Ms. Elite is a little bit wrong. At this time, I should take the initiative and start with the most basic compliments.

Glancing at Tilly Liss, seeing the silver-haired red-eyed girl showing a hint of encouragement, Li Yexing sighed unobtrusively. At first, he still resisted because he cared about Tilly Liss feelings. Looking at Tirilith's face to please other girls without feeling guilty, the habit is really terrible...

However, why act good when you get cheap?Li Yexing is not that kind of person, what's more, regarding Bai Muqing's problem, Li Yexing has to admit that, from the current point of view, he seems to be more greedy for her body than Bai Muqing.

Clearing his throat slightly, Li Yexing lowered his head and refocused his eyes on the couplet written in three strokes on the coffee table. He said casually: "However, I really didn't realize that you still have this kind of couplet. Twice."

"What? Surprised?" Bai Muqing tilted his face slightly, with a hint of complacency in his brows.

"Well, it's a surprise..." Nodding his head, Li Yexing was about to throw a straight ball tentatively. He looked up at Bai Muqing's wine-red eyes behind the lens, and said seriously, "I like it very much."

In an instant, Bai Muqing's body froze. Although the tightness was only for a moment, Li Yexing did observe it keenly. Behind Bai Muqing, Rita, who had guessed Li Yexing's intentions in an instant, directly turned to Li Ye after seeing Bai Muqing's reaction. Ye Xing smiled knowingly, and his slightly squinted gray eyes seemed to say to Li Ye Xing: "You really deserve to be a gentleman."

On the other side, suddenly being praised by Li Yexing and his suspected confession, Bai Muqing immediately frowned slightly. In a trance, she felt that her core seemed to be restless, and even the toes wrapped in black silk in her high-heeled shoes began to unconsciously It seemed to cover up the restlessness, her expression became colder than before, and the disgust between her eyebrows and eyes almost condensed into substance, she turned her head to look at Li Yexing He said: "Don't think of me as a wild dog like you who doesn't even want the roots and can only wander around. The Bai family is a real traditional Chinese family. It's just that our branch lives in country A and has made some achievements... "

Speaking of this, she said with a little pride in her tone: "The Bai family has never abandoned the precious inheritance left by their ancestors. I miss my grandfather, the founder of the Bai Group, who is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to my father. Here, although I'm not good at musical instruments, my calligraphy and painting skills are no worse than my grandfather's..."

"What about you?" Li Yexing asked subconsciously.

"I..." Bai Muqing was immediately stuck, with a hint of embarrassment in her expression. She turned her head, pursed her lips, and dodged her eyes, but looking at Li Yexing's expectant eyes, she didn't want Li Yexing Ye Xing was disappointed. She enjoyed the feeling of being able to take the initiative in front of Li Ye Xing, so she instinctively hoped that Li Ye Xing would think she was very good. Bai Muqing was a little confused as to what was the difference.

Finally, under Li Yexing's gaze, Bai Muqing lost her temper. She said like a broken pot: "I learn the piano and violin, and I'm not very good at drawing. My father always said that I'm good at painting." On the surface, without a soul..."

Before Li Yexing could say anything, Bai Muqing suddenly raised his voice, as if to defend himself: "But! But I'm still very confident in my calligraphy! My father approves of my calligraphy! Grandpa and grandma also said my calligraphy If you continue to practice calligraphy, it might be better than grandpa's calligraphy! As for musical instruments, I just like piano and violin, pipa or something, I..."

"That's amazing..." Before Bai Muqing could finish speaking, Li Yexing said directly, "I really didn't realize that you are an all-rounder!"

"Buy a piano..." Tiriris, who had been silent on the side, also suddenly said, "Rita can play the piano, right?"

"I just understand a little, miss..." Rita bowed slightly to Tiriris.

"That's just right!" Seeing that the atmosphere was right, Li Yexing went straight up, approached Bai Muqing and said with a smile, "At that time, we can put the piano in the office, and we can sit on the sofa and listen to Muqing and Rita sitting together. Playing the same piece together, it feels like a concert..."

Seeing Li Yexing approaching him while drawing a beautiful vision for the future, and still calling that nasty title, Bai Muqing's face suddenly became cold, and before the core was about to jump out of her chest, she suddenly lifted her The black silk show feet in high heels stomped down on Li Yexing's instep, and with Li Yexing's scream, Bai Muqing said coldly: "Don't scream so nasty! Also, who would give you this A wild dog playing the piano?! Do you understand?!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Muqing turned her head and lightly covered her chest that had begun to ooze black liquid. The two black silk legs under the hip-wrapping skirt moved rapidly. After a burst of high heels hitting the ground, Bai Muqing pushed He opened the corridor door and left the office directly.

With a "bang", the door was thrown on the door frame. For a while, there was no sound in the office, only Li Yexing grinned in pain from being stepped on...

One more.

Volume 6.5 Extra.20-[-]. Macho New Year ([-])

After a long silence, Tiriris turned her head silently and whispered: "Yexing, stupid..."

"Sir..." Rita who was standing behind also shook her head, with a somewhat helpless expression.

Tililian, who was holding Tiliris' arm, thought for a while, then let go of Tiliris' arm. She stepped on the coffee table and jumped up, hanging on Li Yexing's body, and gently moved towards Li Yexing I blew into my ear, and then whispered: "It's okay, perverted brother-in-law, Ice Cube girl doesn't like you, but I like you, come, give you a hug, be grateful..."

Raising his hand and supporting Tilly Lian with his own arms, Li Yexing whispered, "Tsk, this is a bit different from what I thought..."

