Looking at mountains is still mountains, but looking at water may not be water. Li Yexing has to admit that in various senses, this is very comfortable...

After a long while of charming, Li Yexing finally couldn't bear it any longer. He leaned into Bai Muqing's ear and whispered in an unbelievably gentle voice: "That...Muqing..."

In the dark, Li Yexing made a new appeal...

The movement of fingers stopped suddenly, and the sound of typing on the keyboard stopped abruptly. A few seconds later, Bai Muqing questioned coldly, with a dissatisfaction in his tone, but not so resolute.

After explaining the reason for the appeal, Li Yexing was a little embarrassed in this weird atmosphere.

After another long silence, Bai Muqing said in a low voice: "You wild dog, you really push your limits..."

I don't know if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but Bai Muqing's voice seemed to soften a bit. Before she had time to think about it, she saw Bai Muqing leaning back, and the warmth became easier to convey due to the distance. She grabbed the boss chair. Supporting herself on the armrests on both sides, she lifted one leg and placed it gently next to Li Yexing's thigh. Then, she lifted the other leg and knelt on the chair with her legs folded. In the darkness, the soles of Bai Muqing's feet Facing up, the posture is a bit like the bird sitting of Japanese Yamato Nadeshiko, but there are some differences.

After kneeling down, Bai Muqing adjusted slightly to make her posture more suitable for her work. After the adjustment was over, she whispered: "Don't bother me anymore..."

After a while, the sound of typing on the keyboard sounded again, and Li Yexing gently rested his forehead on the back of Bai Muqing's head. In addition to the coolness of the night sky and the artistic delicacy, what also filled the senses was the faint fragrance of lilies. , he waved his hand, as if a drowning person was silently calling for help, but with a bit of seeking and persistence, and then backward, he grabbed Heiye's ankle and held the soft starry sky in his hands.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Yexing whispered, "The snow has melted..."

Bai Muqing didn't respond, just typing on the keyboard silently. After typing the last punctuation mark, she stretched out her hand and roughly turned off the computer monitor. For a moment, the office was completely plunged into darkness, only the indicator light on the main box was still on. Dimly glowing.

The pressure on his body gradually disappeared, and Li Yexing could feel Bai Muqing leaving his body. In the darkness, the office chair was slowly pushed back, followed by rustling sounds.

"Mu Qing?" Li Yexing greeted in a low voice with some doubts, but heard that indifferent voice from under the desk, in the darkness, she whispered: "Shut up, don't make a sound, I should take medicine...


Three shifts, call it a day.

Fifteen chapters, and I haven't written until New Year's Eve, it's just...

Volume 6.5 Extra.16-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

Li Yexing didn't wake up from his sleep until after nine o'clock in the morning.

What awakened Li Yexing was not the time, nor the sunlight that came into the room after the curtains were opened, but a weird sense of peeping.

Slowly opened his eyes, adapting to the sunlight in the room, his blurred vision gradually focused, and finally a figure with silver hair and red pupils was reflected. The petite girl was expressionless, bent down and silently watched Li who was lying on the sofa in the office. Ye Xing, after the two looked at each other for a while, the girl stood up, her vision gradually widened with the girl's movements, revealing Rita, Kanan, Hitomi Qiandao and Tillylian who surrounded the sofa with her.

As usual, Rita had a smile on her face, but there was some inexplicable emotion in her gray eyes, which made people a little guessed. Kanan was sitting on the coffee table, with a lighter in his hand, and his eyes were full of excitement. As if seeing something interesting, Hitomi Qiandao blushed slightly, her eyes were no longer sharp, but a little softer, as if she was very pleased, but her sister-in-law Tililian looked very unhappy, she pursed her small mouth, and smiled slightly. He frowned, as if he was about to ask the teacher for a crime in the next second.

Surrounded by his own girls, the atmosphere in the office became a little weird. Li Yexing's brain was still a little confused, and he couldn't grasp the point. He wanted to stand up, but the weight from his body blocked him.

Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, then lowered his head, and saw a black-haired girl pillowing on his shoulder, five slender fingers with black nails caressing his chest, perhaps because of her sleeping position, she The OL uniform on her body was a little messy, and the deep and dark ravines and a touch of white covered by black lace and lily lace could be vaguely seen in the open neckline. It seemed that because of the narrow sofa, her body was tightly attached to Li Yexing. Together, one of the two long black silk legs stretched straight, the other curled up and wrapped around Li Yexing's leg, and the little feet wrapped in fleshy black silk stepped on Li Yexing's calf.

I don't know if it was because of something in the dream, the girl sometimes frowned slightly, and sometimes smiled slightly. With the corners of her mouth slightly raised, the long black silk legs wrapped around Li Yexing rubbed lightly, and then moved down little by little. , cardamom-like delicate toes with black toenails, hooking Li Yexing's ankles from time to time.

Under the eyes of the girls, it took Li Yexing who was confused about ten seconds to realize what happened.

I actually slept with Bai Muqing? !

There was a muffled groan in front of his chest, as if awakened by Li Yexing's slight movements, his black eyelashes trembled slightly in the air, Bai Muqing opened those wine-red eyes little by little, and put a little force on the palm of Li Yexing's chest. , pushing Li Yexing who was about to get up back on the sofa, Bai Muqing propped himself up, sat on Li Yexing's lap, looked blankly at the girls around him who were watching him, then lowered his head, looked at the girl who was caught by him Li Yexing, who was sitting under him...

