Volume 6.5 Extra.17-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

"Come here, light a cigarette, light a cigarette..." On the street near the office, in the cold where the sun can hardly dispel, Kanan rubbed his hands excitedly and said to Li Yexing: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

"Wait, I'll put on my clothes..." Fastened the overcoat that was draped around him, tugged at the bottom of his trousers, and raised the heels of his shoes. Li Yexing took out a pack of blue cigarettes from his coat pocket, lightly Lightly flicked two sticks, brought them to Kanan's lips, and said angrily, "Look at your stupid look, you look like a husky wagging its tail..."

Wei Wei leaned forward, clamped the cigarette holder with his lips, and pulled one of them out of the cigarette box. Kanan frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Why is this cigarette so thin? Are you still smoking pussy cigarettes?"

"You know what a fart, this is the Xuanhemen. Agor helped me get it from heaven. I smoked nostalgia..." Li Yexing took out the lighter and lit it, then frowned and said :"Come."

The two expertly put the smoke together in the flames and lit them together. With a white mist rising, Li Yexing stuffed the lighter back into his pocket, and said to Kanan, "How is it?"

"Boring..." Kanan took a deep breath, and then sprayed two streams of white mist from her nostrils. After a few seconds, she raised her head to look at Li Yexing and said, "Are there any other good things this year?"

"Erguotou..." Li Yexing replied: "The wine from the Celestial Dynasty, drink this, it will taste more like the New Year."

"Tsk..." There was a trace of displeasure between his brows, and Kanan said a little unhappy, "I can't come here..."

"It's okay, actually I can't come too much, we can just share a little..." Li Yexing took a puff of cigarettes, exhaled the smoke, and then said with a smile: "When Erguotou is done, I will take the bottles of Lafite in the warehouse. Pull it out, the old dog Prince said it was 82 years old, I don’t think it’s like..."

"Prince? The boss of BW?" Kanan thought for a while, then raised his eyebrows and said, "He has a big business, so it's worthwhile to lie to you by giving you a few bottles of good wine?"

"Come on, where are there so many Lafites from 82 on the market? Do you think this is writing a novel?" Li Yexing sneered, with a hint of sarcasm between his brows and said: "That old dog is very slippery, listen to what he says Just let it go, if you take it seriously, he will eat all the bones you can eat."

Speaking of this, Li Yexing tightened his coat, and then said with emotion: "Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, we are one year older, time flies a little..."

"Excuse me! Why do you think about those useless things?" Kanan curled his lips, and then asked enthusiastically: "Speaking of the boss, how do you plan to spend the new year this year?"

"Same as last year, I asked Rita to help write the pairs and blessings in the afternoon, and we will post them outside tomorrow..." Li Yexing smiled and arranged: "The ingredients have been bought by Tiliris and Hitomi Qiandao yesterday. Let's stay up late at night and eat dumplings..."

"What about the one that set off firecrackers?" Kanan asked, "Let everyone shoot the sky with guns like last year?"

"The core idea of ​​setting off firecrackers is to be lucky, just listen to it, and it's okay to shoot with a gun..." Li Yexing nodded and said: "I have already said hello to the Italian guy, and I was beaten by a lot of people like last year. There won't be any more jeeps and heavy machine guns blocking the door..."

Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan was slightly startled, as if thinking of something, she frowned slightly and whispered: "Speaking of Tujili, I have to tell you, let's not put the dumplings in it this year. The bullet casings are gone, so it’s okay to feel uncomfortable, the point is that I don’t think it’s very auspicious to put bullet casings in the dumplings, at worst, I’ll go to Duranduo’s place to change the change..."

"Forget it, I won't put things in it this year..." Embarrassment flashed across Li Yexing's face, and Li Yexing whispered: "The main reason is that you put too much, Rita is fine, I just went out to you I just wrapped up the pile of bullet casings with Tilly Liss..."

Thinking back to last year's Chinese New Year, Li Yexing, who didn't have many coins, grabbed a handful of bullet casings on a whim, and told the girls that they could put some properly when making dumplings, but when he turned his head, the bullet casings were used Empty…

That night, Li Yexing and Kanan spit out a bullet casing almost every time they ate a dumpling. Tilly Lisi directly crushed the bullet casing together with the dumpling with her teeth before spitting it out. As for Rita, she seemed to be She ate the dumplings bit by bit, as if she didn't eat them at all, but when the dinner was over, Rita opened her mouth and spit out a big handful.

"It seems that I have eaten the most bullet casings. I will definitely spend this year happily with my husband as in previous years..." Rita said with a smile, stroking her face slightly, tilting her head slightly.

Dispelling the unbearable past in his mind, Li Yexing nodded and said: "In short, we have made arrangements. Our family will spend New Year's Eve and New Year's Day together. When it's the second day of the new year, I will take you around. , meet those old villains..."