"Because every girl Yexing-kun met before was a girl who could express her love frankly, and would not be as worried as Miss Bai. In fact, Yexing-kun's proactive overtures have always been clumsy..." Hitomi Chishima also came up, and she Gently flicking Li Yexing's short hair, and then whispered: "Girls are very delicate, Mr. Yexing wants to come a little bit, don't be too hasty..."

"That's right, boss, you were too anxious just now..." Kanan said with a smile, "You scared Xiaobai."

Sitting next to Kanan in his arms, Li Yexing murmured softly, thinking of Xiao Yingni last night, "Am I being too hasty? Why do I feel that she is actually more anxious than me?"

"Come on!" Patting Li Yexing on the shoulder, Kanan smiled and said, "Are you going to die of anxiety? If others don't know, I won't know?"

Speaking of this, as if he suddenly became interested, Kanan raised his head, showed a mysterious expression, lowered his voice and said to the girls in the office with a smile: "Let me tell you, this morning in When we were outside, the boss told me himself that he likes Xiaobai's cold and smelly face, and he can't stand it when he thinks of that face..."

As soon as these words came out, all the girls were stunned, and then they all turned their attention to Li Yexing, as if they wanted to use Li Yexing's reaction to prove the authenticity of these words.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense..." Li Yexing held Tilly's arm tightly, and whispered: "I remember that's not what I said..."

"But that's what your body does!" Kanan joked with a smile, "Stand up on the street, boss, it's really you..."

There was a trace of scrutiny between her brows, and Tiriris shifted her gaze from Li Yexing's face a little bit down, and then said expressionlessly: "Really? How did you solve it?"

"Of course I helped!" Anyway, the girls in the office had rolled on the same bed, and Kanan didn't shy away from it. She put her arms around Li Yexing's shoulders and said with a smile: "After all, we are Good brother, how can you just watch the boss suffer?"

After all, Kanan smiled at Li Yexing and said, "Come on, good brother, put on a face!"

"Okay, put your face on..." Feeling the slight tightening of Kanan's arms on his shoulders, Li Yexing responded with a light smile.

After all, the profiles of the two of them pressed together, and Kanan rubbed against each other vigorously. When they were separated, she still didn't forget to lean forward for a kiss, and then smirked "hehe".

"So, this morning, the perverted brother-in-law was dragged out by the silly dog ​​to do that kind of thing?" Tilly Lian, who was hugged by Li Yexing, was slightly taken aback, then gently shook Li Yexing's arm and said coquettishly: "Perverted brother-in-law, my lord wants to..."

"Don't make trouble..." Under the dissatisfied eyes of Tilly Lian, Li Yexing rubbed Tilly Lian's head lightly, and then put Tilly Lian down. Tilly Lian immediately stood up and ran back to Tilly Lian with bare feet. Next to Si, hugged Tilly Lisi's arm, and then rubbed Tilly Lisi's face, and said while rubbing: "It's better for my elder sister to be nice to me, perverted brother-in-law or something..."

"Wait, am I falling out of favor?" Li Yexing asked in surprise.

"However, then again, I care more about other things than Miss Kanan taking her husband and sisters to eat alone..." With an eternal smile on her face, Rita bowed slightly, Looking at Li Yexing, he said, "Sir, do you think treating you coldly like Miss Bai can arouse your desire more?"

As soon as these words came out, the office fell into silence again. A few seconds later, Tirilith's red pupils became a bit colder, and Hitomi Qiandao also stood up straight, put away her warm smile, her eyes became sharp, and turned towards Li Yexing continued to release sword energy, and Tillylian even showed the aloof look she had when she first met. She stretched out her tender white feet towards Li Yexing, and said in a pretended cold voice: "Pervert brother-in-law, to my lord!" lick."

"Fuck you..." He slapped Tilly Lian's little feet back, Li Yexing looked at the girls in front of him who were trying to keep their faces cold, and felt that there was no interest at all. Rather, it was a bit weird, but Kanan, who was next to Li Yexing, frowned slightly and said directly: "Don't be tense, it feels weird..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of high heels stepping on the floor tiles suddenly sounded in his ears. Li Yexing was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, and saw Rita's hands lightly lifting the hem of her skirt, revealing her thighs that were tightly tightened by the black suspenders. Xuanjibu, with a cold face, gray eyes with a touch of disdain and disdain, accompanied by the "da da" sound of high heels stepping on the floor tiles, she came to Li Yexing.

Stretching out a hand, gently brushing the gray hair on the forehead behind the ears, with cold malice in her eyes, Rita stood up straight and lightly kicked off the high heels, and then directly lifted the black silk sling The wrapped long legs stepped on Li Yexing's knee with her delicate feet, and at the same time, her red lips parted lightly: "Lick it, master."

Smelling the faint fragrance of Rita's body, feeling the soft touch of Rita's feet pressing against his knees, and seeing the slight disgust and disdain in the perfect maid's eyebrows, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, his heart beating a little faster, but still Before he could speak, Rita collapsed in an instant, her complexion quickly turned red, her gray eyes seemed to be watering, Rita fell limply on Li Yexing's body, and she frowned slightly. Gently exhale hot air on Li Yexing's chest, gently caress Li Yexing's chest with jade fingers wrapped in black lace gloves, and at the same time complain in that sweet and greasy voice: "It can't be done, it can't be done. Seeing Mr., Rita's heart almost melted, how could Rita be cold-faced towards Mr.?"

Saying that, Rita raised her head and rubbed against Li Yexing's chest while looking at Li Yexing's aggrieved face and said, "There are more things that a perfect maid can't do, sir, what should I do~"

Accompanied by Rita's words, the tense and indifferent faces of the girls disappeared in an instant. Although Tirilith's expression did not change, a faint blush appeared on her face, and Hitomi Qiandao also retracted her sharp eyes. A slightly embarrassed smile appeared.

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