A few seconds later, Bai Muqing's face turned red little by little, and her wine-red eyes gradually opened wide, but then, she turned her head as if she didn't care at all, her eyes flashed past the wall clock in the office, Bai Muqing frowned He said: "Damn it! It's already nine o'clock, and my report hasn't been reviewed yet. It's all your fault, you wild dog, for making me drink so much..."

After all, Bai Muqing turned around hastily, her black silk feet with faint spots quickly stepped on the clean floor, she walked towards the desk and whispered to herself: "Tsk... Where are my shoes? Oh...here..."

Grasping the edge of the desk and lowering slightly, Bai Muqing straightened her legs, avoiding the glass bottles on the floor, and used the toes covered in black stockings to move the high-heeled shoes that were randomly kicked off under the desk, Then she curled up one leg and hung the black high-heeled shoes on her feet with one finger. After putting on both high-heeled shoes, she stomped her feet lightly and sat down at the desk.

Put the black-rimmed glasses that were randomly thrown on the desk on the face, fasten the opening of the collar, and tidy up the reflection on the computer screen, and then straighten the messy short black hair. After getting dressed, Bai Muqing let out a breath of hot air, and then directly turned on the computer screen. In an instant, the screen lit up, showing Bai Muqing the report he typed out last night.

"Tsk, why do you type more and more wrong letters? Wait... what did I write?" Bai Muqing, who was staring at the computer screen with her fingers sliding on the scroll wheel, had an increasingly ugly expression, and she whispered, "It really is. Is it because you drank too much?"

Dragging the mouse, Bai Muqing directly deleted the entire page. She raised her head slightly, sorted out her thoughts, and then started to work, as if she didn't care about the eyes focused on her in the office. The speed was getting faster and faster, and the sound of typing filled the entire office again.

On the other side, seeing Bai Muqing started to work as if nothing had happened, the girls all turned their heads and focused their eyes on Li Yexing.

Li Yexing looked at Bai Muqing with cold eyes and expressionless face, then turned his head and put a finger between his lips to signal the girls to stop talking nonsense.

Rita nodded understandingly, and a rare smile appeared on the corner of Tirilith's mouth. The smile on Qiandao Hitomi's face was a bit ordinary. After all, in her opinion, no girl can refuse Li Yexing. What happened this morning or last night Everything is just inevitable, as for Tilly Lian, she frowned slightly, turned her head and whispered: "Hmph, I don't like the perverted brother-in-law anymore, I don't like it anymore!"

After all, Tillylian squinted her eyes slightly, and turned her eyes to Li Yexing in a subtle way, as if she was saying to Li Yexing, "Coax me, coax me, hurry up..."

Li Yexing smiled, stood up, and was about to coax Tilly Lian, when Kanan rushed up to block Tilly Lian, she patted Li Yexing's shoulder hard, and laughed He gave Li Yexing a thumbs up, and at the same time said mysteriously: "Come on, boss, come out with us to light a cigarette!"

After all, regardless that Li Yexing hadn't put on his slippers yet, Kanan grabbed Li Yexing's wrist with an excited smile, and dragged Li Yexing out. Before leaving the entrance, Li Yexing hurriedly tore off the coat on the hook Put it on your body, and then said loudly: "Damn, Kanan, slow down, your feet are freezing! I'm changing shoes, are you sick?!"

With a bang, the door of the office closed, and through the door, Kanan's inexplicable excited shouts could be faintly heard.

Accompanied by the sound of typing from behind, Tillylian stared blankly at the empty entrance. After a while, mist appeared in the strange-colored pupils under the blond hair, and Tillylian sniffled, looking like she was about to cry The way it came out.

Seeing Tilly Lian's appearance, Tilly Lisi felt uncomfortable for no reason. She sat on the sofa with Li Yexing and Bai Muqing's body temperature remaining, looked at Tilly Lian expressionlessly, and then patted herself gently. thigh.

In an instant, Tilly Lian cried out with a "wow", she slammed her head into Tilly Lisi's arms, and while vigorously rubbing her tears and snot all over Tilly Lisi's clothes, she cried in a suffocating voice Shouting loudly: "My lord sister! The perverted brother-in-law was kidnapped by a silly dog! The perverted brother-in-law doesn't love Ti Lilian anymore!"

For this kind of situation, Tilly Lisi is not very coping, she thought for a while, then stretched out her small hand to gently stroke her sister's loose blonde hair, and at the same time whispered: "It's okay, everyone has some, Tilly Lian There will also be…”

"Really?" The crying stopped instantly, and the teary-eyed girl with blond hair and odd-color pupils raised her head and asked while looking at her sister while twitching her little nose.

"Really..." The silver-haired and red-eyed girl replied blankly, "That's what Tiliris said.


One more.

I had a lot to say at first, but after thinking about it, I used to look at the comment area and delete some short comments, but now, I don’t even bother to delete them. What kind of comments can’t be posted, what kind of chapters? I can’t post too much. I think anyone with a little thought can understand. I will definitely not drive in the article. I will leave brake marks at most. Look at me to see if you have spirituality.

By the way, I found that I really like writing Xiaobai's jio. Xiaobai has a pair of black silk jios that are very flexible and maintainable...By the way, are there any readers who don't like Xiaobai?

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