bright eyes.

Is the first organ full of this virtue from top to bottom?

Letting go of Andre's hand, Li Yexing asked straight to the point: "Where are Rita and Bai Muqing?"

"The two of you are in the lounge. Do you want to get rid of the alcohol first? Or let me take you in..." Andre asked with a smile.

Li Yexing raised his arm subconsciously and sniffed his sleeve, not to mention, it seemed to smell of alcohol.

"It's okay, just take me in..." Li Yexing pointed at the black van behind him and whispered, "There are still people waiting here."

"Okay Mr. Li, no problem Mr. Li, please follow me." With some inexplicable enthusiasm on Andre's face, he turned around and went straight to the building, while Li Yexing followed Andre I don't know if it's his illusion, this guy seems to be a little too excited, and his overly enthusiastic eyes always remind Li Yexing of some people whose sexual orientation is different from his own.

Li Yexing shrank subconsciously.

Pushing open the glass door, Andre returned to Li Yexing after Li Yexing entered the small building. He led Li Yexing through the clean and tidy corridor to the lounge at the end of the corridor, and then reached out and knocked on the door. knock on the door.

"Please come in." Two female voices, one cold and one hot, sounded from the other side of the door at the same time.

With permission, Andre pushed open the wooden door of the lounge with a smile, and whispered to the two women on the sofa: "Miss Griffith, Miss Bai, Mr. Li is here to pick you up."

Accompanied by Andre's voice, Li Yexing turned slightly sideways, entered the lounge, and saw Rita and Bai Muqing sitting on the sofa at a glance...

Second watch, rules, don't wait three, something tonight.

Volume 6.5 Extra.6-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

"Sir, are you here?" Seeing Li Yexing entered the lounge, Rita immediately stood up, and the person in charge Andre whispered to Li Yexing: "I'll go and handover work with Mr. Jiang, If you go back together, you might as well wait here for a while, forgive me..."

After all, Andre left.

Seeing that the person in the way left, Rita immediately greeted him, and the perfect maid in high heels came to Li Yexing with graceful steps, she sniffed lightly, and then said with some reproach: "Sir, he drank a lot of wine. "

"I really didn't drink too much. We are all acquaintances, mainly chatting..." Scratching his head, Li Yexing said with a sneer.

"Heh..." A disharmonious cold snort came from behind Rita, Li Yexing frowned immediately, he turned his head to look at the sofa, but saw Bai Muqing turned his head sideways, and said with a sneer of disdain: " You can smell the wine on your body from so far away, maybe you were just fished out of the wine tank, right?"

The legs wrapped in ultra-thin black silk overlapped each other, and the tender feet with blue-black blood vessels raised the black high-heeled shoes. Bai Muqing rolled her wine-red eyes, fixed her gaze on Li Yexing, and then sneered He said: "Drinking drunk in broad daylight, you really deserve to be Boss Li. You deserve to hang your office in this damn place like Lopulos."

"It's so strange..." Looking at Bai Muqing, who felt complacent because he felt that he had successfully humiliated Li Yexing, Li Yexing groped his chin and said in doubt: "According to the first organ, the medicine given to you should cure all diseases. , why didn't you cure your poisonous mouth?"

In an instant, Bai Muqing's eyes widened instantly. She frowned tightly. There was a trace of shame and anger in her wine-red eyes, and a blush appeared on her face. On the other side, Li Yexing was still whispering: : "It's so strange, I eat it with my mouth every time, but the curative effect doesn't work on my mouth, it's so strange..."

"You bastard!" Bai Muqing finally couldn't bear the anger and stood up, looking like he was about to quarrel. On the other side, Rita frowned slightly and rubbed Li Yexing's shoulder lightly, a little reproachfully said: "Mr. , you shouldn't be like this, Miss Bai has worked very hard, and this commission has been completed beautifully..."

After all, Rita leaned closer to Li Yexing's ear and whispered, "Sir, how much should I praise Miss Bai..."

"Is this still a boast? A primary school student?" Li Yexing couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked. He turned his head to look at Bai Muqing, and was about to humiliate him a little more, but saw Bai Muqing tilting his head slightly, gritting his teeth, and clasping his hands tightly. Clenched into fists, the wine red eyes were misty, revealing a touch of grievance.

You spit poison on me as soon as I entered the door, and now you feel wronged?

Seeing Bai Muqing's pitiful face, Li Yexing's disgusting words that had reached his throat were immediately swallowed back. Although it was a little hard to say, Li Yexing's heart was indeed softened. Although there were many reluctance and force majeure, in fact, Bai Muqing Indeed, I have been with myself under the same roof for a long time, and I have worked seriously as my secretary for more than a month.

Although there is no work at all...

Compared with the tense confrontation at the beginning, the current situation between the two has become much more subtle. On the one hand, Li Yexing looked down on Bai Muqing to some extent, thinking that she was just an academic with high eyesight and low abilities, and also had a vicious tongue. On the other hand, Bai Muqing also looked down on Li Yexing, thinking that he was vulgar, uneducated, and unmotivated... and he was also a perverted sex man who plowed the land six out of seven days a week.

In a sense, after several months of living together, both of them have gradually subconsciously recognized each other's abilities, and the rest is just stubbornness that doesn't like each other and doesn't want to regress.

His gaze swept across Bai Muqing's face, all the way down, to the black lace collar on her snow-white neck, to the graceful curves tightly bound by the OL outfit, to the two laces wrapped in fleshy black silk. Li Yexing's beautiful legs finally stopped on the black high-heeled shoes under his feet. After a while, Li Yexing turned his face and whispered: "Have you changed your clothes?"

"Your maid insisted that I wear this..." Bai Muqing raised her slender hand to take off her glasses, and wiped the corners of her eyes without any trace. The slightly red eye circles, Bai Muqing said in a low voice: "It is said that it is made of top-quality fabrics and hand-sewn by Italian tailors." Yes, if you don't wear it...it's a pity..."

"Very beautiful...it suits you very well..." Li Yexing frowned and whispered with his face sideways.

Subconsciously put her legs together, tightened the clothes on her body, revealing a seductive curve, Bai Muqing said in a low voice: "Look at it now, you wild dog in heat, you will change it when I get home, you Do you think I would be willing to show you in this kind of clothes?"

"Go home..." Rita, who was standing aside, joked with a smile.

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