In just a split second, the corners of her mouth that were about to turn up slightly were forcibly suppressed. Bai Muqing's expression was cold, and she warned herself that what happened last night was only because she drank alcohol and was in a trance. The wild dog took advantage of the void and did something he liked according to his wishes. As for the things that happened later, it was just that he lost his mind under the impetus of the atmosphere.

The most important thing has not been handed over, and the rest is irrelevant.

Thinking of this, Bai Muqing subconsciously crushed her feet, making the condensation cling to her skin.

"Miss Bai..." A gentle and elegant voice sounded beside her ears, pulling Bai Muqing back from her thoughts. In an instant, the noise in the office filled her ears, which made Bai Muqing frowned subconsciously, but looked at the standing The perfect maid next to him, Bai Muqing immediately suppressed the dissatisfaction between her brows.

Unlike that uneducated wild dog, Rita is a genuine head maid from a noble family. Even though she had some unpleasant experiences, most of the time, Bai Muqing would still respect this perfect maid as much as possible. .

"What's the matter?" Bai Muqing asked with a cold face as usual, covering up the excess emotion.

"It's nothing, Miss Bai, it just seems that you've finished your work, I hope you can help me..." Rita smiled at Bai Muqing with a trace of trouble on her brows.

Bai Muqing was slightly taken aback, thinking that this is really uncommon, this maid will be stumped one day.

Seeing a hint of inquiry in Bai Muqing's wine-red eyes, Rita leaned slightly and said, "It's about writing couplets. Miss Bai is from the Celestial Dynasty, right? Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Write a pair?" The eyebrows raised slightly, Bai Muqing turned his gaze to the center of the desk, and saw that there were two long pieces of red paper on the coffee table, and Li Yexing was surrounded by other girls around the coffee table, arguing wearing something.

"Oh, it's really impossible, let's find one from Google like last year..." In the confusion, Bai Muqing heard Li Yexing say helplessly: "Anyway, it's windy in Yidongia, our pair won't last for a few days..."

Tiliris didn't make a sound, but her eyes were clearly saying "Yexing, you are so mean..." Tililian, who was holding Tiliris' arm, looked at Tiliris' expression, and said directly: "The perverted brother-in-law is so mean! Sitting on the sofa, Kanan didn't seem to be particularly concerned about this matter. On the contrary, Hitomi Qiandao, who also came from the East Asian cultural circle, showed a trace of trouble.

Looking up at Rita, who looked a little embarrassed, Bai Muqing said in surprise, "You guys still celebrate the Chinese New Year? Do you still have to write a couplet during the Chinese New Year?"

"After all, sir is also from the Celestial Dynasty, isn't he?" Rita whispered, "Mr. said that he didn't pay so much attention when he lived alone, but now that there are more people, the Spring Festival should be celebrated seriously..."

Speaking of this, Rita's gray eyes showed a trace of warmth, she whispered: "Also, we also hope that we can give Mr. a good year..."

Looking at Rita with eyes full of love, Bai Muqing sighed faintly, and asked in a low voice, "What did you write last year?"

"I don't remember, last year's pair was found by Mr. on Google..." Rita smiled awkwardly, and said to Bai Muqing, "After all, I don't know much Chinese..."

"I understand..." With drooping eyebrows, Bai Muqing stood up and sighed. Immediately afterwards, there was a hint of disdain in her wine-red eyes, and she whispered, "The pair I found on Google, I I can probably guess what it is, an uneducated wild dog is like this..."

After finishing speaking, Bai Muqing walked to the coffee table step by step on high heels, looked at Li Yexing who was standing in front of him flipping through his mobile phone to search Google, Bai Muqing said coldly: "Get out of the way, wild dog."

"Oh? Oh..." Li Yexing subconsciously responded, and stepped aside. When he realized what happened just now, Bai Muqing had already come to his side. At the same time, the eyes of all the girls were suddenly caught. Attracted by Bai Muqing who was present, in the center of her gaze, Bai Muqing frowned slightly, staring at the red paper on the coffee table, as if she was thinking about something, after a while, she picked up the full-looking A brush full of cheap feeling, and whispered at the same time: "Wild dog, grind ink for me."

"Huh?" Hearing Bai Muqing's words, Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Frowning slightly, Bai Muqing originally wanted to sneer, but after thinking about it, it seemed a little too harsh to expect a wild dog to be able to rub ink, so she turned her gaze to the small plate of ink next to her. superior.

"Forget it, let's do it..." Suppressing the dissatisfaction between her brows, Bai Muqing rolled up her sleeves, dipped the brush into the ink lightly, and let the ink soak slightly along the tip of the brush. Click twice, and then look around.