"What about Xiaobai?" Kanan asked suddenly.

"Xiaobai? You mean Mu Qing?" Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then asked in confusion, "What's wrong with her?"

"What's the matter'? Who are you asking?" Kanan lightly bumped Li Yexing's shoulder, and with a mysterious smile, he approached Li Yexing and asked in a low voice, "How did you two go last night?" How is it?"

"Progress? No progress..." Li Yexing shook his head and said, "As usual, just feed her medicine."

"Come on..." Kanan smiled and shook his head and said, "Even a blind person can see that something is wrong between the two of you since this morning..."

Speaking of this, Kanan got closer, and she said with a strange smile: "And, look at your address, 'Mu Qing'? Hey~ It's so disgusting..."

Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing frowned slightly.

Indeed, since Xiao Yini last night, the relationship between himself and Bai Muqing seems to have become a little delicate, what is different?

By the way, speaking of it, every time Bai Muqing took medicine before, it seemed that she reluctantly joined in with Rita's reminder, but yesterday she took the initiative. After drinking, Bai Muqing showed Lita The aggression that Yexing had never seen before, although she still had that icy look, but under the severe cold, it seemed that there was an unexpected warmth hidden. In the dark, with a cold face, she agreed to Li Yexing's somewhat The embarrassing excessive request, his brows were filled with disgust and disgust, but he actively gave him a tight, heavy, soft and warm silky oppressive feeling. This novel feeling made Li Yexing want to stop.

Although it is embarrassing to say this, Li Yexing is indeed a little addicted, and he wants to do it again.

On the other side, seeing Li Yexing's pensive look, Kanan frowned slightly. After a while, she was a little surprised and said, "I said, you really haven't made any progress with Xiaobai, have you?"

Without answering Kanan's words, Li Yexing raised her head and stared at Kanan. In the cold, she was still wearing that black leather jacket. From the open collar, she could see wheat-colored skin, a black sports bra, and a sports bra. On the delicate collarbone, Kanan's heroic eyebrows were slightly raised because of doubts, and there was a faint tobacco aroma between his lips.

After a while, Li Yexing suddenly said to Kanan with a serious face: "My good brother, I'm getting up."

"Big sniper?" Kanan was taken aback for a moment, and then, as if she suddenly understood something, she lowered her head and glanced down, and then her expression gradually became terrified, as if she had been subjected to some cultural shock, she left and right After looking at the passers-by, he quickly stepped forward and stuck to Li Yexing's body, hugged Li Yexing's waist, concealed Li Yexing's embarrassment, and at the same time frowned slightly and whispered: "Stay in heat? Boss , how did you do it?"

"Ghost knows..." Li Yexing said in a low voice, "When I think of Mu Qing's cold face, it becomes like this..."

"My God, I have to talk to Maid Shi and Missy about this, she must be super interested..." Kanan muttered softly against Li Yexing's chest, raised his head, and said with a reddish face: "See Is the alley in front of you? Bend a little for a while, and follow me."

"Where are you going?" Li Yexing asked, frowning.

"There are quite a lot of abandoned houses in the alley, let's find a cleaner place to keep out the wind..." With the sound of hot air spewing gently on Li Yexing's neck, Kanan whispered: "You can't just go back like this, I have to Let me help you solve the problem first.


Two more.

Bai Muqing doesn't know how to be shy, don't think about it, she is the kind of character who wants you to have fun with a look of disdain, and like Rita, she is a masculine guy who takes on the joyful role.

Volume 6.5 Extra.18-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

It was just afternoon, and the warm light shone on Bai Muqing's back through the glass window. Amid the noise, she silently tapped on the keyboard and corrected the last line of letters.

"It's done..." Bai Muqing murmured softly.

Drag the mouse to save the file, and Bai Muqing emailed the completed report to the person in charge of Durand Technology Medicine. After finishing all this, she slumped on Li Yexing's boss chair leaning on the back of the chair , Looking at the fluorescent lights on the ceiling, he let out a sigh of relief.

As if she wanted to stretch her tired body, she straightened her legs, and gently stepped on the lower edge of the desk through her high heels. Accompanied by Bai Muqing's movements, the transparent plaques rubbed against Bai Muqing's tender soles and straight insteps.

To Bai Muqing's surprise, this feeling of friction was not uncomfortable, but rather comfortable. Bai Muqing, whose thoughts were drifting away, held back and began to think, if this condensation spread all over the stockings that wrapped her feet, it would be a kind of pain. What kind of feeling?Although I don't know if I will feel comfortable, but the wild dog that is in heat all the time must be very happy, right?Thinking of that stinky, hard guy desperately craving between her black silk-wrapped feet like a real wild dog, she felt a burst of pleasure, perhaps, soaked in the pleasure of all that, It's more about the heart than the body.

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