Looking at the girls around the coffee table one by one, Bai Muqing pondered for a moment, holding the pen holder, gently pressing the pen tip on the red paper, and sketching stroke by stroke, her movements were gentle and graceful, drawing The natural and soft ink impregnation and strokes were slowly sketched by that slender hand. Before she knew it, the indifference between her brows melted a little bit, turning into a touch of tenderness. After a while, a row of Chinese characters was printed on the red on paper.

"Wow..." Tiriris couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice, Kanan also stretched his neck over, and Hitomi Qiandao covered her mouth and exclaimed in a low voice in Japanese: "It's amazing..."

Ignoring the reactions of the people around her, Bai Muqing tapped ink again, and then fixed her eyes on Li Yexing's body. The eyes met, and the friction feeling under her feet was still gently tugging at her heartstrings. With a faint murderous look, the tip of the pen was printed on the red paper again. This time, her hands showed a little more force, each stroke was like a knife, gun, sword, and halberd. She didn't care about it either, she wrote freely and freely, and soon, she completed the second couplet.

Looking at the second couplet, Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression became a little weird.

On the other side, Bai Muqing breathed out a foul breath. She lightly tapped the pen and ink, and then focused her gaze on the last piece of red paper laid horizontally. After a while, she wrote again. With one stroke, she completed the final horizontal batch.

Standing up, she put the brush aside, put down her sleeves, turned around and said coldly to Rita, "hang it out."

"Okay, Miss Bai..." Turning her head, she looked at the couplet on the coffee table. Although she didn't understand the meaning, it didn't hinder Rita's good mood. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Upper couplet: Orchids in the empty valley, the scorching fire is hard to suppress and the tenderness is like water

The second line: The vicious dog in the family, the cold wind is defeated by the scorching sun and masculinity

Horizontal batch: water and fire are the same


Three shifts, call it a day.

The author doesn't know how to write couplets, so you just think that Xiaobai's couplets are very literary.

Volume 6.5 Extra.19-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

"The vicious dog in the hall is cold and windy, no match for the scorching sun and masculinity..."

Looking at the couple on the coffee table, Li Yexing raised his brows slightly, his expression was a little weird, and after a long while, he whispered: "Mu Qing, you're..."

After a slight pause, Bai Muqing turned her head abruptly, and blocked all the words Li Yexing wanted to say in her throat. With a cold and pretty face, she frowned slightly and said, "Why? I think my match is not as good as yours. Googling those cheesy things? Or do you still prefer 'Wild Dog' to 'Vicious Dog'?"

Li Yexing stared at Bai Muqing who spoke suddenly, not just because of nervousness or for other reasons, Bai Muqing subconsciously clenched his fists, a faint blush glowed on his cheeks, under the slightly trembling eyelashes, wine red eyes There seemed to be a little anger in the eyes.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Li Yexing shook his head, swallowed back all the words he wanted to say, and then said to Bai Muqing, "I just want to say that the pairing is very...unusual, but, isn't this a bit unusual? Is it too suitable for posting outside during Chinese New Year?"

"Not suitable?" Bai Muqing was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly and said, "Then what do you think is suitable for posting outside during the Chinese New Year?"

"Shouldn't it be auspicious?" Li Yexing groped his chin and muttered, "For example, attracting wealth and treasure..."

"Recruiting wealth and treasure?" A sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Bai Muqing pushed back the broken hair on his forehead, and then said to Li Yexing, "Are you short of money?"

"No shortage..." Li Yexing shook his head and said.

"Then why do you write money on the couplet?" Bai Muqing frowned and said, "There is no need to pray for anything in our couplet, as long as it fits this office, after all, there is nothing lacking here..."

Speaking of this, a trace of malice crossed Bai Muqing's eyebrows, she sneered and said, "If you insist on saying something short, it may be that the boss of this firm lacks brains, but in order to take care of your wild dog's face, I can’t write something like praying for a good brain for you on the couplet and post it outside, can I? Really, I feel very happy when I think that you will also spend this year in stupidity and laziness.”

Li Yexing is more or less used to Bai Muqing's poisonous tongue. He used to quarrel mostly because of his inner displeasure. After all, in his opinion, this woman is as if she was forced in. He is not happy, and she is not happy either. But now, his thoughts have changed slightly.

Whether it's the serious move to start working on the work report immediately after the commission is over, or her proactive attack and gentle indulgence for Li Yexing's little desire in the darkness last night, or today's strokes full of Some implied couplets are telling Li Yexing one thing: Although it is not known how much Bai Muqing likes him, one thing is certain, that is, Bai Muqing does not hate him as much as he seems.

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